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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2146526
Four Housemates two men two women and their gaining adventures.
“Dinner!” came a shout “Okay” came the reply. On her bed Becca rolled off after spending the afternoon binge watching TV. She quickly checked her self in her mirror before she went downstairs. She cursed and began to straighten her mohawk and checked that her black skinny jeans looked ok and straightened her loose fitting black Skid Row shirt noticing a slight bulge at her waist. Although Becca was a skinny girl she had began to gain weight “The only downside of being Rifka’s housemate” she muttered she made her way down stairs “Still I’m not the only one porking up.”

As she got into the living room she could smell Rifka’s Macaroni and cheese she has had stop her mouth watering as her belly began to growl. Getting into the kitchen she saw Rifka dishing up. Rifka was quite different she had been at the house three months before Becca had moved in and was the unofficial cook. She was a plump pleasant girl very friendly with dirty blonde hair combined with peachy skin were as Becca was quite pale and permeant smile. Becca watched the girl she could help but look her up and down looking at her pink shirt that seemed a size too small for her showing off her ample cleavage and blue jeans that hugged her large hips and butt.

Rifka smiled as she dished up her shirt riding up revealing her plush belly as she stretched to grab some above her. She turned and looked at Becca hand her a plate saying “The boys are out this evening Sam is with his girlfriend and Mark is down the pub.” “They’re missing out then” she smiled giving her growling belly a rub as she sat down and looked the pile of melted cheese sausage meat and leeks all cooked together in a plate of warmth and happiness. The two twenty somethings ate and talked about what they had been up to Becca at one point being admonished for looking at Rifka’s chest and not her face causing them both to giggle.

Soon their plates were empty and waist line were bulging. “ Seconds? I made plenty” asked Rifka stifling a belch. “Orph” was Becca’s reply as she un did her belt to give her pale belly some space. As soon as this happened a loud gurgle emitted from it. “I’ll urp take that as a yes.” said Rifka waddling over the kitchen and emptying the rest of Macaroni and cheese onto the plates. “Sorry I cooked so much” said Rifka “I got a text that boys would be out whilst I was half way through cooking” she sat down again much heavier and Becca looked up and saw that her shirt had ridden up revealing her peachy skinned belly.

They began to eat again this time more slowly as they were already full from earlier still with some effort and opening trouser buttons and zips they finished. “URRRRP I wont’ eat again ever!” declared Becca rubbing her newly formed ball belly “Same, Urp” replied Rifka massaging her inflated belly which was resting heavily on her lap and thighs as she sat. “Netflix?” asked Rifka managing to stifle a belch, Becca simply nodded before belching again. They struggled and moaned but eventually they lifted themselves from the table and made their way over to the couch and flopped down.

Springs groaning in protest every time they moved the both women get settled comfortably stretching out along the length of the sofa with Becca sat between Rifka’s legs and leant back onto her plush body “mmm so soft” she murmured in food drunk state. Becca was so full she barely noticed two extra hand reaching around her and beginning to massage her taught middle.

Becca dozed as the tv show Rifka picked played on all she could think of was warm feeling as her hard basketball belly was massaged, and how soft Rifka’s own gut was in comparison “I’m enjoying this” she murmered causing Rifka to smile . She turned her head from its resting spot on her friend’s plump breasts to thank her as unknown to her Rifka looked down and without meaning to their lips brushed.

Rifka giggled as her friend blushed the tough rocker girl image momentarily broken she continued the massage her belly. Rifka smirked and looked at Becca before she could stammer out an apology Rifka cut in “Enjoy that as well?” she said smirking mischievously. Becca blushed and nodded. Rifka smirked again “I should make you my project like my chubby hubby Sam” Becca looked confused she adjusted her body with some difficulty so was now straddling her housemates thick thighs looking straight into her blue eye’s which now had a spark of mischief and possibly lust. “Project? chubby hubby?” She asked confused. “Simple when I first showed up here sixth months ago Sam was a skinny thing but with me feeding him he’s turned into a real man.”

Becca couldn’t imagine her housemate Sam skinny as she’d always known known as being fat. “Besides the extra padding makes the cuddling better” she laughed looking at Becca’s shocked expression. Becca looked at her housemate lying bloated between her legs and though that being Rifka’s project could be fun after all it worked for Sam. “I’d love to be your project” she replied struggling to keep the excitement out of her voice. Rifka interrupted “If you want o be my project I expect something from you she said seductively.
As she sat she Becca looked at her housemate’s flabby and bloated belly she began to massage it causing Rifka to moan in pleasure. Becca soon felt a heat rising between her legs added to when Rifka began to return the belly rubs. Soon the Netflix was forgotten as Rifka leant forward before pecking Becca on the lips. Becca leant down and kissed Rifka gigging as their bare bellies touched. Soon they were rolling on the couch in passion lips locked.

Rifka boke them both apart with Becca looking at her confused. “C’mon soon to be big girl lets go somewhere more private and comfortable.” She took Becca by the hand and lead her into her bedroom as Rifka turned around the found herself being pushed onto the bed casing the springs to groan in protest and Becca removed her shirt, she reached out to return the favour.
The following morning as sun light streamed through the curtain Becca rolled over and noticed that she was in a strange bed with no clothes and her mowhawk was ruined. There was an indentation in the mattress where another person should be. Becca looked at her belly (had been that size last night?) and the memories came back the big dinner, belly rubs and the fantastic nights sex with her pudgy roommate she smiled remembering how experienced Rifka was and the waves of pleasure that had engulfed both during the nights activities.

The door opened, and her lover and housemate walked wearing nothing but a t-shirt and her lace panties. In her hands a tray piled high with breakfast food. “Morning new project” she said smiling she placed tray on the bed taking a fork and waving under Becca’s nose. Becca proceeded to open her mouth obediently “good girl” said Rifka seductively “don’t worry too much we can work the calories off later”
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