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Not running away from things but towards things before they flare and fade away. |
Change a rather simple word with an extensive meaning of its own but with a humongous decree of engulfment. It never happens all of a sudden but when it does we renounce its after-effects. Time triggers changes so powerful that we are often left pondering about how things happened so swiftly. Human progress is never defined by change or something of its similar definition; it's measured by the value we place on life, that's what defines change, that's what defines a species. It is an indispensable part of life which most of the times happens at the blink of an eye and is quite inscrutable. As time never stays or stops and never asks for attention, changes too are evident and some mere definition will never be able to relate it with the actual happening. My heart wept when I heard the story of a boy residing in an orphanage. When I asked him how he ended up there, he replied with an answer so impactful that it took all my strength to stop the tears from falling; he had never seen his mother and had no idea regarding the whereabouts of his only brother. Another agonizing part of his story recounted how he had seen his father die because of a dreadful disease. Surprisingly, I seemed to be feeling more sympathetic towards the boy than he felt for himself. His final line of this interchange was, "my situation is no problem for me, and I am happy with my life because I can do what I want to do and there is no one to stop me." Despite the steps put up by the boy, the pain in his voice was still evident. Even though his story was so tragic, his smile was genuine. As our conversation moved on, I realized that his perception of life was something quite remarkable and admirable. At one point during our interchange he mentioned that the problem with hope is that it is hard to resist and not one day passes by when he doesn't hope that the future will be somewhat different for him. He believed that nothing is sad until it's over, everything ends and it's just sad but everything begins too and that's always happy. The truth is that the world is so much stranger, so much darker, so much madder and so much better. The child's mind a very delicate and fragile piece of space just waiting to be fulfilled with knowledge. With every touch, taste, sight, and sound a small part of the brain is in growth. It is these early stimulation that are so crucial to a child's intelligence in the years to come. Just being able to see this child's love for life was an experience which I shall never forget and one which shall remain with me for a very long time. The world is a sad place, but it doesn't have to be. If everyone would just eat candies, own a pet, and have fun in the sun, this unhappiness could end. But until then it is still recommended to consume candies as often as desired. Another pathway to happiness, but is also a major one is to: smile often and spread happiness all around. Another story which I came across just a few weeks ago about a young Australian woman who despite her hard fought battle against cancer was just unable to conquer this war which she had been rigorously fighting for years. It was a strange thing for her to realize and accept her mortality at 26 years young. It's just one of those things you ignore. The days tick by and you just expect they will keep on coming; until the unexpected happens. Just like everyone else she too must have imagined herself growing old, wrinkled and grey, building a life and developing it. That's the thing about life; It is fragile, precious and unpredictable and each day is a gift, not a given right. She was a truly remarkable and beautiful soul who left a message with greater depth of understanding then anyone of us will ever come across, "I'm 27 now. I don't want to go. I love my life. I am happy... I owe that to my loved ones. But the control is out of my hands." "I just want people to stop worrying so much about the small, meaningless stresses in life and try to remember that we all have the same fate after it all so do what you can to make your time feel worthy and great." We just forget to live in the present and don't see the beautiful and messy complexity of life because we choose to live a life through a screen. We often change who we are because we are concerned about other people's validation and judgment. The vast majority of people fall on the side of being worried about what others are saying and thinking. Both good and bad can come from living this way, but it has seemed to remain constant everywhere. People have a natural desire to belong, and to fit in with a certain group. No matter what group an individual chooses, that individual almost always is forced sacrifice a part of them self in order to seem more a part of things. People in this world seem to need companionship and are often too weak to standalone. As a result, we change with the need of others not for our own progress but just for the reason to be accepted. It always doesn't have to be that way, remember if something is making you miserable, you do have the power to change it - in work or love or whatever it may be. Have the guts to change. You don't know how much times you've got on this earth so don't waste it being miserable. I know that is said all the time but it couldn't be more true. We've got to stop letting society define certain terms for us because when we take away the hair, the clothing, skin, there is a soul which is inherently beautiful. Every time we try to do something different we take a risk that something bad can happen but we do it anyway, to make ourselves better, to make the world better and sometimes just to have some fun. Sometimes when we think about change we are terrified just by the thought of it. We are not afraid that things might go bad but we are afraid that things might just work and everything will be an entire new story. We only know ourselves as the person we were, but change can be a fundamental difference in what we are now and what we will be. Fundamental change in a way we were as a person. No matter what, we'd lose touch with our previous selves. In the end we all change when you think about it we are all different people all through our lives and that's good that's okay as long as we remember all the people that we used to be. Let's not forget one line of this and not one day, let's all remember ourselves from the person that we used to be. Those two stories just teach us something of a great value that pain is easy to portray but to use your pain to portray the ecstasy, joy and magnificence of our world is perhaps something that will never be done. Change is just inevitable, the ground beneath our feet is spinning at a 1000 miles per hour never stopping for a single millisecond.This is one corner of one country, in one continent, on one planet. That's a corner of a galaxy, that's a corner of the universe. That is forever growing and shrinking and creating and destroying and never remaining the same for a single second, and there is so much so much to see and it all just passes by in a blink of an eye,talking about it will do no good as we live in the present and do not take trouble to indulge in such thoughts. Since temporary envelops everything, time and universe continues marching ahead forever, nevertheless as a favourite pastime I love to think about it. My motivation for writing all of this is because of curiosity. I tend to write about things that I know very little about, but not a whole lot about. Then it becomes completely interesting to me because as I write I learn. As it is often said; Things end. People change. But, life goes on. |