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A tiny, malleable guy attempts to navigate life and an internship at a law firm |
Background (Written by Hectic) A lot has changed in the past 25 years since the great shrinking epidemic swept across the world. In an event that some called a medical mystery and others called an act of god, a type of shrinking virus spread to every corner of the earth, affecting part of the population while leaving another part completely fine. Those who fell victim to this virus rapidly shrunk down to one inch tall, but at the same time gained a strange durability and malleability that has baffled scientists and doctors alike. However, the tiny people were not ones to complain about these newfound characteristics, as they were the only things preventing their lives from being taken by a stray step or anything else of that nature. The third most interesting aspect about this inexplicable shrinking is the fact that only men seem to have suffered from it, with women across the world remaining completely unaffected. From the first day of the shrinking event it was expected that society would change drastically, and while it definitely did, surprisingly much of it remained the same. There was no evil women’s takeover or forced servitude of the now smaller men. For the most part, many men who had a job that did not require physical labor of any kind were able to continue living somewhat normal lives. Certain laws were put into place which prevented too much malicious behavior from befalling the tiny men, but these were really only enforced when a woman would purposefully try to kill, kidnap, or otherwise torture them. The vast majority of the time women would get away with any accidents between them and the tiny guys with a small slap on the wrists. You You have never known life without the existence of tiny men, being born one yourself. You didn’t have the easiest time growing up, no tiny guys have, but you have done better than many considering you made it this far. You recently graduated with a law degree from Owentown University but, due to a considerable amount of your time at university spent missing classes due to being squashed in various places, you didn’t have the best grades. This led most law firms to reject you, the combination of middling grades and lack of experience going against you. You managed to secure an internship at “Martinez, Anderson and Roberts”, a local law firm, in the hopes of gaining some experience. You live in Owentown, in an apartment building which has been retrofitted to house both tiny guys and normal sized people, which you moved into shortly after finishing university, so you haven’t had a chance to get to know many of your neighbours yet. Strangely it seemed that the previous tenant had just disappeared and hadn’t been seen for a few months before you moved in. Our story starts just as you are about to start your first day as an intern. Characters Anthony Little (You)- The main character, and 22 years old. You have pale skin and are decently fit, owing to a lot of running and climbing to avoid the various hazards that plague the life of a tiny man like yourself. You have a head of short black hair and blue eyes, you would consider yourself fairly average when it comes to attractiveness, although many women find most tiny men cute so it has never held you back too much. You are very intelligent, although easily distracted, and you are able to find creative solutions to most of the problems you find yourself in. You are kind and friendly towards others, often to a fault, sometimes being unable to say no to a request that you know will be unpleasant for you. You are also guilty of having wandering eyes on occasion when dealing with the incredibly attractive women who seem to find their way into your life. Greentower Apartments The apartment building you live in. The building is three floors, but your “apartment” is located on the bottom floor. You live in a tiny habitation box that has been installed in an old storage closet which has had the door removed. There are several of these boxes stacked on top of each other, with an elevator connecting each of them to the floor level. You live in the bottom block. The habitation boxes themselves are like mini apartments, with both electricity and running water. As far as accommodation for tiny guys goes, they are on the better end of them. Bonnie Fraser- One of the two women that live across the hall from you. She is 23 years old, stands at 5’11” tall and is originally from Scotland, which is obvious from her faint accent and occasional Scottish vernacular sneaking it’s way into her speech. Her incredibly pale, freckled face is framed by a mane of curly, ginger hair. Her icy blue eyes and full lips project an almost constant air of friendliness and optimism. She is playful and friendly, and from the few conversations you have had with her since you moved in it is obvious she finds tiny guys adorable, as she was incredibly flirty with you. She works at a nearby dance studio as an instructor, and is often seen dressed in her tight clothing that she wears to her work. Her tight clothing shows off her curvy body, which has been enhanced by the toning it has received through years of dancing. Violet Quinn- Roommate of Bonnie Fraser, and lives in the apartment across from you. She is 22 years old and is 5’9” tall. She has short blonde hair and pale skin. Her brown eyes and flawless skin, as well as her physique attract attention that she is usually very uncomfortable with. She is a shy and timid girl, and