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by MDJ
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #2117249
Three of Ash Ketchum's strongest Pokemon end up lost and come across a shady snake.

"Face it guys, we're lost," said Charizard. "We can't be lost," responded Pikachu in an irritated tone. "It's just that this forest is like a maze or something along that line." "Oh really," Charizard said, skeptically. "And how exactly did the three of us get into this predicament again?" "Knock it off, both of you!" exclaimed Sceptile. While the Hoenn grass starter may be one of the cool, calm types of Pokemon, even he has a limit when it comes to arguing and other things that can annoy anybody. "Fighting amongst ourselves isn't gonna get us anywhere in finding Ash and the others. Also it wasn't Pikachu's fault that we got separated. That would go to those idiots from Team Rocket and that lousy scheme of theirs."

Apparently Jessie, James, and Meowth from Team Rocket had came up with another 'capturing Pikachu' scheme that involved a large Krabby like machine that grabbed the Electric Mouse when he was training with Ash, Charizard, and Sceptile. After listening to their pathetic excuse for a motto, Ash freed Pikachu with Charizard using Flamethrower and Sceptile using Bullet Seed to weaken the Krabby claws holding him. Then Ash had them charge in with Steel Wing and Leaf Blade to cut the machine's arms apart. While it did free Pikachu from the clutches of those morons, the explosion that followed didn't go as it was usually expected.

As the Team Rocket trio were 'blasting off' like they usually did, Pikachu, Charizard, and Sceptile were unexpectedly caught in the blast and ended up blown to a different direction. When the three Pokemon landed, they wanted to know where they were, and are lost leading to their current predicament right now. They've been wandering around the part of the woods they're in for 2 days now, and so far have found no trace of their trainer and friend.

"What's it gonna take for those losers to get the message that they're not gonna capture me no matter how hard they tried?" questioned Pikachu to the two starters. "Honestly Pikachu, your guess is as good as mine," responded Charizard. Sceptile nodded in agreement before saying in a joking manner, "Guess all those times those were zapped with your Thunderbolt might've fried their brain cells every single time they got hit." Pikachu and Charizard snicker a bit since even they might've thought about that as well.

"Joking aside," Charizard says. "I suggest we should split up and find Ash and the others in this place. And if we see either Ash, or any of his other Pokemon, whoever has found them must the other two some kind of signal to let us know, got that?" "Got it," Pikachu replied "Same here," agreed Sceptile. "Good." Charizard says. "Then let's do it." "Right!"

As the three of Ash's strongest Pokemon separate in order to find the boy, they were hoping to also at least find some way out of this forest as well. Unbeknownst to them however, an occupant of that forest has other plans in store. And said occupant would be sure enough to make them theirs, by rather devious means.

"Ash has got to be somewhere around here," Pikachu says to himself while searching for his friend. "Hello! Ash, you out there?" The response the mouse Pokemon got was complete silence. It didn't deter nor discourage him however, and he resumed his search. Nothing was going to stop Pikachu from finding his best friend and getting out of these woods. Not even any wild Pokemon he could possibly come across.

"Exxcusse me little one," a voice says from behind Pikachu, who looks above to see a large snake coiled around a tree branch. "Can I be of sssome asssisstance to you?" Caught off guard by the suddenness of this new arrival, the Electric Mouse regains his composure before talking to the strange creature. "Hi there," he said. "My name's Pikachu, and you don't seem to be a Pokemon that I know of around here." "My name iss Kaa," the now named Kaa responded in return. "And that'ss because I'm not a Pokemon at all. I'm Jusst a regular sssnake that happens to live here." Blushing in embarrassment after hearing the answer given to him, Pikachu continues talking with the snake in front of him.

"And as to your question, yeah I do need some help," the mouse says before explaining. "Me and two of my friends, a Charizard and Sceptile respectively, got separated from our trainer and found ourselves here. We split up so that we could find him quicker. You mind lifting me up into the tree so that I could get a sky view of the forest to look for him better?"

