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Rated: GC · Novel · Crime/Gangster · #2105855
spaceship is under attack,
{font:impact{center}}Palatera's Blunder{/center}[1]

The ship has to make it. It has to! Every fibre in my body screamed. I looked about the helm, had woke, a little dizzy and felt groggy laying on the floor in the helm. In my waking remembered seeing the attack on the battle bridge, which I thought was a nightmare. Saw the helmsman’s was Herata in her place sat a headless corpse with a lot of bone fragments, grey spaghetti and blood covered the barrier behind her body laid coated the barrier. The body was there. Upon further inspection much of her controls looked intact. There were barriers that protecting each section of the helm in the event of combat. My dream was my reality. It happened as it should not have happened.
The explosives did not break through the barriers. They also protected me, from the damage, that I had not incurred I found the communication system was jammed as was the communication officer was missing others in this room were also corpse as well.
To my horror, seeing scorch marks, ricochet marks from bullets, grey matter and blood stains on the once white pristine walls of the battle helm. Littered the floor were shell casing for bullets, and biochemical or gas canisters, fragments of grenades suggesting the ship had been overrun. The barriers are invisible to the naked eye, but they are there. Thank the brains of our ship’s designers thinking about keeping the crew safe from attack.
Was the rest of the ship safe? Headed into the passageway to check what had happened to Katherina our captain. We had to have we had been attacked by pirates, that was the only plausible explanation to this. Unless we annoyed someone else, but who I could not think of anyone we annoyed that badly. Pirates usually attacked ships carrying cargo, which we had. It was a certainty. However what we were carry made no sense instead of left us a lone
Where the devil is Katherina? Our Captain should be here. Where the hell is she? Looking about the helm, I seeing several of our escorts had been destroyed too on the tactical board. This was a ruse like usual however ruses do not include these things like dead personal, or tactical vessels being no more. I went in search of her. I slipped into the passageway leading to the captain’s quarters.

The passageway lit by flickering emergency lights. Laid behind one of the steel support beam was another member of our company. I was not sure who, but knew it was one of ours held its machine rifle with its muzzle pointing to the hallway. Where I would be if I was Katherina, I thought as I stepped into the passageway in search of Katherina, who should have been there on the helm. I would be in plain sight; there would be no turning back. Once I stepped there, I would be in no way being able to protect myself, from the bullets that might hit me. Hesitatingly I stepped into view half expect to see the trigger fall. As whoever it was did not ask me to be identified. Advancing closer I saw the spacesuits markings suggested as being C Galaxy. I could see the shoulder marking the identifying rank and name of the personal. It was C Galaxy’s she was the first mate. I not on her most loved list at the moment. Nothing happened. Where is the sound from her firing pin? As I was plainly visible to her eyes I waited to die.
"It's me.' My voice verged on hysteria.
C Galaxy made no sign of recognizing me. Her eye remains trained on the scope. She never moved a muscle. That's strange. What gives? She ought to have responded. She would never do this; she was very competent with that rifle of hers. What did she want me to do?
For once I gave thanks that the engineer tended to leave things lying around. I picked up the wrench and hurled it across the passageway quite a distance. It should have clanged as it hit the wall, but I heard no sound. Were we in a vacuum? The muzzle did not shift from where it rested. That should have caught her eye.
Beside where C Galaxy lay was red cylinder, the size of a soup can. There was handling on it, I knew the design was a gas canister, but I did not know of what type. Smoke, biochemical or hallucinogenic type of canister that had been used on her, that had to be the answer. She might be in trouble, she might dead. I almost dismissed her. I nudged the cylinder. On it was a symbol, one I did not recognize. The cylinder's was engaged. One way or another, C Galaxy was out. It might be slow acting, so, I had to remove the helmet, the Oxygen tank on her back was supposed to carry enough oxygen to last 10 hours.
I walked towards her to check to see if she was alive.
Fifty yards more to arrive at the captain’s quarters, I thought. Others lay asleep or dead on the way there. Why we were not caught unawares. Why hadn't the klaxon gone off? Shouldn’t there the alarm go off. All I heard was silence. It should have been booming.
Saw the captain’s door was a screw type door. From what I understood this ship had been passed down ancestor to ancestor since I did not know when. That was why it had those doors.
I felt sweat run down my back, and it was not hot in here. My mouth was dry as the desert is. I trembled with fear. It was probably from the fear; I was feeling as I inched down the passageway. Another person I prayed was one of ours laid hiding in the shadows I could make out its vague outline. I could not clearly see who was there. I could see a portion of the armour; it resembled our own unless someone choose to change into our armour, but I doubted this. I had seen a portion of a shoulder being visible. I moved out into the hallway moving very carefully. No response.
So I thought she was asleep or dead. Was also armed since she had not fired as of yet. Until I stepped from the blind to be in absolute plain sight. I said as I emerged from the shadows; in military sign language signed, “Friend or foe.” As I completed the statement a shot rang out.
I froze right, where I stood. Thinking, There should be a voice to go with this shot fired at me. Peering where it lay pointing its rifle at me. I knew where the shot came from. I stopped, raised my foot. Another shot rang out. The round hit the floor. The end result was a mark in the floor. Not far away from my foot that was on the surface of the floor.
Peered into the darkness. Saw the shoulders of the shooter with the rifle. Same design as my troops own suits. The head was too big for it. Was had a bubble on its shoulder’s.