constantly wears baggy clothes that do little to hide her enormous curves. She has an enormous sweet tooth and hates exercise, a fact that she owes her curves to, possessing quite possibly the biggest ass you have ever seen. She is in her final year of a culinary degree and works part time at a local bakery. Your few interactions with her have been fairly awkward, her shyness making holding a conversation with her difficult. She seems to talk fine with Bonnie, however, so it seems that her shyness fades once she gets to know people. Chloe Kim- One of the residents of Greentower Apartments, she lives down the hall from you. She is a 20 year old woman who’s parents emigrated from South Korea before she was born. She has short black hair and a fair complexion, with emerald green eyes. She stands at 5’5” tall. She has a form that you could tell was once petite, but a sedentary lifestyle with little exercise has led to her putting on a fair bit of weight. Her weight is mostly concentrated around her hips, giving her a sizeable rear end. Chloe works remotely as a programmer and earns extra income by streaming on Twitch. She loves video games and can talk about them endlessly. She also loves food, particularly Mexican food, she finds spice something of a challenge and enjoys eating the spiciest stuff she can get her hands on. She has an unusual attitude towards tinies, she is relatively unobservant around them, often squashing them without realising. This isn’t through any ditziness on her part, she is just unwilling to make the effort to look out for them. She is also unwilling to go out of her way to help them once she has squashed them. She’s not mean, per say, just lazy. When she isn’t squashing them she is fairly kind and talkative normally, treating tinies no differently than she would a normal sized person. Taylor Smith- Your new landlady. She is a 42 years old African American woman with short, curly black hair framing her youthful face, which makes her look years younger than she actually is. She is 5’8” and is one of the curviest women you have ever met, primarily in her monumental chest, which is one of the largest you have ever seen. She is incredibly warm and welcoming, and was towards you when you initially moved in, but after finding out you were a lawyer her demeanour towards you changed. Now she looks at you with disdain. She hasn’t said or done anything to you yet, but you are definitely afraid to step out of line with her. Gabrielle Smith- The daughter of your landlady, Taylor Smith. She is 20 years old, 5,8” and shares a similar skin tone to her mother. Unlike her mother, her hair is long and flowing, reaching down to the middle of her back. She has been blessed by her mother’s genetics and sports some impressive curves as well. You have yet to properly meet her but you have seen her in passing. Little do you know that she is the reason your apartment was available since she decided that the previous tenant would be better as her insole. She is incredibly cruel and enjoys torturing tinies, a fact that her doting mother is fully aware of and simply sweeps under the rug. She is currently at college studying cosmetology and loves to do both her own and her mother’s makeup, as well as practice all of the various things that she learns at college on her mother. Dawn Evans - One of the residents of Greentower apartments. She is 36 years old and stands at 5’11”. You have only ever seen her wearing floral sundresses, which accentuate her modest curves and show off her long legs, flip flops which leave her green painted toenails on display, and with her sandy blonde hair always braided. You don’t know her, but you have seen her walking the halls of the apartment building on occasion. From the few conversations you have overheard her having with someone else as you passed by, she works as a florist. You also overheard one conversation she had on the phone as she passed by you, where she was explaining holistic therapies, the most concerning of which involved tinies. She explained to the other person that tinies have great health benefits when squished against certain parts of a woman’s body. She also lamented the fact that she didn’t have a tiny of her own to try any of them out, which prompted you to leave the area quickly and try to avoid her in the future. She has lived at Greentower for longer than you, and lives on the floor above you with her daughter, Courtney. The Arcade Bullies A trio of eighteen year old delinquents who regularly hang out in the arcade in Greentower apartments, you’ve only had one run in with them before, and were saved by Sarah before they could do anything to you, but you fear what could happen if you were left alone with them. Gwen Lewis- The undisputed leader, and the most naturally sadistic, of a trio of bullies who regularly haunt the arcade in Greentower Apartments. Her neon green hair and multiple piercings mean that she stands out in most crowds. Standing at 6’3”, her towering stature and grunge style of dress helps her impose fear in those smaller than herself. This is aided by the monstrously large pair of black combat boots that she is seen wearing almost all the time. Gwen loves playing cat-and-mouse games with the tinies that cross her path, challenging them to humiliating and nigh impossible trials, dangling the promise that she'll leave them alone if they win, a promise that she rarely keeps. For most of her life, Gwen’s mother has been an ardent tiny-rights activist and close supporter of Miles Jacob's cause, often skipping work to attend protests while neglecting her