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Yuki leaves with Kaname. adult language sexual content. I do not own characters or Anime. |
Chapter 1 Time. {r-ep:1} Its been a year since Yuki left Cross with Kaname. Zero was left to take care of the night class. Being on the disciplinary committee. Headmaster Kaien Knows that Zero will need some help. Even though Zero refuses. Saying he is fine by himself. Kaien goes over Zero's head. Getting a fellow day class student, Elena to help. Zero with the job. At first, Zero was his regular nasty self. Ignoring her. Telling her. He didn't need her help. At the same time trying to fight his feelings for Yuki, and also his need for blood. {r-ep:2} Elena is eighteen years of age, long brown straight hair, Brown eye's petite frame. She is on the order of Yuki some. Which only caused Zero more pain. Elena ignores, how rudely she is treated by Zero. She has been at this school long enough to know. That is how Zero treats everyone. She has been watching him for years. Falling deeply in love with him. Just never saying anything. Before she never had the chance to get close to him. Yuki was always in the way. She knew and saw that Zero had feelings towards Yuki. Now that she is gone, Elena feels, she has a chance. She is just taking it slowly. Showing Zero. That no matter how nasty he is. She isn't going anywhere. Which in time, Zero has gotten used to her being around. Helping him take care of the night class. She will tell him stories of her past, or of the day. Zero will just sit and listen to her. Not really talking much. Still his quiet self. {r-ep:3} Its been a year that they worked together. Making Zero a little closer to Elena. He doesn't bring up Yuki. Or even speak of what took place that night. Elena doesn't ask. Zero tries to hide his true nature. Not wanting her to know, that he is a vampire. Doing his best to curb himself. Forcing himself to take the blood tablets. He is also working for the Association now. So when he hunts level E's He drains them. Taking their blood so he doesn't hurt anyone. {r-ep:4} On his trips out for the Association, he often thinks about Yuki. How she just left him. Going with the snobby pureblood bastard of Kaname. Just thinking about it. Makes Zero's blood boil in his veins. How Kaname has taken everything. That Zero loved away from him. Hating him even more than he has before. Also feeling mixed feelings towards Yuki. He still craves her blood. At bedtime having dreams about her, Wanting her. Needing her. Just knowing that it will never happen. He still has night terrors, which Elena knows about and tries to help him with. Coming in and trying to get close to him. Which has taken some time. Zero is even more closed off then he was before. Feeling anyone he has loved will leave him sooner or later Scared to even try to get close to anyone. Not even believing their intentions. Yet Elena kept trying this whole year. Doing her best, to comfort Zero. When he needed it. {r-ep:5} Zero sees something different in Elena's actions. She is different than Yuki. When she lays close to him, he can sense a want. A desire. She just controls it. Trying not to frighten Zero away. He can smell it on her though. Not really sure, if he is sensing the right thing. It confuses him, that another living being. Would want him in that way. Still seeing himself as a monster. Just figuring she doesn't know what I truly am. Otherwise, those feelings wouldn't be here. Zero can't deny. No matter how hard he tries. That her laying close to him at times. He has the same desire. Which only confuses him more. Since he thought, he would only have that with Yuki. He just scenes this time, the person on the other side, feels the same way. Which only scares him more. He just shrugs it off, even telling Elena to not always come into his room at night. That he will be fine. Not to worry about him. Which she can't help herself and she comes away. Zero sees a stubbornness in her, that he saw in Yuki. The goodness in her. Even with his hard exterior, he can't help but smile. Thinking about how Elena tries her best to make him happy. Even when he is the nastiest ass you ever want to meet. Which he was very good at. There were times, he would see her get sad. She would turn away as if what he said truly hurt her. Yet she would push it down. Staying by his side to prove she was there for him. There were even times, he saw tears. No matter how fast she was to wipe them away. Zero just couldn't understand it though. Why would she feel this way? There were even times he regretted being so cold. He saw himself not really liking when she was hurt. He just couldn't help himself. It was hard for him to let anyone in. He figured in time. She would get tired and go away on her own. How long was she going to want to be on the disciplinary committee? Putting up with all the crap Zero throughs at her. In a way, it was his own test. To see how much should put up with. She was suffering for what Yuki did. Leaving him all alone. Forgetting his existence. {r-ep:6} She reminded him of Yuki a lot. In her looks, her stubbornness, Her kindness. The only thing was, she wasn't obsessing over someone else. She never talked about another man. Never looked at anyone. She spent all her free time chasing after Zero. Trying her best to get his attention in more than one way. This was