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Lizzy Borden tells all what really happened from her point of view. |
Prologue "Lizzy Andrew Borden. Out of defense of your family and your long history in this community, I have ordered that these proceedings remain closed to the public at large. I would ask that both the prosecution and defense refrain from discussing any details of the case as it moves forward." A stone-faced Lizzy Bordan was at this moment ushered to the stand. Dried tears streaked her cheeks, and she sat upright facing a jury of men. Men who thought she should feel at least a little sorry for her behavior up to this point, who felt she should feel a bit ashamed of her lifestyle. Lizzy straightened her back and her resolve. For the truth was, she did NOT feel sorry in the least bit and nor would she waste one more moment of her life apologizing! The bailiff placed the Holy Bible in front of her face and instructed her, "Please place your right hand on the bible and answer after me. Lizzy Borden, do you swear to tell the truth before the almighty God and the witnesses here before you, pertaining to the murders of Andrew and Abby Borden?"... The truth? Funny thing that. That truth has many different faces. There's the cold hard truth; The agreed upon truth, that we all had to live with; and the speculation-which is basically what everyone else thinks is the truth-which couldn't be further from it. So, what is the truth? Did I kill my parents? Did I act alone or did the maid help? Did John? All great questions-and yeah there's ample motive. - but no; and yes. Confused yet? Good. Now, that I have your attention, let's begin, shall we? 1. 'Love lifted me; when nothing else would do love lifted me...' The small voices of the Central Congregational Church Children's Choir trill throughout the pastoral halls. I had devoted most of my life to teaching these cherubic little sponges all about Jesus and heaven. It is about the only thing I had to look forward to after my mother died. And then, my father married that horrible Abby Durfree Gray-whom even her own family members loathe.- Ever since she moved in, I have immersed myself in every church event offered. After the children are finished singing their song, I usher them off the stage and towards their waiting parents. I make my way to our families pew and settle in as the preacher begins his usual sermon on loving others or being good stewards. I let my thoughts wander briefly to the land of what ifs and what it would be like If I hadn't had the "Accident" and was able to have children. "Would I have married? Would I have children to teach Sunday school lessons to?" Unconsciously, I slipped my hand inside the top of my skirt and traced the outline of the scar just below my belly button. My father's harry eyebrow jarred my back into reality and I quickly snapped myself back into shape. Andrew Borden was known for keeping an orderly household. That included his daughters, My sister Emma and myself. One toe out of line and he'd whack it right back in. 2. After church, we invited a few of father's friends and some of Emma's Sunday School mates back to our house for a pick nick on our front lawn. Our uncle John Morse-my mother's brother-was also there. He was at church too, which I found a bit odd since he hadn't been around the family in years and last she heard he was residing with Charles Morse in Warren, Rhode Island. However, the whole day was odd and getting odder, first father never invites people over, and there we were having a picnic with people from the church and uncle John. Then, when the new maid walked out with our meal, I completely put the odd events of the day out of my mind. She was breathtaking! Her eyes were emeralds; Her hair raven; and her skin like milk. She smelled of honey and lilacs. I was over taken by her beauty. And this overwhelming growing need to be near her. Not in a lustful way, to be sure. In fact, I wasn't sure what this was exactly. But one thing I did know for sure, is that father and the church would not approve. 3. Because I was so enamoured with the help, I failed to notice my dear sweet sister's and uncle John's departure. But I did notice when a sandy haired thumb of a boy pulled up in front of God and everyone riding on a millet motorcycle, of all things! All loud and ruddy. Causing such a stir, he could've woke the dead with that thing, had we been in a cemetary. He hopped off the motor bike and headed in the direction of father, a sealed mailer envelope cluched tightly in his grubby hand. Then, when he was close enough he handed the envelope over to father. "Mr. Borden?" Father looked stunned and confused as he opened the envelope and scanned the documents contained inside." Yes, but I don't understand. This is paternity results and it says you are my son?" Everyone gasped. Son? How could that be? Was he unfaithful to mother? " I wanted to see you for myself Dad" Then he sneered and revealed a set of shark teeth. This was what true evil looked like. |