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The first five Acts of my original story. |
*NOTE: this is all my own original content that I claim owner ship of* Act 1/Prologue The sound of footsteps echoes down the hall, getting slowly closer to a locked room where an old lady sits reading from a book. "Once there were angels and they ruled over the heavens in tranquillity and peace" read the old lady. The two women and the 3 teens who the footsteps belong to arrive at the locked door, two of them stand at either side of it. The oldest of the five, a tall red haired woman stands forward and raises her weapon to head height. "One day the greatest of all the angels rose up and created the earth and all mankind, but the evil angel Lucifer became jealous of the new angels power and sought to over throw him" stated the old lady without looking at the book. The red haired woman kicked down the door and fired her weapon, a shotgun. "Lucifer could not win against God but he was not killed, he and his people escaped and hid from God by going to the core of the earth but God's angels will one day find him and slay hi---" the old lady was unable to finish as she was blasted across the room dying instantly. The woman who had fired the shot and a blue haired woman walked into the room. The blue haired woman looked cornered "this isn't the Um-ura, its a decoy, that probably makes this a trap" she said unhappily. "Ya think" said the red head pointing at the timer in the room that had now begun counting down. The red head's name was Lexa, she was Captain of a special strike force that was hunting down an angel of war. The blue haired woman is her second in command, Commander Glenda Low, the other three are Gem aline, Cam downy and alec downy respectively. The sound of fire caused Glenda and Lexa to come rushing back from the room. The 3 girls had opened fire on the slowly advancing soldiers, they were blocking the exit from the long corridor, each one of them looked almost identical, a tall man in a uniform holding an SMG, each one of them had blank eyes. "Shit, shades is all we need right now" murmured Glenda, as she drew her sword. The sword is a relic, infused with a type of ancient magic allowing it to give its wielder remarkable strength and stamina. "Alight people, standard positions, you two give me and Glenda cover, Cam you put up a shield" bellowed Lexa to her squad, her shotgun now slowly started changing into a scythe, it also being a relic of stamina and strength. Soon the halls were filled with the zombie like creatures, bullets flied thought the air and zombie after zombie fell. a faint blue wall hovered in front of the three young girls, stopping the bullets from hurting them , Glenda and Lexa swung and slashed there weapons time and time again, with each swing zombies would collapse, the weapons deflected bullets when necessary and produced a faint shield of there own around there wielders. after a few minutes hundreds of the zombies seemed dead but they still kept coming. " How long have we got Lexa?" asked Glenda frantically as she cut down 5 zombies in one blow and ran through another 3 with a second strike. "About three minutes" Lexa replied, swinging her weapons over her head before beheading all the zombies in a ring radius around her, a blue light flew off in a ring from her causing more zombies to fall before fading away. "Then would it be a good idea to try and RUN?!" Glenda shouted back, almost failing to kill a zombie who was right behind her. Lexa nodded and the two stood back to back eyes closed concentrating, suddenly there eyes opened glowing brightly as they both smashed the ground in front of them with there weapons, causing the ground to erupt with blue light, killing all the enemies in a straight line. "GO" Lexa and Glen yelled in unison. The five all ran down the open path, fighting off zombies as they ran. They reached the large metallic door at the end of the hallway, the three girls mowing down the zombies with hails of fire while the two commander tried to open the door. "Psychic lock, Glenda, unless we kill every shade here the door won't open and were running out of time fast". Glenda nodded and looked at the three girls, Cam was obviously clearly suffering under the strain and pressure of keeping up the shield, Gem and Alec were running low on ammo, things weren't looking bright. The two women stabbed there weapons into the ground again but this time the weapons started to glow and a symbol appeared on them. "Who you giving the relic to Lex?" ask Glenda picking her sword back up. "I think I'll split it for now" Lexa said with a wink, " alight girls its time you spread you wings and left, its been an honour, just remember not to be spotted or use magic and sooner or later they'll send a search team for you" she finished. "No way were leaving you" Cam shouted, cringing under the stress of holding up the shield for so long under such heavy attack. Lexa's eyes glowed red for a moment and a much deeper almost evil voice spoke the next words "Leave Now, That Is An Order". The girls eyes went dim for a moment and they nodded, slowly the two's wings appeared (Cam already had hers out from being using magic) and they burst through the ceiling flying into the sky. Glass shards fell from the roof smashing as they hit the ground, there shard slowing the zombies. "wasn't using