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Rated: E · Chapter · Other · #2177508
Zola is home with her mom during Christmas while her dad is gone in the military.

A Christmas Miracle

It's only 2 days till Christmas and Zola cannot wait. She has been going on and on about all the different gifts that she wants for Christmas. Zola goes from the kitchen into the living room to talk to her mom about some more things to put on her Christmas list.

"Hey mom" Zola says. Zola's mother Meredith looks up.

"Yes Zola". Says Meredith.

"Did you write down that I also wanted makeup for Christmas? The girls in my class are wearing makeup and I have none." said Zola as she walks around the couch. Meredith looks over at Zola.

"You do remember that you are only nine right? When I was your age, I wasn't worrying about wearing makeup or who had a crush on who." says Meredith.

"But mom!" yells Zola. "Everyone has makeup except me!"

Meredith walks over to Zola and takes a seat next to her. She looks into Zola's deep brown eyes and looks at her silky brown hair. "Honey, you don't need makeup to fit in or look any prettier than those other girls. You are already so beautiful."

"Thanks, mom. But I would still like some makeup soon." said Zola.

Zola then goes upstairs to her room. She looks in her mirror and stares at herself for a while. She tries to see what her mother is seeing in her. To her, she was nothing like her mother was seeing.

"Zola, time for bed." Meredith shouts up the stairs.

Zola slowing gets up from sitting on the floor looking in the mirror. "9 o'clock already?" Zola whispers to herself. Zola walks to the bathroom to brush her teeth and comb her hair. Once she is done in the bathroom she goes back into her room and lays on her bed. She covers herself up and slowly drifts away in her sleep.

"Zola, time to get up for school!" Meredith yells up the stairs.

Zola gets off her bed and goes into the bathroom to freshen up. She walks back to her room once she finishes and puts on some clean clothes. As she walks down the stairs, she can smell the breakfast being made. Savory bacon, sweet blueberry muffins and some waffles. She sits down at the table and starts to dig into all the food. Meredith takes a seat beside her. As Zola is eating, she is thinking about a question that she wants to ask her mom.

Zola's dad is in the military, so she never knows when he is going to come home or even if. She always wants to ask her mom around the holidays if he will be home, but she doesn't want to be sad if her mom says that he will not make it home this year in time. Zola gets up the courage to ask her mom

"Hey mom, I was wondering something" says Zola.

"Yes, Zola?" Meredith replied.

"Will dad be coming home for Christmas? He been gone for a while now.

Meredith scoots over to Zola and gives her a big hug.
"You've been missing him a lot too, huh?" Meredith says.

Zola squeezes more into her mother as they hug. She cannot help but let a little tear out, but she does not let her mother see.

Meredith looks at Zola. "I don't think that he will make it home in time this year honey."

Zola starts to tear up. Meredith quickly hugs Zola once again.

"How about we go and bake some cookies. There is only 4 days till Christmas, so we should make some goodies for the family." says Meredith.

Meredith and Zola go into the kitchen. The mix together cookies and different bars. There was a big amount of chocolate and sprinkles. Once the cookies were cooled Zola ate some lunch with cookies for dessert. Zola finished with her meal and went into the living room to watch some TV. Meredith cleaned the dishes up and looked for what she could make for supper.

Zola watched TV for an hour and then her mom walked into the living room.

"Zola is there anything else you want to do today?" asked Meredith.

Zola sat there thinking of anything that she could possibly do that she was not already bored of doing. She sat there thinking as hard as she could. Then it came to her.

"Do we have any paint left mom?" asked Zola. "I want to make a painting for dad for Christmas since he won't be here."

"I will have to go look but I think we do." Meredith replied.

Zola followed her mother into the craft to look for a canvas, paint, and some brushes. Zola picked out some bright red and green so that her painting could be more like a Christmas painting. Once Zola got all of her painting items together, she started on her painting. She painted a big Christmas tree and also her mom, dad and herself on the canvas.

Meredith walked into the craft room. She stood there watching Zola as she put paint all over her canvas.

"Zola, it's time to eat supper. You can come back to finish it later." said Meredith.

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute." replied Zola.

Zola didn't want to stop painting, but she knew that she needed to go eat supper. She walked into the kitchen to see what her mom made for supper. Zola looked at the spaghetti on the table. It was her favorite. After Zola finished her supper, she went upstairs to get ready for bed. She went and laid in bed and fell asleep.

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