I found I reached out to check the clothing, I was dressed in was an atmospheric suit, so I could not hear anything. I realized this and turned a Dial on my suit right side to engage the auditory unit. That was why dead silence met my ears. I saw.
Counted the seconds, turned into minutes, could I wait hours to move if whoever this was did not respond to me. I did not know, when or it would go off. The gun did not waver from where it rested on me.
I froze. I dropped the rifle. I was carrying. I proceeded to remove my helmet. I now, knew why it took two people to do this. I did it, broke my nails and scarred my hands up. Once my face was visible, I knew I was opening myself up to get killed.
In the darkness I saw the rifle go up and go to stand at ease on the parade square. The owner emerged the cover; where she had been hiding. She was able to look at me and knew I was not trouble
It was Beltera; she still had a hell of a time trying to remove that helmet from the uniform even with my help. Recognized her face, and walked towards her. Held I held my rifle up for her to inspect it. Said. “Nice to see you alive!”
I said as I saluted her, “Very good.”
” At ease. Sergeant.” She said and returned a salute to me.
“Cavern reporting for duty,” I replied once her helmet was off. Her brown hair had been cut short; her face was without a blemish. Her jade eyes looked at me if awaiting a response. Not knowing what to say and relieved to find someone alive.
Beltera had one bar more than I would have. Envied her for that bar. She was a lieutenant and I was once an officer. She just got the bar. Lost my bar forever and she got that commission. Beltera asked, “Where are you headed?”
“Captain’s quarters. Would you care to escort me, as you have the gun?” Beltera suggested to me, I beamed a reassuring smile. She stepped in front of me, forgetting to replace her helmet. I saw the door. It was closed, which did not matter to me, right now. We needed to speak with her, immediately. I did not know if she had locked the door or not.
”I think, you should knock!” I advised and advised again by using military sign language as I had my helmet back on my head as did she. Neither one of us trusted the air here. “I think you should knock.”
She decided, she would do one better than that. She grabbed the bar to spin the wheel to open it. It did not move. Even with her using all her might. She shook her head, Pulled against it. She said,” I think something is wrong?”
Walking back to where the first mate C Galaxy, lay on her belly, reached down to roll her over on her back. As I did this, she woke. Said, “Caverna, what the hell do you think are doing?”
“Waking you!” I replied with a huge smile on my face. She drew back a fist to lay me out with to release her anger. The fist tore past my nose. Her other hand just about got me, in the crotch.
“Look you, psychopath. We have been under attack.” I cautioned. As I watched another fist flying my way.
“We have to see the captain.” C Galaxy suggested as she saw the canister. Her eyes leaped out of their sockets. Finally seeing what it was. She looked fearful and even though she was decked out in her atmospheric suit.
“What is up?” I asked, as I saw her face. Glaring at me. Forgetting all about C Galaxy for the moment.
“Nothing really!” she lied as she advanced toward the captain's quarters; it was the only place she would be if not on deck. The door was sealed. I withdrew a fragmentary grenade from her bandoleer.
“Just what the hell do you think you are doing?” C Galaxy asked, as she saw the grenade going there. She tried to take my head off with a devastating hard right cross. I fought with her for years in the ring. I blocked the blow, smirked. Did not see her left foot as it caught me. In the solar plex dropped like the blade from the guillotine drove the wind from my lungs. The pin dangled from my thumb. The handle fell.
“Getting her up!” I said threw a hasty left jab. Grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground. I hit the floor with a scream.
“Get out of here, in a hurry!” she warned.
“I suspect nothing; will wake her, if that does not.” C Galaxy suggested. I was too busy running to save my semi precious ass that might be caught in the explosion. Heard it go off. This worried me, what the captain would say about this. Peeked toward where the explosion was. The screw was on the floor. The explosion still vibrated the ship's walls here. I was as ill at ease.
C Galaxy smiled. Meandered to her quarters. Peered around the metal beams held the ship together. The explosion did not hit the light.
I winced as blood ran down my right arm. Pelted the backpack. Yet did not rupture it. We were fortunate the tank did not explode. If looks could kill. There would be one dead, Sergeant.
The captain Katherina walked into view, was wearing only a thong about her groin and forgot her top, screamed “What the fuck is the meaning of this?”
“We are and have been under attack.” I said as I saw her being caught doing this. The hatchway was quiet, the passageways are sealed, and as you go down these passageways the doors would seal an area as a safety net or protection.
“By who?” Katherina exclaimed.
“I do not know” I said.
“Spread out and cover all sections.” C Galaxy supplied as she threw her a rifle.
She nodded in agreement, saying,” At least one of us was thinking clearly.”
I saw a guy and a girl walking out of the quarters. They did not look happy and got into their garments. Realized what this was happening when we were under attack.
C Galaxy seemed shocked by her Behaviour. I recalled when she caught her taking a guy in her room. There was hell to pay. Yet it seemed Katherina expected her to turn a blind eye to this. Lost her rank and privileges for this. Was not pleased.
C Galaxy winced, as she cleared the chamber of the rifle, and stated, “We might have to get more bullets as I am out of ammo.”
“That is why has no one responded to my enquiry! “ Katherina asked, as she returned to grab her uniform. From where she had left it. Getting dressed in it, she rushed toward us.
“On the helm, they are dead! Or gassed.” I supplied, as I turned around to walk to the ammunition. Katherina Was troubled, by the quietness of this attack. The alarms should have been sounding.
It was as though they knew we were coming. Who could have sold us out? Who would gain from this happening? Why? I did not know, either I felt a little dizzy, reached up to wipe the red blood that had run into my eyes. Felt my hand bounce off of the helmet. I found its surface cold. Forgetting I still wore it.
“Where are the rest of the soldiers on our ship, ” Katherina asked. Pondered what Palytera had brought aboard our ship. It had to be illegal in this sector to cause this to happen. Or something very valuable. There was nothing on our ship's manifest for this to have happened.
“There has to be an answer to this problem, but what.” C Galaxy asked.
“I do not know!” I replied, felt groggy and lost consciousness.
No one saw the blood on my face. They saw me crumble and fall.

