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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Teen · #2123492
The beginning of a long, happy moment in a young teens life; a fun story all on its own.

Meeting Fate

The day after turned out to be beautiful, the exact opposite kind of day Jade had hoped for. The clouds hugged the beautiful blue sea in small adoring patches. The sun brightened this sky, and warmed the earth. People had wandered about happily, and birds were chirping just the same. Every little bit about today was like being in this one big perfect happy mood, but Jade could not join in. For less than twenty-four hours ago, the boy she had given another chance (his fourth), had once again broken her heart.

Jade had always believed she could make things work with Kenny. Of course, she should have seen right through him. She gave him every bit of her heart, and he gave her away, again, for a girl who had broken his heart before, when Jade never had. She had always taken her time to fall in love with someone, but this boy had been a rare kind. She had just finished walking into her health class, and saw him. It was just him, at a desk made, and filled, with six other people, but he was all Jade could see. She saw him first in her freshman year, and here she was her summer of sophomore year, becoming and upper class man in just weeks; still letting people treat her like a rag doll. Still letting people walk all over her, and sit... Well people sitting on her, she found fun and silly. She'd loved it when her best friend asked her to sit on her lap or something.

Jade had decided, while heading to summer school that morning, that she wasn't going to let Kenny, and people like him, use her heart anymore. She had found a wonderful new confidence that she had never known before, and she had become quite proud of herself. Yet, still, she was sad. She still both hated and missed Kenny, this she could never really deny, even to herself.

She'd pondered the entire night as she sat in her summer school Geometry class. Her teacher was re-explaining the same problem he had first placed on the board when they walking in around eight. Jade had finished the equation in just minutes, so she had decided to sit back go to her thoughts. She really never belonged in summer school. The school had lost her transcript when she returned, and so she was "missing" five credits of math. Jade never minded it, she loved math, even relearning it over and over. So, she just sat back as the other students played dumb. They didn't care, but alas, Jade went on thinking.

Kenny hadn't really talked to her for the first few weeks, after she'd seen him. She got to see that they would share a multiple number of classes together, which made her smile. In time, though, she was able to talk to him, and make friends. Some how, he had been able to get into the already distant group of elementary school friends Jade had. Everything that could pull them apart their freshman year was doing very well at it. Jade had been walking away from her final period one day, when Kenny had finally decided to catch up to her and asked her out.

"Miss Melidona, please describe the function of this variable." Jade's teacher's voice was very annoying, yet still was able to pull her out of her thoughts. She moved her black bangs out of her eyes, quickly, and gave him the answer as if she had never left the class's entirely tedious lecture. The teacher's eyes widened with interest as she verbally described the rest of the equation's functions perfectly. When she finished he had decided to speak again, "Well, if you could have explained that here, I wonder if it was just laziness that brought you to this class?"

Irritated now, Jade mumbled something to him a bit louder than she wanted, "Yea, the school's laziness," Luckily the bell had decided to ring during her mumble, and she got up and was out the door before the teacher could say a thing.

Break time at summer school was like recess in elementary, without the jungle gym. Jade walked slowly to the tables under the trees. She took in the little bit of sunshine that she could stand, and twirled gently; allowing her long skirt to spin ever so slightly in the wind. She felt like something had to make her feel pretty today, since nothing and no one else would. She had on her prettiest outfit, and it worked for her. Getting to the tables, she sat down on the nearest one, facing the top of normally, until she saw her best friend's class getting out as well. Jade's friend, Melody, had been there for Jade since the beginning of their freshman year. They became like sisters almost instantly, and Melody was always the only one who would be able to cheer her up from anything. Maybe, even this.

Something, Jade couldn't figure out why, but something had made her want to lie do, so she did. She knew she was in a skirt though, so she made sure to have her legs straight with the bench of the table, and her knees over the edge with the skirt down. Moments after, Melody had come over wit hone of their other friends and a boy Jade had only seen around campus. She looked at Jade, and shook her head.