daughter and leaving the household without a stable source of income. Jealous of her more well-off schoolmates and blaming tinies as the source of her troubles at home, Gwen only intensified the bullying of her tiny classmates and relatives as she grew older. Her several minor brushes with school administrators and the law over her treatment of tinies have only reinforced her hatred of them, viewing their “protected status” as something they are completely undeserving of and she is always happy to remind them of that. Having left the house after clashing with her mom one too many times, Gwen drifts between part-time jobs to make enough to live on, often couch-surfing between her friends' and her cousin, Rebecca Lewis’, places. Rebecca loves her cousin dearly and is constantly trying to guide her back onto the straight-and-narrow, trying to nudge her towards Gwen’s dream job, an enforcer for the C.T.C, tasked with hunting down runaway licensed tinies and returning them to their owners. Gwen has been best friends with Courtney since the two were in elementary school together, and while Gwen enjoys playfully mocking and tormenting her naive, eager-to-please bestie (especially whenever Avril is around), she is still intensely loyal to Courtney when push comes to shove. Courtney Evans- One of the residents of Greentower Apartments, and Dawn Evans’ daughter. She is the shortest of the group of bullies, standing at 5’4”, and carries a little more weight than either of her friends. She clearly tries to emulate her best friend Gwen with her style of dress, wearing denim jackets over her more girlish clothing, although she lacks any piercings (her mom wouldn’t allow it) and is usually seen wearing some of Katherine’s merch, who she is a big fan of. She doesn’t harbour any malice towards tinies, but views both her friends tormenting of them and Katherine’s pranks as harmless fun, and is happy to go along with it, usually finding herself dared to carry out the pranks to look cool to her friends. She will put her foot down if it is obvious the tiny is suffering, and is willing to lash out at her friends and help the tormented tinies if the pranks are too overtly cruel, but she unfortunately has an “out of sight, out of mind” attitude when it comes to them, often forgetting about them completely when they are trapped in her stomach or stretched out into clothing. Due to her mom’s eccentric nature, and the fact that as a child she was on the heavier side, she had very few friends to speak of in Owentown. She met Gwen in an arcade and the two bonded over a shared love of arcade games, and to this day Courtney still views Gwen as the coolest person in the world. Avril- The third and most recent member of the trio of bullies. She stands out from her compatriots, having noticeably paler skin and eschewing the brighter colours her friends often sport, she has black hair and wears black makeup. She often wears a black leather jacket along with short shorts and fishnets which are stretched to their limit by her explosively wide hips and thighs. Avril moved to Owentown when she was in her sophomore year, attending many of the same classes as Gwen and Courtney. Initially appearing as the new loner kid and alternative chick of the school, Gwen first viewed her as a fresh new victim to push around. To Gwen’s frustration, Avril seemed completely unphased by the taller girl’s bullying attempts, and after a while Avril embarrassed Gwen in front of their whole class with a prank of her own. Gwen didn’t react violently towards this, as everyone expected her to. Instead, the next day she approached Avril and offered a particular scrawny tiny from their class as a peace offering, and the two became fast friends after that. Avril's past and family are both something of a mystery; she rarely talks about herself and her life more than is absolutely necessary, even to her closest friends. She seems to live rather comfortably alone in a two bedroom apartment, though neither Gwen nor Courtney have ever seen her working a shift in her life. Given her nature of causing trouble and capturing tinies with seemingly no repercussions from the law, rumors around school have speculated that she might have ties to a powerful crime family, but nobody can say for sure. Avril holds a considerably more belittling view of the unfortunate tinies that fall into her clutches, viewing them more as specimens or products that are incapable of complex thought. She seems to have an intimate knowledge and frequently uses Full Length and similar products when handling tinies. Gwen and Courtney have rarely seen Avril play with the same tiny more than once, and she does not seem to wear tinies as clothing very often, so they have no idea where most of their friend's “volunteers” end up. Martinez, Anderson and Roberts The law firm you are starting an internship at. It is a decently sized law firm and is the largest one in Owentown, it is located in the downtown area, on the third floor of an office building. It is only around ten minutes from your apartment to a normal sized person. You interviewed with all three of the partners in a meeting, and two of the three of them voted in favour of giving you a shot as an intern. You need to be sure to keep a good impression with the partners, as they will decide at the end of the year whether they will take you on as an associate. Diane Martinez- One of the partners at M.A.R., and one of the two partners who voted to take you on. She is 36 years old and has blue eyes, dark tanned skin with long, black hair almost constantly pulled back in