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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2117308
a female college undergos some strange transformation

Transformation Story

Helen was walking around Greenacres when she noticed a strange machine on the door into the office,as she went in to the office the machine fired and she disappeared after a while she came back "phew still the same" However when she went to answer the phone "hello woof what is woof happening" She then goes to Deryl "woof woof woof something changing here woof" Her phone went again and she went to answer " Hello Helen cl woof woof woof woof, growl growl" she then tried to jump of the jump of the chair but she fell when she started walking "woof woof woof"
She saw herself in the mirror of toilet her she now has blond fur starting from her head, a dog log noise and her hands were turning into paws when she come back from the toilet the last change happened and Helen had changed into a grown up golden retriever Helen despite to find out is still talk in this body "woof woof woof growl growl" "growl growl" she was just about to give up when she went woof what woof kind of woof dog I woof am" she hissed Deryl replied she was a golden retriever "woof what woof going to happen at woof 5:00pm" At lunchtime she eat from a dog bowl like a dog however before 5:00 she "woof changes are woof woof happening" Her dog body changed back into a human body and her hands were back "woof now just need woof to stop barking woof2
The next she was in a reception when a familiar feeling took place around Helen "great what this time" This time "Hello Greencare hi can I help you neigh " she said "he be out in 5 minutes neigh neigh" This time all she could hear was her voice getting worse "neigh neigh how can I help negh and started flicking her hair round. "neigh neigh nigh how neigh can I neigh help you". Heather her friend said took a look at yourself , her hands were turning into hooves and her hair had turned into a blonde mane "neigh neign not niegh again" Her ears moved to top of her head and become horse ears and mouth had become more horse "neigh neigh neigh I look neigh more like neigh horsewomen neign neigh ow a blond tail had spouted out of helen" The phone rings she trouble picking it up because of her hooves "neigh neigh Hello neigh Greenacres neigh neigh how can I hel neigh neigh neigh you" the next client comes in "hello neigh neigh neigh neigh she shakes her head and runs to the appoitesnip safe room and manages Catherine comes in and is shocked to discover a strange horse like creature there "neigh neigh neigh neigh it's me neigh Helen neigh been changed neigh neigh into a neigh horse". Catherine did her work in reception and went back into the safe room to find a horse standing "neigh neigh neign and a snort as Helen was furious with form " neigh neigh how neign neigh neigh are we going to neign neigh getting me out of neigh neigh here" she neighed. Catherine pretend Helen the horse was hers and started leading it around the clients of Greencare's, "Neigh thanks neigh neigh neigh now neigh neigh how are you neigh going to neigh neigh feed me neigh in this neigh neigh form2 a large farm tractor appreaed with carrot's. Helen went up and started gobbleing them down and it was free riders leason when the 50th client "neigh neigh I thinking I'm neigh changing" she then led back into the safe room where her face slowly revlaed itself back to the right shape her tail receeded and her mane receded into her normal haircut about 5 minutes she came back out as Helen". Previsouly all these chages had occurred at work. She got into her car and was driving to work from Ruabon about halfway from her house "uuhh uhh great now I turning into a monkey in car" uhh uhh having trouble concentrating uhh uhh uhh she got to work still looking reasonable just she saw reception "uhh uhh uhh can't help it uhh uhh uhh just as she got to reception she started walking like monkey "uhh uhh uhh getting worse uhh uhh that was uhh uhh close" She was walking back from the homecare section when Deryl told her their was banking "uhh uhh uhh I just get the uhh uhh keys" She come back to reception and she said "uhh uhh uhh where it from" unknown to Helen her face had become more monkey like and fur was growing up her face "uhh uhh uhh thatv from uhh uhh erlas uh" With her hand now monkey paws she trouble grabbing the bag "uhh uhh uhh thanks2. When back at her desk the receptionist rings up to say their bill payment "uhh uhh uhh coming uhh" She arrives at reception and goes "uhh uhh uhh uhh bill uhh" "uhh thank you I just go and g uhh uhh uhh2" Using her monkey figures she deals with the payment and "uhh uhh uhhh uhh and while she was on the seat "uhh uhh uhh urr urgh urgh somethings happened uhh uhh uhh she looked down and saw a monkey tail2 She hired opens the door and goes "uhh uhh uhh uhh here you chage and uhh uhh receipt" Someone shouts Iv'e got a bill payment . Helen goes back to the desk to collect it She tries to says "uhh uhh uhh uhh I uhh uhh just uhh uhh ruhh uhh uhh uhh uhh uhh uhh uhh2 She sees no other staff round and tries to phone for help "uhh uhh uhh uhh uhh need uhh uhh uhh2 unfortunately all staff are busy she taps the number into computers and then hands out the reception. Unfortunately the bill payer notices "thanks monkey" uhh uhh uhh she responded and swings out of reception we a see a monkey When she get back into the office from a monkey person into a full monkey "uhh uhh uhh uhh" She got a pen "can't speak in this form, what is going happened"
