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Rated: E · Poetry · Animal · #2164507
Comfort Coffee and a Puppy to See
I came for comfort coffee
and what do I see,
a puppy in a coffee
cup looking Striate back at me.

While she is starring striate back at me
I am thinking what a wonderful world
This is to bring the puppy to the coffee
Shop to add her in the coffee cup and put her in the yard.

By Sharmelle Olson
July 2018

Line Count: 8 Lines
Word Count: 59 Words
Stanzas: 2 Stanza
Rhyme Sceme: abab, abac,
Form: Enjoy! Create your own form this month! Please give the details of your creative form, such as syllables/meter/etc. in your item to aid in judging.
Prompt: Write me a poem inspired by the above image (upgraded authors and higher can use the image in their item if they'd like)...
Written For: "Pond Poetry - JULY Round OPEN!"
Deadline: closes at 11:59 pm WdC time on the last day of the month.
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