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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2264619
I am going to submit this even though the Magic Words contest is over.
1057 Words

At the campsite, the forest was filled with evergreen trees. Jasper and Luellen Jingles Berry chose this spot to have their private little feast. A light suddenly appeared out of the blue. No one has ever seen anything like it before. This happened in Plutopia, Mississippi, where nobody wanted to live; it was boring. In this town, a celebration not to be talked about was Christmas. They had a law that prohibited wishing someone a Merry Christmas. They didn't believe in having fun; if by chance they were to get some snow, no one was allowed to play in it.

A villain by the name of Petrid Hulley Field was in complete charge of this town. He lived in Wonder Ville, Florida. He would penalize people for stringing up Christmas lights. The penalty for doing this was not to allow any kind of association with family and friends. Worse than Scrooge, the church bell wasn't allowed to ring.

Tonight, in Mississippi, there was a diaphanous color of burnt orange. Centered on restoring Plutopia, Mississippi back to the happiness it deserved, an opulent color of a palace on this particular morning, Christmas Day, was glorious to the max. This winter, a carriage came by to shine a light. The first ones to notice this were none other than Jasper and Luellen. Their eyes were opened wide to the sights, smells, and colors that the carriage provided. Things were beginning to look up until Petrid Hulley Field showed up with a very sinisterly laugh. The laugh was enough to shake the joy right off of the faces of the Jingle Berry's. What on earth could they do about it? They were afraid of this guy, let alone brave enough to stand up to him. It was evident that they were disappointed. Could this town ever revive itself? Was there any hope left in this town for the excitement to come back?

Little toes, twinkling like sparkles of light, meandered throughout the town one day, while the magnificence of the snow-white beauty was captured. The toes knocked on every door, letting the people know that little birds were wearing aquamarine shoes on their pretty little feet, lavender hats with a snowflake design on top, bright-blue scarves around their necks, bright orange-red shirts, bright orange-yellow suits, and bright multi-colored ties. Their pretty little bodies were well suited for the occasion. They were ready to sing the most joyous Christmas Carols that one could ever imagine. Filling everyone with love, the town came alive with laughter. This was exciting, well, and good, until Petrid Hulley Field, the villain, got wind of this. To put a damper on this joyous time, he flew down from Wonder Ville, Florida to Plutopia, Mississippi. He made it a point to steer the little birds in a different direction. By having a cold wind come through the town, all the singing stopped. The cold chill made everyone go back inside their homes. It didn't take long for the town to become dull once more.

This looks like the ending to a beautiful story. Don't be gloomy; all you have to do is close your eyes. Once they're closed, the magical genius of Plutopia, Mississippi will come back to life. Put your fantasy dream to work. Have a little bit of faith. The face of a dog with the body of a kitten will soon appear, followed by the face of a horse with the body of a monkey. To see these four animals put on a show, what would bring you better joy? The birds brought peace, harmony, and friendship back with a new lift. Joy, laughter, and singing returned when the townspeople saw this. Compassion, warmth, and understanding will be re-united with a depth of gratitude from the heart. Exciting messages that would never go away, it was a relief to see Plutopia, Mississippi filled with a renewal of kindness.

Will Petrid Hulley Field come back with more villainous tactics up his sleeve, or will this drive him away? No one knows, but, for now, the town will cherish the moments they had for as long as they could. They didn't want to let anyone or anything take all the joy away from them again. Only time will tell how long these momentous occasions were going to last. Nothing could be more precious than taking in all the sights and sounds.

As days passed, memories grew. Then, a great amount of tension filled the air with anxiety, depression, and doubt. What happened to the little bit of faith that they had? They let down their guard. They asked themselves, "To have this kind of joy forever, who did we think we were?" This was too good to be true. "Were we stupid enough to think that Petrid Hulley Field won't haunt our town again?" "After all, he is a villain". When people are happy, villains come because they can't stand to see that happen. Why are villains against people being happy? What has happened in their life that makes them want to attack and belittle someone to the point that would shatter their world? These questions are worth finding out.

Always looking behind their backs, these people are walking on eggshells, expecting to be punished for having such a good time. They feel guilty for establishing new friendships. This villain has caused so much sadness, that the people could not overcome it.

It's time for the people to come up with a master plan that will make the curse of Petrid Hulley Field go away. A villain is a villain is a villain. How could this monster be villainized? Was Petrid a man or a woman? How would they ever find out? I'm sure, eventually, that they will find out. How do they plan on capturing this villain? Tune in, the answer may surprise you. On the radio, commercials of victory will be broadcast. It will be a fine day when a decision is made on how to capture this villain. Perhaps, to change his ways; they could get a female villain, then, he wouldn't turn out to be so bad. This would charm the socks right off from the people of this town.

The End.

Written by Anna Marie Carlson
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

© Copyright 2022 Anna Marie Carlson (annamc.poet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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