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based on weird dream I had wich was so funny that I just had to write down |
Once there was a cartoon duck named daryl who only wore a shirt and pants and ended up in egypt, don’t ask. And then somehow became roommates with a muslim named muhammad, who was basically your average muslim man. One day the two were so bored. “Uhhh I’m so boooored,” daryl whined. “Why don’t we do something then ” said mohamed. Daryl replied “noooo, it's too hot to do anything”. Daryl replied “Uuuh I wish something would happen”. then suddenly, almost on cue, their neighbor Dandy McFanderson burst into their small apartment “friends friends today is a marvellous for you all” he excelled in his giddy high pitched british accent. Dandy McF anderson was a tall man with a large circular head and was always wearing a crinkly old tuxedo and and always showing his teeth in a big creepy smile. Who was always saying that he was a very important person although daryl and muhamed didn’t know why. He was pretty much the first guy you’d assume to be a psycho killer. Especially since he was a plays creeping around the halls and such. Now the two were looked very awkwardly at what he had just said until muhamed replied “the fancy what now?” “oh come now surely you’ve heard of it it's a secret society where only he most exclusive can partake of” said dandy stoll giddy as always.’so what do you say old sports, shall we take trip in my favorite rocket ship. MMMMM?” So then after a little trip they got to the old run down mexican looking building where they find themselves in a poorly lit room with a guy in glasses who said squinting “who are these two troublemakers” “they are with me” said ronald “o-kay” then he went to the big drawers on the wall and then got huge pincers which he used to grab a small robber’s cap which he then gave to Daryl. He then proceed to do the same with a big top hat which he gave to muhammad. “nice” daryl said. They then proceeded to go through a wild west like door into a small sort of fancy, but cluttered looking room, full of cheap junk lying around. As often is the case in egyptian buildings. “What a dump” said daryl with a disgusted face. There were 3 people there. There was a man who liked like a tanned pope who wore a fancy white graduation hat with a red trim. Another a mature looking women with a blue one piece gown and a fancy blue sun hat with 3 big flowers on one side with a giant flower on it. And finally a distinguished gentleman in a fez. They were the fancy hat society and were looking at the two of them rather angrily. Muhamed wondered why they were giving them both the evil eye until the fancy gentleman with the fez said “members only in the fancy hat society”. This confused muhammad he thought they were members. Then he realised something terrible, so he immediately got daryl and himself into an even smaller room at the back with the members looking at them even more suspiciously. “Hey just what do you think you're doing ”said daryl with angry eye “I just about to get my fancy hat on, heh heh, honk”. he made a little duck noise as he did a little sway. “Where’s mcdandy?” said mohamed “I don’t don’t know he just...” suddenly it had hit daryl. “That damn clown gave us tour pases where not official members” “language” “oh give me a break” “look I”ll take care of it, just trust me okay”. He went out of the room and stood in the center of the main room and said “hey fancy hat guys were, like members or something so stop being so suspicious of us” “there problem solved” “Daryl you can't just lie to these people, lying a has ever done is get people into trouble they going to find out sooner or later that we lied and when they do they're going to hate us even more then if we had just told the truth besides we don’t belong here I don't even know why I wanted to join anyway they don’t even do anything come daryl tell them the truth for me” daryl paused for a moment glancing to the door “oh all right all right I’ll tell them the damn truth already” he said rolling his eyes. “Language” said mohamed. “you're lucky enough I’m even doing the first thing you said”. So once again daryl stood on a chair and this time said “hey everyone so I kinda lied. me and the other guy aren’t really members but ah you guys seem cool so i hope you can forgive us and…” but suddenly as daryl was talking he suddenly noticed that one of the members had come in close to his neck with...a knife! “WAAAK!” he screamed in his cartoon duck voice. he ran back to the small room where muhammad was waiting and he said these people are insane they wanna kill us “what yeah and it’s all your fault I knew I shouldn't have listened to you” “hey you needed to tell the truth you yourself said i was right” “well now what are we supposed to do now they wanna kill us” just then while muhammad was leaning on the window he broke the cheap bug screen on it they then realized what they had to do, and escaped through the window but when they got onto the street they were chased by the society until they were caught in a booby trap “oooh man there gonna kill us look I know give a hard time man I’m sorry” said daryl “It’s okay I’m sorry too your my best friend and I’m so sorry I pushed you away” “aww that’s nice, also we’re not going to kill you we just wanted to invite you to join the society what yeah we’re always looking for new members.” said the hat society member “But you guys seem so secretive and stuck up and why’d you guys come after me with a knife” said daryl “that’s just how the society is and I was trying to cut the price tag off your hat” said one of the hat society members. “Oooh hahaha” siad daryl and mohamed. And so daryl and mohamed escaped the net kept on running until they hitched a ride back home. Now realizing these people were completely insane. Dandy Macfarnderson was never caught as he left the country, moved to vegas and was never heard from again. And surprisingly, no one went to jail. And the moral of this story is to always tell the truth even if it might get you in trouble or something like that. The End. |