C Galaxy raced over to where I lay, saw blood run down my brow. She screamed,”He is injured!”
“Right, now is not the time, for jokes?' Katherina suggested as she got the rifle off of safety, and brought the business end up.
I said, he is injured!”C Galaxy said
“She is not, joking. He is out” Beltera replied saw us there was disbelief in her eyes.
I did not see an umpire say, I was safe!” Katherina suggested. Not realizing, it was not a gag we were pulling on her, but it was in all terms a horrible situation.
Galaxy ran over to where I lay. Kaleen’s right, Cavern is out."
You are one tough, son of a bitch!” Katrina suggested looking at me as I lay there. She undid the clasps holding the helmet to my head.
hey carried me, to the sick bay.
Take it, easy on him. He just saved you, your ship.” Doc Metra stated, as Katherina peered at Cavern, patted his shoulder to reassure.
I can throw you in irons, with just enough authority to do this.” Katherina said.
Fine, Do it.” Metra suggested, “I had enough of this. Having to haul her butt out of the fire on the occasion, but it was done, now.” He brought his wrists out to allow the cuffs to be put on him.
“Captain settles down?” List corps suggested, as saw the grids, where the cameras were active. Having disabled quite a few of them. They do not appear happy come through the passageway on the stern to board the ship. “They were headed to the hold in section G and location 45. We gave them a bloody nose.”
“How did the ship get there?” List asked knowing he was a gunnery officer. How could he have known about this?' I wondered.
“Jettison the plate on G 45 that will end their action here.” Katherina suggested as she heard that. That this would turn that area into a vacuum. Her crew would freeze to death, or die as their lungs would burst as there was no compression left there. The plate only covered the area with in that region; it would release whatever was in that section of the ship into the outer space shell. To clear the hallway.
List looked at her as if she had made a mistake. The section covered quite a bit of the ship. He closed his hands felt them turn numb and bloodless. The ship was not going to be doing too well. Afraid of what had happened.
The passageway was clear of all life, the force that was there. Was gone, knowing she killed the members who were there. They were trying to find, what? List asked, and glared at Katherina was not pleased.

The crew was unable to find who had entered the ship? or why? We did have a few bodies of their bodies aboard. Their uniforms looked unlike anything we had ever seen before. A few if they looked like werewolves, were able to walk on two feet. There was nothing to suggest that this could have happened to us humans.
There were rumors of lycanthropes on our home world. At one time, but our doctors felt that they had never truly seen one. Other than those who were mentally ill, or said to have been mentally ill. So, they were not human. Metra was conducting a complete autopsy of these individuals. Yet these individuals had four fingers and a thumb per hand, after removing their boots found toes on each foot. They had pointed ears; the eyes looked elliptical, having fangs instead of teeth. They used both genders to get in here, their weapons we also did not recognize
© Copyright 2016 Richard Patrick (waskally at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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