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Rated: E · Chapter · Tragedy · #2110598
Opening for Ultimate Love
It was a crisp fall morning, the sun was barely over the horizon as Jenna drove to Evyenwood. It was the last place that she wanted to be again. Ever since the day her best friend drove out of town and left her behind to wonder. There was no real way to know if he even lived there anymore or if he found better opportunities in the city where he went to college at. He said they would keep in touch that he would write her every day well isn’t kinda funny how quick a simple promise can be forgotten? It had been a long drive and it gave her plenty time to think. There was not much traffic at night when she decided to drive in hopes of meeting with the lawyers over her Gram’s estate and then that be done.
At the age of twenty six her life had just began to fall in place. She graduated recently from college with the job of her dreams doing freelance writing, which allowed her a little more flexibility in her schedule. The freelance work would hopefully turn into a full time position after a a few months so Mr. Gideon the one man that could grant a key to a future in a position and that is what Jenna wanted right there.
She passed a road sign that said Evyenwood 10 miles as she took a drive of her coffee. Her lips curled up at the taste of the tepid liquid then she sat her cup back in the cup holder. The bitter taste remained in her mouth as she pulled off the interstate onto an empty two lane road that lead into town. Her eyes scanned the sidewalks as she wondered what had changed it was also bustling when she was younger. Now it looks as it had turned into a ghost town it was sad. The groan of her stomach snapped her out of the thought and also reminded her of how long it had been since she last ate anything. She tapped on the steering wheel as she thought of any place to go. Then a thought came to mind that Kaydie Bell, her best best opened up a coffee shop. Perhaps a visit would be nice she thought. It was a short drive before she found it, she turned her turned signal on as pulled into the empty parking lot. She turned off the car and fixed her makeup before she got out. With purse in hand and a heavy heart she made her way to the front door. The gravel crunched beneath the high heels of her shoes. A gentle breeze tousled her hair as she turned the corner.
Just get a coffee, some pastry and go. Easy. The thought sounded easy but deep down she knew it would not be that simple. Her scanned the street before she opened the door, any curious traveler might think it was a ghost town.
Ding! The door chimed as the aroma of fresh donuts lingered in the air.
“Oh I will be right with you.” a voice came from the back.
“It is okay no rush,” Jenna replied as her eyes scanned the room there were tables and chairs placed along the wall leading to the counter then on the other side of the room there was a sofa with a couple chair along with a coffee table and a book shelf full of books. There were nick nacks placed here and there. It truly was something to look at simple yet still cozy in atmosphere. Jenna was not sure what to expect if anything here. Just there to see a friend before she went on to the task at hand. Always work for her and little time for fun just something she learned from her grandmother as a young girl that so much time is wasted by having fun before work gets done. After all she had to sort things at her grandmother’s old house and fix any problems that may be there then called the real estate people and put it up for sale. Then she will be off again at least that is what she had planned.
“I am sorry for the wait normally my morning are not so hectic but-” she commented as Jenna turned around to face her. Their eyes connected, “Jenna? Jenna Eaton is that you?” A warm smile grew on the lady’s face.
Jenna shrugged her shoulders and her lips curled into an awkward smile, “Yes it is me.”
“Oh girl! I never thought I would see the likes of you around here again. Tell me all about it how as the city?”
Jenna stopped in her tracks and tried not to show the shock of the question her friend just asked. She looked around the store. “Nice place you have here,” she gestured as she was trying to prolong the obvious she was not ready to open that can of worms just yet. Conversation would get to be a mess if she started now there was so many things left opened and loose ends was something she tried to avoid at all cost.
Kaydie just shook her head as she straightened up the counter and tried to collect her thoughts. She was at a complete lose for words, “Jen? Is- is everything alright?”
“Ya, of course. Why do you ask?”
Kaydie just looked at her and turned her head to the side as her eyes narrowed. “Well for starters you did not answer my question. Then you are acting off. Not the Jenna Eaton that I knew.”
“Sorry Kaydie bug, but that Jenna was the me from years ago. Time changes people, you know that.” Tension began to fill the air it felt thick enough to serve it with a cup a coffee. Not sure how much longer she could stand to be there how could she tell her friend to just let it be when all she wanted to do was know what was going on. It would be rude not to offer any bit of information.
Kaydie just walked over to the coffee pot as she got things ready to start serving once any one showed up. Jenna sat down at one of the tables, her mind was a million miles away, her hands folded in her lap.
So talk to me girl. What brings you back to town? Do you want some coffee? Kaydie commented as she picked up a couple coffee cups.
“I would love some coffee. Thanks. Did you hear about Gram?”
“Ya I did, Jenna I am really sorry to about hear it. Leilani was a very sweet person."

© Copyright 2017 Sammee Rose (sassywriter85 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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