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Rated: GC · Campfire Creative · Other · Action/Adventure · #2291902
When a Knight faces a dragoness, what happens when the Dragoness falls in love with him?
When a Knight faces a dragoness, what happens when the Dragoness falls in love with him?

(In short, I have no real plan for this campfire, and I really just want to see how long we can make this campfire go before we ultimately end it. In other words, just have fun with it!)

If you don't place a portion on your turn for 3 days, you will be skipped so others may continue the Campfire.
You won't be removed from the Campfire, you would just have to wait for your turn to come around again.
Long ago, in a far away land, lived the kingdom Of Soul.
Living in peace, everyone was working hard to help their fellow friends within the wallsof the great kingdom.
Unfortunately, all was not as peaceful as they hoped.
For when they built the kingdom, they awoken a beast of unimaginable power.
A dragon.
A beast that rules the sky above with it's fiery breathe, laying waste to farms and the kingdom itself.
The beast awoke to find the once barren land it had called home, infested with humans. The scale-less creatures tilled the land, erected stone buildings, and devoured the land of its resources. While humans and dragons were different in so many ways, there was one aspect where they truly were the same, their hunger for gold. They would excavate miles of earth to form snaking tunnels as they sought the precious rock. From there they would take it to their forgers, melt it into coin, and barter with one another for it. The dragoness pulled herself from her hoard and lumbered to the entrance to her cave. In her youth she would simple burn the kingdom to the ground and plunder it for all the gold they had so 'thoughtfully' dug up for her, but she had matured in the centuries since then. Now she knew it was better to simple allow them to live, in exchange for a portion of their gold. In order to secure a steady stream of gold, she would need to force the king to bow to her demands. While they would normal send their armies to fall to her wrath in order to protect their hoards, there was one thing they valued more then the wealth they accrued, their daughters.
         With that in mind, she started to feel depressed. For a long time, she wanted to have a mate so she may have a child of her own.
         For you see, she wasn't just a ordinary dragoness, but she was a queen of dragons.
         Because of this, any and all dragons feared her.
         That, and she was able to use magic just from thinking of the spell she wished to use.
However, there was a very special knight of unknown origin who had an affinity for both gold & the power of dragons. To this degree the dragoness queen respected him. So she began to plot. One morning she kidnapped all the princess in the various kingdoms & made her demands known. "For every princess you must send my weight in gold to be delivered by your emessary the 'dragon knight.'", she roared.
A while later, at an inn....

"She wants me to deliver how much gold?" the knight asked.

"Her weight, for each princess," the one messenger said.

"How many is that?" the knight asked.

"Six, so far," another said.

The knight walked to the bartop. "Get me an ale."

The innkeeper passed him one.

The knight downed it, not even taking off his helmet. "It's easier when they just want cattle - they just want food in that case. Gold - there's something else going on."

"What do you think is going on?" the first messenger asked.

"I think that they are trying to attract a mate," the knight said.
         "What makes you say that?" The Messenger asked, concerned.

         "When the beasts were first encountered, they were considered as much a blessing as a curse. Before we learned how to survey the land to determine if there was gold, we used Dragons since they always built their lairs next to the veins." The knight explained.

         "Okay, but how does this mean that she's looking for a mate?" The messenger asked.

         "See, all animals have their own mating habits. They make sounds, release scents, or there's a specific place where they do it. Dragons however find each other with gold, and the larger the hoard the easier it is to be found."

         "So you're saying that if we give her this much gold, we'll soon have two of those beasts to deal with?"

         "Worse, Dragon's mate for life making them very picky when choosing a mate. We'll likely see swarms of them heading to the kingdom, hoping to lay claim to the dragoness."

         "We can't give her this gold then; it'll be our end if we do." The messenger said panicking.

         "We have to." The knight said, standing up and paying his tab. "If we don't then she'll likely kill one of the princesses."

         "But if we give her the gold, we'll all die."

         "Not if I slay the beast."
         Turning to the messenger, he began to formulate a plan.

         "Tell the kings I'll take the job, and to have the gold ready to go in three days. Also, I want twelve of there best knights from each kingdom as added protection from any robbers along the road. If they don't, I'll let the princess of the kingdom that doesn't reach this quota be eaten by the beast."

         Hearing this, the messenger became worried.

         "Um, s-surely you d-don't mean that, right?"

         Giving the messenger a hard stare through his helmet, the messenger only to step back in fear.

