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Emotional guide to unfriendly and jealous world |
Courage and determination are the basic ingredients necessary for organic life, to be able to achieve what seems to be the impossible; we must first learn what constitute an impossible and what constitute a possible. Human theories over centuries has discouraged others, built others and brought confusion and stagnation to others. With that I concluded that a human mind is the most unreliable part of the human being. Mind works with intuition, learning the insight, finding reason and creating awareness. In so doing it build a Person's trust, knowledge, understanding and purpose. Psychologically it means that our minds have the ability to build up negativity or positivity from intuition, insight, reason and awareness. Influences by human theories are generated through thinking, reading and watching. From our deepest soul realm, only come the truth and the facts of which are all going to be at war with human theoretical and practical influences on earth. That simply means humanity at large has no enemy called Satan/Devil or Messiah called Jesus, but the main enemy and messiah is our minds. With such introduction I just wanted to bring you the reader into the level and standard of this article. We need to free ourselves from our claustrophobic environments and explore the depth, length and width of our abilities. There is a saying that God made us in millions to show that we need each other to advance forward. For centuries throughout ancient civilizations we saw how collective efforts have achieved greatness. One can think of Berlin wall, the Chinese wall, Jerusalem Temple, Egyptian Pyramids etc. But has anyone stopped to think about evolution? It all happened through one person's mind. God on the other hand is described in Christianity as Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent which also indicate oneness of many. Does God have anyone helping him? In the book of Genesis 1 verse 26 in the Bible in the account of creation, we read that God only spoke to someone/some beings when He wanted to create a Human Being. All other accounts of creation were solitary inventions. With that I concluded that we only need people when it comes to making people. In our case it will be making babies/children. That's the only period we really need each other. All other things we can do them on our own. Let us look into civilization, let's say I build my Castle and you build yours and everybody builds theirs, won't we have a better civilization where everyone will prove his/her abilities and display their talents on their own works? Won't we be equal and have shared growth by just sharing the space? Humanity has set time frames to achieve their goals; the need for speed to meet deadlines gave rise to employing more people to finish something quicker or within the specified time frame, and that meant more people had to work at one place during a particular time creating development shortages at their places. That created a rich and poor gap between the people, naturally the poor receives a punishment for ignoring their own development and work for somebody's dream or goal. In Setswana we have a saying about such people; they are called "BAIPOLAI BA BA SA LELELWENG". That means they deserve whatever is happening to them because it is self-inflicted as they went for empty glory of another Man's throne while ignoring themselves. The other crucial part is lack of understanding as to what is Eternity which is also dissolving human beings in mass graves through mining and agriculture. The more we can all start working on our own and do things the way we want them to be the better for our ailing planet. No one can build his/her dream around other people's ideas, it will flop as time goes by and when it goes down, the blame usually goes to owner of a dream just to prove that once more it would've been better if the person could've went for his/her dream alone. Eternity should be the central key of our thoughts, we were born alone {except twins and others} to live forever, we are supposed to grow not age. There is a certain stage in life that if we get to, all mortal battles should cease. Human development initiatives mortalise people, all the work on this planet exhaust the human race and has no value to life. It serves few people at the expense of many, and that create wars and tensions, bitterness and hatred. No one wants to be poor, no one wants to lack what others have and for us to end such things, each one of us needs to work and rely on his/her self. You cannot build anything for yourself through another Man's resources and time, that may amount to fraud and criminal activities such as stealing and swindling. Those who worship me will inherit riches -Satan -reference to Matthew 4 verse 8 . Those who believe in me will enter my father's kingdom - Jesus - reference to John 14 verse 13-16. What about all who don't believe in Jesus or Satan? Will they have no blessings or rewards? Wasn't God who said will fight for us; we need only to be still? - Exodus 14 verse 14.