Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2095496-Between-Time--Space-Chapter-1-Script
Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Fantasy · #2095496
A Man Who Transcends The Gods
The Narrator said "A legend, a protector of truth, a revolutionary of morals, and a lover of many and all organism. An inspiration of

young and old alike. This legend will have, like all others, adversaries to beat whether from power, jealousy, misunderstanding, or

revenge. (Note: This part comes with the first prototype first page) To defeat the antagonists and to surpass infinity. Can he

accomplish this legacy?"

An established shot of a city in ancient Japan and Dea travels to it. It will hint at Dea's magic ability. Then he landed. "Hello Japan!!!"

Dea said. "Wow this looks amazing I can't believe it!" Dea continued. "Let see where to go next?"

Dea is then passed a ponytailed kid who is running. Panting, the kid ran on until he bumped into a bald, buff swordsman. His face is

concealed. "Ha?!" The kid said, shocked.

The kid then notices the man's face. "Kirishima-sama!!!" The kid shouted. Kirishima then grabbed the kid. "Where the hell are you

looking at?!" Kirishima yelled. They get interrupted by a woman voice who shouted "Wait!!!"

A long black hair woman appeared before them. "Mom!!!" The kid shouted back as the mother then embraced him. "Heh, heh, heh,"

said Kirishima.

Kirishima grabbed his sword while the mother and the kid cowered. He slashed the mother's kimono and shows her cleavage. She

then covered it with her arms. "If you want to pay for what that brat did, then I know a way you can help," Kirishima said. The mother

shakes in fear.

"Heh, heh, heh!" Kirishima said "I'll be back for you, okay?" Then he left. The kid then comforted his mom and said "Mom, I'm tired of

this! I'll kill him if it is the last thing I do!!!" The mother stared at the kid with fear and said "No... it'll never happen. He just arrived a

month ago, but his mass strength and his cronies have single handedly captured this place. We'll never be rid. Never!!!"

Kirishima then enters a tavern and sit down. "A sake please." Kirishima suddenly spotted something. Dea is shown with a funny face

and stared down at Kirishima, who said "What the hell are you looking at?!"

"Huh," said Dea with another funny face. "You give me one more..." Kirishima started but interrupted by a cup hitting the back of his

head. "Oww...!" Kirishima shouted as he turned to see who threw it before getting hit by another cup on his head. Kirishima then

spotted Dea and noticed that he threw the second cup. "Y...you're the one who did this?!!!" Dea is then grabbed by Kirishima. "You,

me, outside... NOW!!!" Kirishima then yelled.

Outside a group of people gathered around Dea and Kirishima muttering to each other. "Are you ready to die?" Kirishima

gloated. "Sure," Dea said lazily and then yawned. "Bastard, I'll kill you!" Kirishima shouted while he drew his sword. "Die!!!" Kirishima

shouted while he slashed diagonally at Dea. "Yes, I killed him!!!" Kirishima declared, then suddenly noticed he was missing. "W...

wait!!! Where is he?!"

Kirishima now felt something heavy on his head. Kirishima then looked and see Dea on his head. Everybody laughed at him. "Grrrr..."

Kirishima growled. "Die!!!" Kirishima then slash upward at Dea.

Dea jumped and dashed in from of Kirishima. Then he punched Kirishima in the stomach. "Gahh..." Kirishima said. The crowd awed in


"Stop humiliating me!" Kirishima shouted. Kirishima then rapidly swung at Dea. Dea swiftly and easily dodged them.

"What... the..." Kirishima stammered awestruck. "Let me see the sword!" Dea said. Dea then touched the blade side and got

cut. "Youch!!!" Dea screamed and slapped the sword out of the way, frowning.

"Bitch!!!" Kirishima yelled out. "Never touch my swooooooorrrrrrrrrddddd!!!" Kirishima prepared to swing until, he noticed, the blade

broke off.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!" Kirishima screamed. "How the hell you did it? A...are you human?" He then glanced at his cronies. "Don't just

stand there!!!" Kirishima growled, impatient. "Attack!!!" Kirishima's cronies gathered around Dea. "Really, that clich guys." Dea said,

exasperated. "Silence!!!" one of the cronies said and charges and slashed together while Dea dodged all of them and moved away.

"Idiot!!! Attack on all sides!!" Kirishima shouted. The cronies slashed at random to get Dea. Dea dodged them all and landed punches

and kicks as he goes. Then he just stopped while the cronies looked bewildered. Suddenly, to their horror, the blades of the cronies'

sword broke. A wave of "Huh?!", "Ha!", and "What?!!" came out of the cronies' mouth.

"Well, you guys go and be nice to me and the village now." Dea said and pouted. Kirishima and a couple of his cronies appeared and

started attacking on his back. Suddenly, the blades hit the air like a sword slashed a hard rock. Bewildered, the cronies looked at

Kirishima who looked stunned. Apparently, Kirishima saw a dome shape for a minute.

"Guh, a... attack him." Kirishima said, scared and out of breathe. "But..." one of the cronies started, but Kirishima shouted "What... are

you... waiting for!!! Attaaaaaaccccckkkkkk him!!!" The cronies, fearful, began to flee one by one until Kirishima was alone against Dea.

"Aaaaaaaarrrrrgggghhh!!!" Kirishima said as he threw a punch at Dea. Dea met Kirishima's fist with his own fist. Kirishima heard a

crack and realize that it was his fist. "Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" Kirishima screamed. "Guuuuuu..." Kirishima cried while he held his hand.

Kirishima then glanced at Dea, fear in his eyes.

"Are you ready to pay?" Dea asked coolly, but smiled. "Huh... What?" Kirishima said."For messing with this village." Dea said no smile

this time. "Wait!!! I wouldn't do it again!!! I swear!!!" Kirishima begged.

"Ready?" Dea asked. "Three... two..." Kirishima then ran. Dea suddenly appeared in front of Kirishima. "One!!!" Dea said as he

grinned. He then palm-thrusted Kirishima's stomach. "Gaaaaaaahhhh!!!" Kirishima screamed out.

Kirishima then looked up at Dea and cowered. "You can leave now, okay?" Dea said coolly and smiled. Kirishima then fled.

The kid and the mother then ran up to Dea, both grinned ear to ear. "You're awesome, mister!" the kid said. "I want to be a warrior like


"Thank you!" said Dea. "With enough training you can become strong. Anyways, excuse me. I have a place I need to be at."

The Narrator finishes with "So our hero, after being interrupted by a rogue terrorizing a village, continues on his journey. What is it,

we'll figure out next time."

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