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by Bruce.
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2147426
Vialians plan a large attack at Mossley.
Chapter 23

Elfwine looked at the guard and shrugged his shoulders. “The prisoner, Weasel, was escaping but I managed to stop him.”

         The guard looked out at the body. “Good work,” he said. “I would have been in trouble if he got away on my watch. I’ll get a labourer and go out with a cart to collect the body.”

         Elfwine got off the ledge and went to The Bull Inn. It was an hour later when Morgan looked in through the doorway. “Elfwine. Can we have a word outside?”

         Flora looked over as Morgan left the inn again. “Oh, hello then, Flora,” she said with a noticeable sarcasm in her voice.

         Elfwine looked at Flora and gave her a smile. “I said hello when I came in,” he said and he followed Morgan out.

         “What’s going on?” Morgan said.

         “I take it you mean Weasel. He escaped, so I stopped him.”

         “Thomas told me you took him out for exercise, something you didn’t have to do.”

         “I wanted something to pass the time and I wanted to help the guards.”

         “I don’t believe he managed to get away from a man like you and with his hands tied.”

         “Well he did, then he escaped from the town and I dropped him. Are you coming in for a drink now, or will we meet up later?”

         Morgan shook his head. “I see you later. I’d better go and square this with the mayor. Hopefully, he won't make too much of a fuss about this.”

         "If he does, tell him to come and see me."

         "I gave Weasel my word, Elfwine."

         "But I didn't." Morgan walked off and Elfwine returned to the Inn. “Well, hello, Flora,” he said as he walked in and they both laughed.

         Morgan called in to see the mayor. “There has been a bit of an incident. While on daily exercise the prisoner, Weasel, escaped and was killed by an archer as he tried to escape across the meadow.”

         “I’ll leave it to you and the guard master to improve the security of prisoners; I have other things to think of. Give my thanks to the archer. Had Weasel got clear he would have gone back to the Vialians and told them of our weaknesses here.”

         “Talking of weaknesses, has training started of the town folk?” Morgan asked.

         “We have drawn up a plan and some of the guards will teach combat skills in the square on non-market days. We have some names to start but we will extend combat training to all able males and self defence to all females.”

         “That’s good,” Morgan said. “But not good enough. Is there any news of the men you have sent for?”

         “I’ve already told you, they are due here anytime.”

         “I suggest you get your family off to Advent because we will not be able to stop a disaster if the Vialians attack in force with grappling hooks.”

         "Thank you for the advice, Morgan. I was thinking the same myself. I need to discuss it with my wife but hopefully, it might not come to that."

         "It's your choice."

         "I know you might be getting fed up at the small gate but it is important to have someone of your calibre in control there. Hopefully, the reinforcements will get here in time and we will destroy the raiders once and for all. Then I would like you to take over as guard master at the main gate."

         "But you already have a guard master."

         "He's old and often drunk. It's probably because he was drunk that the prisoner escaped. I'll promote him to Quartermaster. That will suit him better."

         "Not exactly promotion, you're gonna make him a storeman."

         "He'll be happy with that."

         "I'm not so sure, but like you say, let's get the Vialians out of the way first."

         Morgan called into The Bull Inn on his way back to the small gate. He walked over to Elfwine. “Things are looking serious. Can you take Flora to safety at The Flashes in the morning?”

         “If that’s what you want, Morgan, I'll be happy to escort her. But then I will be back. I have business here.”

         Morgan arrived back at his post. He looked out through the gate and was surprised to see the Duke approaching with Baldwin.

         He opened the gate and let them in greeting Baldwin but not the Duke.

         “It’s good to see you, Morgan, glad to have you on my side again,” the Duke said.

         “I thought you were dead,” Morgan said.

         “So did Baldwin, but as you can see...”

         “Have you got my money?”

         The duke laughed. “You and Baldwin are like twins. The same thoughts. Money, money, money.”

         “Well then?”

         The duke took out his purse and gave Morgan four coins the same amount as Baldwin.

         “Morgan grinned. “Welcome to Mossley,” he said. “And I’m glad you are not dead.”

         “So am I, my friend, so am I.”

         “We are going to see the mayor,” Baldwin said. “The Duke has forty men, out of sight, in the woods at the moment. After dark, we need to go out and bring them through this gate, and hopefully they might not be seen. I will clear it with the mayor to open the gate after dark if you will let the night guard know.”

         “No need, I will wait here with the guard myself and see you all in. But like you said, let the mayor know what is going on.”

         When Baldwin introduced the Duke to the mayor the relief showed clearly on the mayor's face. After his talk with Morgan earlier, he discussed it with his wife and they started packing for his wife and daughter to be escorted to Advent. He was worried the trip to Advent might be nearly as hazardous as stopping at Mossley. With the arrival of the Duke and his men that worry had passed.

         "So you have forty warriors hidden in the woods?" the mayor said.

         "Yes," the Duke said, "But they will be weary from the rough sea crossing and the heavily laden walk from the beach. Do you have any facilities or will we have to effect tents on the market square?"

         "There is room for most of your men in the guard's compound and the remainder can bed down in the town hall. You, Duke, are welcome to stay as a guest at my house."

         When Morgan and the Duke left, the mayor instructed his men to discreetly take the town's gold from the town hall and lock it in a cellar at the mayor's house before the Duke's men moved in.

         The Duke’s men entered the town as planned and were fed and comfortably settled for the night.

* * * * *

         Oliver Fenglast addressed his men after the burial of his son Guy.

         “Today has been a day of sorrow and mourning. Yesterday, my son Guy courageously led a raid which was almost successful and with only two grappling hooks. Is that right?”

         “Yes,” they all shouted.

          “He was brought down by cowards who could only fight him from a distance. Is that right?”

         “Yes,” they shouted again.”

         “Tomorrow we will assault the stockade of Mossley with twenty grappling hooks. Tomorrow we will enter Mossley and the people of Mossley will pay for the murder of my son. Tomorrow every man woman and child in that town will be punished. Kill every man and boy. Rape every woman. Loot every dwelling. Then the town of Mossley will become the fortress of Fenglast, the greatest bandit town in the country. Are you with me?”

         “Yes, yes, yes,” they all shouted.

 The Flashes. Chapter 24  (18+)
The battle of Mossley.
#2147498 by Bruce.

© Copyright 2018 Bruce. (brucef at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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