a ponytail. She is relatively short, standing at 5’5”, but that still makes her miles taller than someone like you, and sports fairly prominent curves, which are untoned from lack of exercise due to her job keeping her busy. She has worked incredibly hard to get to the position of partner, and acts with utmost professionalism. She is incredibly kind and considerate, but that attitude fades towards anyone who embarrasses her or makes her look bad in front of a client. Mia Anderson- One of the partners at M.A.R., and the only partner who voted not to take you on as an intern. She is 38 years old, with pale skin and blue eyes. Her auburn hair is constantly tied up in a bun. She is what many people would describe as a short stack, standing at only 5’2” and has very large curves, which look all the more massive on her small frame. She is always seen sporting very expensive business wear which is stretched to their limits by her curves. She views tiny guys as bugs and finds them distasteful. She thinks that by taking you on as an intern the firm will damage it’s image, so she will take any opportunity to convince one of the other partners that they should fire you. Olivia Roberts- The third partner at M.A.R., she voted in favour of taking you on as an intern. She is the youngest of the managing partners at the firm, at 31 years old and stands at 5’8”. Her gorgeous face, deep blue eyes and plump lips are framed by blonde hair which flows down to her unbelievably wide hips. During your interview with the partners you had to stop yourself from staring at her. She always shows off her generous curves and beautifully tanned skin by wearing business dresses that hug them tightly, and shows off a deep neckline, as well as a good amount of her legs. Between her good looks, massive curves and flirtatious nature she is capable of getting anyone to do whatever she wants, which is what she owes to her success as a lawyer. She voted in favour of hiring you because she finds tiny guys cute, but didn’t do it to be nice. She sees you as another person who she can wrap around her finger and get to do what she wants. Rebecca Lewis- Your high school bully, and first year associate at M.A.R. She is 23 years old, and was in the year above you in school, but you haven’t seen her since she graduated. She towers above you at 6’1”, with long, curly brown hair and green eyes. Her imposing figure is enhanced by her mammoth curves, which have been sculpted by years of playing volleyball, both in high school and during her time at law school. She has tanned skin from constantly practicing volleyball outside in her free time. She spent years in high school tormenting you, from simply making you feel small by a constant barrage of insults, to throwing you onto a teacher’s chair before they sat down or her shoe before a volleyball match. Her daily torments at school caused you to develop minor anxiety issues that you had only recently began to recover from. You haven’t actually had your reunion with her yet, but you did see her at a distance and all the terrible emotions she elicited in you came flooding back. She may have changed, after all it has been years since you’ve seen her, but you doubt it. You fear that she will use you and her working in the same place to relive some of her high school memories, and the embarrassment that will cause you may hurt your image in the eyes of the partners. Isabella Martin- Another intern, she interviewed at the same time as you and you had a brief conversation with her while you were both waiting for your turns. She is tall and curvy, standing at 5’10”, with short cut black hair and dark tanned skin, and is 22 years old. Her eyes are a vibrant green colour and she beaming face radiates a friendly warmth. She carries a considerable amount of weight, and sees herself as fat, but many people would describe her as “thicc”. She is kind and considerate, and during your first meeting with her, she stopped someone from accidentally sitting on you, showing that she is observant and would look out for you. What you don’t know is that awareness disappears when she sits down to do legal work. She isn’t as smart as most of the people who work at M.A.R., and being a lawyer doesn’t come naturally to her, but she makes up for that with perseverance and had work. However, her focus on her work leads to her being incredibly forgetful and unobservant when she is working. Priya Chandra- One of your fellow interns. She is 27 years old and 5’11” tall. Her angelic face is characterised by flawless olive skin (save for a small birthmark below her left cheekbone) and her emerald eyes. She has a sizeable hourglass figure, which has increased in size substantially over the last few years due to her hectic lifestyle leading to an increased consumption of junk food, although all of the weight seems to be going to her hips and bust, leaving her with an only slightly pudgy stomach. As a single mother, she dotes on her tiny ten year old son, Jaiden. She put herself through her law degree by taking night classes, while also working a full time retail job to support herself and her son, which she is still working part time in due to the unpaid nature of the internship. As such, she is constantly exhausted, which makes her slightly oblivious to her surroundings. Despite this, she is very cheery and friendly, and when she inevitably squashes a tiny due to not noticing them, she is always incredibly apologetic. Audrey Anderson- The front desk receptionist at M.A.R., and Mia Anderson’s older sister. She is 44 years old. She stands at 5’7”, with a