"Of courssse, little Pikachu," replied Kaa in a polite tone, with hidden slyness in it. "I'll lift you up. Jusst try to be a bit careful when you're up here. One sssmall ssslip and you'll fall down hard on the ground." Paling at that piece of advice just given to him, the mouse Pokemon shakily nods his head before stepping into Kaa's tail when the latter lowered it to the former.

The snake then lifts Pikaachu up the tree to a level where neither of the two occupants can see the bottom nor can be heard from above. Pikachu was still waiting to be lifted to the top of the tree when he feels something soft and leathery wrap around his little body, just a little bit though. It was enough to cover the lower part of his waist.

He looks down to see Kaa's tail coiling him, before looking to the snake's face, which happens to show affection, albeit the creepy kind. The expression Kaa's wearing, combined with the increasing coiling on his body, made Pikachu really uncomfortable right now. "Um thanks for the help Kaa," Pikachu says in an equally uncomfortable tone. "I should probably get going. It was nice to meet you, anyway." Strangely, the response he got from the enigmatic snake came in the form of said snake getting his face really closse to the mouse's while his yellow eyes became concentric rings of colors that, for some odd reason, looked pretty to watch. 'Colors look so pretty,' Pikachu thought as he smiled. 'So...pretty...' After those thoughts passed through the Electric Mouse' head, his eyes started mimicking Kaa's, expression becoming blank while still wearing the big, goofy looking smile.

"Now, my little mousssy friend," Kaa says in a seductive tone. "I think it'sss time to make you my little puppet. You musst forget about your trainer. You don't have one. I am your true masster. You obey everything I tell you." With each sentence the hypnosis skilled snake says to the Electric Mouse, more and more of his mind gets reprogrammed. Kaa's about halfway through turning Pikachu into his puppet when he senses a presence approaching the tree he and Pikachu are high up in.

He looks down and picks up a scent belonging to a Grass-type Pokemon, said Pokemon is also a final evolution. 'Musst be the Sssceptile my would'be puppet was talking about earlier,' the enigmatic snake thought, before getting an excited thought go through his brain. 'Another addition to my collection.' Kaa coils up Pikachu's body, covering everything with the exception of his tail, feet, and head. The snake then keeps Pikachu coiled in the tree while he goes to make another more powerful puppet under his control.

"Searching for Ash for as lon as it took for me has been so exhausting today," Sceptile says in a tired tone. "Hard to believe that hopping through these trees could take up so much energy out of me. They must've been so tall that I couldn't see the ground when I reach the top of one of them. Oh well, a few minutes of rest would do some good before I continue." But the moment he sat down under the tree, the Hoenn Grass starter felt a chill go up his spine. He then looked up to see a large, ordinary snake with concentric colored rings streaming from its eyes.

Caught off guard by the suddenness of the snake's appearance, the grass lizard/gecko Pokemon tries to resist the hypnotic powers emitting from its eyes. He does so by looking away from it. Of course it didn't work as he'd hoped, as the snake used its body to coil him up, so he is forced to look into the snake's eyes.

Kaa was satisfied that his second puppet-to-be was tired and exhausted from his search, since that would've made things so much easier for him. Catching the Sceptile off guard with his sudden appearance before using his hypnosis on him was a bit rushed, but it was worth it. When he sees the Sceptile trying to resist his hypnosis by looking away, Kaa decided to up the power and plunge the Pokemon deeper by coiling him up to where he is forced to look into the snake's eyes.

Slowly, Sceptile starts losing willpower the second his eyes begin mimicking the patterns on the snake's. Despite giving it his all, it wasn't enough. The Hoenn grass starter got distracted by the oncoming feelings of bliss to fully concentrate on fighting the hypnotic influence. He couldn't hold on to his will much longer, as the words he heard before submitting, would be the last words he would ever hear.