         "I do mean this. Now, unless you want her to eat them, I suggest you get moving. NOW!"

         Out of fear, the messenger ran out as fast as his legs can carry his, leaving the knight to start preparing for what might come.
The knight knew more than he was telling & his plan was twofold. The only way to save the kingdoms in the future from being overrun was to ensure HE was that wate. He knew very well why she picked him & while he lusted for her power, he wasn't going to let the kingdoms be destroyed. No. The knights who rode with him were to bear witness of this deed & he was to help rear a new breed of dragons that would be at mutual peace. As a dragon king & the father of all dragons in the land the two of them would enjoy plenty of gold in exchange for protecting the kingdoms rather than the awful demands. He would have respect from both species & go down in history as the richest & most powerful hero. All of which appealed to him greatly. Of course, no harm would befall the princesses or accompanyimg knights, but it wasn't like an explation was to do anything other than to make him appear drunk.
The innkeeper chuckled.

The knight looked at him. "What?"

"It's clear that she fancies you," the innkeeper said. "You got to admit - it's quite the scheme."

"You're one to talk, Dragma," the knight said.

The innkeeper gave a rather toothy grin. "I'm not the one wearing a helmet. Besides, it's an easy way to collect gold without getting my claws too dirty."

The knight sighed. "It's a shame as to what dragons have become - pretending to be merchants and such."

"Beats having fools trying to collect my head and steal my gold," said Dragma. "By the way, work on your head a bit - the dragon-looking helmet thing will only work for so long. Talking without moving your lips helps a bit, but if someone got a good look, they'll realize what you are."
Three days later, the knight lead the caravan of several dozen wagons, each filled to the brim with gold, to the dragon queen's lair. When the entrance was in sight, he ordered his escorts to remain where they were, and approached the beast's cave alone.

The other knights didn't know if they should admire him for his bravery, or pity him for stupidity. Either way, they did as they were told.

The knight dismounted his horse and stepped up to the mouth of the cavern. "Dragon queen!" He called, his voice echoing "Your tribute has arrived!" Two glowing, firey eyes appears in the darkness, coming closer until the dragon's head was visible.
         Looking to her, the Dragon Knight took in the beauty of the queen of dragons everywhere.

         Her scales where a shiny golden color that shined in the warm sun, her white horns, freshly trimmed and polished from years of of growth, her teeth shine to glisten like pears of a necklace, and her eyes as green as the forest around them.

         Looking to the knight, the dragoness calmed herself, remembering her little scheme.

         "So it has, and as I said, the princesses have been cared for and may return to their respective kingdoms."
The knights were whispiring amongst themselves for barkeeps were not known for keeping secrets. The knight took off the oddly shaped helmet and they gasped in surprise! It was none other than the prince of the Altair region known for keeping the peace!

The prince calmly explained to the dragoness. "If you accept my offer, you will get more than just this gold. Make me a dragon lifebound as your mate & I promise to teach you and our offspring how kindnesr flows like diamonds. Instead of killing or kidnapping, far less effort will be spent to receive far more gold & satisfaction. Have you ever considered using all that power for the good of many? Protect the kingdoms & humans will see you as a friend. I know your desire for me & that your magic can do & more."

The dragoness accepted on the spot so impressed & intrigued by the human & wanting a life so pleasing to her kind. Her maternal nature began to take over. She gently picked up the night in her tail while nudging the princesses out with her muzzle.
"Well, better than what some expected," said a voice.

The knights looked, to find themselves looking at a human-sized stone-like dragon, that could be mistaken for a statue.

"You might want to take your princesses and get out of here," the smaller dragon said. "She's about to get busy with him, and it would be very rude to stick around."
Taking the stone dragon's advice, the escorts quickly began their journey's home, not wanting to be around when the two dragons started to get it on. Dragon mating ceremonies often lasted for days, and they had a tendency to like it rough and fiery. That last part being quite literal.
         Once inside the cave, the now identified prince removed his armor, leaving him in a enchanted leather suite.
         "So, why all this just to get my attention?"
         Releasing a sigh, the dragoness looked to him with a slight blush to her.
         "To be honest, it was the way you treated our kind, letting them hide in plain sight to earn a honest living. You helped us in ways that most never would. That's why I took a interest in you."
The prince nodded. "Both dragons & humans should learn from each other. Fate brought us together to begin a new age of peace, prosperity, & friendship between both our kinds. Of course, many humans will oppose this & I imagine the same will go for your dragon subjects. So I must ask that you use your magic to make us both dragon queen & king in form as well as to increase our size, strength, power a hundred fold to ensure the protection of ourselves, allies, & our eggs." The prince blushes before adding, "could we both be anthro?" The dragoness queen readily agreed as it was both sound reasoning & she secretly enjoyed the thought of herself being of a massive size with an even more massive chest, not to mention both of them swelling up with muscle. She opted for a white, curvey, supple figure with a more pure feature set while the dragon to be would be black, sporting a solid, muscularly swollen, corrupted figure so they would make a light/dark elemental set. She lit them on fire to start the transformation.
The fire soon died down.