heavyset pear shaped physique that is mostly centred around her titanic, wobbling backside, owed in large part due to her sedentary job. Her long blonde hair and puffy face hint at someone who would be incredibly attractive, if she cared enough to impress. Her brown eyes betray a near constant boredom and irritation while at work. She is, to put it bluntly, a terrible receptionist. She is lazy, unhelpful and unfriendly, and almost never follows company protocol, despite knowing it inside and out, only doing so when it somehow benefits her. This attitude disappears whenever any of the partners ask her to do anything, until their back is turned and she grumbles about unfair treatment. She does not take kindly to people who she views as “beneath her”, which basically applies to everyone who isn’t the partners, giving her orders, so it is very unlikely that she will handle being given tasks to do by the firm’s first tiny intern. Family & Friends Your family is local to the area around Owentown, and your childhood home is just 25 minutes drive outside of the city. You are the youngest child in your family, and don’t know your father, since he left when you were very young without warning. Deborah Little- Your mother, she is 45 years old and 5’11” tall. You inherited her black hair and blue eyes, but that is where the resemblance ends. Where you are of average attractiveness, Deborah is on a whole other level of attractiveness. Her long black hair and gorgeous face turn many heads, but not as much as the rest of her does. She has tremendously wide hips and a shirt-straining chest, your friends in high school regularly called her a milf, bringing you no end of embarrassment. For her part, Deborah seems unaware of her own sex appeal, and chalks up most of the attention she receives to people just being friendly. Deborah is kind and caring towards you, but she was also one of the more dangerous people for you to be around. She happens to be one of the ditziest and clumsiest people you know. You spent many days in your childhood stuck under her feet or ass, and she never really seemed to realise how bad it was for you whenever it happened, never altering her routines to avoid squashing you. On the contrary, she often found the sight of you reduced to a tan smear underneath her funny, her airheadedness made her just assume that you found the situations you got into funny as well. She also would simply continue what she was doing after discovering you, saying that she would free you when she was finished, but she would often forget you again before she finished. This was a common occurrence and you were often left squashed until she either remembered you again, or someone else spotted you. You often felt that she favoured your sisters over you, but you feel like that was never intentional, it’s just that due to you being squashed a lot that she spent way more time with your sisters than you. She works as a salesperson in a luxury car dealership, and makes enough money that she can afford to pay for your apartment while you take on your internship. Sarah Little- Your oldest sister, she is 27 years old. She is blessed by your mother’s genetics, inheriting her good looks and curves, but has long blonde hair instead of black. She stands at 5’9” She has brown eyes and a warm smile on her face almost always. Sarah is one of the kindest, most considerate people you know and is basically your best friend. While your mother was inattentive due to her airheadedness, Sarah was always there for you. She was most often the person who saved you from Deborah’s accidental crushing, and you two have an incredibly strong bond. She works in a local hospital as a nurse, so you don’t see her as often as you would like, but she does live in the same apartment building as you. She lives on the third floor of Greentower Apartments, and it was actually her who told you about the vacancy. Katherine Little- Your older sister, she is 25 years old. She has a much slimmer build than your mother and oldest sister, and is slightly shorter than them at 5’7”, but is still blessed with some impressive curves. Her long blonde hair constantly has a streak of green dyed in it, to match her eyes. Facially she is probably the most beautiful of your three family members. Almost completely contrasting from Sarah, Katherine is selfish and self absorbed. She is also incredibly inconsiderate, owed to your mom spoiling her for years. She find it hilarious to squash you or watch others squash you without realising it, and has set up various social media accounts dedicated to these “pranks” which all have huge followings. She makes her money as an Instagram influencer and also streams games on twitch. She lives at home with your mom and shows almost no desire to ever leave, since your mom is there to cater to her every need, a fact that keeps Katherine happy and gives Deborah joy to have one of her children home. Vicky Miller - Sarah’s girlfriend of 2 years, 29 years old. She has hazel eyes and short brown hair which is shaved at one side. She stands at 5’5”. Her curves are much more subdued than Sarah’s, but she is still curvy in her own right. Her curves are toned from the fact that she is an avid runner, and spends a lot of her free days training for her next marathon. She works as a nurse, at the same hospital as Sarah, and that is where they met. She has never liked you very much, after her first meeting with you where she sat on you accidentally, but didn’t find you until much later, and finding you attached to her ass gave her the impression that you were a pervert. She