Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2246565-Spirit-of-the-Leprechaun
Rated: E · Poetry · Horror/Scary · #2246565
Poem written a leprechaun spirit haunting a family
Leaving the hotel early in the morning,
I head down Route 66 in quite a hurry.
My graveyard destination is full of scorning.
At night the spirits are full of uncontrollable fury.

I travel as fast as my little car will take me.
I stop to watch an Indian pow wow in Oklahoma.
An Indian chief whispers in my ear behind me.
“Beware, I had a dream of haunting in Waynoka.”

There is an angry Leprechaun spirit,
whose pot of gold was stolen.
Everyone should dare to fear it,
And don’t go near if the river is swollen.

The Leprechaun’s spirit travels to and fro,
Among the graves and all around them
To find out who took his gold and owes
A retribution to forever haunt them.

I left the Indian dance with a sense of dread.
I looked around and realized it’s getting late.
I hurried along my way to visit my dead,
And wondered what was going to be my fate.

I arrived at my destination just before dark
And realized the day before it had rained.
It was so quiet not a dog did bark,
And realized the river banks were strained.

I took a flashlight to find the headstone
Where my loved one’s grave was located.
I noticed a sudden movement where my light had shone.
There was a little man who looked very educated.

He stared at me through dark green eyes
And dressed in all green with reddish-brown hair,
He glanced up and down me figuring out my size.
He watched to see who I was seeing there.

I continued to search up and down the graves
To see where my third great-grandfather was buried.
Reading carefully the writing the writer engraves,
Noticing each gravestone’s age was varied.

I finally found my ancestor’s place at the end of the row.
The Little man in green was still watching me carefully.
I placed the bouquet of flowers in the vase for a show,
The little man started dancing around ever so joyfully.

I realized then I had seen the spirit of the leprechaun.
I looked carefully around just one more time.
I felt heavy in heart and had a look of woebegone,
And decided to leave before it was my bedtime.

As I got back in my car and started to drive away,
I realized the little leprechaun was now in my car too.
I slammed on my breaks as I started to pray.
What the old chief had told me actually came true!

It was my ancestor who had stolen his gold.
Now this guy plans to haunt my family forever.
With grief in our hearts, we will grow old,
Because the spirit of the leprechaun dies never.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2246565-Spirit-of-the-Leprechaun