very new to Zero. There wasn't Kaname looming over him anymore. {r-ep:7} Then Zero would think. Kaname got the girl. He won. He got want he wanted. She chose him. How could she? Then she was a pureblood now. She was what Kaname was. Why was he even thinking about her? {r-ep:8} Chapter 2 Letting go. {r-ep:9} One night sitting under his favorite tree, waiting for the night class to come out. Zero's throat burns. The hunger returning, with a vengeance. What he tried for a whole year to conceal was there. Stronger than ever. The fear that Elena would see him this way. Get scared and run to tell everyone. Washed over him. Trying to make it up to get to his dorm room. It was nearly impossible. He hears footsteps behind him. Which only makes his heart beat faster. The scent of Elena not far behind. She would never look at him the same. Then he thought, "Maybe that's a good thing. She will leave me alone. I will see her true thoughts of me. " Crunching down on the floor, gasping for air. "Zero are you ok?" Elena asks. Zero looks up at her with crimson eyes. Breathing heavy. Fangs extending. He feels now she will run and it will be all over. But instead, she stands there looking at him. Walking towards him. "Zero, Let me help you up. Let me help you."Elena says. "Zero a bit in shock. "I am a vampire. Go away!" Zero shouts. "You didn't think I noticed?" Elena answers. Zero taken back. "You knew?" Zero asks. "I always knew. I am not sure. Why you wanted to hide it from me. Like I don't know what the night class is? I wish you would have more faith in me. More trust." Elena states. Holding Zero up. Her arms wrapped around his chest doing her best to keep him up. Zero's eyes turn crimson. His beast takes over. Pinning her to the tree. Zero was just sitting under earlier. "Take what you need." Elena says. Not scared. Turning her head so Zero gets a good look at her pulsing veins in her neck. "Drink. Let me help you. Let me be here for you." Elena states. {r-ep:10} Zero fighting within himself. Not wanting to do this to another living being. Feeling the monster he is. Bringing yet another victim into this mess. It was bad enough he drank from Yuki. Now Elena. How could he? Why would she want him to? Elena touches Zero's face. Moving it so his now crimson eyes could look deep into her brown ones. "Do it. I want you to. I want to feel. What its like for you to bite me." Elena says. Pushing Zero's body closer to her own. Using this moment to get as close to him as she could. Just taking in his tall, slender body pushed up against hers. Making her shiver with want. {r-ep:11} Zero can't hold back anymore. Her words and the pulsing vein in her neck doing him in. He pins her hands to the tree, licking down her neck, which he sees only makes her shiver more in his arms. He then sinks his fangs deep into her flesh. Drinking heavily. Taking deep long gulps. Elena just giving out moans. Wrapping her legs around him. Pulling him closer to him. Zero never experiencing that before. Yuki just stayed in his arms. Never wrapping her self around him like this. He reads her thoughts. Seeing just how she feels about him. What she really wants him to do to her. How she wishes. He would make love to her. At the moment he is in a fueled vampire lust. Not even seeing clearly. {r-ep:12} The feel of her body up close against his makes his body react. He lets go of her hands. For them just to wrap about his neck. Pushing him deeper into her throat. Her womanhood pressed firmly on his manhood. Making him even more aroused. He continues drinking the warm crimson blood. It tastes refreshing. Drinking her Desire for him through her blood just makes his lust increase. The feeling a bit different than with Yuki. Since Elena wants him, Craves him. His hands grab onto her ass, pushing her even closer to him. Enjoying the feel of the warm, sensual body pushing up against his. The vampire in him, being unleashed. Which scared Zero to no end. He was always trying to keep it under wraps. But with her feelings towards him, he couldn't. It was driving his passion, his own desires. Even though he didn't love her. Or feel about her like he did Yuki. The vampire in him. Wanted her sexually. Wanted to take her right there. To claim her. Make her his for the night. {r-ep:13} He takes his fangs out of her sweet white neck. Licking his bite marks. Which only makes Elena moans out his name. Wrapping herself around him tighter. He knows they are outdoors. Which anyone of the night class students could stumble upon them. Zero not really wanting anyone to see this. He carries Elena to the boy's dorm room. Into his bedroom. Her lock on him doesn't let go. He places her gently onto the bed. Her legs then let go gently from around his waist. As she stares deep into his now lavender eyes. He places a kiss on her lips, Which only engulfs her desire for him. She kisses back with passion. Placing her hands on his face pushing his lips deeper into hers. Zero growls through the kiss. His vampire instants taking over his control. {r-ep:14} He keeps kissing her as he removes her uniform jacket. Her red tie, trying to unbutton her white blouse. "So many freaking little buttons," Zero says under his breath. Just ripping the shirt off her tiny frame. Unveiling a white lacey bra, and two B cup perky breasts. Which he takes into his mouth without even thinking. Sucking