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Learning about an important character history. Know not to have too much right away. |
“What about you? What’s your story? Not that many of your kind about. Not sure if just rumors or true, so if we got the time, I’d be happy to hear what is right.” Leo taking a sit on a fallen log, looking at the dwarf with his full attention, well as full as one can be while still in an unknown area. But he’s confident in the archers ability and trusts her to warn them should trouble arise. Buram looks about, as if trying to find an escape to this. Seeing none, he sighs and sits down next to Leo. Speaking in more gentle tone of voice then Leo is used to “I’m not going to give you my whole lift story. We still have basically just meet but I will tell you one as it pertains to to this group. The elf and I…” pausing, perusing his lips in thought “I don’t hate her, per-say, it’s more just when I see her I am remind of the time when her people enslaved mine. And I’m talking the type you human have back at the guild and such. No, compared us back then, your slave are royalty. Rights, protections.” Speaking lower now, Leo is not sure it’s from shame or what “under the knife eared bastard rule, we slaves away at our mines and forges giving them anything they wanted. Build their empire on the backs of our labor. Even though we hated it, we still took pride in our work. You find a weapon or artifact from that time, will work as good now as it did then. Probably why they had make their tools of war and conquest.” He snerls at the memory but eases back into his tale “not going to bore with the details, plus we still like to have some secrets to ourselfs” he smirks “but we were able to case to them and everyone not of dwarven blood out of the mountains and claimed it as ours.” Leo is a bit hooked at this, looking over the Awyn who is peaceful leaning up against a giant tree giving her shade as she reads one of many books she carries. “That’s ….” He’s not sure how to respond, dought that Buram is looking for sympathy, then he reminds about the time has shared a meal with a trader some time ago “is that why any trading you all do from there is over the lake and boats? Making sure people stay out?” “Aye” the dwarf nods “hard to sneak an invasion force to take what they think is theirs…” nodding to the quite wizard “under the watchful eye. If you heard about that, then you knew about the summer where the traders thought they were getting an unfair deal and tried to force their way in.” Leo nods “some say 20 boats were sunk by various methods from black magic to the crews turning mutiny once they saw something they shouldn’t.” Burma tightens his grip on his warhammer “part of the secret, how we keep outsiders out but yes. Closed our boarders from 5 harvests, no matter how many pleas of forgiveness and gifts to try to make up for that treachery. Once they were reopened, our prices were higher and a lot less of our higher value food were available. Took about 50 winters or so before our leaders relaxed the restrictions, felt that you all learned the lesson.” Thumping the warhammer head on the forest forest 3 times as if to signal a shift in conversation “the point I’m trying to make, is it’s not that I hate her, just hate the history our people once had. She might not have been around for it, but have yet to receive an apology for their actions of any kind. So. Will work with her, she has proven herself to be of some worth, I’m just glad to have another to help watch my back incase she does try anything.” He shifts his gaze back over the Awyn, squinting, eyeing her closely as she just flips a page in her book, seemingly unaware of the two being talking about her. |