Grief comes not only in death, but any loss. A loss of a person, a loss of a pet, or a loss in yourself. People tend to quote grief, but do we ever really look, into what it truly means? DENIAL. D estroyed. E verlasting. N ot enough time. I gnore it. A lways question. L aughter. ANGER. A ggravation. N aive. G raciousness. E bony. R ightfulness. BARGAINING B est. A rbitrary. R ighteousness. G ain. A cknowledge. I ndecisiveness. N ever. I llness. N eglect. G ather. DEPRESSION D eathly. E ver enough. P rice. R eset. E ager. S olitude. S overeignly. I consolable. O ppressive. N ostalgic. ACCEPTANCE A ftermath. C alm. C ompassionate. E ffervescent. P assive. T ender. A ccomplished. N onpareil. C onclusion. E arnest. These are what we have known to be the five stages of grief, but I speak for few when I propose a sixth. Recognition. While I do not have the words, to put into this one, it's never easy to put a quote of Recognition. Recognition can be meant for really scenario; but when it's grief, there's simply not a way to put a handle on Recognition. If you can overcome grief, and nobody remembers your sixth stage, I will remember your sixth stage. And so will your loss. Reconnect, Recognize, Accept. |