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Nature helps us when we least expect it to. |
God has gifted us with a nature full of surprises and abundance. Mother nature is truly an universal mother who takes care of all irrespective of humans, animals, plants or any creature just as a mother does not differentiate between any of her children. It gives shelter to all in times of need in strange and unexpected ways just as mother protects her child from danger and distress without thinking of her safety. All she wants is to hold her child securely in her arms ensuring a safety blanket that no one can possible reach. As mature in life some of our beliefs are wired in our minds in such a way that we cannot seem to believe that mother nature makes her presence felt through miracles every minute of the day leaving us in awe, wanting us to trust her more. In a dense forest creatures lived in harmony. Huge trees provided abodes not just to birds but also to many animals who look for variety in life, sometimes mingling with each other while sometimes preying on them to keep themselves alive, thus forming the perfect cycle of life where every single day is full of hope and survival ! Far away in a picturesque jungle a tiny little bird flew across frantically looking for shelter. Spring had rendered most of the trees leafless forcing the creatures to go homeless who had no other place to live but the trees which not only protected them but also proved to be the perfect haven from predators. The dark grey sky showered down incessantly filling up the atmosphere with a sweet intoxicating smell of earth. Little birdie soared above wondering where to take shelter which would protect him from the merciless rains so that he could hunt for food. It flew far away hoping to find a big tree with wide enough branches where he could live peacefully. Not a single tree was to be found which would promise him a comfortable life that he had been leading so far. Birdie had become so tired that he finally decided to rest by a small shrub which would at least protect from the rains. Birds chirping loudly with a beautiful breeze across the sun kissed sky woke up birdie next morning. He was so tired he didn't realize when he had fallen asleep under the shrub. The rains had stopped and life was getting back to normal. Little animals went around hunting for food. A new place with strangers kept birdie confused. Gone were his squirrel friends who kept him amused all day long. When birdie was too tired to hunt for food and could not find anything to eat the leftover corns and fruits that his friends would offer kept him replenished. What was he going to do now ? The tiny shrub was only place to take shelter. Days passed as birdie started getting used to his new abode. When it rained it would close its eyes and hide amongst the leaves remembering about the carefree days he had spent on the branches of the trees with his friends all around. How he missed the good old days. Tears filled up its eyes but alas what could it so ! The tiny shrub was now beautifully growing up small red flowers giving it a distinct look. Birdie had some friends now who visited him regularly and play all day long. He befriended "Nightingale" who would travel with him hunting for food all around the forest. Both started loving each other's company and couldn't live without each other. The shrub now had a cozy little nest where both of them lived happily. The huge trees were once again full of leaves and little creatures. Birdie would often think " What use is the tree when the leaves dry up and the rains come down?" A huge tree becomes useless at the needed hour. He was happy with his friends on the tree but when faced with adversity a small plant which was insignificant for others had given him a new leash of life. Birdie and Nightingale had a blessed family with wonderful friends who had made the MIGHTY shrub their beloved home. He understood the importance of life during his most challenging days. He was happy and contended. Nothing whatsoever is insignificant in life. The strongest person can prove futile in crisis whereas the smallest and seemingly weak one can be of greatest help in life. In critical times it is the inner strength that keeps us going and makes us stronger to move ahead. Look around and you will see such miracles happening. When we think we have failed life opens up doors taking us to newer heights. Never be afraid and never give up ! |