"You are mine now," the snake says in a seductive tone while using his hypnosis on the Sceptile's mind. "Look into my eyesss...you will obey." And with that, combined with a small PING, Sceptile has quickly submitted to the hypnotic influence on his mind. He is now currently wearing a blank expression with a large grin to add to it. Admiring his handiwork at claiming another puppet to his collection, Kaa then completely coils the Pokemon up and lifts him up the tree to join his mouse friend. Kaa then slithers up afterwards to get a few moments worth of rest.

3 hours later...

Kaa yawns a big, loud yawn before stretching his long, snake body. "Well that wass a fine nap." he says after finishing his stretch before turning his serpentine head to the entranced Pokemon tightly wrapped in his coils. Every single part of their bodies were completely covered up, with exceptions of their tails, feet, and heads. "Only one more of you to get before I make you all mine." he said to his would-be puppets, before sensing a presence under the tree. "And ssspeak of Giratina. My final future puppet."

Charizard had recently arrived at the tree that, unbeknownst to the fire lizard, is currently occupied by a large snake and his captured friends. He, like Sceptile and Pikachu before, have found no trace of Ash anywhere in these woods. Not even flying in the sky to search from above helped due to not seeing a single speck of ground in the mass of uncannily tall trees. During his time in the sky, Charizard discovered something very unusual in his part of the search for Ash.

Stranded on a bed of the river near the forest was what appeared to be remains of a large ship that had the logo of Team Rocket on it. This shocked and confused the Kanto fire starter, as he didn't expect the organization those idiots belong to to be anywhere near here. Flying down to the ship, Charizard did a little investigating in order to find out what sort of cargo was being carried onboard, and what happened to the crew.

A large gash on the ship's starboard side provided enough room for the fire lizard Pokemon to walk in and out without any problems whatsoever. What he saw inside was something out of a horror movie he once watched with the others. Bodies of scientists were found among the many Team Rocket grunts that had their necks broken from what looked to be brute strength. Shards of glass are also strewn all over the floor as well. Looking to his right, then to his left, Charizard spots glass tubes that have been smashed with some of the scientists whose bodies were found mangled near them.

A bit disturbed from all of this carnage, Charizard catches sight of two bodies that looked a bit...familiar. Confused, he walked over to those bodies so that he could see their faces. The Kanto fire starter uses a claw to turn the bodies around just to check their faces. When he saw who the bodies were of, Charizard got scared and sped out of there.

"That had to be one of the freakiest things I've ever seen in my life," he says to himself after getting out of there. "Good thing I left before something worse happened. To think that the search for Ash, along that side stop on that ship, became so exhausting for me. Ah well, at least these trees are here, so I could at least rest for a bit." He closed his eyes, covered his body with his wings, and feel asleep. Only tell-tale signs of Charizard sleeping was the heavy breathing and slow movements of his chest behind the wings' membranes.

10 minutes later...

Charizard opens his eyes a bit before rubbing them to get whatever was in them out. Then he spreads his wings out to get the blood going. So that he wouldn't all of a sudden fall to the ground after taking off. After that was finished, the Kanto starter stretches his limbs a little, popping some bones in the process. It didn't hurt, just felt a bit relaxing at best.

"Now that my part of the search for Ash is done, at least for today," Charizard says. "I guess I could go look for Sceptile and Pikachu so I could at least tell them of my report." The moment he said that, a giggle was heard from behind the fire lizard that for some unknown reason produced a cold shiver cascading down his spine. "Isss sssomebody looking for ssomeone important to them here?" a serpentine sounding voice asked the Kanto starter. "I would ssso like to know. Could you alssso pleassse turn around ssso I could talk to you better? I'd mossst appreciate that." Listening to the voice, Charizard turns around to become face to face with a rather large snake. This couldn't get any more stranger, but at least he's got some company in this forest.