and nibbling on each of them. Rubbing his hands on her flat stomach. Her hands go to take off his uniform jacket, then his red tie. She slowly and gently unbuttons his white long sleeved shirt. Placing her warm hands all over his firm, chest. Zero gives out a light moan of his own. From feeling her hands all over him. How she goes for his pants buckle and undoes it. How her want for him, is undeniable. {r-ep:15} He thinks in the back of his mind if this is the right thing to do. What happens after this? Won't this just hurt her more? Yet his desires won't let him stop. The vampire in him. Doesn't want to listen to reason. Going for her uniform skirt that he unbuttons and slides off her long slender legs. Seeing her white lace panty. Drives him more. Placing his hand on her mound, rubbing it through the panty. Making her back arched up into his hand. He kisses her roughly. Which she gladly excepts. Unzipping his pants. He slides them down his legs and kicks them off to the side. Now sliding his hand inside her panty. Feeling the wetness of her desire for him. How she moans at even the slightest of his touch. He slides her white lace panties down her legs. Now able to view her fully naked body in front of him. A very beautiful site laying there, just for him. Elena smiles at him, to keep going. As he gets on top of her body. She kisses him again. {r-ep:16} "Are you sure, about what is going to happen next?" Zero asks. "Yes. Zero, please. Take me. I want to feel you inside me." Elena answers. Making Zero hotter than he ever has been. Zero places his hard long erection in front of her entrance. Sliding his head on the outside of her womanhood. Feeling her wetness, and want. It's almost enough to let him lose it. But he does he best to contain himself. "Ready?" Zero asks. Making sure she really wants this. "Yes." She answers. As he slowly slides into her. Feeling her barrier, Breaking through it. As she grabs at his back in pain. He smells the blood. Knowing she just gave herself to him. He stays still letting her body adjust to him. Waiting for her to tell him to go. She looks into his eyes and gives him a nod. {r-ep:17} He starts going in and out of her slowly making her adjust. The painful sounds now turning into pleasureful moans. He starts going faster as he sees her hips moving in rhythm to his. The tight warm feeling sends him. Never thinking it would feel this good. He goes faster and harder, Elena now wrapping her legs around him. Pulling him deeper inside of her. Which takes only a few more thrusts until both of them let go. Her tightening around his manhood. Makes him explode deep inside of her. {r-ep:18} Chapter 3 regrets {r-ep:19} Zero claps on top of her in a heap of sweat. Feeling he finally let go of some of his lust. Some of his desires. It might not have been with whom. He truly wanted it to be with. But it was still good. Knowing that Elena gave her virginity to him. Made him feel closer to her. It was something they just gave each other. Zero lays there thinking that Yuki would give that to Kaname. Which burned him inside. Zero slides off Elena moving to the side of the bed. Where she just places herself on top of him. She kisses him. Holding him close to her warm body. He knows in a way this was a wrong thing to do. This woman on the side of him. Cared. Really Cared for him. He just took something of hers. She would never get back. Giving it to someone in a way that was unworthy of it. It should have been given to someone who felt the same about her. Not to someone thinking it was someone else laying in bed with him. {r-ep:20} Zero felt even more like a monster than before. Looking down at his innocent woman lying next to him. Holding him. "What did I do? What the fuck was I thinking? That's right I wasn't thinking. The vampire in me took over. I gave in." Zero thought. CLosing his eyes. Taking a deep breath. {r-ep:21} Elena on the other hand, Got her dream. Her wish. To sleep with the man, she was madly in love with. That she would give her whole world for. She knew he didn't feel the same. That Yuki was his love. But that wasn't going to stop her, from getting what she wanted. What they just shared. She knew Yuki never had. They both just gave their virginity to each other. IT was at least one thing, they could share. They could have. She was in heaven laying next to this tall slender, sexy man. In her eyes even when he was the biggest dick to her. He was still her everything. She was hoping that now. Maybe he would let her in a little more. Let go of the mean ways. Even if just a bit. It was a lot more than when they started a year ago. Then he wouldn't even talk to her. They were getting somewhere. {r-ep:22} In the morning, Elena gets up. Kissing Zero's chest. Wanting more of him. She climbs on top of his body. Kissing his neck and straddling his manhood. He wakes to find her on top of him. Riding him. His thoughts are taken away from the feel of her body. Knowing he was going to try to get her out of his room this morning without incident. He knew that plan was foiled now. She kept going up and down on him. Bringing him to climax. He let her do whatever she wanted. As the feeling felt too good to interrupt. After they both climaxed, her body fell on top of his. Kissing his chest again, moving up to his lips. He feels the passion she has for him. Just in her kisses. Now