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My famous idea list, now avaliable here! Please use these ideas! |
I have decided to actually try and make a difference by posting my ideas that other people have said are "good." My hope is that these inspire other great aspiring writers to create a story using the ideas below. I would do it myself, but I lack the talent to do so. I hope that y'all enjoy these ramblings! Links to the other places you can find this thing. AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40684500/chapters/101939598 Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14117325/1/FNAF-SB-3-star-ending-fic-ideas-that-no-... Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/dcdd/art/FNAF-SB-3-star-ending-fic-ideas-927318827 Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/318137100-fnaf-sb-3-star-ending-fic-ideas-that-no-... Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/15104611/FNAF-SB-3-star-ending-fic-ideas-that-no-on... Prelude: How the possession in this post works I have noticed that a lot of people are a bit confused on how the possession here works, so I wanted to clarify it with this little addendum of sorts. My version would have Vanessa initally black out occasionally for the first month or so after her initial possession. They would happen more specifically when she has her therapy visits. This is also where GlitchTrap/Afton attempts to rewrite her childhood memories to include an abusive father figure (presumably like him) to try and make her more obedient. This is contrary to Vanessa's actual childhood, which was fairly standard and had 2 normal loving parents. It should be noted that in this universe they died in a car crash the year before the events of Help Wanted. All the therapists would play along as a way to diagnose her (or something idk) before eventually telling her that her memories don't line up with what her patient report sheet (or whatever they use) says about her childhood. (In this universe, patient 46 doesn't exist and the lines in their tapes about them misreporting their childhood experiences are moved into Vanessa's tapes. Also any references to courts in Vanessa's tapes are replaced with lines that imply Vanessa was the one who told the therapists about her "abusive" childhood.) This gets rid of all the work Glitchtrap puts in and Vanessa original memories come back the overwhelming shock of which causes her to freeze up, and during this time she blacks out and Glitchtrap takes control of her and kills the therapist. He would then get her back to her apartment where she would regain consciousness and be none the wiser to her therapists fate. Controlling Vanessa directly takes a lot of energy from Glitchtrap and tires him out since he isn't intended to "control" humans just be manipulative. This is why he can't take direct control of Vanessa and has to resort to attempting to mentally gaslight her. This happens 5 times before Glitchtrap says "screw this" and decides to create Vanny. He doesn't really want to do this, as he will be creating a different persona. This persona will be "programmed" to be subservient to him. However there is always a risk that since they are effectively their own person, this seperate personality can decide to not listen to the instructions correctly or do them their own way. They can also have their own goals that conflict with Glitchtrap's (something that you will see in idea 6). He doesn't see any other way however, and is getting impatient and wants to start being evil again quickly. So he creates Vanny out of his own agony power thing and some of Vanessa's emotions. He uses ones that are still hurting from her parents death, duplicates and then corrupts them beyond all recognition. Vanny is "made" (for lack of a better word) to control things directly, unlike glitchtrap. As such, the experience is now completely different. At her last therapist visit, Vanessa is forced to watch herself kill someone for the first time, starting off the worst 6 months of her life. I hope that cleared up some confusion. If it didn't, let me know in the comments below! Idea 1: Vanessa quits her job This idea is based on my interpretation that the Vanessa we see in Security Breach isn't really her; it's Vanny controlling her. Vanessa's consciousness is there, but all that she can do is just watch, like viewing your own life through an old television. So after the 3-star ending, Vanessa would be left with a job that requires skills that "she" technically never had. She can't just pull up Vannys memories because there aren't any specific memories of how to do that job, a final "f*ck you :D" to Vanessa from Vanny before she left. (I feel this needs a bit more of an explanation. Vanny had an instinctive knowledge of how to use any electronic device, courtesy of Glitchtrap/Afton. This meant that she never had to read any instructions for any of the surveilance equipment that she used on the job. She also never looked down at keyboards when she typed the passwords needed to access the security computers since Vanny had all the passwords to herself. All this means is that when Vanessa looks back at these memories, they are effectively useless.) So now all Vanessa has left are her own memories of watching herself push random buttons that do random things. It would be like trying to learn how to fly a plane solely by watching someone else do it. Vanessa also realizes that she'd have to still assist lost children after hours, a thought that truly scares her. It's not because she doesn't like children, no. In fact, I believe Vanessa used to work really well with children due to her former position as a video game tester/coder. This might not make much sense, but is elaborated upon in idea 2. It is also stated in the game in one of the logs that you can find in the game that she was not recommended for a position as a security guard, so it just makes sense for her to leave afer being freed. As for what job she would try to go back to? It would be her old job of beta testing and coding. She was evidently very good at it based on those cut AR emails. It might sound like tempting fate, but I think that Vanessa would be a heck of a lot more careful this time if she was put back on the VR project. That assumes that the project is still even active. That way she can make sure that what happened to her, never happens to anyone again. It also makes more financial sense as the average annual salary for a QA tester in Utah is $62,858, while the average annual salary for a mall security guard in Utah is $24,552. This also assumes Fazbear Entertainment pays her at an hourly rate of $11.80 and doesn't just pay her the bare minimum of $7.25 per hour. Knowing all of this, there is not that much of a reason for Vanessa to keep working as a security guard other than the slight issue that is Gregory not being able to visit Freddy whenever he wants to. However, she has a plan for this. So she would put in her 2 weeks notice, but not before working out some special deal with the management of the pizzaplex that allows her and Greg the gremlin of chaos to visit the pizzaplex whenever they want and for any length of time (possibly by threatening to sue or something on account of her being allowed into the job in the first place, or the job being dangerous) thus solving the "visiting Freddy" issue. She also manages to acquire an in universe and not evil version of a "Lonely Freddy" and has Freddy remote control the thing, thus meaning that Gregory can talk to Freddy whenever he wants. Idea 2: Vanessa is great with kids Contrary to most fics, where "freed" Vanessa acts exactly the same as Vanny, just not evil; I believe that in the pre-Help Wanted era, Vanessa was actually great with children. My reasoning uses my experience with STEM education and is as follows: Fazbear Entertainment wants to improve their reputation before the VR game release and the pizzaplex opening. Decide to make each of their "branches" (companies that work for them) send one of their employees to schools to talk about their job as a way to "be transparent." Vanessa's job is basically "play/ break video games," so Silver Parasol Games, the company that made FNAF VR in this universe, decides to send her out. Vanessa finds working with the kids to be very enjoyable. She used to babysit kids when she was a teenager. Her positive and bubbly personality (as evidenced by the cut FNAF AR emails) makes the kids really like her. They are blown away by the idea that they can be paid to play video games. Vanessa especially likes when some of those kids get that look of "I have found what I want to do with my life." It's a win for everyone! Vanessa inspires some kids to get into tech, the children get a newfound love for technology, and Fazbear Entertainment's reputation goes up...slightly. All this just serves to make her time as "Vanny" worse, especially if some of her victims were those same kids Vanessa once talked with. Even worse if those kids manage to recognize her as well, thus dying believing that their former source of inspiration has seemingly murdered them without cause. Idea 3: Pizzaplex is an engineering disaster waiting to happen. An idea that I don't see brought up that often, is the idea that the Pizzaplex is not constructed well. Remember in FNAF 6 when the tutorial unit said this? "There may be times when you purchase something of questionable quality, and we don't blame you. Cutting corners is just good business." Keep this statement in mind while I bring up my next point. As someone who's taken an engineering class, when you are constructing a building, there are a VERY large number of codes (rules) that you need to follow for every conceivable part of it. Fazbear Entertainment would probably find it a lot cheaper just to pay off the people inspecting the plex than to actually put money into making sure everything is up to code. They would also try to construct the building as cheaply as possible, trying to "cut corners" wherever they could. They use substandard materials and contractors that don't double-check their work. They built the mall itself over the subterranean remains of their old restaurant, despite this making the ground very unstable. This all works in my mind because Fazbear Entertainment has been proven to follow the "be as cheap as possible" and "maximize profits by any means necessary" approaches many times in the past. Here is just one example of a code being violated, according to Section 1006.2.1.1 of Utah Building Codes, "Three exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load of 501 to 1,000. Four exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load greater than 1,000." We only see 2 public exits in the game, and the Pizzaplex likely holds well over a thousand people at any one time. What's worse is that one of the exits, the only one designated for emergencies, requires a VIP pass in order to be used. The building also doesn't appear to have ANY fire extinguishing systems, or at least not enough of them considering the pizzaplex burns down in 2 of the endings. In one of those endings the entire place is destroyed after Glamrock Freddy sets some plushies on fire in some random gift shop. This just shouldn't happen, at least not that easily. If Fazbear Entertainment is willing to do this to cut costs, who knows what else they have done? It's why, in my mind, I don't have Gregory live at the pizzaplex after the 3-star ending. Freddy would calculate that it is statistically safer for Gregory to live in his box than at the plex. He instead lives with Vanessa, creating opportunities for them to grow closer. BTW This has happened in real life, even down to the shoddy construction and profit maximization. It was the Sampoong Department store collapse. https://youtu.be/-5idPqAlLGU Idea 4: Vanny comes back I'm gonna be honest, this one is my personal favorite, and I am quite surprised that it hasn't been done yet.