satins voice a bit much Lex" said Glenda. "Now's not the time" she replied, "ain't being a demi-human with no wings just wonderful Lex?" Glenda said sarcastically with a smile as the two ran towards the enemy, weapons raised.... From the sky, the three angels regained normal sight and control over there bodies. "Lex, Glenda, no...". but before they could fly back they saw the large warehouse, which inside contained the sealed facility, Explode, leaving nothing but a smouldering crater in the ground. End of Act 1.... Act 2 - Lore Match was walking home from school with his friend Heoin, the two boys are both 16 and go to St, Brains secondary school in the small town of Lankcra. A town in Ireland of about four thousand people were very little ever happens. Match is a tall, relatively thin, black haired boy. His friend Heoin is a little shorter with brown spiked hair. Heoin is one of those.. exocentric type people who strive to be unique in there own way, Match on the other hand is a relatively quite kind of guy, tending to stick to himself, not being much of a fan of parties or other social events but still able to have a conversation with just about anyone. "So your home alone for two whole weeks then" Heoin said with a tone of jealousy. Match gave him a disappointed look "I already told you that I'm not having a house party" Match said with a sigh. The two continue there chat until Match reached the turn into his estate, he waved goodbye to his friend and started the walk to the end of the estate where his house was located. The estate was fairly normal as far as estates went, rows of unpainted two story houses, Some of them larger then others, had garages next to them and they all had a small drive up to the door . Match's estate was at the end of the long road, it being one of the larger house had a small garage next to it and a small patio next to the drive where folded chairs laid against the house. Match took the backdoor key out of his pocket and wondered round to the back door. When he went to put the key in the door he realized it had already been opened, Match knew his parents were still on the cruise for the next two weeks and his siblings had front door keys. He took a deep breath and picked up the nearby broom. "It wouldn't be much good against a burglar but it was better then nothing" he thought to himself. Slowly he pushed the door open as quietly as possible. His heart was beating fast, anyone could be inside but he took another deep breath and walked in. The hallway was empty and it didn't seem like anything had been taken, he walked in further and turned to the kitchen door, he waited a couple seconds and then kicked open the door. Too Match's surprise there was no burglar as such but three teenaged girls. One of them, quite short with blond hair and pale skin wearing a dress was on the floor with packs of biscuits scattered around her, a second taller girl with less pale skin and silver hair was holding the blond girls hand and trying to pull her back up onto her feet. The third and final girl was about the same height as the silver haired girl but unlike the other two she looked about 17 instead of 16, she was standing by the open fridge door, her hands full of food from the fridge. Her hair was long and a chocolate brown colour with a streak of it dyed red, she was the same height as the silver haired girl but her skin seemed radiant. The girls all turned when they heard the door slam open and stared at Match. "And who the Hell are you then?" said the silver haired one. Match was lost for words, in his own house in his estate in his normal, quite, little town, was three girls robbing his kitchen and asking him who he was. finally he replied with "I was gonna ask you that but seeing as you asked so nicely, I'm Match". He knew it was a cheesy replied but he was sorter on the spot, he thought to himself. "And you are?" Match inquired. Before The silver haired girl could stop her, the blond girl had blurted out the answer to Match's question "Were angels" she grinned. "Why'd you say that Alec" the older girl scolded "He could be an enemy agent or something". Match wasn't quite sure what he was hearing, maybe it was a comedy act to distract him so that they could steal more? "Well seeing as Alec went ahead and said it, lets see where this goes" Said the Brunette, laying the food from the fridge back where she got it and talking a seat at the small kitchen table "My name is Cam and my sister on the floor there is Alec, the angry one is Gem" she said pointing at the silver haired girl, "and yes we really are angels". Match laid down the broom careful next to do door but still within reach and took the seat opposite Cam. He really wasn't sure what to think of all this but he decided to humour them for now, "not like I have anything better to do on a Friday evening" he thought to himself. Gem sighed and took the seat next to Cam, Alec went over to the kettle and started filling it with water. "Allow me to proof to you that we really are angels" Cam said before her eyes started to glow blue. Match looked around himself, suddenly he wasn't sitting in his kitchen but sitting on air, he was literally floating in the sky. He looked around himself and realised there were strange building around him and in the distance he could see people, seemingly walking on clouds, the people, they had