}These are spiritual mind games that continue to rob humanity their greatest gift of life. Such games call for organised groups of people with similar worship objectives to serve one spiritual entity that only exist in their minds which has been planted by a mere word in their brains. Emancipating ourselves from such organised crimes against humanity will lead us into paths of righteousness were we will reach our full potential and maturity to be able to stand on our own for timeless life spans. There is only one sovereign God of creation who said to Isaiah, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand -Isaiah 41 verse 10". That speaks to many of us. I am quite sure most of us have experienced such promise along the course of life. This world's philosophy is manipulative to human perception; it uses all sorts of tricks and deception to keep humans engaged in its fairy tales. We need to break free and stop seeing reliance as assistance. Relying on something or something is simply failing ourselves, our abilities and our potential. We will never know how great we are by living on other people's shadows, it's time we reclaim our God given power and glory, our dominion over our lives and our destinies. It all starts with emancipating ourselves from seeking our abilities and potential from other people. Let us recognize what we have and start working on our gifts and talents on our own and see how further we'll go. The more we get busy the more experienced we become and the more perfect we'll get. We all have rational means of dealing with difficult and dangerous situations. We all possess the knowledge of right and wrong, how can we fail by trying on our own? What scares us to take a giant leap of faith? What is tying us to seeking assistance for our talents and abilities? What makes us believe we need to be helped? Let's cut the speed, let us slow down a bit and adapt to a pace that is within our abilities, let us work based on what we can do and not what we are motivated that we can do. Motivation at times is encouraging a person to attempt things that are beyond his/her capabilities. I am saying a Mountain is natural, why work on developing faith that can move it while you can work on it or around it? It is already a naturally given treasure, a start-up. Just enhance it, don't destroy anything on it, rather do research about it, what it likes and what it doesn't and beautify the environment with your creations based on considering the natural structure you found there. Now that's being great, you will be replenishing the earth not destroying it as referenced in Genesis 1 verse 28 King James Version (KJV) "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth". Each one of us needs to learn expert knowledge that is necessary for task specializations such as natural, scientific and technological skills. The Rabbit, as a prey animal for a wide variety of other animals, is still surviving, that should teach us that even great predators fail in hunting. Same goes for humanity; we must not let other people's greatness dictate over us with a rule of fear. We can be just like a Rabbit, smart and shrewd to survive eternity and have beauty, purity and cleanliness that even the greats doesn't have. We must acknowledge that our talents are sources of wisdom, healing and positivity and that through them we can achieve anything we want or desire without being assisted by anyone. We should acknowledge our similarities to a fully grown Birch tree, realise that we are able to give life and transform evil into good which we call to right the wrongs in life. If all of us can trust our own deep intuitions, we'll need very little formal education of which we can still harvest naturally through our experiences. The more we work on our talents and abilities, the more abundance, joy and harmony is reflected in our lives. Dependence on aid or assistance makes us stagnant and redirects us to dwell deeper into affairs of others which hold our attention and involve us in their programmes and activities of which nothing great about us will come out of that. Yet we must be careful not to break the need to assist each other as we are already deep within this dependency or need help syndrome, but our focus should be to end it and explore our own abilities on solitary confinements. I can imagine a festival of talents where exhibition will be of totally new unseen displays of creativity. Yes! It is possible. We all agree that for all of us to come right at times we need to be on our own spaces. There is no denying that we reach deeper within ourselves when we are in solitude, which simply tells us that a lot can come out of solitary confinements, I mean the world's greatest ideas were birthed in such solitude environments. We need to keep growing our abilities to understand many areas of life and most importantly to grow our talents to reach full potential without depending on anyone for such growth. I am much aware that lot of people takes time to open up to their own unique potential mostly due to being less spiritually evolved which in reality is a functional thread or conveyor belt to talent. The more we open up to natural tuition within ourselves the more we'll progress naturally on our own unaided. We should cease to have our thoughts drifting in all directions seeking help but invest in our minds to think of the potential that we possess and use whatever we have from wherever we are to achieve whatever it is that we need to achieve. Do NOT doubt yourself, no one should. |