September 16, 2016
First, nice, you’re finally an adult!!!
now to move on to the important matter, it’s pretty awesome
man, I remember a few months back when I didn’t know you much,
we had a conversation on how you originally were supposed to be born
in October and we talked more about different subjects. You are the
most amazing person I’ve ever met in my life, you’re
sweet, kind, loving, and all in all, a caring generous person. You’ve
taught people many things to learn from. Without you, I’d most
likely still be depressed and doing many things that shouldn’t
happen. I am so honored to have you in my life and hopefully we can
continue helping one another.
have people that’s here for you and we all love you oh so much
man. You make a-lot of friends smile and laugh. You’re a really
funny comedic guy, and if someone says otherwise, they can kindly go
screw themselves. Heh. I do not celebrate birthdays due to my
religion and if I could, I would buy you soooo many things and would
go broke doing so haha. Quinn, you are an really amazing guy and I
know you’ve been through some things in the past and you can
learn from it for sure. But now this is YOUR day and today is what
you deserve.
never met anyone like you in all honesty and I’m SO glad to
have met you. You may not know it but… You really changed my
life and prevented me from doing terrible things. Me, Nikki, Brodan,
Kassi and many more care so much for you dude. Maybe one day…
we could meet? Yeah it’s too soon but.. You are what every girl
dreams of…. You have a very energetic and majestic
personality, it’s not true that nice guys finish last, if
anything, they should be first.
again, I’m very very lucky to have found you, hopefully you’ll
have the most wonderful day and don’t let anyone EVER tear you
down. I’m here for you always… 
Lots of love,
Keyania Ramirez(Actual real birth name :P)