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Facebook's Getting Their Global-Fascist Ducks In A Row & Why You Should Delete Facebook
Sandberg's boss, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is expected to testify on Capitol Hill next week,
In regards to the latest Facebook Scandal which again violates privacy and rights of FB users.
It gets much worse too...
First, It's not just about "stock restructuring" as some news sources say, That is an outright LIE.
Facebook’s second in command Sheryl Sandberg said Friday that,"users wanting to opt out of having their data used by advertisers will have to pay for that assurance." Excuse me?..Privacy is a right, not a commodity! Besides, many already know they cannot trust who is running Facebook behind the scenes with our personal data. The data being the same data Facebook swore to keep private and didn't, now you want us to PAY YOU for that trust? Are they insane?

The comments came in the wake of revelations that the personal information of 87 million users had been inappropriately used by the data firm Cambridge Analytica in the 2016 election campaign....
Facebook is GUILTY of :
-Monitoring your voting record,
-Taking and cataloging users Biometric personal information without their knowledge or consent
-Carrying out mind-control experiments after they were charged and found guilty previously
-Creating FB games using the science of brain-altering patterning sequential to create addicted Puppet-users
-Promoting anti-Republican,anti American government propaganda
-Protecting the FB profiles of radical Muslims who threatened to kill those who spoke FACTS about Islam, while chastising the victims they targeted.
-Operating as a Gestapo App., committing privacy violations and offenses, then apologizing while making changes to FB policies that FB thinks will protect them from legal reprisals
-Facebook routinely tries to criminalize Julian Assange, a true HERO who disclosed the corruption of Hillary Clinton , Obama, and government
-Removing posts of users that promote Republican, or any ideals that go against One World Order or Democratic(AKA Fascist) module of Government.
-Facebook targets Pro 2nd Amendment, and anything else that goes against FB's Nazi-esque ideals...
All this should make intelligent people question...WHO IS REALLY RUNNING FACEBOOK AT THE TOP OF THE LADDER BEHIND THE CURTAIN? Can You say, "One World Order"?
Get your ducks in a row, delete Facebook and bankrupt this disgusting company...
....Zuckerberg, who many realize is a problematic abuser of public privacy rights, is less of a threat than his soon-to-be replacement...Currently, decision-making power at a public company like Facebook is held by the controlling shareholder(s)—whoever holds more than half of the voting power. In the case of Facebook, it’s Zuckerberg, with about 60 percent of vote. But get this...Susan Rice was just appointed to the Board of Directors! Yes, the same Susan Rice who was involved in Benghazi, obstruction of justice, etc...And she has the financial backing of Fascists to enable her to become a top shareholder. If that doesn't alarm or concern you? Then just go back to playing Candy Crush and wait in La-La Land. In the meantime, Our privacy rights are being challenged, and might be removed from current laws through wealthy lobbyists' actions. And for the record?...People were never "sharing data with Facebook", They thought they were sharing it with friends and family. That is until Facebook deceptively exploited the data and abused it and got caught...again. Hit them where it hurts...in their wallet, delete your business and personal Facebook accounts.
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