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This is Africas history from 7000bc-present |
From the book Our true black history 7000bc-present by Akan Takruri Our full story Around 3000bc. Africa was rich in natural resources. Egypt and Nubia were the main civilizations. The 2 both shared the same culture, religion, and language. Both had tribes that made up the 2 communities, Kemet means black community, Kem means black. Akanfo, Dogon, and Yoruba occupied the populations and served in the armies, these are what west Africans were known as prior to being west Africans. Egypt had been invaded multiple times, and tribes fled out of Egypt and settled in West Africa around 300bc. Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Dogon, Benin, Ashanti, Takruri, and a few other tribes existed in West Africa. They were the richest ever people on the history of the planet, from gold and salt. King Mansa Musa was worth $400 billion during his lifetime. During that time, Arabs invaded northern Africa. Arabs, Black Berbers, West & North African Baufers, Fulani called Moors, invaded southern Europe. They ruled for 800 years, and took in white slaves as prisoners of war, and used slaves throughout the time. They would use them for a contract of 7 years. After the Moors reign ended The Ashanti started building up their kingdom with slaves in Africa in 1500. They needed them to clear the forest. They would go to war with nearby tribes that were squatting around their area. You have to remember that at that time, there was no colorism, it was just nationality. So the Ashanti enslaved people of different language and culture who were foreign to them. Around that time the Ashanti's kingdom was built up, and after that they started gathering slaves for Europeans. Slaves were brought over on large ships, under harsh conditions. They were forced to do work on plantations, for generations, and massed America $23 trillion dollars during their servitude. Times were changing and industrialism was making its way around and there was less use for slave labor. America wanted to open its country up to immigration, but they couldn’t sell their country to foreigners if all men in their country weren’t free. So they made a deal with the slaves to join forces with them and fight the south to become free. After their freedom was granted, they became the largest ethnic group to make progress. This was quickly halted by whites, that thought blacks would take over. Businesses and communities were burned down. Multiple acts of violence took place. This brought in integration from blacks into the white communities. Integration was swiftly meet by segregation, and the two race groups were separated, from the home to the workplace. Blacks marched and fought for their civil rights. All the while the white community profited off of their free labor from the past. With lives lost, and harsh treatment they overcame segregation. In the 80's with help from the nation’s leaders, programs were put together to keep the black community down. Drugs were let into the community. They flooded the streets with the drugs, and black youth took to street drug dealing. This caused our government to create harsh penalties for minor drug offences. This in return created a prison street culture in the black community. At the same time the government created the welfare system. This was a system that split the black family up. Now it caused kids to just be raised by a single parent, and most of the time kids were being raised by the streets. With blacks relying on welfare programs like this and bad educational systems, blacks were divided and didnt work as a unit. All over the world blacks were colonized, and Africans were robbed of their natural resources. We need to all come together and make one unit, and overcome this oppression. This book explains our story, from greatness to oppression. Chapter 1 Egyptians/Nubians, how they came to be This explains our start in history. This point begins around the 7000 bc time frame. In that period everyone on the planet were hunter gatherer tribes. During this time they were making their transition into becoming the two civilizations of Egypt and Nubia The Predynastic Period in Ancient Egypt is the time before recorded history from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic Age and on to the rise of the First Dynasty and is generally recognized as spanning the era from c. 6000-3150 BCE (though physical evidence argues for a longer history). While there are no written records from this period, archaeological excavations throughout Egypt have uncovered artifacts which tell their own story of the development of culture in the Nile River Valley. The periods of the Predynastic Period are named for the regions/ancient city sites in which these artifacts were found and do not reflect the names of the cultures who actually lived in those areas. Charlotte Booth, MA, is an Egyptologist, lecturer, and founder of the Essex Egyptology Group The ancient people who lived in the Nile valley were a melting pot of many ethnic groups, with many different origins. Prior to 5000 BC, the Nile valley did not have any settled people, because the surrounding area was rich in vegetation and was inhabited by a number of nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes, which followed large animals such as lions, giraffes, and ostriches as a source of food. However, due to climatic change in approximately 5000 BC, the area surrounding the Nile valley began to dry out and was no longer able to sustain the large animals. This climate shift meant that the nomadic tribes all converged on the Nile valley because the river was slowly becoming the only source of water in the region. As a result, the first Egyptian population was a collection of different nomadic tribes, which slowly integrated with each other and created a new society: In the south of Egypt, the origins of the people were Nubian, Nubians were hunter gatherers and herders. They settled in an area that’s below Egypt that’s called modern day Sudan. Nubians were known for having fearsome warriors. Nubian warriors were called Medjay warriors or Medjay bowmen. They were very accomplished archers. In the army, the Medjay served as garrison troops in Egyptian fortifications in Nubia and patrolled the deserts as a kind of gendarmerie. This was done in the hope of preventing their fellow Medjay tribespeople from further attacking Egyptian assets in the region. Later, they were even used during Kamose’s campaign against the Hyksos and became instrumental in making the Egyptian state into a military power. By the Eighteenth Dynasty of the New Kingdom period, the Medjay were an elite paramilitary police force. No longer did the term refer to an ethnic group and, over time, the new meaning became synonymous with the policing occupation in general. Being an