* Think of the angst potential! *This is no longer true, see chapter 2 It should also be noted that this idea is also entirely seperate from the others Imagine it's been a few weeks since the 3 star ending and the 3 goobers are getting more acclimated to living with each other. Gregory is getting used to the fact that he has 2 adult figures that actually care about him. Vanessa’s nightmares are starting to become less severe. Freddy is using his plush body to be around and talk with Gregory when he isn't at the pizzaplex. The day would start like any other: everyone wakes up, goes through their morning routines, and eat some breakfast. Gregory finishes first and gets up to go and wash off his plate in the sink. That is when it happens, Vanessa starts to feel a little off, like she is moving slower than normal. At first, she brushes it off as her still waking up and tries to ignore it. Then she hears a voice… a voice she only hears in her worst nightmares… VANNYS voice. Vanessa would then immediately panic and begin making an attempt to get up from her chair to either lock herself in her room or try and warn Gregory. Before she has a chance to even move however, Vanessa would discover that she can't move or speak. Vanny is now back in control and Vanessa can now do nothing to stop her. She would only be able to watch as she feels herself get up from her chair, and pick up a knife from off of the counter. The reason that she still has any knives at all is for Gregory to use to spread various condiments on his school sandwiches when he makes them. Meanwhile, Gregory and Freddy are near the sink, having a conversation about Freddy's obsession with dad jokes or something (You are the Morbest superstar!) They turn around, preparing to return to Gregory's room to get ready for school, and they see Vanessa, holding a knife. Gregory would feel a sharp twinge of betrayal before looking at Vanessa's face to see that her calm green eyes, ones that had reassured him after many a nightmare, were now glowing a sickly purple. The two of them would also notice that her face is no longer in her normal calm, serene, and content expression, but it is twisted into one of pure rage and fury. Freddy and Gregory would then realize that the person in front of them was no longer Vanessa, but Vanny controlling her. Vanny raises her arm, Gregory is looking for a way out. He is also preparing for the possibility of being killed, and he doesn't want to give Vanny the satisfaction of being scared if that happens. Through all this, Vanessa is trying desperately to retake control, all the while Vanny mocks her efforts and laughs, making sure that Vanessa won't be able to mentally look away from her worst fear, the death of her savior by her own hands. Freddy is preparing to try and jump in front of Gregory at the last second to try and cushion the blow of the knife using his plush form. Just before Vanny is able to deliver the killing blow, she disappears. No warning at all, like a true glitch, Freddy and Gregory watch as Vanessa's eyes flicker from purple back to green, the rage in her face shifts into one of horror and shock. She then drops the knife and collapses to the floor, hugs herself and sits in complete silence for a few seconds before bursting into hysterical tears. Gregory and Freddy would then, with some hesitation, move in to comfort her. That is where I will leave it, what happens next is for y'all to decide! Idea 5: Vanessa visits the graves of her victims and sees ghosts An idea that I've seen exceedingly few fics try and cover is Vanessa encountering the ghosts of the people whom she (as Vanny) murdered after the 3-star ending. I am unsure as to how one would make this situation happen. Maybe it could be a dream. A scenario that I like most has to do with the idea that Vanessa visits the graves of the children she (no vanny) killed. After she was freed, she reported the location of the bodies so that they could recieve a proper burial. Vanessa knows that it isn't enough, she doesn't think that she will ever be able to do enough to atone for what she did to all of those children (it wasn't you, it was Vanny.) At the very least she tries to go and visit their graves once a week, making sure to bring flowers for them everytime. Vanessa doesn't say anything during the visits, what is there to say? "I'm sorry?" Yeah right, as if SHE is deserving of forgiveness... I really like it because there are a lot of things you could potentially cover, including: How would the ghosts react to seeing the freed Vanessa? Would the children be enraged? If so, what would they do? Or would they be able to see that the person in front of them is not really the same as the one who murdered them, not mentally, at least? Maybe (relating back to idea 2) the children who were taught by her would be able to convince the other children of this. How about the therapists? They would likely be more willing to listen, being adults trained in understanding psychological conditions. One could discuss how Vanessa has been dealing with having 2 sets of childhood memories, a fake abusive one and her actual normal one. (remember the prelude) And, of course, we can't forget Vanessa. What would she do? It is most likely that she would curl up into a ball and await the punishment that she thinks she deserves (she doesn’t). After all, it is HER fault, right? (No, it’s Vanny's.) If you include Gregory in this encounter, he, being the "no fear" gremlin that he is, would probably try and start to defend his… uh… paternal guardian of unspecified rank in some way, either by trying to explain that Vanny is no more, or try and actually fight the ghosts. As you can see, there are many ways that I think someone can make a mini story out of this concept. Addendum 5.1: Why Vanessa isn't prosecuted for the murders Figured I would try and answer this potential plot hole. The ghosts of the children would eventually realize that it was VANNY who killed them and not Vanessa. If anything, Vanessa is as much a victim as they are. Now that they know this, they are free to move on to the the afterlife. Before they do this, they all decide to appear before their parents and tell them what happened. After convincing them that they aren't hallucinating. The ghosts tell their parents about how they died and the person that killed them, Vanny. They also tell their parents not to punish Vanessa since she literally couldn't do anything to stop their deaths and that she already is punishing herself enough as it is. Then some tears are shed and final goodbyes are said before the children move on. After this the parents would stop pressing the investigators to find the culprit since now they have all the answers they need and getting closure. They all begin the slow process of acceptance and moving on with their lives. It is up to you all what happens after, maybe they just ignore Vanessa, maybe some of them decide to try and contact her. The world is your oyster! Idea 6: Vanny hates Vanessa for existing and tries to make her experience as horrible as possible. A concept that I have also seen very little of is the dynamic between Vanny and Vanessa during the possession. Recall from the prelude that I believe that Vanny was created as a plan B after Afton's attempts at manipulating Vanessa failed. This means he would repeatedly tell Vanny that she shouldn't even exist and constantly doubts her ability to gather remnant for him, wishing he could do it himself but can't since he is unable to directly control humans and can only tell them what to do. He does this in an attempt to make her be a good follower and not want to disappoint him. Instead, Vanny would she grow to resent this fact that she wasn't meant to exist is at the start, and that resentment would quickly turned into near blinding rage due to her personality. She would start to hate Vanessa due to the fact that she is a constant reminder of her second rate status. Vanny also has to deal with Vanessa trying to "wake up from this nightmare" and would try and find a way to both get back at her and to get Vanessa to shut up and accept her new life. She would look through Vanessa's memories and find out she used to work well with kids, and thus was close to them. That is where she would get her idea. Vanny would make sure her knife strikes didn't kill the children immediately; instead, they would be done in a way to make them die slowly. Then she would just carry them while walking to the basement or wherever the remnant magic happens. All the while, she would force Vanessa to focus on the child they are carrying close to her chest. Feel their heartbeat slow. Listen to their breathing becoming more shallow and strenuous. Feel the blood soaking through the white rabbit fabric and staining her arms. Watch as the light leaves their eyes… … It should be noted that there is no practical reason for doing this. Another thing to know is that Vanessa doesn't need to be "conscious" while this is occuring. Vanny, being the sadist she is, makes sure that Vanessa can see what she is doing, purely to make Vanessa suffer. All the while, she would subtly blame her for doing this. After all, she was the one who willingly collected all the tapes and put HIM back together, right? (IthoughtitwasjustagameIthoughtitwasjustagameIthoughtitwasjusta) Ironically, this wouldn't make Vanessa shut up. Now that she knows this is all real and actually happening, Vanessa would now be more active and begging Vanny not to kill the children. You would think this would annoy Vanny even more, but she finds the joy of the experience of torturing Vanessa and the brief silence that follows to be worth it. Another thing that Vanny does is try and only target the kids that Vanessa used to teach. Then just before she stabs them she'll take off her mask, and force Vanessa to watch their faces brighten as they recognize her and then change into looks of hurt and betrayal. This pains Vanessa even more because she knows just how much potential these kids in particular have. To realize that they will never get the chance to show it because she killed them destroys her. It is petty and it is why she has only murdered 9 kids by the time SB takes place. This also goes against Glitch/Burntraps plan of trying to gather as much