wings and magnificent halos of light above there heads. "Don't worry" Cam said soothingly "Its simply an illusion, a projection of the past. This is what you would probably call heaven. Long ago it was the only plain of existence in the universe, inhabited by omni-present beings known as angels". Match just stared in awe. If this was some sort of magic trick, then it must of taken a long time to learn. " Each of these beings in there own right holded great power but they lived in peace and tranquillity and so this power was never needed until long ago, one angel used a Taboo magic called, World Magic, essentially the power to create galaxies full of life. The angel known to others as God, used this magic to create this galaxy that were now in . The galaxy flourished with sentient life and over time that life grew to pray and worship God, this gave him a sort of magic power that allowed him to become stronger then all the other angels. You got all that?" Cam inquired, realising that this was probably allot to take in. Match nodded although he wasn't sure. The projection was now showing the creation of the milky way galaxy and showing hundreds of plants with unimaginable alien species, like something out of a sci-fi film. Cam Nodded and started to continue explaining " God didn't at first use this new found power and so little changed in the heavens but many of the angels feared what God was planning to do with this ever stronger growing power and so they created there own galaxy's and so war broke out. The angels were classified as those who were loyal and followed God, while the Demons were angels who rebelled. The war brought chaos to the universe and all the new life was wiped out time and time again until only one planet in the whole universe was left able to sustain sentient life. That planets as you probably guessed, was Earth. It hadn't been attacked in the war due to its basic creatures known to you as the dinosaurs but when an angel space ship crashed on the planet, the dinosaurs died out and the early humans rose up from the ash's. With the playing field now seemingly even, The head Demon, Lucifer challenged God to a dual. God's weapons, a relic, a tool containing the worship and pray of extinct races, was known to be the most powerful in existence, combined with the worship of the early humans, gave God a huge advantage. Satan or Lucifer if you prefer faced God with a weak generation one relic and little to no magic but yet still almost manage to bring God to his knees but satin was ultimately defeated and fled with his remaining followers. They had used up all there options and so they hide within the Earth, The one place left that God was unwilling to destroy. So the war was lost but the devils weren't destroyed, from inside the Earth they collected the souls of the dead humans and allowed them to live free in the underworld but if they so wished, he would make them demi-devils and--" Cam was suddenly interrupted by Gem " And so devils, demi-devils and angels like us who betrayed God, now fight for control of the Earth and the universe ya da ya da etc..." she finished. Match stared at them for a moment before saying "so your telling me that God is the name of a angel tyrant and that heaven is where kidnapped souls go, where as hell is where souls are allowed to be free?" Match said eyebrow raised. "Yup" Alec said with a giggle as she placed 4 cups of tea on the table and took a seat, " except you left out the bit where God conscripts all the human souls he kidnaps to be his demi-angel solider whether they like it or not". Match wasn't sure what to think of all this but they seemed like they were telling the truth or just insane, he decided he'd keep humouring them, it was kind of becoming fun in a weird way " so then why are three of these angels in my house exactly?". "Well on are last mission we thought we'd cornered an angel of war but it was a trap and only us three made it out alive so now were stealing food and waiting for the rescue team to come find us" said Cam slightly embarrassed "We'd use magic to signal them but that would also attract enemy agents and seeing as Ireland is like the a stronghold of the War angels, we'd definitely be caught" she finished, catching her breath and talking a sip of her tea. "So seeing as you seem to live alone here we were wondering if we could bunk here for a week or two" said Gem slyly. It had taken a little more convincing then that but in the end Match had agreed, Cam had been a little surprised but was overall happy about the situation, the last week they'd been sleeping outside in the cold and stealing food by day, now at least they had a base of operations, free food and a bed each to sleep on. Cam was in the living room when Match came in, "listen" he said " I was wondering, if your an angel can you show me your wings? I know you did the projection thingy earlier but if your have wings that would really prove it" he finished a little meekly, blushing. Cam smiled and then nodded, standing of and walking over to the window. She grabbed the curtains and closed them before turning around to Match and closing her eyes. Slowly her wings unfurled from her back. The wings were a beautiful silky white and made of what look like naturally overlapping feathers. About three meters in length they were magnificent. Match stood draw drooped looking in