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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Children's · #2330216
Daniel chapters 6-7 God’s plan always happens
God’s Plan Always Happens

Scripture: Daniel 6; 7:13-18

Scripture Verse: “But the holy people of the Most High will receive the kingdom.”

God’s Attribute: Omnipresent. God Is everywhere.

Main Truth: God’s plan always happens.

Story: “The Bible is God’s holy book, let’s open it and see, where He tells us of His love. God loves you, God loves me. Our hands we fold, our heads we bow, so we can talk to God right now. Thank you, God, for helping us. Thank you for loving Ruth, and for loving Naomi, and for loving Boaz” …,” name each child. “Thank you, God, for Your holy book, the Bible. Amen.” Hold up the Bible. “Does anybody know what book this is? This book is the Bible. The Bible is God’s word and it’s the truth. Sing The B.I.B.L. E.

*AsteriskB* “Daniel loved God. Just like we loved our Mom and Dad, Daniel loved God.” Sign language for love, but make it look like big hug.

*AsteriskB* ”Daniel prayed to God.” Show picture of Daniel praying.

*AsteriskB* ”People didn’t like Daniel. They tried to hurt Daniel.” Look sad, frown. “But Daniel trusted God.” Sing O is for Obey.

*AsteriskB* Slow voice. “God Was with Daniel.”

*AsteriskB*Lean forward, gradually raise on each word, and smile bigger on each word. “God Is everywhere.”

*AsteriskB* ”God saved Daniel.”

*AsteriskB* ”God planned for Daniel to tell people about Jesus.”

*AsteriskB* “God’s plan always happens. Yay, God!”

*AsteriskB* Questions: 1) “What is this book? This book is the Bible.” 2) “Whose plan always happens?”

Bible Verse: To God Is So Good. “God’s holy people will receive the kingdom. Daniel 7:18.” 3X

Songs: Pray. “God, thank you for giving us songs to sing.”

*AsteriskV* Intro: Pass out Bells. “The Bible tells us about God and Daniel.” The Bible is a Treasure book.

*AsteriskV* Intro: Pass out Shakers. “Daniel trusted and obeyed God.” Trust and obey.

*AsteriskV* Intro: “God Is always good.” God Is So Good.

Quiet Time: Blanket, lights out, Jesus Loves Me. One, Two, this is true.

Large Muscle Time: If You're Happy And You Know It, marching, large blocks.
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