"You're so weird, Jade, lying down in a skirt. Lift your head up," Jade did so, and Melody sat facing away from the table's top, placing Jade's head in her lap. She looked at the odd new boy, "You can sit if you want, Thomas. This is Jade, the girl I was telling you about."

"Good things I hope." Jade responded jokingly.

Thomas laughed a bit and walked up to Jade, "May I sit on you?"

"Ah, a boy with manners, and a fun sense of humor? Why, yes you may." Jade smiled at him, and then looked up at Melody with an odd expression.

"So, how are you and Ken, Barbie?" Melody said poking Jade's nose. When Melody saw how quickly Jade had gotten quiet and sad, she needed no answer, "Aw sweetie, not again... We should beat him up."

Now having Thomas on her Jade took short breaths, as she always needed to when someone sat on her, "He went back to her... But, I have decided that I just need to stop letting people like him in, ya know?"

"Hey do you have a cell phone?" Thomas spoke up randomly.

"What teen doesn't?" Jade replied. Thomas got off, and she sat up reaching for her phone. It was small enough to fit between her and her skirt. "Don't laugh, I didn't pick the color." She pulled out her small yellow flip phone, and handed it to him, "It doesn't have many good games on it, nor does it have internet, but you can go ahead and play with it or whatever." Jade went back to talking to Melody, "He used me again, to not be lonely."

"It will be ok, love. That jerk didn't deserve you anyways." As she finished her sentence, Jade's teacher called to his students.

"Ah, time for me to return to hell," Jade said looking at Thomas, "Id let you keep the damned thing, but my mom would kill me," Thomas only laughed as he handed it back. Jade got up from the table and walked back to her class.

For some reason, it was now when she began to wonder why that Thomas kid had wanted to see her phone. As soon as she sat down, her question answered itself. Her phone vibrated in her pocket. Jade took it out, and flipped it up. The top screen said *One New Message* Thinking it was her mom; Jade looked around to make sure she was clear, and opened the message. She saw that it was not a number she had saved in her phone. Jade rolled her eyes a tad irritated to see only on word on the message: *Hey*

As if the dictionary of a teen's mind was so limited, to cause their communications to be single worded. She replied, asking who it was, put her phone away, and then looked up at the board for the next thing to do. Luckily, it was independent work sheets; the teacher had decided to let them actually use their brains at least once today. An entire packet to finish before the end of the day, alone no less; Jade smiled knowing she wouldn't have to hear the teacher's rude, obnoxious voice. After she had finished the second page, she realized that her pocket was buzzing again. Rolling her eyes, she got her phone out and checked it: *Oh, sorry about dat. This is Thomas. How are you?*

Jade giggled, happy to see other students do have greater dictionaries in their heads. She replied: *I am good. Lol now I see why you wanted to see my phone.* After sending the message, she went back to the final page of her packet. Just minutes later she finished, and looked around. She saw so many of the other students had decided that they would mess around instead of working. They were either doing that or trying to cheat off their other friends. She had gone back to ignoring them, and finished the page in only a few minutes. She knew after she was done all she could do was sit in her seat till the end of class, so she just sat there bored thinking. Just as she was about to go back to her earlier thoughts, Jade had received another text: *Yea. I wanted to text you, but couldn't make myself just ask. Hey...* Before she could finish the text, the teacher came up next to her, and spoke in her ear really loudly.

"Oh, so it is laziness, and distractions that are the reasons you are here? You should be more focused on your school work, that way you won't have to come to my class during the summer." Jade didn't even say anything, and just handed him her packet. "Oh you're a quitter too? Ok." She turned red with anger, as he took her papers back to his desk. Jade decided to go back to her thoughts and breathe before she got too out of hand.