"Well yes I was," the Kanto fire starter said, answering the snake's question. "I was looking for my trainer. His name's Ash Ketchum, and he also happens to be my friend. By the way, the name's Charizard. My apologies if I was being rude, because I really didn't mean to." Hearing the apology from the fire Pokmeon brought a smile on the serpent's face, before making an apology of his own.

"Oh that'sss alright my lizard friend," the snake replied. "The name'sss Kaa, and I wasss only a bit curiousss about what you were doing here." "That's great to hear," Charizard replied in return. "But what makes me curious as to what a creature like you could be doing here in this thick forest? You look to be from somewhere far west of Kanto and Johto." The question that was given to Kaa looked to be personal, as signified by the annoyed look on the snake's serpentine face before calming down. "It'sss becaussse I am." Kaa said. "I happen to come from a land that didn't have any native Pokemon of their own. The animalsss that live there don't have any of the abilities and powersss that you and every other Pokemon have." "Well if that's true," Charizard inquired after hearing that info. "What're you doing here? And what was with that ship owned by Team Rocket that I found?"

The Kanto fire starter was a bit frightened at the really dark look in the enigmatic snake's eyes that replaced the look of annoyance from a few minutes ago. Sensing the danger behind those eyes, he backed away a bit to avoid Kaa's wrath. "You want to know why I'm here?" Kaa questioned in an equally menacing tone. "It'sss all becausss of those cesspicable humans from Team Rocket that took and brought me here. I was just minding my own business when I was all of a sssudden attacked and knocked unconsciouss from a hit to my sside. When I later came to, I find myself in a glasss tube with no way out. They apparently learned of my ssspecial ability and wasss planning on making it into a weapon. But I wouldn't have that, sso I broke out and killed every ssingle one of them without sshowing any mercccy. And you know what the bessst thing about my victimsss ass I sssnapped their necks like measly little twigss wass? It'ss the look of complete fear on their worthlesss, pathetic facess that they make when I take their livesss. Not even the two Team Rocket gruntsss in white lived. Overall, I had the time of my life."

If he wasn't disturbed when Kaa began his story, Charizard was now after the snake finished it. He was dealing with a snake that has psychopathic tendencies if angered to a certain degree. Before he asked that question earlier, the snake seemed rather pleasant and mellow. 'I've got a yandere as a talking companion,' the Kanto starter thought to himself fearfully. 'But if I don't do anything to get him mad, I'm safe.'

Sensing the fear coming from his third soon-to0be puppet, Kaa calmed down before reassuring the lizard Pokemon. "I mossst highly apologize for my outburst," he said in a sincere tone. "I just sso happen to have an insssatiable bloodlussst when I get angry. Any other animal in my homeland would avoid me when it happensss, ssince they know how terrifying I can be when I'm like that." "Uhh, it's alright for me," Charizard forgave. "I probably should've been a bit more careful on what I said. To be honest I didn't even know that you coming here was due to Team Rocket's plan." That was Charizard said in his forgiveness which gave the snake enough time to slightly coil the Pokemon, hoping that he doesn't find out about it.

Feeling something brush on his lower thighs, the Kanto fire starter looked down to see a part of Kaa's long snakey body try to coil him. "Hey, what's the big idea?!" Charizars demands, getting really hostile while doing so. "Ever heard of personal space, because I'm seriously going to fry you so ba-" The Fire/Flying type Pokemon never finished his threat, because he was suddenly enraptured by the strange snake's eyes that had colors moving in a concentric ring-like pattern.

Almost instantly realizing that he was being hypnotized by the enigmatic snake, Charizard began to resist the assault on his mind. "Must...be...strong..." he muttered. "I must...be...stro-UGH!" The coiling went to his arms, wrapping them together with his body so that the snake would drive him deeper.