"Now, for the real fun," the dragoness said.
"Shall we have some foreplay first, or do you just want to get right to it?" Said the dragoness with a sultry tone.
         Running a hand over her scaled ass while another groped her generous bust.
         "We start now, we can some real fun by having ourselves all the clutches you want beautiful."
         Moaning from the pleasure of his touch, the dragonness began to breathe heavy from his touch.
         "Then lets begin.~"
They were transformed but they hadn't grown yet. The dragon couple were about 3 times the size of a bull. As they mated though, they began to grow. The dragoness was to become ever more busty while both were to amass monstrous amounts of muscle. The longer they kept at it the more they were to grow in this way with no potential limits. (NOTE: Will the next author please describe this growth sequence with how it felt and describe how they grow comparing various features to other objects like the part below.) Their bodies began to expand and their muscles swelled. The dragoness' chest expanded exponentially to her size. They groaned in ecrtatic pleasure as their forms quickly outgrew the cave bursting it open. The mucles were becoming ever more promonent. Now each the size of a duke's mansion, the queen's breasts were each as big as a well off peasant's house. The stone dragon then pulled a prank. He squeezed into her cleavage and added his own magic to make or growth twice as fast and as potent ar her mate's.
"Third or forth glass?" Dragma asked the patron, back at the tavern.

"What's it to you?" the patron asked.

"Because your scales are starting to show, and this isn't that weak Dwarf stuff," said Dragma.
Feeling kinky with his new mate, the knight decided to suckle on the Queen's breast as they continued their passionate mating session. This pleased her greatly as she began to moan rather loudly. So much in fact, that half of the neighboring kingdoms knew that somewhere, a dragoness was getting laid.
(Am I the only one caring about decently long entries now?)

They continued to grow and soon the dragoness' chest began to envelop her mate. It was swelling so to such huge proportions that it was becoming bigger than the both of them together. As the ground cracked under the weight of their scaly flesh and monsterous amound of muscle the dragon knight speaks. Okay, as much as I'm enjoying being smothered by your chest, I think a mountain sized dragonness with the strength to crush the planet is good enough protection for our eggs. I'm *yawn* going to take a nap in here. The dragoness got to work laying. She laid three eggs. One with a pure white shell, one with a pure black shell, and the 3rd was a curious rainbow of colors. The first two were the size of barns while the 3rd was the size of a castle.
(Sometimes, folks are better with certain topics than others. )

The prince looked at the eggs and smiled. "My children."
         Seeing his clutch, the prince came to realize the tavern owner had a point and began to plan on how he can turn a cave into a tavern.
         'Not only can I make a bussiness for us, but I can start to bring peace further together.'
As the dragon knight sleepily contemplated this, he had a vision. Many human & dragon armies would beset them to either dertroy or control the hatchlings to be. If they succeeded, war between the two species would never end until everyone was dead & the earth a scorched, resourceless wasteland. However, if the eggs survived, they would hatch into 3 powerful dragons. The white egg held Lunesta. She would teach harmony & unity. The black egg held Coltar. He would teach the cooperation between human and dragon to defend kingdoms in wartime. The rainbow egg held Ketch. A hybrid male/female, she was to be an omni with power over all domains & elements. She would be the future Dragon Prime from which all dragon & human royalty would decend. Shi would rule both kinds wisely for the rest of time & all would revere hir.
Meanwhile, Dragma was listening to to the talk from some of the patrons as he looked up at a timepiece he had.

"Alright you lot, time for you to clear out," he said. "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Maybe the brothel will take you in if you still feel like spending money."

© Copyright 2023 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰, soodersooder, Friendly Neighborhood Derg, BIG BAD WOLF is Merry, Johnny Foxx, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2291902-When-a-Dragoness-falls-for-a-Knight