remnant as quickly as possible, but again Vanny finds hurting Vanessa to be far more rewarding than hearing Afton's praise when she accomplishes his tasks. Meaning that Afton's attempt to make Vanny as good a follower as possible backfired massively. Yeah Vanny kinda sucks lol There would be long standing repercussions of this after she is freed. She would likely want to stay as far from children as possible. It is not because she hates them, quite the opposite. She would be utterly terrified of being alone with a child because every time that happened in the last 7 months, they would die. She thinks that this will make Vanny come back somehow. It's also why she would be so hesitant to hug Gregory, since again, the only living things she's held in the last few months were all dying. She would be scared that doing this will somehow kill Gregory. This doesn't make any logical sense to a normal person, but being possessed by a British furry will do that to a person. (The only reason she can stand to be close to Gregory is because she knows that he can defend himself if something bad happens.) What makes this all worse is that she wouldn't be able to just forget about the murders. Vanny made sure that the memories she had of them would never be able to fade away. They would remain just as sharp and clear as the day they occurred, making Vanessa's nightmares even worse. One wonders what would happen if there was another lost child during her last 2 weeks as a guard at the pizzaplex and all the other animatronics were down for maintenance… As a more lighthearted aside Gregory would be the first person she hugs after it all. She would wake up from a nightmare crying and screaming. Gregory would then rush into her room, Freddy doll in hand, and see what was happening. He would then tackle Vanessa like a footballer and give her a massive hug, with Freddy giving an assist in his robot plush form. Vanessa would want to scream at them to get away from her, "Before SHE hurts you." But she finds the hug to be really comforting, she would slowly reciprocate and all 3 of them would eventually fall asleep. Idea 7: Gregory did not have abusive parents. A lot of fanfics I've read about the 3-star ending all seem to have one thing in common, Gregory having at least one bad parent. Most have Gregory's father being terrible or just having left the family. Some of them have both mother and father be horribly abusive. I had a different idea: what if instead of abusive parents, Gregory had the opposite: 2 parents who loved him more than anything else. That does leave us with a troublesome question: If that's the case, then why does Gregory evidently live in a box? Let us create a timeline of possible events: Gregory is born. At around age 2 or something, Gregory's father is now out of the picture. This isn't because he abandons his family, no. It is because he dies. It is quick and unexpected, there is no warning. The reason can be whatever you want. (The more tragic the better.) So now Gregory's mother (M from here on out) now has to single-handedly take care of toddler Gregory. She does an amazing job! Her normal profession as a therapist (wink) helps her a lot with making sure Gregory behaves. It also helps M explain to him where his father is, and helps him grasp the dark concept of death at an early age. M also makes certain that Gregory knows just how much his father loved him, even if he can't remember him. She makes sure to let him know he is loved by her every day. M also teaches him some basic housekeeping tasks, so that Gregory can take care of himself when she has late nights at work. Then one day at work, when Gregory is around 8 or 9, M gets a new patient at work. Some blonde beta tester, the only thing of note is her inconsistent childhood memories and the fact her 4 previous therapists have gone missing. It's a bit weird and slightly concerning, but what is the worst that can happen? … I think we all know what happened next. Gregory wouldn't suspect anything was wrong, thinking his mom is just having another late night at work. Then some people show up, probably some social workers called in after a lack of communication with M. They say that his mother has, *ahem* "gone missing" and that they have to take him to an orphanage for the time being. Gregory immediately knows that his mother is dead. He can hear it when they stutter just before saying "gone missing." Ironically, his mother did the same thing when she first explained where his father went. Before he gets a chance to properly grieve, Gregory gets put in an orphanage with about a dozen other children. This is because he doesn't have any relatives. Most of the caretakers there seem apathetic. Some care a bit more, but it is leagues away from how much his mother cares-... cared for him. One of the caretakers seems to actively hurt him whenever they can. They hate kids (like Vanessa in the game, but without the valid excuse of being possessed by a British furry) and seemingly only took the job either as a way to get some easy money or as a chance to hurt kids. When Gregory finally gets a chance to cry over his mother's death, that "caretaker" is there yelling at him to "stop whining and get over it" This is too much for him, so he decides to run away. He finds living in a box in an alley to be difficult, but at least no one can hurt him now. Then the game's events happen. I think that this idea could work. The sudden shift between having a loving home and then being thrown into a harsher environment would make Gregory distrustful of adult strangers. After everything though, things would get better. Gregory gets the father figure he never really had in the form of a robot bear (wow this series has gotten weird) and a loving… mother? Sister? Aunt figure? in Vanessa. Also if you're wondering how Gregory would react to learning who killed his mother, initially he wouldn't say anything. Then he would move from the room where they are discussing this into the spare room of Vanessas apartment that is acting as his bedroom. There he would just sit with Freddy and think for several hours. Gregory would be understandably absolutely furious at first, but I think, with Freddy's help, he would understand that it was Vanny’s doing, not Vanessa's. He leaves his room and goes to Vanessa, who hasn't moved from the room, and would be quick to reassure Vanessa that he doesn't blame her and then give her a hug. Vanessa would slowly hug back but deep down she would hate herself just that little bit more, knowing that it was her (noitwasvannys) who orphaned this child. As a show of forgiveness though, maybe Gregorys mother could come back as a ghost and continue to be Vanessas therapist, since she doesn't trust herself around living therapists because of previous experience. Idea 8: Map Bot holds grudges. The only character in Security Breach who doesn't forgive Vanessa after the 3-star ending is Map Bot. This is because Vanny pushed it over during the elevator scene. Its "revenge" consists of Map Bot just repeating the word "map" to Vanessa over and over while waving its arms around. To Map Bot, it's an amazing Ramsay-tier roast. To everyone else, it just looks bizarre. That is all. Do with this what you will :P * *BTW Someone has now made fanart of this idea, see chapter 2 Idea 9: Nickname After Vanessa learns how Gregory freed her from Glitchtrap, she calls him "my little knight" as a term of endearment. (Get it? Because Princess Quest? Knights save princesses? ...moving on) Kinda surprised no one has come up with this one yet tbh.* *This is also no longer true, see chapter 2 Idea 10: Scenario: Vanessa encounters a child at work I wanted to expand on a thought brought up in Idea 6. An encounter that Vanessa has during her last 2 weeks as a security guard. This is kinda a mashup of previous ideas as well. Here's the set up: It's been around a day or 2 since the 3-star ending. Gregory now lives with Vanessa because she refuses to let him live in a box, he expresses fear at being sent to an orphanage, and the pizzaplex is too much of a safety hazard for him to live there. She plans to sign up for foster care (which for plot convienience consists of just a basic background check and very brief interview, blame the economy idk) so she can take care of him more permanently. Vanessa brings Gregory to work with her and lets him just run around doing kid stuff. She also talks to her boss before he leaves and puts in her 2 week notice. Meanwhile, Freddy is down in maintenance getting rebuilt after being destroyed by the staff bots, as well as all the other bots. Vanessa would just be walking around trying to do a job she has no idea how to do, unable to use any of the various security devices. This is on account of the fact that Vanny left her with no useful memories of how to do "her" job and use most of the equipment (as talked about in idea 1) So she's just wandering around and eventually winds up in the main atrium. Then she sees some movement in the distance. At first, she thinks it's a staffbot just on patrol. Wait no, it's a person; she can tell by the way they are moving. Vanessa would be a bit concerned because she has no clue on how to deal with an intruder because "she" was never trained for this. Vanessa takes a chance on getting a bit closer to see if this person looks dangerous or is just lost. It is then that she realizes that this isn't just a person; actually, it's a… child. Everything goes still, suddenly Vanessa is no longer there. She's back in that… thing, that costume (no she burned and threw the remains away, right?) Back in that state of being an observer in her own body, forced to watch as she… no, as VANNY lures a different child with false promises of wonder and joy, leading them down into a hidden room, locking the door, pulling out her knife, watching their joy-filled expression turn to one of pure fear and… well, you know what happens next. After the memory ends, Vanessa would find herself back, still watching the child, who hasn't noticed her yet. She would panic, terrified of the child getting closer to her or staying within eyesight for any longer. This is for multiple reasons, every child (except Gregory) that has come near her in the last 6 months has died at her (Vannys) hand, a trend she does not want to continue. She also doesn't know if Vanny can just... come back. She doesn't know if there is some sort of trigger, such as being near children, and she doesn't want to find out now. Vanessa runs away as fast as she can into the nearest security room, locks the doors, gets into a corner, and curls into a ball as the memories of all of her (VANNYS) victims' slow deaths come back in full force. In the midst of her panic attack, she realizes that she is going to have to figure out a way to get this kid out of the pizzaplex before they get hurt. She manages to calm herself down enough to contact Gregory on her fazwatch and asks him to take care of it. Gregory can tell that Vanessa is having a bad time by the fear in her voice. He knows it well, hearing it a lot in that…orphanage… He goes to her location using the