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Sarah and Jenny are lesbian and if their leader figures out, they're dead. |
April 21 - Jenny and I sit attentively on the hard, small and lumpy bed, holding hands and kissing each other as we strip and moan. I feel Jenny's finger in my pussy as my hands grab onto her ass super tight. Then she rolls me over as I let go and her hand collides with my bare ass. As a response, I quietly scream in delight, again and again when Jenny's hand hits my ass. My hands fly up to her breasts and start to gently finger her nipples and suck them as well. Right now, Jenny is moaning and begging for more so I continue. We are bold because if we were seen together alone, we'd be slain. The reason this law was put in place is that the communist leader desperately wants to maintain more people to govern. He wants to occupy a nation that has sex, so he doesn't have to work to access power over more people. A speaker starts to blare, "Everyone should be awake." Jenny and I sigh wearily as we slide off of the uncomfortable bed and head outside. We hold our breath desperately hoping that Mr. Kings or one of his men weren't standing outside. Luckily, my brothers Jason and Jake (twins) walk over to us and Jake says to Jenny, "Hey, darling." I give him a small nod because he is doing what we planned. Since there is a law, that says, "Any actions are seen as Gay or Lesbian the people are seen doing those actions shall be killed." Therefore, my brothers, Jenny's brother, Jenny and I decided to come up with a plan. Jenny's brother shall pretend to be my boyfriend and my brother, Jake is going to pretend to be Jenny's boyfriend. Suddenly, I notice the twins' hair used to be a sunshine blond; neat and clean is now a dirty blond, messy and dirty. Their kind eyes seem unusual too; they're currently a dark, dull green instead of the bright, sparkling green that they typically used to be. That scares me, so I ask wonderingly, "Hey, Jason, Jake? Can I see you inside for a moment?" My older brothers nod and we go back into the little shack. My identical twins say fiercely in unison, "if it's about our sister's murder, I'm not going to speak a word about it." Our parents had died (from the fierce fever) the memorable year before our beloved sister died. All I remember accurately is I used to have a very beautiful sister named Sahara Jan Evans and that she is no longer there. I shake my head and say, "No, it's about you guys and Mr. Kings. I noticed your hair was dirty blond instead of bright blond and messy instead of neat, your eyes are unhappy now they're tired looking." At this minute I know I'm about to get yelled at because we've been down this road before. My brothers say, "Sarah, you know there are no showers and that we are supposed to be working our asses off so that we won't get killed!!" I say back, "And all this happened because of that stupid ledger. If only you had that ledger, there would likely be showers. In addition, innocent people wouldn't be getting killed every day, and Sahara would still be alive!" We are yelling so loud that we don't discover the door to the small shack opening. "How do you know about the - " A deafening sound of a gun being shot echoes through the small shack, "Ah!!" Jason collapses to the ground; there's a bullet hole in his right leg. A deep voice says as Jason grips his injured leg moaning, "Everyone knows about the ledger, Jason Evans." I look at where the voice is coming from and I see a short man with small black eyes and a small mouth. I think, 'Is that Mr. Kings? The man who is our leader and who killed Sahara?' "You must be Sarah Evans, the beautiful lady, who-sadly-died's baby sister." The short man smiles a toothy smile. I say yes, Sir so that I don't get shot. Mr. Kings leaves and Jason and Jake say, "well, I guess you don't know how she died. I'll tell you... so that Mr. Kings doesn't make you cry or make you want you to hurt him." XOXOXOXOXO Ten years ago Jake and Jason had a job at the bank. One day, their friend walked over to them and said, "There is money missing and it doesn't appear to be removed only stolen or not entered. I told Mr. Kings, and he wants to see you guys." "How much is missing," the twins ask their friend. "600,500." So the men walked over to their boss, and he didn't look happy. "Good afternoon, Mr. Evans. I'd like seeing the ledger if you can get it for me." Jason looked at Jake and told their boss that he had left it at home. Both of the boys were acutely aware of the power they had in their hands, being in possession of that ledger. Even though they knew this, they also knew that if they snatched it, their whole family would be killed. Even though the reason for Mr. Kings' reactions about the ledger wasn't directly stated, it was straightforward. The bank was a fake business, and he was going using to the ledger to come to power by promising everyone everything that they needed and wanted, but he really wanted to kill the gays and lesbians. "Well, you'll have it tomorrow. Won't you bring it, Jake Evans?" Jake nods and the man called Mr. Kings told them that they were closing. The two brothers left their car at a friends house and jogged back home. After being home for just an hour, Jason notices a vehicle in the driveway, so he and Jake run over to a safe that holds the ledger. A man walks over to Sahara who is outside, "It's a pleasant evening isn't it, Sahara?" The twenty-year-old girl nodded, "Yes, it is." "Now have you seen Jason and Jake Evans," the short and cruel man asked. "I don't know, their car isn't here. They might be at a friend's house." Then Mr. Kings says that he'd be looking inside which made Sahara running inside the house, and she yelled: "Run, Jake, Jason, run!" Gunshots and screaming sounded and a few moments later, they stopped. When they did, the identical twin brothers ran into the living room and saw their older sister was plugged with bullets and dead. "She's dead, Jason," Jake informed his brother, and they both cried while holding her dead body tenderly, hoping that it was all just a dream which it wasn't. XOXOXOXOXO Now I yell, "bastard," and as a reply, he laughs and I know what he wants me to do. I put my hands behind the back of my head when he starts stripping me slowly. The short man's face lights up as my body becomes less and less covered with fabric. This is my first time, but other girls had to do it, so I know what to do. When he is done stripping me nude, he makes me lay down. He does this, so he doesn't have to stand on a stool so that his dick can fit my road of life. I know that Jason and Jake are watching and so is Jenny, that is part of their punishment too. Then I say the stupidest thing ever, "Jason is bleeding to death and you are doing nothing! Are you doing this because of what happened to your family? This probably has nothing to do with the ledger!" Jenny motions for me to stop so do my older brothers but I don't, all the anger had been bottled up for too long. As a result, Mr. Kings has his men shoot my shoulder. That causes me to fall against the wall in pain; one man kicks me in the face, so I am in too much pain to move. Jenny, Jason, Jake, Mr. Kings, and his men leave then my lungs are burning and I start to cough. I crawl over to the door, try it to find it is locked and there are no windows so no way out... |