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Thinking about God's hand in man's plans. |
The thought in my mind this morning is, "Won't God Do It!" I hear this all the time, and I often agree. This mooring, I asked the question, "Won't God Do What?" As I listened to Genesis, Chapter 45, when Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, the words, won't God do it raced across my mind. Here's what I came up with. 1. Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery. 2. Joseph was thrown into the Dungan 3. Joseph had to work for a living 4. Joseph EARNED the right to rule and to govern 5. Joseph did not grow puffed up 6. Joseph did not forget where he came from 7. Joseph remembered his father and his younger brother 8. He did NOT reveal himself until it was the appropriate time 9. He was not hostile or angry 10. Joseph realized that his brothers had sold him into slavery, BUT it was all part of a greater plan put into place by God -- God sent me ahead of you to prepare the way 11. Joseph did not blame his brothers but acknowledged God's handiwork 12. Joseph was not finished carrying out God's will! Won't God Do It is an absolute truism when given and taken in the right context -- God will do it according to God's plan. No, God won't do it because we deserve it or because we told Him to. When we acknowledge the hand and work of God in all that we do, then, YES, God will do It according to His word. No, we are not perfect. Yes, bad things happen to us even after we work hard and put in the time, and even then, things just don't work out the way "we planned them." What a blow in the face. After giving it all you have, preparing while your friends were goofing off, partying, and doing everything they wanted, you kept your nose to the grind, and look what you have to show for it. And, oh yes, those same old friends seem to be doing just fine. What the hell? Well, do not lose courage. God has not forgotten you even though it feels like it. Joseph's brothers had forgotten. They did even recognize him. But look at what was done for evil come through like a shining star. (Sid bar, me being labeled the "get back queen" would probably not have been fit for Joseph's job.) But from the very beginning, God had a plan for Joseph. God knew that in the end, Joseph would be in the right place to save his entire family and bloodline. Are you in the right place? Are you in the right frame of mind to be used by the Almighty? Or are you a get-back queen/king and can't see the forest for the few trees right in front of you? Just something to think about. "Won't God Do It?" Yes, if you get YOU out of the way! I am going to have a great day today ON PURPOSE. I hope you will join me. Peace and blessings always to all of you. |