that the vampire is tamed inside. Zero is his regular self. Feeling he shouldn't have done this with her at all. Regretting it all. Wanting her to leave. Just needing to get her out of his room. {r-ep:23} "Elena we have to get up. We have to go to class." Zero states. Pushing her off of him, over to the empty side of the bed. So he can get up. Elena sees the coldness still there in him. Which brings a tear to her eyes. "How could he still be so cold. After all that?" She thinks. "I am going to go take my shower and get ready for school," Zero says. Leaving her in his bed. Walking to the bathroom. Elena sits there hurt and very upset. Now feeling he just used her to get his kicks. It meant nothing to him. She bursts out in tears as she gets up from the bed. Doing her best to locate most of her clothes. Putting on her panties, blouse, and skirt. Then her shoes. Just grabbing her uniform jacket and tie. Running out the door. Heading back to her own dorm room Where she throws herself onto her own bed. Sobbing. {r-ep:24} Zero in the shower, feeling remorse. Knowing that what he just did, Was a real dick move. His emotions were now all over the place. He wasn't really ready for a relationship. Yet he just did a very mature relationship thing with Elena. He knew. How she really felt about him. Now that he was able to think. She even knew he was a vampire the whole time. It didn't change her mind about him. Or make her hate him. She even let him drink from her not being scared. To be honest about her reactions. It seemed to be a turn on. It was so different than being with Yuki. Who he so wanted to touch and make love to. She was just so innocent. She had no clue about anything. He always had to hold his feelings back. With Elena, he could be his self. Just was that desire for her? Or just his vampire side needing out. He knew it felt good. He liked her touches and the thought of how she woke him up this morning just made him hard all over again. "God, Since when have I turned into a horny teenager?" Zero thought. Zero just figured he would stay away from her. He needed time to think. This was all new to him. He had no idea of what he wanted. {r-ep:25} Chapter 4 Day 1 {r-ep:26} Zero gets dressed and heads to class. Trying to hurry not to bump into Elana. Not really wanting to talk, about what took place last night. Or any feelings at all. Once in class, he looks all around, not seeing her there. The class seems like its going on forever. Zero paying no attention to anything happening in there. His thoughts taking over his mind. "Where is she? Why didn't she come to class?" Zero says to himself. The bell finally rings for the next class, which is the same. No Elena. {r-ep:27} After a while, it's now lunchtime. He sits at a table all by himself. Regrets filling his mind. He knows. He hurt her badly. That was never his intention. He didn't know what to say to her. It would only bring more hurt to her. Maybe it was better they didn't see each other for a while. He also thought he would lose her friendship. Which made him sad. He went to all his classes that afternoon. Just going through the emotions. Wondering what she was feeling. Where she was. He might not have been madly in love with her. But he hated to see her hurt. {r-ep:28} Elena stayed in her dorm room all day. Laying in her bed in the fetal position. Crying into her pillow. A deep sadness taking over her very being. That no matter, what she was willing to give this man. He felt nothing toward her. He just acted on his vampire nature. It wasn't that he really desired her. It was another feeble attempt. She couldn't bear to bring herself out of her bed. Not even showering. She just lied there. Hurt to no end. What did Yuki have that she didn't? She remained there all day and night. {r-ep:29} Zero goes on patrol, wondering if Elena would show up. Looking around the grounds for her. Finding her nowhere. He knew she didn't leave her dorm room all day. Not even to eat. He knew that when he pushed her off of him like that. It would hurt her. He had a way of always hurting her. Normally just with words. This time even more so. She normally would bounce back pretending it didn't bother her. When deep down he knew it did. It was just him. She accepted it. Just like Yuki did. Except when it came to this Yuki didn't get sadden by his actions. She just knew he would be a jerk and push it off. Where Elena was more susceptible to it. Since she cared for him in a different way. It would hurt her more. So wanting him to care about her. {r-ep:30} Zero sat under his favorite tree. Just reliving the night before. The thought of pinning her to that tree. Feeling her warm body up against his. Drove him mad. Her blood was good but didn't fill him as Yuki's did. But the sex sure did. He hungered for her in that way. Thinking of her sexy naked body laying in his bed. How his touches set her a flame. He does his best to shake it off. Feeling it's not right to take advantage of someone like that. It was just sex. He didn't want to use her. {r-ep:31} When his duties were over, he went back to his dorm room. Opening the door and turning on the light. Just staring at the unmade bed. That brought last nights memories to life again. Zero takes off his clothes getting into his shower. Standing there letting the warm water just run over his long thin body. Trying to get his