Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2212496-The-Child
by Miss V
Rated: E · Prose · Emotional · #2212496
A child awaits the woman.
She sits at the window and stares at the glass. The little girl outside stands still watching the woman inside. She tries to focus on the outside when she is startled to find a child at her window.

The child reaches up her hand and wipes the tears from her face, then stretches out her hand in supplication.

In slow motion she watches the tears fall from the child’s hand.

She finds compassion and understanding in those eyes, eyes that seem so wise for one so young.

As she looks closely she finds an invitation in those hands, when at first she felt the child wanted in, she now knows the child wants her out.

She notices the child appears cold, she is shivering, looking unwell. Her compassion comes out and she motions for the child to come to the door, still, the child stands at the window.

Unable to stop herself she starts to shiver as a chill surrounds her.

She must help this child but she can’t go out and get her. Why must she help this child, why won’t this little girl go away?

She reaches up to wipe a tear away from her face, she looks to find the child’s hands out stretched almost as if begging.

She stands, walks to the door. Her legs are weak, her heart beating so fast she feared it would leap from her chest. She turns the door handle. Her fear so strong now, she fears she is unable to go on.

She opens the door, steps out, turns to the child, the child turns to her, and takes the steps needed.

As woman and child embrace tears fall, she feels the small hand reach up to brush the tears away.

She lifts her face to the sky and finds the warmth of the sun.

She had to leave the comfort of her world to allow the child to come in and find warmth. She is no longer cold the chill is gone.

She wonders why at this time did the little girl decide to come to her.

She looks around and find she stands alone. She smiles as she embraces the little girl in her.

She had pushed the child away a long time ago, at a time when when a little girl was unable to deal with so much pain.

Now the little girl needs time to have fun, to play. Time to balance out the scales of life.

Time to cherish the child.

The woman and child are one now as God had meant it to be!
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