Daryl tress her to try again Helen responds "uhh uhh uhh uhh uhh this is uhh uhh uhh uhh only able to uhh uhh uhh uhh uhh for a couple of words uhh uhh uhh uhh uhh" After demolishing a lot of bananas for her work it come to 5:00 still a monkey "uhh uhhh can't go uhh home uhh in this uhh form uhh" Around about ten past five "uhh uhhh uhh chsnges with in a five minutes were back "uhh I'm backuhh uhh"

Helen then went home The next change happened at her home she just sat down at the table "Hi Oliva I hope you won't have a bad day" "I going to oink work" Her partner comes down " I'm off to oink oink oink work" " Hope nothing happens oink oink when I'm driving oink" She looks in the mirror and she has developed a pot belly and a pig snout "oink oink what else can oink oink happen" As she parks the car she has trouble opening the door she look and find her hands have turned into pig "oink oink oink what onik oink oink" She get to her office and Deryl asks "What are you turning into" Helen "oink oink oink a pig " she squeals and finds their as a pig tail. She tries to answer the phone "oink Helen oink oink CLS How can I help yo oink oink oink oinkyou" She tries to go to the to photocopier but unfortunately falls down "oink oink I can't oink walk.
OINK OINK my hands are now oink oink pig oink hooves oink" " I OINK OINK OINK CAN'T DO PHOTOCOPY OINK" Her phone goes the recptionsit says that her partner is here. Deryl asks Helen "What are you going to do" "oink oink oink don't won't to see me oink oink like oink oink oink oink" Helen tries to speak again "Oink oink oink oink oink " oink oink oink " Deryl look down and find Helen has changed into a full pig unable to speak . Helen still trying to find out if she can talk in this body "oink oink oink oink oink difficult to speak oink oink oink oink can oink oink only oink oink do oink oink one oink oink word oink oink at oink oink a oink oink a oink time oink she oinked " She oinked. She had pig swirl for lunch and around about 4:55 "oink oink still oink oink an oink oink pig" A few minutes she had changed back to human form and went home.
The next transformation had started the previous night when she was sleeping " I feel baad" "Need to get to work fast baa" She manged to get into the car and was driving "baa baa my badd face changing" "baa baa having baa trouble baa driving baa baaa baa she pulls into green acres car park " bae bad this is bard baa can't get out of the car" Daryl then goes to help and finds Helen basically half human half sheep "baa baa thanks Helen gets into the office and is about five minutes from her sheet "baa baa this is baad badd" A few minutes what was Helen is now sheep "baa baa baa baa" baa my voice is going go baa baa like now baa baa baa baa baa" she bleated. She changed back to her normal form but when she tried to talk it all she could do bleat "baa,baa, baa ,baa" She then wrote can't speak can only bleat. Five seconds she held her throat clearly panic. Deryl said trying speaking "phew I got my voice back, I'm off home"
The next day it was Friday, so she got to Greenacres relatively okay . She felt the tinge and started to regress and Deryl noticed you getting younger She had regressed back to when she flu and lost voice "I agree" she whispered After lunch she was back to when she had long hair and was pregnant
By 2:00 she was a tolder "great gaa gaaa gcan;t speak ppropely goo goo
Then she was returned to normal. The previous incarnations had happened on a weekdays she work up on Saturday "What going on squeak" and before she got out bed she had shrunk "squeak squeak what do I look like" she squeaked and then her partner get up all he could see was a mouse "squeak it me Helen squeak stop squeak she ran out and headed to Heather's house "squeak squeak It me Helen, squeak changed into a mouse " she squeaked Heather picked her up "I keep you as a pet Helen" Heather then asked what happened "squeak squeak I was sleeping up wroke up squeak with this voice squeaks then shrunk and squeak turned into my mouse squeak " " Squeak Heather you squeak got any chesse squeak squeak squeak can barley speak squeak squeak squeak" In the afternoon she said "squeak squeak can squeak barley squeak speak thanks" After 6:00 she turned into a miniature Helen and then grew to her normal size