Fazwatch trackers, and opens the door using the security pass that Vanessa managed to get him. There he finds her taking in shuddering breaths in a corner of the room. Gregory is unsure of what to do, he is still a bit wary around Vanessa for obvious reasons and doesn't want to get too close. However, he can see that she isn't faking her panic attack, and decides to settle on awkwardly patting Vanessa on her back until she eventually calms down. (Again, she is ok around Gregory because she knows he can defend himself. I mean, the menace threw a go-kart at a robot) After calming down, Gregory would suggest to Vanessa that they should go and get the child to safety together. Vanessa would object strongly to this, saying that she "doesn't want to have another child's death on her conscience." But ya boi Greglin would look her in the eye and tell her with total conviction that he will "make sure that nothing bad happens." Vanessa would close her eyes, take a deep breath in, and reluctantly agree. They would walk together, Vanessa holding Gregory's hand for support (technically, Gregory would be holding her hand, just in case something happens and he needs to make a quick getaway). Upon getting to the child, things get a lot better. They would contact the kid's parents with a phone number that the kid remembers. Turns out the kid was accidentally left behind by a REALLY forgetful uncle or something idk. The parents would make a late-night trip out and retrieve their child. They would thank Vanessa and Gregory (his presence is explained by some excuse about a "junior guard program") and give their sincere gratitude. Vanessa would just kind of stand there after they left, a mixture of disbelief and pure joy that she was near a child and nothing bad happened! The 2 of them have just taken a single, but big, step. For Vanessa, it's getting over the time she spent under Vanny and GlitchTrap. For Gregory, it's getting more comfortable around Vanessa. Admittedly, this one is kinda rougher than my other ideas, mostly because I tried to make some sort of story, which I suck at :P. I hope y'all like it regardless! Idea/Rambling 11: Nightmare I’ve decided to try something a little different and write a ficlet thing. The last time I really did this was with Idea 4, and that has inspired the creation of 2 stories. Actually, this thing has a lot in common with Idea 4; it is my favorite, so I'm not surprised. So if you can read past my lackluster writing skills, maybe someone will find it interesting. *This idea now has a story based on it, see chapter 2 This would take place a day after the previous idea, or maybe this is a separate thing; who knows? Either way, Freddy is now fully repaired, but the others are still being worked on. So Vanessa would again bring Gregory with her to work. This time he would just hang out with Freddy in his green room, playing games such as "Faz Brawl" (aka Super Smash Bros. with a FNAF skin). Vanessa, meanwhile, decides to try and just stay in the main office to avoid another incident like the night before and just "supervise" things with the cameras. There is only one issue—she doesn't actually know how to use any of the equipment. (see idea 1) After spending the better part of an hour trying to make anything work, she throws in the towel. With nothing better to do, she revises her application on her laptop for her old job as a beta tester for Silver Parasol games. It was a job she genuinely liked doing and it pays way better than the sub-minimum wage she currently receives as a security guard. After taking care of this and submitting the application, she decides to take a quick nap while she has the chance. She sets an alarm on her phone to wake her up and tells Freddy on the Fazwatch what she is doing. She then grabs a pillow, reclines the chair, and drifts off to sleep. A couple hours later, Vanessa wakes up, not feeling particularly well rested and also a bit sore for some reason. She doesn’t think much of it and checks her alarm. She sees that it hasn't gone off yet, having awoken before the set time, and heads over to Freddy's room to check on them and pick up Gregory. Vanessa gets to the room and knocks on the door, not wanting to be impolite, and waits. A minute passes with no response from the room, so she tries to contact them on her Fazwatch. Still nothing… Now Vanessa is starting to get really worried and begins to wander around the pizzaplex, calling their names to try and find them. After around 20 minutes of frantic searching, Vanessa suddenly remembers that the Fazwatch has a tracker that she can use to find other Fazwatches, like the one that Gregory has. She figures out how to get it to work after some trial and error. It shows that his Fazwatch is currently located in one of the small storage rooms around the complex. So she heads over to the room, and stops in front of the slightly ajar door. She knocks and calls his name, and gets no response. Vanessa waits for a few minutes and then slowly opens the door while announcing that she is entering, so as to not scare Gregory by accident. She enters the room and sees…Gregory underneath a blanket on a chair in the back with Freddy in rest mode standing next to him. Vanessa lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Gregory and Freddy were just resting! Of course, that explains why she didn’t get a response when she tried to contact. Relieved, she walks over to where Gregory is sleeping, carefully pulls the blanket off him, and… …let’s out a blood-curdling shriek at the sight that greets her, Gregory disemboweled and covered in blood and collapses onto the floor. At first she desperately tries to convince herself that she is just hallucinating, but a second glance at the sight of his blood-covered corpse as well as the now overwhelming scent of iron, both of which she is painfully familiar with, convinces her that it is real. She starts hyperventilating and crying as she tries to figure out how this could possibly have happened. Her question is answered when she hears a familiar giggle behind her. She turns around to discover... Vanny, standing over her. Her form is slightly fuzzy, for lack of a better term, meaning that Vanny isn't physically there but she is still in Vanessa's head and she is now making her mental presence known. Vanessa goes silent. How is SHE here? Weren't those games supposed to make Vanny go away? Did they miss something? Was it all a trick and the games never actually did anything and this was all some kind of ploy? Suddenly, before she can even think to ask these questions, Vanessa is assaulted with memories that aren't hers. They show that while she was sleeping, Vanny took over. She used a secret app on her phone to control Freddy and lure Gregory into a back room under the pretense of a surprise. There, Vanny did the deed, quickly so as to avoid a repeat of the last time she captured him. After that, she made sure to make the corpse as ruined as possible, and she covered his body with a blanket with a non-absorbent backing so the blood wouldn't soak into it and make it look like he was sleeping. This was all done to maximize the "surprises" effect on Vanessa. After that, Vanny washed her hands (the disemboweling process was VERY messy) and placed her body in the exact same position that Vanessa was in when she fell asleep so she would be none the wiser. Vanessa tries to convince herself that that didn't happen, but deep down she knows it did. What erases her delusions is when she notices the small flecks of blood under her fingernails. Vanny just giggles even more as she watches her break down. Vanny then begins to take over again leaving Vanessa to scream in agony as she desperately tries to remain in control, all the while knowing that it's hopeless and she's about to go back being a monster and shedoesntwanttoshedoesntwanttohelphelphelphe- Then Vanessa wakes up, for real this time, back in the office. It would appear that what she just experienced was all just a horrible nightmare. She checks her phone and finds that it has only been 20 minutes since she fell asleep. Then, upon remembering what happened in that nightmare, Vanessa tries to contact Freddy and Gregory just in case. She gets a quick response from Freddy, telling her that they are still playing games. Vanessa then asks, in a shaky voice, "C-can I please...s-speak to Gregory?". Freddy obliges and Gregory tells her that he is fine, feeling a bit confused. Vanessa then says her goodbyes and hangs up. Now having calmed down she realizes that being by herself all night is probably not a good idea, mostly because she doesn't want to be alone with her thoughts. Or at least what she HOPES are her own thoughts. So Vanessa heads over to Freddy’s room and knocks on the door. Freddy opens it and he and Gregory are surprised to find Vanessa awkwardly standing there. She relaxes even more upon seeing the 2 of them safe and sound, still playing the Smash Bros ripoff. Freddy asks her "Officer Vanessa, I was not expecting you, may I ask what the purpose of your visit is?" Vanessa responds by saying "Oh, um... well Freddy I was uh... wondering if, you and Gregory...umm... *she takes a deep breath* would you allow me to just... hang out with you two, please?" After this Freddy and Gregory wouldn't say anything for a few seconds, surprised at how differently Vanessa is acting compared to "that night." She is acting shy, and seems to be trying to make herself as small and nonthreatening as possible. She is also being really polite, having actually bothered to knock on Freddys door, something that she had never done before. Vanessa, meanwhile, would misinterpret their silence as a no and try to plead her case. "I just... kinda really don't want to be alone..." She realizes how stupid that sounds and tries to backtrack "I-I mean... damn it. Look I know that its kinda dumb, a-and I know that I probably deserve to be alone but I..." Freddy stops her before she can continue. He agrees to let her join them. Feeling a bit better, Vanessa turns her attention to Gregory and asks for his permission. He is slightly caught off guard by this, but after a bit of time cautiously agrees to let her join them as well. At first Vanessa just sits and watches them play before gathering the courage to quietly ask if she can join them. They say yes and the 3 of them end up having a good time playing video games together. Vanessa turns out to be quite good at the game due to her prior experience as a beta tester and requires Freddy and Gregory to team up against her to stand a chance. They all have loads of fun and for the first time are acting like a proper family. It is a good first step on the long road to found family fun and healing! (Again my lackluster writing skills are on full display here :P) Idea/Concept 12: VR Game testing second attempt So after Vanessa leaves the company, the Fazbear Funtime Service gets canceled after they realize that the numerous logistical issues with manufacturing possibly thousands of animatronics and then delivering them to people in thousands of cities is extremely unprofitable as well as