elite police force, the Medjay were often used to protect valuable areas, especially royal and religious complexes. Though they are most notable for their protection of the royal palaces and tombs in Thebes and the surrounding areas, the Medjay were known to have been used throughout Upper and Lower Egypt.Christopher Ehret Professor of History, African Studies Chair University of California at Los Angeles writes "Ancient Egyptian civilization was, in ways and to an extent usually not recognized, fundamentally African. The evidence of both language and culture reveals these African roots. The origins of Egyptian ethnicity lay in the areas south of Egypt. The ancient Egyptian language belonged to the Afrasian family (also called Afroasiatic or, formerly, Hamito-Semitic). The speakers of the earliest Afrasian languages, according to recent studies, were a set of peoples whose lands between 15,000 and 13,000 B.C. stretched from Nubia in the west to far northern Somalia in the east. They supported themselves by gathering wild grains. The first elements of Egyptian culture were laid down two thousand years later, between 12,000 and 10,000 B.C., when some of these Afrasian communities expanded northward into Egypt, bringing with them a language directly ancestral to ancient Egyptian. They also introduced to Egypt the idea of using wild grains as food. A new religion came with them as well. Its central tenet explains the often localized origins of later Egyptian gods: the earliest Afrasians were, properly speaking, neither monotheistic nor polytheistic. Instead, each local community, comprising a clan or a group of related clans, had its own distinct deity and centered its religious observances on that deity. This belief system persists today among several Afrasian peoples of far southwest Ethiopia. And as Biblical scholars have shown, Yahweh, god of the ancient Hebrews, an Afrasian people of the Semitic group, was originally also such a deity. The connection of many of Egypt's predynastic gods to particular localities is surely a modified version of this early Afrasian belief. Political unification in the late fourth millennium brought the Egyptian deities together in a new polytheistic system. But their local origins remain amply apparent in the records that have come down to us. During the long era between about 10,000 and 6000 B.C., new kinds of southern influences diffused into Egypt. During these millennia, the Sahara had a wetter climate than it has today, with grassland or steppes in many areas that are now almost absolute desert. New wild animals, most notably the cow, spread widely in the eastern Sahara in this period." Chapter 2 Egypt/Nubia Ethiopians & Twa The Anu/Ethiopians "We find when we discover Egypt in what we call the First Dynasty, under Menes, that it is at its absolute zenith of culture in painting, sculpture, architecture. From this peak period, the Egyptian culture steadily declines. It is very much as if the Egyptians found themselves the inheritors of a great ready-made culture of which they could take advantage, which they could utilize and even to some degree emulate, but which they themselves did not create . . . . This very strongly suggests that it drew its greatness from a source higher than itself . . . ." --Jalandris, The Hall of Records: The Hidden secrets of the Pyramid and Sphinx, 1980 "This civilization called Egyptian in our period developed for a long time in its early cradle . . . This cycle of civilization, the longest in history, presumably lasted 10,000 years. This is a reasonable compromise between the long chronology (based on data provided by Manetho -the last student of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of Anu at Alexandria before it was invaded by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE-- which places the beginning at 17,000 BCE) and the short chronology [3100 BCE] of the moderns - for the latter are obliged to admit that by 4245 BCE the Egyptians had already invented the calendar (which necessarily requires the passages of thousands of years)." --Cheik Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality (originally published Nations Negres et Culture) 1955(Published in English in 1974) "In this chapter I hope to demonstrate that the origin of the civilization of Egypt (khem) was black African, specifically Ethiopian or Anu . . . The history of Black will remain suspended in air and cannot be written correctly until African historians dare connect it with the history of Egypt. In reviewing Egypt's beginnings, we find an advanced civilization already intact from the earliest Dynasty. This fact has perplexed historians down through the ages. Common sense dictates that if Egypt began fully mature, then its civilization must have originated elsewhere . . . . [Herodotus] The `Father of History' was told that the first man to rule Egypt was Min, who lived so long ago that Egypt was still under water: `in (Min's) time the whole country, except the district around Thebes, was marsh, none of the land below Lake Moeris, was then showing above water. To this place from the sea [Nowe] is seven days passage up the river . . . . " --Wayne Chandler, Of Gods and Men: Egypt's Old Kingdom, 1989 "According to Flnders Petrie these people were the Anu whose name, known to us since the protohistoric epoch, is always written with three pillars on the few inscriptions extant from the end of the fourth millennium before our era. The natives of the country are always represented with unmistakable chiefly emblems for which one looks in vain among the infrequent portrayals of other races, who are all shown as servile foreign elements having reached the valley by infiltration (cf. Tera Neter and the Scorpion king whom Petrie (wrongly) groups together; `The Scorpion King . . . belonged to the preceding race of Anu, moreover he worshipped Min and Set.'). As we shall see later Min, like the chief gods of Egypt, was called by the tradition of Egypt itself `The Great Negro'. . . . "The Palermo Stone is Egypt's oldest history book . . . revealing to us information on the early kings of Egypt, along with mythical kings prior to the dynastic era. This fragment of a 5th century basalt stele . . .was doubtless one of the documents that Manetho used to compile his history of Egypt. The king list covers the period from the Old Kingdom back thousands of years into the predynastic period. It chronicles these mythical kings until the time of the god Horus, who is said to have given the throne to the human king Menes. . . . Other interesting information recorded by the Palermo stone is the construction of a stone building called Men-netjeret (2686-2667 BCE), copper smelting and copper statues created in the 2nd Dynasty (2890-2686 BCE) and a record of forty ships that brought wood from an unknown region outside of Egypt during the reign of Sneferu . . . |