On Monday she was driving to work where her phone rang " Hi Hello here" Deryl said "you haven't changed into anything. She said I'm fine "hee-haw She look in the mirror and find her face was changing she "hee-ha hee-haw what happens" She got to work looking reasonable "I 'm fine all I got to remember is whisper the last hee haw hee-haw" She started to taking to the staff and there was a press photographer there. Helen "Welcome to Greenacres, I am Helen Evans let me show you to the conference room" "Hee-haw hee-haw she whispered. The people behind her transformation chose this time to press faster button Helen suddenly felt the tinge but ingnored it " I am now going to show you " hee-haw hew haw" she whispered "this is a n-e w facliy heehaw heehaw hehaw" Unknown to Helen her face had changed to become more donkey "excuse me this is or new house hee haw hee haw I am just hee haw Hee-haw just hee haw give you the plans with that Helen tried to get of sheet and she fell. Deryl run over "Hee-haw,Hee-haw can't walk" She looked down at her body and found she now her 4 legs and hooves "Hee-haw Hee-haw Deryl give the plans out" She was helped back to the top of the table "Hee-haw Hee-haw, sorry I stumbled, As you can you hee-haw hee haw hee haw hee haw plans that we have an office at the top Hee-haw hee-haw Hee-haw she Hee-haw Hee-haw ugh she looked behind and saw she had a donkey tail She tired continutig it"Hee-haw hee haw what the Hee-haw Hee-haw is happening is that the offices provide a fail safe Hee-haw Hee-haw help Hee-haw. Unfortunate the help was too far away and Helen bravely carried on until she couldn't "Hee-haw Hee-haw this is our new Hee-haw hee haw signing in Hee-haw Hee-haw system that allow communcations between ,Hee haw hee haw Hee-haw" she brqayed. When Heather came into the conference room she found a donkey with a blond mane and a photographer smiling.
Heather then says " Helen can you speak" Helen then say "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw" Hee-haw I Hee-haw can Hee-haw speak Hee-haw Hee-haw one hee haw one Hee-haw word at Hee-haw Hee-haw time" she brayed Hee haw Hee haw my hee haw hee haw Voice is hee haw hee haw going" "Hee haw what hap Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw hee haw " she brawled. Around about 4:56 she was restored back to her human body . Heather said try speaking Helen responded "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw " she brayed. She wrote can't speak give me to 5:30 it might have worn of. It come to 5:30 Heather goes "can you speak yet Helen"
Helen "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw" she responded Heather then pick up Helen's mobile her partner was in reception to pick up Helen wrote what I am going to do Heather decided to tell Helen's partner the truth she been changed into a donkey but she back in human form the only problem she can't speak only bray. Her partner said "I know what happened, what do you sound like when you try to speak" Helen then responded "Hee-haw, Hee-haw, Hee-haw" After going to pick up their daughter.
Oliva said to Helen you are not saying much her partner said she had completely lost her voice and couldn't speak. Having supper her partner goes how's you voice "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw"
She responded then they went to bed. At the breakfast table her partner "What do you sound like today" "Hee-haw Hee-haw " Helen then wrote on a note to Oliva I am taking you to school. When she was at school one of the parents and teachers they both said "We heard what happened, Can you speak, what does you voice sound like" Helen then responded "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw"
When she got into Greenacres Heather saw her first "Helen, how is your voice Helen then replied "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw" She responded . Then somebody rang up and said bill payment. Helen come out and tried to say "bill" but what come out was "Hee-haw Hee-haw" The bil payrer said pardon Helen responed "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw" she just wrote can't speak give me bill and money thanks2

The bill payer did that and she got back to desk and the receptionist said their was a contactor asking for her she went back to reception and the contractor said "Hi Helen , I've come to fix the door where is it" She replied "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw" The contactor said "Stop ashing around Helen, I'm busy" Helen then went "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw" she then wrote follow me I can't speak The contractor asked what happened Helen then wrote changed into a donkey since being back in human form can only bray. The contractor can said "what do you sound like" "Hee-haw, Hee-haw Hee-haw" Helen responded. At 1:00 "Hee-haw Hee-haw" Heather then said "can you speak yet" Helen responsed "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw" she then wrote that will I ever be able to speak again and I got vistors tonight.