has never expressed this to you or Sarah, since you two are so close she didn’t want to upset Sarah. “Aunt” Barbara Biggs - Deborah’s best friend since high school, she is 45 years old and 5’6” tall. She has pale skin and short, blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a build that you would describe as heavy-set, chubby, but not fat. Her massive curves outclass that of Deborah, but they are much softer and less toned. She lives just down the street from your mom, and she has been in your life so much that you just refer to her as your aunt, even thought there is no blood relation. She is fun loving and energetic, and somehow even more oblivious than Deborah, although she doesn’t find squashing tinies funny, getting really upset when she does it accidentally. Despite this, she has used tinies as clothing when she thought they were willing. She spent her life as a housewife, and is the mother of your high school best friend, however ten years ago her husband disappeared (you suspect lost on or inside her somewhere), so now she lives off of his massive life insurance payout. She lives alone since her son moved across the country for college and became lonely, turning to food to fill the void, most of it going to her monster hips and bust, with the rest depositing on her slightly pudgy stomach. Deborah has been pestering her recently to get out there and start dating again. Brett Biggs- One of your childhood friends, and Barbara’s son, he is 22 years old and is a tiny, like you. He inherited most of his looks from his father, and looking at him you would be hard pressed to tell that he was even Barbara’s son because he looks nothing like her. With short red hair and a slim build, the only similarity between him and his mother is their eyes, as he shares her bright blue eyes. You and him have known each other since kindergarten, since your moms have been best friends for years, and were good friends till the end of high school, but grew apart when he moved across the country for college, where he studied business management at Middletown University. He has just recently graduated, and is still looking for a job. He has a similar relationship to Barbara as you do with Deborah, he loves his mom but her obliviousness and constant crushing made him need to get out of his childhood home as soon as he could, although he took it a step father than you did and moved cross country, only really coming home for holidays and other special events. He is more impulsive and hot headed than you are, and that has led him to get in trouble in the past, but aside from that he is a kind person who is highly street smart and good with people, but not as book-smart as you. Jack Little - Your father, 47 years old and 1” tall. While you inherited your mom’s black hair and blue eyes, the rest of you looks much like a younger version of Jack. He has brown, greying hair and brown eyes. Jack is old enough to have known life as a normal sized man, before the shrinking epidemic, and generally did not cope well with his change in stature. Before shrinking, he owned his own construction company, but, when he shrunk, his shareholders viewed it to be in the company’s best interest for him to step back and let a “normal” sized person take the reigns. He was given a very generous severance package and, after some success investing, is very wealthy as a result. His difficulty coping with life at 1 inch tall was only made worse by Deborah’s clumsiness, and not long after your fifth birthday he divorced Deborah. He has always tried to maintain a healthy relationship with his kids, but only really came close to success with you. Sarah never really seemed to forgive him for “abandoning” his family, and Katherine has never really had a healthy relationship with a tiny guy, so it’s not surprising he couldn’t make it work with her. He remarried ten years after divorcing Deborah. In the last few years you haven’t had a lot of contact with him, and you know there is one person who is very clearly responsible for that… Helena Little - Jack’s wife and your stepmom, she is 39 years old and stands at 6’2”. It’s obvious to see what made your dad fall for her, her silver hair, pretty face and monumental, outfit straining curves would turn any man’s head. During the first few years of their marriage, she seemed like a pretty typical stepmom. She was pleasant enough to you, if not a little disinterested and slightly judgemental. But she made your dad happy, so you let any small issues you had with her slide. However, with your dad’s wealth, she had no need to work after they got married. So aside from a few hobbies, all she really had to keep herself occupied when she was home was tv and social media. So when the C.T.C started their shift towards increasingly hostile policies for tinies, she ended up seeing only the positives on tv and what discussions she saw online. This lead to her going down a rabbit hole of misinformation. Now she fully believes that a tiny can only be of use to society if they are being used by the women around them. After nagging your dad about him doing nothing around the house for the better part of a year, she convinced him to get a usage license, and now he practically never leaves her side. Her judgemental nature has also only gotten worse in relation to you. She constantly reprimands you for pursuing a “woman’s job”, and tells you every time you see her that you need to get a usage license and start contributing to society. She also included a clause in your father’s usage license that means she has full control of his