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Sam grows into a giantess and rolls with it. |
Waking up with start, Sam rolled over in her bed to check the time. It was only 3AM, making a face at her clock she decided to try and go back to bed. She had been in the middle of a weird dream where she was ravaging her town as a giantess. She wasn't shocked to be dreaming that sort of thing because it was one of her fetishes. Being a long time fan of the idea of swallowing people whole and using them as her own personal dildos just thinking about it here in her bed made her a little wet. Giving up for now on trying to go back to sleep, Sam thought she might as well play around a little more with her dream and snatched her phone from her nightstand. She kept a stash of images and stories she had collected over the past few years she enjoyed getting off to. Flipping through her phone she found one image that she rather liked that she had just recently found. It was an image of a massive woman swallowing five people at a time down her stretched gullet. Her belly was that of a four hundred pound woman at regular height. Sam was a fan of bigger woman as being bisexual, she found that is was more fun in bed when she had more to hold. There were people running from and even to this giantess in the picture from either fear, or lust. She was sitting down and leaning against a building that had been obliterated by this woman's huge butt. Rubble surrounding the area and covered in her cum as she shoved three people into her gaping, hungry pussy with her other hand. This image alone was enough to send Sam over the edge into a shattering orgasm. She sunk down under her blanked and drifted off to sleep hoping to dream about this wonderful woman she so enjoyed. A few hours passed and Sam was still asleep in her bed., her phone discarded to her side with the image of her fantasy woman still encapsulated on the screen. A small vibration from her cell created a stir in her sleep and she slowly rose from her deep sleep. Feeling groggy she tried to sit up in her bed only to come to realize that her room had somehow became smaller to her. Thinking she was still asleep she pinched her arm. With the pain in her arm not waking her up, she decided to try and stand up and get some water. With a loud CLANG Sam wailed in pain as her head hit the ceiling of her room. Grasping her head with her hands Sam now understood just how tall she was. She guessed that she was around twelve feet tall to be able to reach her tall bedroom ceiling. During her epiphany she accidentally stumbled into a wall with a CRASH. Lucking it was her room's bathroom and not one to the hallway as her family might have heard her and woken up. Getting up soaking wet from the now newly broken sink she tried to think of what had happened, and what to do next. Remembering that her best friend Alex worked at the local university as a science class student teacher she thought giving him a call might help. Looking for her phone under some broken up plaster from the wall she finally found it. Picking up her now tiny cell she realized that with her huge fingers making a call wasn't going to be an option. Running out of options Sam resorted to having the idea of just driving over to the College and talking to Alex directly. Still wearing her night clothes she had slept in that not were ripping at the seems, she looked through her closet for anything that would fit her mighty frame. Her breasts had grown to the size of kickballs, and her ass was now wider than her dresser. After discovering that nothing she owned was going to fit her Sam got desperate. She slowly crept into the bathroom and snatched the shower curtain and a few beach towels from the closet. A few trial and error mistakes later Sam had a makeshift bra and a pair of panties that left little to the imagination. Tiptoeing out into her living room Sam grabbed her keys and left out the garage door because she wasn't going to fin through the regular front door anymore. As she got to her car another epiphany hit her. She was way too big to fit into her car. Fear and panic crept into her for only a moment before she calmed herself down and surrendered to the idea of just running to meet with Alex. The university was only a few blocks away and if she was fast she could make it there before most of the residents in the area got up to leave for work. She dashed from her lawn and down the street with her breasts jiggling and butt swaying as she ran. She prayed that her clothes would hold until she at least have it to the school. Taking a shortcut through the alley she and her friends used to hand out in, she suddenly felt light headed. Not wanting to stop she continued on her route pushing the feeling aside. As she was nearing the end of the alley the aching in her head became more painful and Sam had to take a moment to collect herself. Without warning she suddenly felt her heart racing faster and faster and eventually blacked out. When Sam awoke she had throbbing headache and her whole body felt as if it was burning. Her surroundings were a blur, she had a ringing in her ear and she heard faint sirens and people whispering and talking around her. Opening her eyes Sam slowly tried to comprehend where she was and why she could hear so many people around her, and why she was cold. Then with a shock, she what had happened to her this morning. Looking down she was able to discern a few things off the bat. She was completely naked, and that she had grown to an astoundingly greater height of roughly sixty feet. Without knowing what else to do, she tried to get up. Still feeling groggy Sam tried to stand up. Forgetting that people were still around her Sam accidentally stepped on someone hearing and feeling a loud CRUNCH underfoot. That was a tipping point for Sam. The sensation of taking a life like that on accident with little to no effort. Screams from people fleeing from her accidental killing of the man echoed through her head as it reminded her of the night before and the picture she had masturbated to. Trying to control her urges as her pussy started drooling for attention. Without even thinking Sam reached down into the dispersing crowd and plucked one of the people running away from her. She quickly shoved them into her awaiting folds with a wet and soothing SQUELCH. Moaning as her pussy gobbled up her first catch she wanted more. This time when she reached into the crowd of people she snatched up a handful of them and dropped them one at a time into her mouth past her full lips onto her tongue. She swashed them around taking her time to enjoy their flavor as if she was tasting a fine wine. When she was finished tasting her squirming morsels with a mighty GULP she sent them down her gullet into her awaiting stomach acids to slowly digest. Reaching into her still dripping pussy to pull out her current captives she realized that they were no longer there. Instead when the dove her hand into her a massive gush of cum escaped from her. Coming to the understanding that her new meals could not only provide her belly with food, but they also digested into more cum in her pussy that realization sent her over the edge for the first time as a giantess. Sam's first orgasm as a giant was more pleasurable than she ever could have imagined. Her screams shattered windows for miles and her vagina flooded the streets with cum sweeping people off their feet. As she recovered from her high of sex and the feeling of others slowly melting in her stomach she moved on from her neighborhood and started heading to her original destination of the school, only with a different plan for it. |