thoughts together. Pushing everything in the back of his mind. Even if it's only for a short time. He washes and then dries himself off. Getting into his bed. Elena's scent all over it. Their scents mixed together. All it did was lead Zero to toss and turn all night. Not able to get any rest. His sexual yearning increasing. Even more than his bloodlust. He deals with it the best he can. Not going to Elena. Not even sure if she would want to see him. Yet he still wondered how she was. There was a light pain in his heart from causing her pain. He was so torn. He didn't know what to do. {r-ep:32} Chapter 5 Can you love me? {r-ep:33} The next morning, Zero gets up and ready for class again. Walking down the halls and into class. Still no sign of Elena. Which starts to worry Zero. This wasn't like her. She never missed any time from school. She wasn't like Yuki. She was very smart. Straight A honor student. This was going to affect her grades. Not to mention everything else. Zero took notes for himself and also notes for her. Knowing sooner or later, they would have to talk. {r-ep:34} When the second period comes and he walks into class. He spots Elena, Looking down and worn. Her normal sweet self not there. Zero just places his notes on her desk. Not saying a word. She just looks up at him, with the saddest of eyes. He can tell. She has been crying. Her eyes are bloodshot. Her face swollen. Eyes Puffy. It was a scene, he never has seen before with her. Not like on a regular basis with Yuki. He knew he really hurt her. The way she looked at him, he would never forget. If it wasn't for the school bell, Zero wouldn't of even know. What time it was. That class was over. So lost in his own thoughts. Just watching her sit there through class. Seeing how distraught she was. Even though she was doing her best to hide it. It was written all over her. {r-ep:35} It was time for lunch. Elena just goes in the back of the lunch room. Zero sitting at another table. Just watching her as she picked at her food. Not even eating it. Just playing with it. He couldn't help but stare at her. Seeing her long brown hair pushed up into a braid. Showing the pretty features of her face. He actually missed sitting with her at lunch. Her talking and him just normally listening. Pretending he didn't hear a word she said. Just another reminder of how he treated her. How she always came back. Yet this time, she was keeping her distance. {r-ep:36} Elena sat at the back of the Lunchroom, feeling Zero's eyes on her. In a way it made her feel a little better. He was looking at her. Thinking of her. Yet he didn't go near her. She knew he thought about her any time he took notes for her. Leaving them on her desk. She couldn't help but look at him. Sitting there alone, so wanting to join him. Just not sure he even wanted her to. How making love just made them further apart. Instead of closer like she thought. She could never be near him again without thinking about what took place. She couldn't just be his friend anymore. She wanted more of his touch. More of him. She hungered for him in every way. Just feeling he didn't feel that way towards her. It made her sink deep into her lunch chair. Looking down at her lunch only made her stomach feel queasy. Not feeling hungry at all for the last two days. {r-ep:37} After lunch, they both go to there remainder of classes. Both quiet and stay to themselves. Not sure what to do. Both scared to go to the other. Not sure what they will say or do. Yet both feeling terrible at the same time. {r-ep:38} Later that night its time to patrol, Zero has a bit of hope. That she will patrol with him tonight. He actually missed her being there. It was nice having someone there. Someone watching over him. He knows she will be on the other side. Waiting for the night class to appear. He goes and stands there. Waiting to see her. Just nervous about what will take place. As he is walking there, he spots her. Just standing there. Waiting for the night class. She turns around and spots him. Her heart leaping out of her chest. Zero can hear how fast it's going as he gets closer to her. He knows. She still cares. {r-ep:39} "Elena, can I talk to you?" Zero asks. "After patrol. The night class should be out any minute." Elena responds. Trying not to show that she is dying inside. That all she wants to do is wrap her arms around him and kiss him everywhere. She stands her ground. Being quiet for the rest of the patrol. Once the night class heads back to there dorms. Zero and Elena walk towards the tree that started it all. {r-ep:40} "I want to say. How sorry I am for the other day. I know I hurt you." Zero says. "Zero, do you not know? How I feel about you?" Elena asks. "I have some idea. I just don't know if I can offer you, what you to want. I don't feel the same way about you. I care. Just not like you do." Zero says. Elena just looks at him sadly a piece of her heart broken. "Was the other night nothing to you?" Elena asks. "No, Please don't think that. It was special. To be honest I can't stop thinking about it." Zero admits. Zero touches her hand. She moves close to him wrapping her arms around him. He knows he is done for. She looks up at him and places a kiss on his lips. "Zero I love you. I will take you anyway, I can have you. Even if it's just for sex." Elena says looking at the floor. "You don't mean