unfeasible. The multiple glitches, as referenced in the cut emails, did not help matters. Silver Parasol decided to turn it into a mobile game, one basically identical to FNAF AR, except with far more bugs and not as good. It is also filled to the brim with microtransactions in a system practically identical to Diablo Immortal’s. Initially it does ok, but people quickly catch on to it being just a cash grab and after about 2 weeks most people stop playing the game. Silver Parasol tried to appease the masses by removing the microtransactions. This wasn’t enough and after 6 months the game has lost all of its charm and people aren't playing it anymore. The constantly increasing number of bugs doesn't help due to lack of personnel due to the transfers. By the time Vanessa gets her job back, Silver Parasol games is getting close to bankruptcy. Desperate for an idea to save the company, one of the head people there decides to try and look for an old project that was abandoned and see if it is in a reasonable state. They find the VR game we know as Help Wanted. It was shelved because after beta testing was completed the game was nonfunctional and no one could be bothered to fix it. They decide to see if it somehow still works by simply checking to see if it boots up and not actually playing the thing. To their surprise it seemingly works, so the management decides that it is good enough to release as a sort of playable alpha. When they hold a meeting with everyone and announce their plan to release the game by the end of the week, Vanessa and Luis look at each other with expressions of panic and fear. (Luis knows about what happened to Vanessa because she told him about it, along with Freddy and Gregory on the first day she was freed, before she was too overcome with emotion. After a night to think it over Luis decided he believed her since they were/are really good friends and he knows she wouldn't lie about something this serious, not even as some weird joke. Also the way she struggled to not burst into tears during her explanation helped. It also explains why she was acting so uncharacteristically cold during her last few weeks before being transferred. He helps her by just being a pillar of support and just being a good friend overall. He is a well meaning dork who genuinely likes Vanessa, but simply struggles to convey this since he just didn't know how to.) So they both know what the potential implications of the game being released are if HE is still corrupting it, just one person nearly brought HIM back fairly easily. If there were many… Vanessa, trying to calm herself, asks the people in charge of this idea if any of them have actually PLAYED the game yet. They say they haven't and plan to just release the thing as a "paid alpha" and if there are problems, fix it later. She realizes that if she does nothing, then what happened to her has a very high probability of happening again. This is her chance, in her mind, to try and fix things. After mentally preparing herself and taking a deep breath, she asks if she can test it. They say yes and give her the game and a headset. She really, REALLY doesn't want to test the game for obvious reasons, but she feels like she HAS to because she is the only person who knows what HIS presence in the game looks like. She wants to make SURE that what happened to her NEVER happens to anyone else. Vanessa doesn't want to make the same mistakes twice, so she takes some precautions when testing the game. She decides to not test the game by herself, but instead at the pizzaplex surrounded by the animatronics, Luis and Gregory. This is for 2 reasons, if she loses control, then there will be more people who can subdue her. The second reason is that she really doesn't want to be alone with the game, and the company calms her. Vanessa also doesn't strap the headset on, but instead holds it in place with one hand. This is done so that if HE appears again, she can rip the headset off before he can possess her through it. After a few hours, everything is in place: the game is turned on, and the headset and controllers are activated. Vanessa prepares herself, takes a deep breath, pushes the "continue game" button, and… …finds nothing. HE isn't standing next to her; the "Pizza Party" minigame has disappeared. The tapes are still there, but they are now accessed by a normal, non-glitchy tape recorder. Other than that, there is no trace of Glitchtraps' existence. The game is now just that, a game. Luis has the idea of listening to the tapes themselves to see if Vanessa should really be blaming herself for collecting them, the event that started this whole thing. After doing so, he and everyone else realize that anyone playing the game would've assumed that they were just normal collectibles and not taken the contents of them seriously, since out of context they sound like generic scary messages. So it would be erroroneous to blame Vanessa (and let Vanessa blame herself) for doing something that any normal person would've done and collected the tapes, unintentionally rebuilding a monster. When Luis makes all of this clear to Vanessa that it wasn't her fault, she doesn't say anything for a few seconds. She tries to figure out a way that he is wrong somehow, that it HAS TO be her fault. Ultimately she can't find a reason and looks back at Luis who has a determined yet comforting expression on his face. She then breaks down crying and gives him a hug. Luis is briefly caught off guard but slowly reciprocates. The others all then join in starting with Gregory and just sit for a bit in a big ol group hug. All of them then spend the rest of the night taking turns playing the game and just having fun. Chica and Freddy make several comments on the designs of their predecessors ("Why did I look like a duck?") Roxy and Monty compete to see who can complete more levels (and nearly break the controllers in the process). Sun/Moon proves to be surprisingly good at the levels that utilize the flashlight as a primary gameplay element. Gregory the gremlin gamer shows off his skills and beats the Plushbaby level on his first attempt. This impresses everyone, especially Vanessa since it took her almost 2 hours to beat it back when she first tested the game. Speaking of Vanessa, she decides to just sit and watch everyone else play. For the first time in around a month she is really starting to feel like her old self again. She feels happy and is laughing, and for the first time in what feels like an eternity, the laugh she hears isn't Vanny's sickening cackle in response to a child dying and her own pleas for mercy. No, it is her own genuine light hearted one in response to a game meant to entertain. She knows that her healing journey isn't done yet, but the end now seems within reach. For now, she enjoys the VR game with her little knight, her best friend/boyfriend and the rest of the Found Faz Fam. Idea 13: Things Vanessa does to get over Vanny, a sequel to Idea 6 (kinda) As has been previously stated, I consider Vannys personality to effectively be the polar opposite of Vanessa's, with some exceptions. I wanted to expand on that with this idea that Vanessa would try to do things as differently from Vanny as possible. She does this in order to help convince herself that they were not the same. Here is a list of some of those things, ranging from minor to major, in no particular order: She stops wearing baseball caps and starts using a different hair style. This is because it was the only style that Vanny used and Vanessa wants to avoid reminders of Vanny as much as possible. It also is just too difficult for Vanessa to do herself. Also according to Roxy the ponytail, "hasn't been popular since the 70s". So Roxy helps give her a friendly makeover, eventually deciding on simply keeping her hair down, like how she used to have it. She also decides to start using rainbow extensions again because she thought they were cute and liked how they looked. She removes the purple nail polish she has and replaces it with the colors yellow and green for similar reasons. She creates a small bowl of candy and puts it on her kitchen counter. This seems to directly contradict the therapy tapes heard in-game, but remember the prelude! In addition to the false memories, Afton also attempts to change her behavior. He is only able to change small things, like making her not like candy for instance. All of these changes went away when Vanny is created and they became traits of Vanny instead. (Also Heather Masters likes candy enough to want a literally room full of it in SB) She tries to avoid getting slightly upset or mad at anyone, but especially children. Vanessa is absolutely TERRIFIED of losing her temper in front of children, because then that means they will be scared of her. This makes Vanessa, in her mind, just as bad as Vanny (or it just reminds her of how Vanny used to act). This is because Vanny was constantly irritated and annoyed by everything, and preferred to yell at people and insult them. Thus Vanessa now speaks softly, almost never raising her voice above a normal speaking volume. She also apologizes for everything she says that she thinks is an insult, even if it isn't. In summary, anger was basically one of the only 2 emotions that Vanny felt. The other emotion was… …pure ecstasy, which Vanny only felt when she was murdering her victims while also wearing a deranged smile. As a result, she tries to find more reasons to be happy and smile softly in her life. This is comparatively easy, (although it is still a lot more difficult for her to be happy and positive then it was before) the animatronics help her by being available to talk to. Luis also assists by just being supportive and he is especially great for whenever she needs some comforting words of encouragement. He and Gregory also offer to play some games with her, which she really appreciates because of the company. She stops wearing clothes with long sleeves like sweatshirts and jeans. The stuffy feeling they give her feels way too much like HER costume, something she only discovered after she tried wearing "her" work uniform for the first time after being freed. She was fine for a few minutes until she started feeling warm due to the lack of air conditioning. Then Vanessa realized it felt a lot like being back in that...thing. That's when she started to panic, thinking that none of what was happening was real and hallucinated that she was actually back in the pizzaplex. Back in that suit, covered in blood, forced to listen to Vannys insane laughter. She would've probably had a panic attack, but thankfully the air conditioning system decides to turn on at that moment. The cool air washing over her face brings Vanessa out of the hallucination. She would then just sort of stand there for a few moments before she curls into a ball and quietly sobs in her bedroom for around half an hour. She ended up just showing up out of uniform, but no one really cared so it was fine. She starts making cupcakes and cooking again, something she loved doing before this mess happened (check the cut FNAF AR emails.) Everyone at her workplace loved them, Luis even had some made for him especially ;). Chica even asks for her recipe after Vanessa brings some to eat at the pizzaplex and the 2 end up sharing multiple recipes with each other and become great friends. After being freed, Vanessa is extremely hesitant to be near knives, let alone hold one, for obvious reasons. However she really wants to get over this fear she has because she wants to start cooking things since that was a hobby she had before… before. 