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Newsletter Feature |
1017 words Cynthia looked around at her lair. The look in her eyes was enough to wilt weeds. She hated it here but was bound. She couldn't leave even if she wanted to. It was just a small cubicle but at least it was her cubicle. She was familiar with it. In many cases that meant more than anything. There was nothing human about staying with the uncomfortable and the unhealthy long after one should have moved on. It was the trait of any being to resist change. Cynthia had resisted change for so long she couldn't remember the difference. "What troubles you daughter", Satan asked. Satan was not the horned creature many believed him to be. In fact, he was quite handsome and perhaps even bordered on beautiful. He had to be. It was part of his lure. Therefore Cynthia was equally beautiful. Her long black hair and big brown eyes had melted many hearts. "Father it's so dull around here", Cynthia replied. "Isn't there something I can do to liven things up a little bit?" "It's not meant to be a pleasant place", her father answered. "It took a long time to make it as cruel as it is. However if you wish to be entertained I'd suggest finding some trouble to get into." "That's just it", Cynthia replied. "I've already created as much mischief as I can think of. yet I am so bored. These humans bore me." "Then figure out creative ways to lead to their demise", her father answered. "I love watching them suffer the consequences of their foolishness. Surely you can find a human whose every wish you can grant in exchange for their soul?" "I'll do it Father", Cynthia replied. "I'll find some sucker out there and give them whatever they want in exchange for their soul." "That's my girl", Lucifer answered. "Go now and make your father proud! If you want you can pay a visit to Frank Goins, 33214 South 216th Street. He has stated that he's willing to sell his soul to me for a chance to go back in time. Apparently he's got the notion that if he were able to go back in time he could look up his former self. Then with his precise knowledge of the stock market and what stock did best on what day he could become a millionaire many times multiplied. You're to provide him with safe passage to his youth. Cynthia, you know what to do. Have fun with him!" "I will father", Cynthia said as she vanished into thin air in search of her target. She found him asleep on his bed. He was an old man with an old man's pot belly and bald head. His eyes were mere beads sunk into his head. He actually looked a bit frightening to most people. Cynthia liked the look. "Hello Frank", she said, waking him from his sleep. "Don't be afraid. I'm not here to harm you. I just wanted you to know that your request has been heard. My father Lucifer wants to provide you the means to travel through time to your youth. We will transport you back to an era before the stock market crash of 1929 in exchange for your soul." "I'm doomed anyway", Frank said. "I have nothing to lose. What do I have to do?" "You simply sign this contract", Cynthia replied. "Then you'll go down to the bus station and give the driver the ticket I provide you with. From there your wish will be granted. The bus will drive all night non-stop. When it arrives at your destination it will be April 1929. You can do whatever you wish from there." "What's the catch", Frank asked. "We all know your father. He's always got an angle." "There is no catch", Cynthia replied. "We'll transport you to 1929 and you do your thing from there. Once you die you go directly to hell." Frank didn't hesitate to sign the contract, much to Cynthia's delight. She almost felt sorry for the man, but he would get what he deserved. Once the contract was signed she gave him the ticket. Then with a wave of her hand the room disappeared and they stood at the bus stop. She made sure he was aboard the bus and then grinned as she walked away. Her father would be so proud of her! Frank found a seat at the back of the bus, and the bus was soon underway. Frank wanted to sleep but was much to anxious to do so. He went over his plans in his head. At some point along the way he became tired and drifted off to sleep. He slept for hours. When he awoke he was no longer aboard a sleek new 21st Century bus. Instead everything about him had changed and he was now aboard a much older bus. It appeared to be a bus from the early 1950's or possibly even prior to that. Something didn't feel right however. Frank couldn't quite place what it was but something was wrong. By morning his transport had ceased to be a bus and he found himself in a turn of the 20th Century car. He asked the driver what the date was. He was informed that it was April 1, 1929. He looked down at his wrinkled hands and realized what had gone wrong. He had indeed been duped! The idea was so outrageous to him that he became very agitated. The excitement and shock were too much for him. Due to his age and his weakened condition it caused him to have a heart attack. As he was dying Cynthia appeared beside him. "What have you done", he asked her. "We granted your wish", she replied. "We transported you to 1929. We never once promised you that we'd arrange for you to live long enough to see your former self." As she said this Frank screamed in pain as flames began to engulf him. "Welcome to hell", Cynthia said with raucous laughter. Her father would be proud! 1017 words Featured in "Horror/Scary Newsletter (January 4, 2017)" ![]() |