that. I know you want more. I don't want to use you. I don't want to hurt you either." Zero states. "Can we try? Maybe you can grow to love me?"Elena asks. Zero doesn't know what to say to that. He has already hurt her enough. He knew he missed her when she wasn't around and he did crave her sexually. She opened a door. He didn't want to close. "I guess. We can give it a shot. Just I don't want you to get hurt." Zero replies. {r-ep:41} Elena not even hearing that last line. She just lunges towards his lips. Kissing him. Letting her hands roam his chest. Zero wastes no time in picking her up and bringing her back to his dorm room. On the way there she can't stop kissing him. Giving him passionate long kisses. Her arms around his neck. "What was he doing? He was doing this again. Only to hurt her again. Fuck it. She is willing and I want her. " Zero said pushing down his thoughts. {r-ep:42} Laying her on the bed in his room. This time Elena wastes no time in taking Zero's clothes off. Kissing him all over his body. The feeling of want filling him up. Their hands roam each other. As she slides herself onto him. Looking into his eyes the whole time as she rides him. Harder and faster. His hands pushing her up and down giving her a boast. He kisses her neck and down to her breasts. Enjoying her body. Until they both climax. She lands on top of his chest. Holding him close to her. Looking up at him, seeing if he was going to turn her away this time. Where he doesn't. He kisses her head and holds her tightly in his strong arms. Falling asleep peacefully with her. Trying not to think about anything, just enjoying the moment. That if nothing else, he found a woman that loved him and only him. It wasn't hard to enjoy her body. It was quite fun. Why not enjoy it? She was willing and so was he. He just didn't know how far this was going to go. If it was just sex for him, he knew, in the end, it would hurt her more. That this was so much more for her. She was doing everything she could to make him love her. It just wasn't that easy for him. The person he really loved was still in his heart. {r-ep:43} Chapter 6 Betrayal {r-ep:44} A few months go by, Zero having a ton of fun with Elena in the sexual department. They are very compatible in that department. Zero still not letting anyone know. That he is with Elena in any way. In a few months, they will be graduating. Moving on from Cross. Zero already has his job lined up with the Association. Elena wants to take a job at Cross being a teacher. They both have goals. Elena wasn't anything like Yuki in that department either. She even started working at the association, in the office doing filing and answering the phones. She asked. Yagari for the job and he made sure she got one. She was also doing substitute jobs for Kaien at the school. She was very independent. Knowing what she wanted. The only thing that could break her was Zero. Her love for him never changed. Just grew stronger. She enjoyed all the time they spent together. She also saw. That he never told anyone. They were together. That hurt her a lot. It was just another thing she held in. And pushed behind. The only time showing Zero, how hurt she was with him was the day after they made love for the first time. That was one time, she couldn't hold it in. Since then Zero hasn't been mean or rude. He actually has been trying to be nice. She was opening herself up to him. Giving him something he really wanted. He knew he could at least be nice. At times doing his best to hold his true coldness behind. If he would slip she would ignore him. He liked that about her. He was liking a few things about her. Seeing the woman she really was. One that knew what she wanted, and went for it. {r-ep:45} Later in the day, They were both called to the headmaster's office. Both knowing it would probably have to do with something for the committee. "Good afternoon Headmaster," Elena says. "Good afternoon my dear," Kaien replies. "How is my son?" He adds looking at Zero. Who gives him a dirty look. "What do you need?" Zero asks. "Well as you both know the annual vampire ball will be next week. I will need you both to look after it. Making sure nothing gets out of hand."Kaien states. "Do we have to wear our uniforms? I would so love to wear a dress. I never get to dress up." Elena asks. "Sure. That will be fine. Just wear your armband so they know your part of the committee." Kaien says. "Will do. Thank you." Elena responds. {r-ep:46} They both walk out of the headmaster's office. At first, Elena doesn't think anything of the ball. She is a little excited about it. She would get to dress up. Being girly. She loved it. Just never got to. Then reality hit her. Vampire ball, Kaname would come and bring Yuki. Zero would get to see her again. what if she missed him as well? She could take him away. Elena knew that Zero wasn't really hers. That no matter, how she tried at the moment. It was just sex keeping him to her. Not love. A deep pain etched in her heart. She could lose him even more. {r-ep:47} Zero, on the other hand, could care less. He hated vampires and this dumb job. The idea of him standing there watching these monsters ate at him. Them enjoying themselves thinking they are better than the rest. {r-ep:48} The next few days Zero notices that Elena is a bit quiet. That something is on her mind. He just doesn't know