1. Vanessa would start by having Gregory take out a knife and put it on her kitchen counter before he then leaves the area. 2. Then once she gets acclimated to the knife's presence, she would move a bit closer. 3.She would repeat these steps until she is within arms reach of the knife. Now comes a more difficult step, touching it. 4. Vanessa moves her arm very slowly towards the knife, gives it a small poke, and then quickly darts away like she touched hot coals. This repeats, each poke lasting a longer amount of time, until she is able to rest her hand on the knife. 5. The next step is the scariest for her, holding it. She takes it even slower, constantly reminding herself that she is in control and that nothing bad is going to happen. She manages to give it, moves it around, and then gently places it back in the drawer. 6. Vanessa relaxes, lets out the breath she was holding, and walks out of the kitchen. Actually cutting something will come later, but for now this is enough. Idea/scenario 14: The Pizzaplex collapses Behold, a continuation of sorts from idea 3 It has been around 4 months since the 3 star ending and everything is going quite well. Vanessa is finally almost back to feeling like her old self again, her nightmares have been getting less severe and less frequent. In fact she has decided to start trying to do those old STEM style talks from before as a way to tackle her fear head on. Gregory has gotten used to being cared for again and being part of a family again and has grown as close to Vanessa as he is Freddy. Vanessa has officially adopted him, allowing him to be enrolled in a school. Gregory is already in the top 5 percent and is causing general chaos. Freddy is- (Gregory! I must inform you that I am… morbiuously obese :D) -...still Freddy. Luis and Vanessa are also in a healthy relationship and are a lot closer than before, much to Gregory's (joking) annoyance and teasing. The 3 of them have also gotten closer to the other animatronics (on their first official meeting as a group after fixing everything, Luis wouldn't stop geeking out being close to them). They have races with Roxy, golf with Monty, and cook with Chica (Vanessa is especially good at the latter). Sun/Moon tells great stories during sleepovers, and also gives Vanessa advice on dealing with her nightmares. So everything is going well for the Found Faz Fam! However, all is not well with the Mega Pizzaplex. You see, back when it was first constructed, Fazbear Entertainment didn't exactly have a lot of money. They had invested most of it into what would become their failed venture that was the Fazbear Funtime Service. So they were tight on cash when they decided to try and build an entire mall and also began developing the VR game at the same time. As a result they have to cut corners, a LOT of corners. They don't install enough emergency exits, and the one that they do requires a VIP pass. They don't install a fire extinguishing system, or at least not an adequate one. They build over the remains of their old restaurant because they still own the land it is on (under?) They also use structural members that can only just BARELY hold up the planned weight of the roof and ceiling. This is made worse by the fact that these columns and supports are made from Fazbear Entertainment's own brand of concrete. Given what we have seen of Fazbear Entertainment it is good to assume that this concrete is also substandard and not suited for their application. The truss members (these things which hold up the actual roof) they end up using are also not rated for commercial civilian use, and aren't designed to handle the vibrations caused by the thousands of people walking through the mall. The ceiling also winds up being heavier than expected, but they don't change anything about the trusses. FE don't even have the trusses installed properly, they need to get the mall built quickly in order to reduce labor costs and try to start making money as fast as possible. They also want to open the mall and release the VR game at around the same time to maximize potential profits whilst reducing advertising costs since they can just advertise both at the same time, further rushing the construction process. This also isn't helped by the later edition of the DJMM which means the installation of a series of tubes going through the walls, further weakening the entire structure. Roxy Raceway is particularly at risk due to it being located on top of the actual sinkhole. This means that there isn't as much support from the foundation, bottom, because there is less surface area to put foundation on. Fazbear Entertainment attempt to solve this issue by using concrete support columns to support the floor from the bottom of the sinkhole. However these columns are also unsuited for the task and a lot of the supports are breaking by the time the game takes place. So not only is the roof of that section at risk of collapse, but so is the FLOOR as well. (Quick sidenote, the DJMM's "consciousness" was eventually transferred to a computer to run the music and it's body was sold for scrap. This was done after management realized how expensive the maintenance was for the giant alien spider and wanted to reduce costs.) So every structural member in the building is both pitifully ill-equipped and hilariously overstressed. It is not a matter of IF the mall will collapse but WHEN. This "when" was moved closer and further exacerbated by Gregory's actions during "that night"; not that anyone knew. Monty falling from the catwalks, Roxy getting hit by a go kart through a wall, and DJMM's chase only served to make the situation worse. This is shown by visual signs over the next few months. There are more cracks in the walls, parts of the ceiling and floor sag, and paint starts to chip as other parts of the mall start to deform. Some of the staff are concerned about this, but the general manager assures them that they will, "fix it". All they do is paint over the cracks each time they appear and hope no one notices. The final breaking point is when Monty and Roxy try "aerial jousting". Basically Monty saw how the daycare attendant could fly on strings and he decided he wanted some of that action. So he tied some strong rope to the catwalks (the same ones he fell from) to try it out. Roxy saw this and wanted to try it out as well. So they both decided to turn it into a little competition. They would run towards each other before leaving off the catwalks and… ok they hadn't gotten to that part yet. They ended up breaking the catwalks under the strain, fell and had to get repaired, much to the chagrin of everyone else. This only further damaged the support structure. So the stage is set for disaster. It all starts on a seemingly normal day. This day is a special one for Gregory, he got a 100 on a really difficult test that no one else did well on. As a reward, Vanessa has decided to take him to an actual front row performance of the band, instead of their "special pass" (from idea 1) location. This consists of some folding chairs placed as far as possible from the stage with a sign that says "special pass performance viewing area, for our worst security guard ever". The front row tickets are ludicrously expensive, which is why Vanessa doesn't get them often. So Gregory, Vanessa and Luis arrive early and have some time to kill before the show starts. Gregory goes off to harass the staff bots since Freddy and the others are busy entertaining other children. He makes sure to promise to meet back up with Vanessa at a specified time. Luis and Vanessa, meanwhile sit down at El Chips and talk about…idk whatever friends/couples talk about. Maybe a new video game? Actually that makes sense, we'll go with that. Then, it happens. After only 11 months, one of the overburdened truss members holding up the roof of the mall over Roxy Raceway finally fails, snapping with a loud CRACK sound. The massive load redistributes to the remaining truss members. Initially they are able to handle it for a few seconds as designed, but they cannot sustainably handle even a slight increase in load at this point and they also start to fail one by one. With a massive roaring sound and shaking that fills the entire mall, the entire section of roof over the Raceway collapses. It crashes to the floor with an even louder BANG! Normally this is where it would end, but this ain't normal. The sudden impact of the ceiling landing on the floor is all that the few supports underneath it that aren't broken need to fail. This causes the floor to collapse as well and the whole mess lands in the basement and causes the entire building to shake even more, damaging the foundation and walls everywhere else. There is now just a massive hole where the Raceway once was. Concrete dust fills the room and begins to disperse throughout the mall. By some miracle, no one is injured. All of the people in Roxy Raceway were undergoing a safety brief by Roxy near the entrance ("You know what's just as cool as me? Safety."), so they were spared. Amazingly, everything has stabilized, it would seem that the loss of the roof over the raceway has reduced the overall load on the structure so the poor trusses, walls, beams, columns and other structural members finally get a bit of a reprieve. Unfortunately the shaking has also caused those same parts to get more damaged as well, so it's a net loss. For a few seconds after the collapse, there is total silence. People are still trying to process what has just happened, some think it is an earthquake before dust and the sight of the sunlight being visible where it shouldn't be clues them in. Then the screaming starts and everyone starts making a break for the only obvious exit, causing severe crowding and even more panic. The animatronics and staff try their best to organize an orderly evacuation even though upper management hasn't declared one yet. Vanessa, meanwhile, goes into panic mode and starts frantically attempting to call Gregory on her phone whilst running to where he was last located. She is trying her best not to assume the worst, but there is still that little voice of doubt. One she still has after all this time, one that sounds like HER but isn't, one that says, "I knew you wouldn't be able to keep him alive, you failure". Vanessa steadfastly ignores the doubt and continues running, Luis following closely behind with a determined look on his face. They find Gregory near Roxy Raceway, looking quite perturbed and staring at the hole where the ceiling used to be. Vanessa nearly faints out of sheer relief. She lowers herself to her knees and pulls him into a massive hug. Luis