Her phone rang she tried "Hello Helen here" but what come out was "Hee-haw Eeoyore" At 5:00 her partner came to pick up her with her daughter Her partner said "How do you sound?" Helen responsed "Hee-haw Hee-haw" . We got vistors today gone to have to inform Olivia she wrote.
In a car in the car park of the school Helen's partner said "I was lying when I said your mum lost her voice, she got a voice but it not human. Hel a demonstration please" "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw" Helen responded "she was turned into a donkey and when returned to human form she can only bray." We got visitors so you going to have to help in the conservation.
Then we siting down for diner "Why aren't you speaking, you lost voice" Helen responded can't speak can only bray Her friend said what do you sound like Helen "Hee haw Hee-haw Hee-haw" she response. After diner she was drunk she tried to tell a joke "Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee-haw Hee haw" she sluered. After she was in a bed "Hee-haw Hee-haw my v Hee-haw" By the time she woke she could string two words together "Hee-haw Hee haw Hee-haw my voice Hee-haw" When she got to work She said "Hee-haw I CAN SPEEAK NOW" See feels a familiar tinge "what I am change into now" Her phone went "Hello Helen CLS coo coo "she cooed She had trouble walking and she take her shoes of shoes and she noticed she had bird feet"coo coo this is getting ridduclescoo coo coo" She went up to deal with a the delverly in reception "Hi Helen here is your delviey of 15 folder" "coo coo it all coo there thanks coo" she stared flapping her arms madly "you trying to fly Helen" Helen responsed "coo coo coo not if I can coo help it" "coo coo what is happening coo coo " Someone said bill payment "I coo coo coo get it" "Hello coo coo coo bill" "coo coo coo thanks I just go and get the change coo coo coo" she sat relised she now had wings instead of hands "coo coo coo this is coo coo coo going to coo coo difficult" she manged to type with her wings and give the change to person. A cctv contrctor came and asked for Helen "coo coo what do you coo coo want" The cctv guy said there was a faulty camera "coo coo in here it coamera 3 coo coo" The cctv guy said "that it take about 5 minutes" Helen then responded "coo that good I will coo coo coo coo " The only verge of a regnoisble Helen was her face on a pigeon body" Deryl came out "Helen where are you" "coo coo coo" responsed Helen as she flew towards Deryl "coo coo coo coo coo" Deryl asked Helen can you speak "coo coo ccoo coo I can coo coo speak a coo coo little " she cooed "coo my voice is coo coo coo going like no coo coo coo coo scoo coo" she cooed flapred at luchtime she pecked at the bed. At 5:00 she was retunred to human form "coo coo I'm back" The next change happened in work she talking in reception "Hi, you would like to Kim I go found her" "she be out in mooment" The rectionpist rang up and said there was money in reception. "moo I goo moo" She get to reception "moo moo my stomoach moo where it moo from moo " "moo moo moo from moo alyn water moo2 " Her face now ears at the top and stomotch was expanding she had trouble picking the bag up and she her hand had turned into cow hooves " moo moo I go and start moo counting it" "moo moo here your moo recipet" The recptionsit phoned up and said there was somebody from Hertel "moo moo follow me moo moo this is moo u homecare" "moo moo I SHOW YOO MOO MOO MOO EDT MOO AREA2 MOO I CAN't moo moo stand up moo get out out of here" Halfway down the stairs she fell as her hands become hoove "moo moo of moo I can't moo get up moo moo help please moo moo moo help me moove thanks, moncia moo moo I moo moo changing into moo moo moo cow moo moo moonica please moo mlik me"


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