"Yesss, look into my eyes Charizard," Kaa commands sadistically to Charizard as he sends him deeper under his spell. "Your mind is mine my little lizard puppet. Resisstance is useless against me, you'll jusst waste your sstrength if you prolong it any longer." As the snake speeds up the hypnosis on his third future puppet, more and more of his body coils and wraps around the Pokemon's; it was the usual method Kaa uses on nearly every one of his victims.

"Got...to...resist...control," Kaa heard Charizard mutter to himself. Hearing those words only made the smile on his serpentine face more bigger and even more sadistic. 'Lookss like ssomeone hass a high mental resistance to my kind of gift,' Kaa thought. 'I wonder how long it will take for it to break completely. Better continue to find out. Hopefully it wouldn't take long.'

Despite his best efforts, Charizard knows that he couldn't keep up his mental defense for long. "I've got...to try... to get free," he muttered to himself. "Need...to stay...strong." He tries to keep a grip on his consciousness for as long as possible, hoping that Kaa would give up so that he could kick the snake's butt. Unfortunately, it never happened.

After about 8 minutes of weakening resistance, Charizard finally relented and gave up his mind, falling into deep hypnosis and submission. While that happened, his body was truly coiled up by Kaa, leaving only his head, feet, and tail uncovered. Kaa then lifts up the fully entranced Charizard up into the tree, sets him next to the other two, and admires his handiwork.

"Ssso magnificcent, thesse three," the snake says in adoration as he gazes at the three Pokemon under his control. "Fate hass been ssmiling upon me today, since not only have I got three Pokemon under my command, but ssstrong ones as well." Giggling to himself in ecstasy at the possibilities in the near future, Kaa decides to finish the reprogramming procedure he started on Pikachu before Sceptile and Charizard arrived.

"Sslavess, look up and sstare into my eyes," he commands his Pokepuppets. Said Pokepuppets obey and begin to stare into their master's entrancing eyes in order to feel eternal bliss and happiness. They were all helpless to resist, since they are fully coiled up and high up into the tree. None of it mattered anyway; they may not have found what they wanted, but at least something more filled that place.

'Pokemon mindss are a bit eassier to manipulate than human minds,' Kaa thinks to himself, wearing that same dark smile on his serpentine face. 'If I only I ever knew a long time ago.' The reprogramming took about 8 minutes, which was the exact amount of time that his three new Pokepuppets have been looking into his eyes. "Now let me ssee, where wass I exxactly?" Kaa questions, before remembering. "Oh yess, now I remember. You all musst forget about your human trainer. You don't have one. You never had. I am your true masster. And you three must obey my every command, no matter what it is."

Letting the words seep into their currently brainwashing minds for a few seconds, Kaa continues with the procedure while using more and more of his power. "Humanss associated with Team Rocket are to never come in here, your new hime. Sshould any come in here, you will sshow no merccy and kill them where they sstand. You are to alsso bring a certian talking Meowth that hass esscaped me and do not kill him when you ssee him. Be ssure to weaken him a little, sso that he would never have to flee from you."

Kaa then used his full power on his hypnosis, ensuring that the spell his puppets are under will be permanent. "You will all forget about your memoriess of your former livess. They have no meaning or ssignificance. All 3 of you belong to me, and only me. You will revel in inflicting pain on your enemiess and revel even more in doing sso on anyone belonging to that dessspicable Team Rocket fro taking your masster from hiss home."

"Every word that I have ssaid to you would become truth to you, and when you wake up you'll all enjoy your new livess with me, do I make mysself clear my preciousss puppets?" In unison, the coiled, completely and permanently brainwashed slaves say "Yesss, Masster Kaa." And after the snake finally achieved what he wanted, he and his new Pokepuppets roam those woods in the oncoming weeks as they hunted down any other Pokemon to recruit in their increasing army while cutting down any humans belonging to Team Rocket, along with any other criminal organization. No known number of the Pokemon recruits in the Pokepuppet army under Kaa's control was available. What is known is that it's enough to conquer the parts of the region surrounding the forest should they feel the need to expand.

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