joins in after a bit of persuasion, before the 3 of them make their way to the exits. The next hour passes quickly, all the animatronics are removed from the building at management's request to keep them safe (despite not ordering an official evacuation for the patrons at all). The bots reconvene with the 3 peeps and just sort of stare and talk as ambulances, police cars and news crews fill the parking lot. After an hour police have moved everyone around a mile away from the building and are just starting to make a plan on what to do next when there is a large rumble. Everyone can only watch as the remaining bit of the pizzaplex collapses, the damage being simply too much for the rest of the structure to handle. With a boom and a cloud of dust, the Freddy Fazbear Mega PizzaPlex is destroyed. Fazbear Entertainment is quickly sued but isn't even able to afford a lawyer so are forced to pay for everything. They don't have the money for this and file for bankruptcy, finally killing the company and ending a terrible legacy of darkness. "But what happened to the robots?" you may be wondering. Well, Vanessa, out of the pureness of her heart, would likely try and figure out where to temporarily keep them until she can find a more permanent solution. Maybe they can stay at her place, if it is big enough. Or she could convince her workplace, Silver Parasol, to have them roam the workspace. (This could provide a great opportunity for writers to make a "FNAF but its The Office" thing) You could do anything you want! After all, I am not the artist. All I do is simply provide the clay. Idea 15: Vanessa is good at bedtime stories This idea is inspired by a point I made during idea 2 that I wanted to attempt to elaborate on. This is actually based on the fact that Vanessa's voice actor, Heather Masters, was known for reading audiobooks before getting involved in FNAF (I am not kidding, check her interview with Dawko, relevant moment is at 11:57). It is logical to assume that most young kids would probably get more nightmares when their parents are not at home. As such it would be a good idea to learn how to calm them down. Vanessa, as a teenager, initially made stories using the video games that she plays as a base. This turns out to work a lot better than she expects, so she continues to refine and use it until she stops babysitting when she goes off to college. This will be important later. Anyways, let us set the scene. It has been a few weeks since the Pizzaplex collapsed. The robots have been handling their new “jobs” at Silver Parasol fairly well. Roxy and Monty serve as sources of motivation for the team. They have also taken up smaller versions of what they used to do; RC car racing for Roxy and setting up a small putting green for Monty. Chica makes lunch for everyone, proving she can make other things besides pizza in the process. Freddy helps organize schedules with the management. The Daycare Attendant serves as a sort of mental health checker, working with Roxy and Monty. And of course the ALMIGHTY MAPBOT “gives out” (forces people to take) maps for the building to the people working there, except for Vanessa, whom he decided to forgive after she fixed his speech issues. All of the animatronics do still interact with children when employees bring their own or their friends' children in for various reasons. The VR games also turned out to be a hit, and with Fazbear Entertainment no longer taking any percentage of the profits, it is earning Silver Parasol a large amount of money. In fact, they have so much excess that they start making plans on buying a building to serve as a proper location for the animatronics. This idea was actually spearheaded by Vanessa because she feels bad that they don’t have a real “home” and wants to return the favor for them being so nice to her. Speaking of Vanessa, after all these months, she can finally say with full confidence that she feels like her old self again. She is able to use knives, look at rabbits and not feel scared among other minor things. She has also become a lot more confident and outgoing than she used to be. Vanessa recently even went on an actual proper date with Luis.* It went really well, considering that they both are awkward nerds. So a lot of things are going well for our blonde friend! *Everyone is just surprised that it didn't happen sooner. Roxy and Monty even had a bet going on for when they would do it, Roxy bet over 4 months and Monty bet under. Roxy won, meaning she and Chica got to “redecorate” Monty. I will let you decide what that means. However the same cannot be said for Gregory. He has recently started to have terrible nightmares, which he hasn't had since before his mother died. The reason that he only appears to be having bad nightmares now is ironically because he now knows that he is in a safe and STABLE living situation. Back when he was living on the streets, staying silent at all times was key to surviving and not being caught. This included being quiet when sleeping, so he just stopped having nightmares. This continued for the first month or so he was living with Vanessa since he still didn't completely trust her yet. But now that she has proven herself to be an actually really good person and safe to be around, the nightmares have returned in full force. They start out consisting of what you would expect for a kid like Gregory. Vague things such as being abandoned. Then they start to be about things like being chased by the animatronics. He could handle those ones easily enough. As the months pass, they get worse, more specific. The nightmares start to involve Freddy turning evil, Vanessa turning back into Vanny. They usually end at that point because the real Freddy, in his plush form, notices that something is wrong and would wake Gregory up. He then comforts him by simply reassuring Gregory that it was just a nightmare and giving him a hug. However, this method has been getting less effective as time goes on. Something else that you have to know is this, most of the animatronics are not good at storytelling or making up stories. They are simply not designed or programmed for it since they are not meant to be doing any activities that involve sleeping. You would think that the daycare attendant would be good at this since he is supposed to help kids fall asleep. He does tell stories, but they are preprogrammed and all end with some variation of the theme, "Buy Fazbear Entertainment merch" . This is because he was originally intended to generate his own stories like DJMM can generate music. However FE couldn't risk him coming up with a story that already existed and getting sued so they attempted to make their own. Also some of the in-game logs indicated that he isn’t even that good at getting kids to go to sleep regardless (yes I know he was partially hacked, but something tells me that the getting kids to go to sleep problem existed before this issue). Basically, Freddy and the gang are not good at getting kids to go back to sleep beyond basic reassurance. Then one night, he has a nightmare that is worse than all of the others. He is cornered in a dark storage room inside of the pizzaplex, surrounded by all of the animatronics including Freddy. Gregory knows that they aren’t themselves, their eyes glowing a distinct purple. In the center of it all, is Vanny. She is in that disturbing suit that he saw burnt before his eyes, her posture aggressive and towering over him. The shadows over her mask make it appear even more deranged than normal, and her knife in hand ready to kill him and make his death as painful as possible. Before Gregory can even react, Vanny grabs him by the neck and forces him to the ground and raises her knife into the air. As he struggles to breathe all he can hear is Vanny’s insane laughter, so unlike Vanessa’s it is almost impossible to believe that they were once the same person. Vanny raises her arm and then plunges it into his chest, blood soaking into his shirt. As searing pain and darkness overtake Gregory, he wakes up with a horrible scream. Vanessa wakes up when she hears the noise and upon realizing that it came from Gregory, immediately rushes over to his room to see what’s wrong. Both Vanessa and Freddy are very concerned, because Gregory has NEVER cried or screamed before. Sure, he’s looked freaked out before, but NEVER appeared to be this scared. Vanessa slowly and quietly moves to his bed and sits down to try and calm him down. Eventually Gregory’s crying is reduced to occasional sniffles Freddy is at a loss of what to do, so Vanessa decides to, hesitantly, ask Gregory if he would like to hear a story. Gregory at first wants to refuse because he is a big boi . However he looks up at Vanessa’s face that shows genuine concern, and with a sniffle says yes. Vanessa starts telling a story about a kingdom and princess, one who brought joy and hope to all who saw her, who could almost literally brighten someone's day. She tells of how this princess was deceived by a stranger in purple, who then locked her inside her own castle dungeon and spread evil throughout the kingdom. But it was done in such a way that no one noticed anything was amiss. The differences were simply too subtle for anyone to notice. Everyone except one person, a knight. One smaller than most, but no less brave. He was the only one to realize that something was wrong and ventured into the kingdom to figure out what was wrong and fix it. He quickly found some assistance in the form of a large yet friendly bear, who had somehow managed to avoid the corruption that had befallen the other creatures. They discover that the kingdom has been corrupted and learn of a way to get rid of it using 3 keys or sorts. So the 2 go on an adventure to find these keys and save the kingdom. They encounter a multitude of trials and tribulations on their journey as the bear and knight bond and work together. In the end though they find the 3 keys, unlock the dungeons to free the princess and defeat the corruption, saving the day! And thus the 3 of them, the kind bear, the brave knight, and the imprisoned princess all lived happily ever after By the time Vanessa has finished speaking, Gregory has fallen back asleep hugging both her arm and Freddy close. Freddy is just looking at her with that dad-like “I’m so proud of you” type expression instead of saying it since he doesn't want to wake Gregory up. Vanessa rolls her eyes but accepts the gesture. Upon seeing that she can’t go back to bed since Gregory has effectively latched onto her, she decides to just spend the night with him. And thus, with no more nightmares to trouble them, the 3 of them have a rest filled night and will proceed to have many more. For although healing might take a long time and be full of setbacks, the end can make it all worth it. :) Idea 16: Vanessa knows how to sew You know, at this point my nickname should be Afton. Cause I always come back! … *cough* uh moving swiftly on This new idea/concept is probably my longest yet, I couldn't help but do my usual thing of trying to explain everything. I will also say that this one might not be “as good” as