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Rated: ASR · Poetry · Nature · #2183667
Snow is rather a dramatic occasion in Southern England......
One by one
They Came.

"It's Snowing!"
We exclaimed as if
A miracle
Had occurred,
And not a breach.

Up they piled,
Like crystal candyfloss
Gathered on naked
Icing Sugar
Across the cricket field.

Crowding along rooftops
And hedges,
Decorating bird tables,
Benches -
Quick snap for a Christmas card -
(Just a month too late....)

Little armies they formed,
Dressed in sparkling white.
Waging war
Against train tracks and
Paving slabs
All through town.

Crunched underfoot,
Destroyed by salt and sun,
And washed away -

The battle was won,

We are not complacent;

For they will return.....

(33 lines)
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