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This is a story about a group of girls that discover something truly out of this world... |
Chapter 1: Saya Hello, My name is Saya. It's Japanese for silver arrow. I'm a fox embryo. That’s Half human half animal. And right now i'm running for my life. Ya know, i have a little time to collect some stories. Here’s what i have so far; My Bff Miku’s Story. Miku’s Sister, Bear’s story My sister tianalla’s story My story. Obviously. Since this is all for now, I’ll tell you bits of my story in between everyone else’s stories. Hopefully this will quench your hungry brains until the time is right. Why don’t we start with my very best friend, Miku’s story. Chapter 2: Miku Miku Hello, I'm Miku, but I guess you already knew that. I have all the time in the world, well, until they find me… yeah, sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Unless I did… sorry I know my grammar is bad… Alright, I know you’re looking for a story, but this here lady is a bit of a talker. I mean bunnies are talkative. If bunnies could talk I guess they would talk a lot but then, I can hear them talk, so it's normal for me. Sorry, I’ll start. Where to start, where to start… oh! It started as a normal day a long time ago. My family had just moved to ÎIe Saint-Honorat. That place is so amazing and scary at the same time. I was preparing to move to France in the winter for the school year. I was a selfish girl back then and I only cared about my hair, clothes, and texting my friends back home in Appleton, Wisconsin. Gosh I miss them. Anyways, we landed on the island and something didn't feel like all the other times I’d been to my private family island. [What can I say I needed the room Donald!] We landed and the air seemed thicker than usual, the waves that were usually beautiful and calm were now restless and unsteady. I guess my family felt it too. My mom said she forgot something back home, and returned to the jet. That night, I was at the island alone. Unless you count Bear and my sister Rue… but she's not important right now. The rest of my family was still not back. I settled into my lush pink bed covered in lilac petals. I turned on my side not able to sleep. Without mom, we didn't know how to turn on the air conditioning. My stomach growled because i hadn't eaten since that morning and this was the longest I’d gone without food. Suddenly, the wind howled and the rain spattered on my cabin window. Something was off about it, but what? I got up and ran out of my cabin. The cold air hit my bare skin. I was still wearing my bikini because I thought that I would be swimming, but the water was too cold. I stepped off the wooden porch and felt the rain. Ugh! Where it landed, it left blotches on my handmade swimming suit. This was made by Saya. Yes, she has a pointless dream of becoming a fashion designer, but hey, this was my last memory of her. I ran with all of my might to the door of our mansion that my family shared. Oh, God! Air conditioning! Yes! It was the best feeling in the world. I switched on the lights and stepped inside the door frame. Looking past the light, I looked at the kitchen. Fresh food lined the counters and the clean counter gleamed as I had polished it that afternoon in a fit of pure denial. Why do we have no cell reception? We’d had reception every other time I had come over. My family had paid this month. Three thousand dollars to be exact. The fridge winked at me as lightning flashed across the glass ceiling. FOOOOOOD! SUSHIIIIII!!! I ran to the fridge and opened it as wide as it would go. Nothing… Oh! Yeah! How could I be so stupid! I pressed a button and… ta da! Sushi galore! Our fridge was the highest new technology, and boy did I love me some sushi. :3 (Saya)Miku, no one cares about your stupid obsession with sushi. Even though it's the best… (Miku)Oh, I love you too, Saya. Anyways, this is important for the rest of the story, besides, that stupid obsession of yours is worse… (Saya)Shut up. (Miku)Okay, well, before I could get to that delicious pile of sushi reserved for me and Bear, the door slammed open. Bear stood under the frame, a crazed look in her eyes. Yes I would have gone insane too if I had to walk from the top of the tallest hill to the bottom in the middle of the wildest storms we’d ever had in ÎIe Saint-Honorat.. But I was sure she’d taken it too far. She finally did it. Bear had killed something. Hopefully not someone. (Bear)Hey! What's that supposed to mean! (Miku)Bear was covered from head to toe in… blood. (Bear)Ugh! You always make it so dramatic Mi. (Miku)Yeah, well, it was important! Anyways, she was creeping me out. “I saw it!” She screamed. Praying it was not the devil, I asked her what she saw. “It was horrible!” She stared at me and cackled, “like my worst Yandere nightmare!” Bear ran over to the fridge, pressed some buttons and my precious sushi disappeared. I didn’t care anymore. “Just tell me what happened.” I stated as she gulped down her Ramune. “First of all, tell ME what happened.” She said drunkenly, spilling her Ramune as she pointed it at me. “What do you mean what happened to me. What happened to YOU.” I had no idea what she was talking about she glanced at my bikini bottoms and i felt awful. The blotches, I remembered. I looked down at my bikini, and died. You really just screamed. And you swooned for a second. That's it. Wow, such a flair for the dramatics. Well, last time at least you said you fainted… Hah, hah. Get your laughs in now. But I’ll just take longer to tell your story. (Tia)... (Saya)... That’s what I thought. Now, when I came to, Bear was standing over me. I was scared nearly to death again! What had made me die was… My Saya made bikini was soaked in deep red BLOOD! I realized my mistake. The rain was not normal, not at all. And my body had known it back at my cabin. This was, wait for it… BLOOD RAIN! Yeah, you probably already guessed that. “Bear.” I mumbled, “Something is awful. Look at your jeans. You’re right, that woman WAS evil-” “I never said that-” “But, she was from your worst Yandere Chan nightmare! It’s raining blood.” Suddenly, a shadow flashed across the curtains and the rain stopped. I flicked off the light and ran into the corner. Bear just sat there screaming her foolish little head off. I had to cover her mouth or Yandere chan would have heard us! Ahem! Excuse me? I mean, vice-versa. And then Bear locked the door and ran back into our corner. The shadows flashed across the curtain closest to the door. Suddenly, the door handle jiggled. The sound echoed across the house. The handle stopped. Then, there was another jiggling noise and the lock clicked. Noise from the outside echoed around the house as the door slammed open. Blood rain spattered onto the crisp white carpet that I had cleaned just this morning in another fit of the shower water being cold. [What? A girl can't love her some hot water?...... Whatever, Donald.] The lights flickered on and I saw Bear standing behind Rue with a carving knife. But, Rue+ was horrifying. Her hair was matted and bloody. Scabs covered her face, hands and whatever other skin was showing. “NO!” I screamed at Bear, But it was too late. Ronster swivelled around and grabbed Bear by the throat. Bear’s face turned green and Ronster dropped her. She sagged to the ground, passed out. Ronster slowly turned towards me. One of her eyes were missing. I was so horrified and scared and sad that I couldn't move. Before I could move a muscle, Ronster had me by the throat. I couldn't breath and I passed out, before I closed my eyes, an image of Saya swam in front of my eyes. “... Saya…” I breathed, and then I too sagged towards the floor. |