my other ideas so be warned. With that out of the way, grab yourself a snack/drink and strap in! Once again, we must set the scene. Life has returned to normal for our faz fam, or at least as normal as it can be for a family consisting of mostly robots. Silver Parasol was able to find an abandoned restaurant and purchase it to give the bots a place to live. It took a bit to get used to its smaller area (It is about the size of your average chucky cheese) but animatronics have acclimated well. The restaurant still has a lot of the same activities as the pizza plex once did, they are just a lot smaller. In some cases, such as with Monty's golf course and Roxy’s raceway, they’ve been replaced with miniature versions like mini golf and RC car racing respectively. There are a few new activities as well though such as “Chica’s cooking class'' and “Painting with Sun and Moon”. Roxy and Monty also hold “weekly challenges” and I will let you figure out what that means. (Some of you came up with some really clever ideas the last time I did this :) ) As for our human friends, they are doing quite well! Gregory has been doing well at school and has gotten his own little group of friends. He has developed a reputation at the school for being the kind of kid who causes trouble. Not anything bad of course, he still gets amazing grades but has from time to time crested harmless pranks that everyone finds quite amusing. Vanessa has being doing good as well. She got a promotion at work due to how high quality her work has been and she has gone on several more successful dates with Luis and are "officially" a couple. (Everyone is happy for her, though Gregory still takes some slight joy at how flustered Vanessa gets whenever he asks about their dates. Once a gremlin always a gremlin) Now, something that is important to mention is how Vanessa has been dealing with the memories of being under mind control. It isn’t just her memories; these also include all of Vanny’s memories. (While under mind control Vanessa didn’t see everything that Vanny saw or did. Vanny would only have her be aware of what was going on when SHE wanted Vanessa to see something, which normally meant murders). Allow me to attempt and explain. (if you don’t want to read all this, scroll until you see the asterisk*) When Vanessa was first freed she tried to just not think about her memories of that time and tried to live in the present. This proved to be a bad idea since the events of idea 10 kept happening. What I mean by this is that Vanessa would see something in the present that felt vaguely familiar, such as a child alone in the pizzaplex, and it would trigger one of Vanny’s memories. From there, Vanessa would be forced to watch the memory play out, which usually consisted of a child being murdered. Then she would come out of the memory in the midst of a panic attack. After a few months of this, she realized that this wasn’t the way to go about this. So, after the events of idea 12, she decides to try dealing with these bad memories in a different way. Her new method is to, just, think about them. Get used to the fact that they exist so she doesn't get overwhelmed by them when she sees something familiar. They are still bad, and she will never not feel guilty about the actions that take place in them, but it does help reduce the amount of pain that they cause to a point that she can live with them. Through this methodic remembering, Vanessa discovers that she also has access to Vanny’s memories that, other than having very bad implications, aren't really that bad One of these series of memories is of Vanny creating that suit she wore (btw the suit was burned a long time ago; this was one of the first things that the Faz fam did together after “that night”) As such one of the skills Vanessa now has is sewing. Vanessa had known Vanny could sow for a while now; she had found a sewing kit in her room after she was freed and easily figured out the connection. Up until now, though, Vanessa herself hadn't attempted to use it since she didn't remember how to. Even though she now knows how to sew, she hasn’t used this skill for 2 main reasons: Firstly, it reminds her of Vanny, though this reasoning has been getting a lot less strong as time goes on. Secondly, she hasn’t had much of a reason to use this skill at all… until now. *TLDR Vanessa basically got Acquired Savant Syndrome, without the necessary physical head trauma. The situation arises on a normal day while Gregory was at school hanging out with his friends. They decide to challenge him to a contest during recess, who can climb a tree to a certain branch the fastest. Gregory, being… well Gregory, immediately accepts (it would seem Roxy and Monty have been rubbing off on him) and is off to the tallest tree in the yard before they even decide on a prize. He climbs the tree and reaches the lowest main branch in around 15 seconds, much to the amazement of the children in the yard. However, in their collective excitement, the children failed to notice that the branch Gregory is standing on has rotten and died. So after a few seconds, it breaks under the load and Gregory begins falling to the ground. Thankfully his shirt manages to catch one of the smaller branches, slowing his fall but ripping his shirt in the process. He lands on the ground and, aside from some small cuts and bruises, is completely fine. The same cannot be said for his shirt though, the branch has made a tear from the bottom to the arm sleeve. It should be stated that this particular shirt means a lot to him, it is one of the last possessions that he has from his old life, the one where his mother was still alive. The reason he knows this goes back several months, back to just a few days after “that night.” One of the first things that Vanessa and Gregory had done together was try and find his old house. They had done this to see if anything was still there and, if there was, take it back to Vanessa’s apartment so that Gregory would feel more “at home”. The 2 of them had found that the house had been claimed by the city since the owner, Gregory’s mother, had been found dead and she had had no living adult relatives. All of the possessions that were inside the house had been sold or given to charity in accordance with Utah state law . In a nutshell, all Gregory has from his old life are memories and the clothes he was wearing. It might seem kind of silly to a stranger, but the Faz fam knows how important it is to him. Besides, people tend to form emotional attachment to inanimate objects in real life (especially after traumatic events), so I think this might be plausible. Anyways, after picking himself off of the ground and reassuring the others that he is all fine, Gregory looks down at his special shirt and realizes that it is ruined and he thinks that Vanessa will likely have to throw it away. He really doesn’t want this to happen due to how much the shirt means to him, so he decides to try and repair it. After recess ends he grabs some duct tape, goes into a bathroom and tapes up the shirt. He hopes that the temporary repair will fool Vanessa long enough for him to try and find a more permanent fix for his shirt. Vanessa isn’t home yet as she had to work late that day. (The company is planning on pushing out a new DLC that is based on the new restaurant the PizzaPlex animatronics now occupy as a way to advertise the place. So everyone is working a bit harder to get the update ready for release.) Gregory is about to take advantage of this and toss his ruined shirt into his room and put on a new one when he notices Freddy watching him, in his plush form. Freddy asks what he is doing, which means that Gregory has to explain the situation to him. He is just finishing up his explanation when he hears the door unlock, Vanessa has already returned from work. She enters and is in the middle of asking how his day was when she turns to look at him. She stops speaking, seeing him covered in scrapes and bruises and wearing a torn shirt. Vanessa, trying to remain calm and not get TOO worried, asks what happened to him. Before Gregory can even attempt to craft a response that downplays what actually happened, Freddy answers with “Gregory fell from a tree!” in a tone of voice that sounds like he is discussing the weather. For several seconds nothing happens, then Vanessa fully processes what Freddy has just told her and launches into “doting parent” mode. She kneels down to Gregory and starts checking him over whilst asking him multiple questions about his well being. Gregory manages to calm Vanessa down after reassuring her that he is fine. Now a lot calmer, Vanessa notices that his shirt is ripped and the duct tape on it, prompting her to ask him what he planned to do with it. Gregory defeatedly tells her that he was going to try and fix it. Vanessa remains silent, thinking. She knows how much this shirt means to him, and doesn’t want to get rid of it or have it not be wearable anymore. She wonders if she might be able to fix it herself, and then remembers that sewing kit and the memories of Vanny making the suit. Vanessa realizes that she might be able to solve this problem. So she asks Gregory if she can try and sew up the shirt for him. Gregory, who was expecting Vanessa to tell him to throw it away, is caught a bit off guard before saying yes. So Vanessa takes the shirt to her room, opens the sewing kit and grabs some blue thread. She hesitates before picking up the actual needle, some of that old fear still lingering despite it being over 7 months since “that night”. Vanessa takes a deep breath and starts fixing the shirt. To her surprise she finds it to be quite easy, like riding a bike after a long break. Within an hour (idk how long this would really take lol) she has already patched up the tear and the shirt looks good as new. She goes over to Gregory’s room and finds him having a conversation with Freddy about discretion “You can’t just bluntly tell people that someone fell out of a tree! You have to give them some sort of warning!” Vanessa gets their attention and shows them the patched shirt. Gregory takes his shirt, looks it over and places it on the bed. He then gives Vanessa a big ol hug while graciously thanking her for fixing it. She tells him that it was no problem, and then asks him how he even climbed the tree in the first place. As a little aside, Vanessa would eventually take sewing up as a hobby and make everyone various little items as gifts. Eventually she might even make Gregory a little costume for Halloween, probably something either bear or knight related. Maybe even a combination of the 2! That is where I will leave it, I hope you enjoyed this long boi. Again, I admit that this might not be as good as my other ideas, but I really just felt the need to write this one as it has been on my mind for a long time now. I hope that someone gets inspired by this and makes something great out of these ideas! If for some reason you want to see the stuff I normally make, visit my youtube channel and watch the many ways I lose in combat robotics. https://www.youtube.com/@derincattelane43 |