She thought back to the second time Kenny left. Jade had been with him almost a month that time. She had been very happy, and thought he was too. The day she wanted to say "I love you" to him, was the second time her voice was cut short. He began to tell her how he wanted Melody, her best friend. He wanted her best friend, not her. Melody did not know, but Jade still knew that Kenny could make Melody smile. She let him go without even saying goodbye. Life was getting hard here, so her family sent her to live with her aunt. A week before she had to transfer schools, Kenny asked to wait with her till her aunt picked her up. She told him she could care less what he did, so he stayed there with her. Just minutes before her aunt arrived, Kenny looked straight into Jade's eyes; told her he loved her; wanted her back, and before she could respond kissed her very passionately. Jade couldn't help but to melt, and break, and become his again. She had left, and went to another school. She had lots of different people hitting on her, but still she remained faithful to Kenny. A few months went by and she had to move away with her aunt, and began to see Kenny less, and less. She always was happy to see him, when she did get the chance though. One fateful night, he called her up. He began to say a lot of different words. He gave her so many different excuses. How he couldn't deal with a long distance relationship, and such. So, again, they were done. it was only lately that Jade had found out that Kenny had been cheating on her with a girl she had known from her old school for some time. He knew Melody would not date him again, so he went back to his ex, who was older and seemed very fragile to Jade.

Her hand vibrated, making Jade not only jumps, but realizes she was still holding out her phone. Some kids laughed at her, but she didn't care. She looked at her phone and noticed a new message had appeared. She had even realized that part of her was hoping that it would be from Thomas. It was: *It okay, I understand if you don't want to...*

Jade looked at the previous text, remembering she had never even finished it: *Yea. I wanted to text you, but couldn't make myself just ask. Hey, would you mind if I walked home with you a way? I've noticed you walk right in front of my house anyways...* After she finished reading it, she smiled really big. This had made her the happiest she had been all day. Just then the bell rang, and she hurried to pack. As she reached the door, shed had to stop.

"Miss Melidona, please stay a minute." Her teacher's voice was beginning to bring on a migraine, but she turned around anyways and walked to his desk. When all the students left, the teacher spoke again, "How are you even in summer school? You have a great mind," he holds Jade's worksheets up," You didn't miss a single problem Jade. Were you just..."

"Stop it," Jade had finally cracked, "I'm sorry for interrupting your rant you were about to go on, but stop." It was then that she had looked him straight in the eye, "I am not lazy. I am not distracted. Most of all; I am NOT a quitter. I have had A's and B's since fourth grade. Since you only teach, excuse my cruelty, idiots; you probably have never even seen my name more than once before this class. I have transferred through a few different schools, and have had no problems. Coming back here, somehow, caused five very important little credits to go astray. I'm here because I'm not wasting more time than I must to get them back on track. I do my work, as you see. I finish the morning problems five minutes in. As you waste the rest of the morning explaining it to students who either don't care and loved to waste your time, so as not to have to do any more work, or so they can spend their time talking to their friends. Now, the next time you want to call a student lazy, or anything else that would definitely damage their self will more than help it, stop and think of OUR little chat here. Not every student that comes through here is here to waste your so very precious underpaid time." with that Jade grabbed her bag and rushed out the door; leaving the teacher dumbfounded.

Jade tried to calm herself down, though she began to be sad again. She knew Thomas wouldn't be waiting for her. He would want to get home as early as possible. She had walked around the corning, and began to wander into her thoughts. Before she could fully space, a boy's voice called to her. Jade looked around and saw Thomas waiting at the table where they had met just hours before. She tried not to race up to her, though that was what she wanted to do and give him a giant hug. Finishing her last few steps to him, Jade spoke, "I thought you would have left by now."

"Well, normally, yea. I was texting this cute girl earlier, though. She didn't seem like the kind of person who'd not reply back, ya know? So, when she didn't, I decided I'd just wait here and look like an idiot to walk with her. Of course, if she didn't want to..." Thomas paused and looked Jade straight in the eyes.

"Oh, she definitely wants to. I mean, come now, if she didn't one of you would look like an uber stalker." they both laughed and began to slowly walk to their homes, together.

"So, what did make you not text me back anyways?" Thomas smiled at her as they finally were off the school grounds.

"Well... Some spacing, some work, but mostly, I was just spending the last few minutes after the bell to make Satan my beotch." They both laughed again and continued to walk on, together.

The End

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