what. He doesn't push knowing that if it was something important. She would tell him. They still spend time together, seeing each other as much as they can. Zero always pawing at her in private. That was the one thing he couldn't deny. He liked her body. He didn't really drink from her, using the level E's. She didn't stat him in that way. But sexually she stated him in every way. She knew that was the one thing she had on him. The one thing to use against him. Even when he was being a total jerk, her touch would calm him down. {r-ep:49} The next few days, he notices her quietness grow and a nervousness appear. Something was on her mind. She just wasn't ready to talk. He noticed that not even sex was making her happy. Which wasn't like her. She was always very happy to be that close to him. He also noticed that she wasn't feeling good. He figured it was probably just that exams were coming up. He knew she was one to study hard and do well. He overlooked it. {r-ep:50} It was the night of the ball, Elena trembling as she was getting dressed. A huge feeling of despair in the air. She tried her best to push it behind her. Putting on her long, sequin beige dress. It hugged her body tight. Letting all her womanly curves show through. She pushes her hair up in an upswept. Applying makeup and diamond earrings. And the perfume Zero loves so much. A deep pit in the middle of her stomach as she gets dressed. Knowing what she tells Zero tonight. Can ruin everything they have. It can make him run far away from her. Never to look at her again. She knew the relationship wasn't steady as it was. This would just make it worse. How someone so smart. Just made the stupidest error. Just when it came to Zero, there were times she couldn't think at all. He made her do things. She normally would never do. Her love for him. Made her blinded. {r-ep:51} While she is thinking that, Zero appears at her door, wearing his school uniform. For him, it was just another night. He wasn't getting dressed up for this bullshit. He knocks on the door. Opening it. To his surprise he sees Elena standing there looking gorgeous. Never seeing her like this before. Her curves, her hair, her face. Everything was perfect. How could he never realize? Just how beautiful this woman was? How blind could a man be? Zero takes a gasp just looking at her, as she walks towards him. "You look gorgeous. " Zero states. "Thank you. I am glad you like the dress." Elena states. "I like everything. Not only the dress." Zero answers. "Zero, tonight after the ball, there is something I need to discuss with you." Elena says. "Sure. I am sure tonight will go fast. I can't wait till its over. I hate this bullshit. I am so glad its the last year. I have to do this. After that, I will have a real job. Killing these bastards." Zero states. Elena just listens not answering. Deep in her own thoughts. How she is worried about so many things tonight. How this can go so wrong on so many levels. {r-ep:52} They walk into the ball hand and hand. The closest Zero has ever been to her in public. Seeing how the vampire men stare at her. Makes Zero a little jealous. "Stay close to me tonight. I don't think this was a good idea for Headmaster to let you patrol this. You are the only Human here. He must be crazy." Zero states. "He just knows I can do my job." Elena states. Yagari walking up to them. "I am human too. So if they want to bite her, they will have to go through me first." Yagari states. "So you got this shit ass job as well I see." Zero snaps. "Yea, every year. Same old shit. At least I can steal a bottle of there shit before I leave." Yagari states. "You look very beautiful tonight Elena. You're just glowing." Yagari adds. "Thank you. "She replies. {r-ep:53} As they stand there, All eyes turn to watch as Lord Kaname and Lady Yuki walk in. Zero's eyes just meet Yuki's. Elena just watches her heart falling into her chest. She walks over to Yagari. Standing there, Just watching Yuki dance and being close to Kaname. Zero expression of death on his face. "Zero would you like to dance?" Elena asks. "Not really."Zero answers. Watching her face drop. "Well, I guess one dance won't hurt." He adds. Grabbing her and taking her to the dance floor. Spinning her around and holding her tight. Her scent filling his scenes. Her hair tickling his nose. She was a site. As he is twirling her around. He sees Kaname dancing close to Yuki. Yuki staring at Zero. Their eyes just meet. His heart beats fast. Elena notices how he isn't paying any attention to her. How he is now looking over to Yuki. The dance ends, Elena just looking up at Zero, Who doesn't even notice. Too wrapped up watching Yuki. Yuki going over to the terrace. Zero lets go of Elena's hand. Following Yuki out Terrance. Leaving Elena just standing there. {r-ep:54} "Zero, I was hoping to see you here tonight." Yuki says. "I wasn't sure if I would see you. I see you're still by Kaname's side." Zero states. "Yes. I saw you dancing with someone else also." Yuki comments. "She is just my partner for the committee." Zero answers. A Strange feeling in his stomach appears as he says that. Knowing that's a lie. "I miss you Zero. I think about you all the time." Yuki states. Zero looking deep into her eyes. Never thinking he would see her again not alone hear those words from her mouth. Their bodies move close together and there