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Maya Angelou's "Africa" turned into a short story. |
themorrigan12 Africa - Maya Angelou (turned into a short story) Africa - Maya Angelou Thus she had lain sugercane sweet deserts her hair golden her feet mountains her breasts two Niles her tears. Thus she has lain Black through the years. Over the white seas rime white and cold brigands ungentled icicle bold took her young daughters sold her strong sons churched her with Jesus bled her with guns. Thus she has lain. Now she is rising remember her pain remember the losses her screams loud and vain remember her riches her history slain now she is striding although she has lain. Africa - Maya Angelou (Into a short story) Yes, I can remember it now. I can see Her laying on her side, quietly sleeping. She was at peace. I can clearly see it, Her silhouette still etched into my mind. I can see Her breathing softly, Her breasts rising and falling, as the sun began to rise over the skyline. The rays of the new day shone lightly. They cascaded over Her fine, brown skin - the way water would flow down a waterfall. With the light, Her image would start to come into view. And what a sight that was. Her soft, coffee figure had curves in all the right places, and Her hair was a beautiful shade of golden blonde. She was absolutely beautiful, from head to toe. Even when She would shed tears, She was still a sight to behold. Her tears were perfect crystals, colored the way the Nile would be. She was at peace, but it didn't last long enough. Yes, I can remember it now. I can see the way that the White Seas came crashing over Her. They were frigid and relentless in their pursuits. The White Seas brought change. They brought problems. They would take all of Her daughters and marry them off, or put them to work. They would take all of Her sons and sell them to others around the land, as well as others across the sea. The White Seas would take all of Her children - children that would soon be forced to worship a deity that they had no connection to. One that they were not used to, and didn't particularly like. Soon, most of them were converted. I think I saw Her try to fight back, but She was unable to. The White Seas threatened Her with guns. She could not do much of anything, and they took everything She had. Yes, I can remember it now. I can see how She picked Herself up, and decided to move on. But She still has not forgotten everything. Neither should anyone. I beg of you to remember the pain She felt. How The White Seas beat Her and kicked Her while She was still down. Remember the losses She has felt - The men taken from their homes and sold around the world. The women raped and married to strangers, or sold as a maids. Remember all of the children that were sold with their parents, or without them. Never forget the way She screamed, drowned in pain and sorrow, in vain. But, most of all, remember the good things. Remember all of Her riches, as well as Her history. For they are a light, in all of the darkness She has seen. Yes, I can see Her now - striding around proudly, like the darkness has passed. |