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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Comedy · #2330515
A librarian needs help from her crush after getting herself stuck in a book drop!
Twenty-Seven year old librarian Bethany Nicholson was sitting at her desk one afternoon and was feeling extremely bored as no one had come into the library for more than an hour so she got up and decided to check if there were any books in the book drop.

The slightly tall and curvaceous glasses wearing young blonde, who was wearing a red sweater and a short black that stopped just above her knees with black tights walked over the book drop, opened it, looked inside and saw two books inside right at the very bottom so she quickly stuck her hands and inside to try and grab them but unfortunately, they were just slightly out of her reach.

Bethany said, “Damn it, they are so close, I can practically touch them with the top of my fingers, I guess I’m going to have to go in there and get them, this is definitely going to an extremely tight but I can fit in there,” as she tried to put her concerns about possibly getting herself due to her curvaceous figure and the book drop’s small size to the back of her mind.

The young woman then quickly stuck her arms inside the book drop, followed by her head and after a brief struggle due to her breasts, her entire top half was soon inside, leaving only her hips, backside and legs sticking out.

Bethany quickly grabbed the two books before beginning to wiggle her behind and said, “I must look absolutely ridiculous right now, I really hope no one sees me like this especially not Brooke”, her crush, who had been regularly coming into the library for the past six weeks and sometimes just talked to her for more than half an hour without checking out any books, much to the annoyance of Bethany’s boss and head librarian Lauren.

The young blonde then tried to back of the book drop to check the books back in, but she was shocked to discover that she couldn’t, her eyes growing extremely wide as she tried to back out twice but unfortunately, she didn’t move.

Bethany said, “You have got to be kidding me, maybe that big lunch and second piece of Melissa’s chocolate fudge cake was a mistake,” as she put down the books, placed her hands against the book drop and pushed and pushed with all her might but the book drop just simply refused to release its grip on her.

The now concerned and slightly frustrated young woman said, “This is absolutely ridiculous, let go of me, you stupid book drop, I can’t be stuck here, Lauren will kill me if she finds me like this,” as she placed her right foot against the wall for more leverage and pushed and wiggled with all her strength but unfortunately, she just wouldn’t budge and was hit with the realisation that she was in fact and completely and utterly stuck in the book drop.

Bethany said, “Oh, it’s just no use, I’m stuck, I’m literally stuck in a book drop, I can’t believe this, curse my curvaceous figure and love of biscuits and chocolate,” as she thought about calling her best friend Melissa for her help but quickly remembered that her phone was in her denim jacket, which was on the back of her chair at the front desk.

The young blonde decided against calling out for help since no one was in the library but hoped that someone would come in soon and be nice enough to help rather than just laugh at her, take pictures or even take advantage as she was definitely beginning to regret her choice of skirt.

Bethany spent another fifteen minutes unsuccessfully trying to push and wiggle herself free again and said, “This is literally so stupid, how can I be stuck here, I’m definitely not fat, I’m just curvaceous,” as she then pinched her stomach and was absolutely shocked to discover a softness that wasn’t there a few months ago and realised that the combination of her recent enjoyment of sweet treats and not going to the gym as often as she maybe should had finally caught up to her.

The young woman had now been in the book drop for more than an hour and said, “I think I’m going to be stuck here until tomorrow morning, why won’t I budge,” as she tried to push and wiggle herself free again without any success.

Just then, she suddenly heard a voice say, “Oh my god Bethany, are you all right, you look ridiculous, it’s me Brooke, why is your butt sticking out of there, are you stuck,” and released that it belonged to her extremely confused crush.

The embarrassed Bethany replied, “Hi Brooke, I’m really glad you’re here and yes, I am stuck, I was trying to get some books, could you please give me a hand, grab my hips and pull.

Brooke, a slightly less curvaceous young brunette, who was a short dark blue dress with that stopped just her knees with black tights and a
black leather jacket over the top of it had listened closely as the young blonde had explained the situation and said, “Oh my god, Bethany, you poor thing, don’t worry, I’ll soon have you out of there but please brace yourself because this might hurt a bit,” as she quickly grabbed onto Bethany’s hips, leaned back and pulled and pulled with all her strength.

The young woman said, “OW, Ouch, Oh my god, OW, Brooke, that really hurts but please put your back into it and pull because I really need to get out of here, OW,” as she still just wouldn’t budge and hoped that Brooke could get her unstuck.

Brooke placed her feet against the wall and gripped Bethany’s skirt for more leverage as she said, “I am putting my back into it and can’t pull any harder, this is ridiculous, why won’t you budge,” as she continued to pull until suddenly lose her grip and tumbled the carpet.

The young brunette said, “Oh, it’s just no good Bethany, you just won’t budge and seem to be wedged in there tight, I’m really sorry that I hurt you,” as she then suddenly realised that she had accidently pulled Bethany’s skirt and tights, exposing her cute bubble butt, which was barely covered by red panties with cupcakes on them.

Brooke began laughing and chanted, “I see London, I see France, I see Bethany’s underpants,” as she then quickly grabbed her phone out of her jacket pocket and took a picture of the young blonde’s exposed rear end.

Bethany said, “Oh my god Brooke, I can’t believe you just pulled down my skirt and tights, I know you were helping me but please pull them back right now, this is officially the most embarrassing day of my entire life,” as she was definitely regretting her choice of underwear.

The young brunette quickly pulled the young woman’s skirt and tights back and said, “I’m sorry Bethany, it was a complete accident, I definitely wasn’t going to take advantage of your position, but your underwear is very cute.”

Bethany said, “Thank you for the compliment and It’s fine Brooke, it’s just that someone usually buys me dinner first before they get to see my panties,” as the two began laughing.

The young blonde said, “I still think you can pull me out of here, please just pull on my legs this time and speaking of dinner, would you like to go to dinner with me some time, you know, like a date?”

Brooke said, “That’s sounds great Bethany, I think you should probably skip dessert, now, let’s get out of there,” as she quickly grabbed onto Bethany’s legs, placed her feet against the wall for more leverage and pulled, tugged, and heaved with all her strength.

The young woman said, “OW, Ouch, OW, Brooke, that really hurts, and I think I’m going to be pulled in two, but I know you can get me out of here, pull, Brooke, pull,” as she quickly grabbed the books.

Her crush’s face turned bright red due to her efforts and said, “Let go of her, you stupid book drop, let go,” as she pulled and pulled with all her strength, stretching poor Bethany to her absolute limit.

The epic tug of war suddenly ended with an extremely loud POP Sound as the young blonde was pulled from the book drop at last, sending her and Brooke tumbling backwards into a heap on the carpet.

The now overjoyed and very relived Bethany said, “Oh my god Brooke, you did it, I’m free, I’m finally fee, thank you so much, what a relief,” as her face then turned beet red with embarrassment after realising that she had accidentally landed onto of poor Brooke with her big butt being in her face.

The young woman quickly put down the books and helped her crush back to her feet before she hugged her and thanked again for rescuing her.

Brooke said, “It was absolutely no problem, Bethany, I’m really glad you’re unstuck and I’m definitely not going to complain about your ass being in my face,” as the two began at the ridiculous of the situation.

The young woman then checked the books back in before she and the young brunette talked for the rest of her shift before going to something together after all their efforts and have been a couple ever since.

The End
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