lips touch. Zero falling into Yuki's kiss. The most tender and passionate kiss he ever had. So engrossed in the Kiss. He didn't sense the presence that was behind him. Till it was too late. He turns around to find Elena just staring at him. Hurt to the core. Her eyes filling with tears. Her fears coming true. The room is silent for what seems like forever. Till Kaname walks onto the terrace just staring at Elena's reaction. Not sure what took place. He then looks at Yuki, who looks like she swallowed a carney. "Yuki its time to leave." Kaname states. Yuki nods. Touching Zero's hand before leaving with Kaname. Elena just walks away into the ballroom. Trying to keep her composer. Even though at this moment. She hurts deeply. For the rest of the night, she stays far away from Zero. Not even looking in his direction. The mere sight of him makes her sick. Zero stands next to Yagari, feeling lost. Not sure of what to do or even how he feels. {r-ep:55} "Boy, do you even know what you're doing to her?" Yagari states. "What do you mean?" Zero asks. "She loves you dearly. She has for years. She sees you and only you. Yet your chasing after a woman who doesn't know what the hell she wants. She left you for Kaname. Yet you still want her. Do you see a problem here?" Yagari asks. "I can't help how I feel. I loved her for a long time. Elena is sweet. Just I am not in love with her." Zero states. "Then you need to leave her bed. It's only going to lead to things. You don't want. Not to mention hurt her more. You're not doing any good for her or you. Just before you do so. Think about what you're doing. You're giving up a woman who wants you. Only You. One that you can have a normal real life with. I know your feelings are all over the place. You just need to think before you make this choice." Yagari comments. "Yes, Master. "Sometimes just because you truly love someone, Doesn't mean you should be with them. Being with Yuki would lead you to a lot of trouble. In a lot of ways. She left here tonight again with Kaname. Even after kissing you. I didn't see her stop and stay. Elena is the one over there hurting. Open your eyes and look around." Yagari remarks. Zero just thinking about what he said. How Yuki did it again. Leaving with Kaname. {r-ep:56} The ball finally comes to an end, Everyone leaving but Zero and Elena. Who is helping with cleaning up. Elena still not talking to him. Or even looking at him. "You looked really pretty tonight, "Zero says. Trying to break the ice. "Is that all you have to say?" Elena comments with a Huff. " I am sorry for what you saw. It just happened." Zero remarks. "Yea. It would. You love her. You always have. I am not even a replacement. I am just the standby, till you get the woman you want. I know where I stand. I saw it tonight." Elena says tears streaming down her face. "It's fine. I should have known better. I should of saw I couldn't change it. I was just hoping" Elena adds. Zero seeing the pain rip through her. "I am sorry. I really never meant to hurt you." Zero responds. "It was my own fault. I am such a dumb ass." Elena answers. "No your not. You have been nothing but kind and supportive towards me. I have been the dumb ass." Zero answers. "You had something to tell me. What was it? " Elena looks up at him in a panic, then down at the floor. words escape her. Zero knows it was something important from the look on her face. "You can still tell me anything." Zero says. Elena just looks at him, crying harder and runs out the ball door. Zero takes off after her. Knowing something isn't right. {r-ep:57} "Elena stop!" Zero shouts. Catching up to her with his long legs. Grabbing her. "What did you have to tell me?" Zero asks. "I can't. It wouldn't change anything only make it worse. I will take care of it on my own." Elena answers. "TEll me." Zero shouts louder. "I'm Pregnant," Elena shouts back. With tears. "I know you don't want me or the baby. Don't worry about it. I will handle it. We will be graduating in a few months. I will keep it under wraps. No one will know it's yours. Just like no one knows you were even with me. Your secret is safe with me." Elena shouts. "You can go back to your precious Yuki." Elena shouts louder. Running towards her dorm room. Not even waiting for Zero to respond. Knowing this was something he didn't want. She knew he really didn't want her either. {r-ep:58} She runs to her dorm room bathroom. Sitting on the floor balling her eyes out. Holding her stomach. "It's just me and you kid. He doesn't want us. He wants her. But I want you. I love you. I will have a piece of your father with me forever. We can do this." Elana tells her stomach. {r-ep:59} Zero is left in the garden, Lost for words. Not even thinking he heard her right. "She was pregnant? A Baby? My baby?" Zero says to himself trying to come to. What the hell do I do now? The words that Yagari spoke to him earlier coming into his mind. That she loved him and only him. She would be left to take care of this child alone. He knew he wasn't ready to be a father. He was hoping to leave cross and everything behind in a few months. Now what? He could still, but to leave his child. The only piece of his family he would have left. That if he did the child wouldn't have a father. He knew Elena well enough to know she would keep it. It was his child. She would never give that up. {r-ep:60} |