finances, and she has told you multiple times that until you stop being a slacker and get a usage license, you will not see a penny of his, or more accurately her, money. Owentown University Throughout your time at Owentown University, you met many people. You had good experiences with some, bad with many others. Several of the people were responsible for you missing enough classes to hold you back, on purpose or not. Tara Jones - Your ex-girlfriend, 21 years old. She has long, curly red hair and two different coloured eyes, one green and one blue. She is incredibly curvy, but her curves are untoned from lack of exercise, many people have called her “thicc” in the past. She is often seen wearing simple clothes, not liking to dress fancy, and tries to go barefoot whenever she is indoors, opting for flip-flops otherwise. She also wears glasses. She is a molecular biology graduate, and now works at the university as a researcher, with a particular interest in the biology of tiny men. She seemed at first to be the ideal girlfriend, she was kind, smart and funny, but the issues started soon after you moved in together. She became very clingy and controlling, and became comfortable enough to share a few kinks that you definitely weren’t on board with, first was finding the idea of having you squashed against her, usually as clothing, really hot, and the other was a much more extreme form of closeness, eating you. She loved the feeling of you in her stomach as she laid in bed before falling asleep and letting you pass through her, knowing that you would be physically unharmed. After the first few times of her doing this, you managed to call Sarah, who immediately came and got you out of there, and afterwards you moved in at Greentower Apartments. Other characters Hanna Miller - Vicky’s mom, 47 years old. Her daughter inherited her hazel eyes, but very little else from the pale skinned blonde. Hanna’s figure is much more subdued than almost all of the women you regularly come across, with slight curves and a slender frame. However, she also happens to be one of the tallest women you would ever meet, standing at 6’4”. She emigrated to the US from Sweden in her teens, and met her husband when she went to university to pursue a degree in physiotherapy, which she now does as a career. You haven’t met her yet, but from what Sarah has described to you Hanna is, to put it bluntly, not very bright, and is generally very unobservant. She is also incredibly kind and is very trusting, which is why she has never noticed that all of the “accidents” her husband gets into may not be quite what he insists they are… Marvin Miller - Vicky’s father, 49 years old. Vicky inherited most of her features from Marvin, including his brown hair and tanned complexion. Marvin also happens to be small even for a tiny, standing at 3/4 of an inch tall. He is however, incredibly fit for a tiny, and boasts a physique that more than compensates for his smaller frame. Marvin was unlucky enough to have known life at normal size before catching the shrinking virus during the breakout at the age of 24. However, unlike most newly shrunken men, Marvin adapted rather quickly in comparison to other men. He saw all of the accidents that tiny guys were rapidly finding themselves getting into on a near daily basis and saw it as an opportunity to indulge himself. Prior to catching the virus, Marvin had cheated on Hanna for pretty much their entire relationship, his wife being none the wiser to this due to her trusting nature, so Marvin saw these “accidents” as a means to continue that trend, only this time he maybe would be able to get close to women that were way out of his league when he was normal sized. Vicky, and most of the other people around him are well aware of his unfaithful, perverted nature, but his wife seems to remain blissfully unaware of it. (More characters to be added in the future) Rules All entries are to be written in the second person (you, your, etc.), but feel free to switch to their person if you want to briefly describe what one of the giantesses is experiencing in a scenario, for example “As you compressed under her weight with a barely audible squishing sound, Chloe heard nothing. She was too focused on her game to notice the slight difference in the cushioning of her gaming chair.” Try to ensure that your entries are not too short, at least a few paragraphs, around 600-1000 characters at least ideally, and try to ensure that it adds something to the story. A bridge chapter here and there is fine but no endless chains of them. Also try to ensure that you spell check and use good grammar. I’d prefer to have a shorter, higher quality interactive than one with a lot of poorly written chapters. Anthony cannot die, he is able to be stretched, squashed, flattened and anything else you can think of, but he won’t die. He reforms after a certain period of time, lengthened depending on how long he was out of his normal shape for. Most stuff usually associated with giantess content is fine, although try not to go too heavy handed on really heavy sexual/ insertion content, I probably won’t delete chapters featuring it if they are well written but as a rule of thumb just don’t do it too often. No content involving giant guys, other guys can feature as long as they are also tiny, but Anthony must remain the main character. This probably won’t come up often, but if a character speaks in another language, the way it should be formatted is to write it in English, but put the words in bold and italics. “Like this” Feel free to add, and I hope people enjoy! |