awe at them. " Wanna see something cool?" The angel said teasingly. Match hesitated but nodded and replied yes. The angel held out the palm of her hand and her eyes started to glow blue again but this time a much deeper blue then before when she'd done the projection. In her hand a blue orb started to appear out of thin air. Match was mystified by the strange occurrence. "This is a ball of pure energy created from nothing" said Cam smiling "it could power your house for a few years" she said and laughed a little bit when she looked at Match's face. They chatted for a little longer before Match went to go help the others girls who had insisted on making dinner. Cam looked through the TV channels. There was some story on the news about a little girl saving a women from a burning down building, the little girl was shown being given a meddle but other then that there was nothing of interest on. Dinner was interesting, at first there was a kind of awkward silence but once alec turned on her 'cute little girl charms', it was like watching 3 old friends talking, Cam herself simply smiled and ate, happy that everyone was getting along. Angels have that effect of instant friendship towards humans seeing as they can naturally manipulate minor human emotions. Cam had a good felling about there new base of operations. End of Act2... Act 3 - Fragment After Match had gone to bed, Cam called down her sisters to the living room for 'the first official meeting' as she put it. "Alight so we got somewhere to stay, now we need to start constructing a far sight telescope so we can predict the next time devils will pass through this area, that means we need a telescope, a fragment and three nines" Cam stated to her two companions. "This place might have a telescope in the attic?" Gem suggested. " We could use those number nines off house plates" said Alec shyly. "Good thinking you two, only problem now is getting the fragment" *(fragments are pieces of a relic that has been split up, they contain a smaller amount of power then the relics but are still powerful weapons)* Cam said but before she could go any further, they heard a loud noise outside. Cam beckons the Alec to turn off the light and Gem lifted the curtain slightly to look outside. What she saw was an angel with grey wings holding a large dagger and emitting a bright light. He wore a black cloak shrouding his whole body, he stood at about 6 feet tall. Gem walked quietly back over to the other two. "Its a bounty hunter(an angel on neither the devils or the angels side), must of detected you using magic earlier Cam, he has a fragment, he won't take long to find us in here" Gem said worriedly. "Alights then we'll have to fight him and without magic, shield or wings, understand you two?" nods from Gem and Alec suggested they understood " Alight then basic formation, lets do this" she whispered to them, they each put there hands to the back of there belts and there SMGs appeared in there hands. Gem and Alec took position either side of the living room door, just like how they had back at the ceiled facility. Cam stood a few feet back from the door, gun raised at chest height, ready to fire at will. The insuring fight was somewhat of a blur for Cam, The door to the living room was unexpectedly kicked with such force that it came off it hinges and flew straight into Cam, with such force that she was sent flying back into the back wall of the room. Gem and Alec were quick to react, Alec jumped back from her hiding place and opened fire on the angel. He was incredible fast, his fragment granting him unbelievable speed, he dodged the bullets and surged forward knife first, Alec wasn't slow tho either even with out the help of a weapon, she quickly stood to the side causing a lamp on a side table to fall and smash into many pieces. From the other side of the room, where Cam had been thrown, came a hail of bullet fire. The bounty hunter was caught of guard but managed to still dodge by diving to the ground and doing a combat roll/dive back to his feet, but before he had time to react he was rammed into the wall behind him adjacent to the wall by Gem, who had rammed him when she saw her chance. She now picked him up by his collar and pinned him to the wall, gun pressed against his jaw. "Not so tuff now bitch" Yelled Gem in triumph. Alec kicked the fallen blade away in the general direction of the door. "Alrigth caught it up, who are you and why are you after us" Cam said calmly from behind. The bounty hunter spoke a deep gravely but yet cowardly voice " Calm down, Calm down. look I didn't tell anyone about detecting you here or nothing, but the bounty on your head was so high that when I detected a magic with Lady Cam's signature to it.. well I just couldn't resist" he finished hanging his head in defeated shame. "I wonder why the bounty's so big?" Alec questioned looking a little sad. "Well when miss angel of death Um-ura found out that four devils escaped, she got pissed and put out a huge bounty, is what I heard at least-" before he could say more the girls all gave him incredible bright smiles and said in unison "FOUR ". "Yea, apparently satan intervened and saved one of the two demi-devils" he said in a tone that suggested everyone knew this, after all it was a rare sight for satin to get directly involved in affairs and battles. For a brief moment, Gem let her guard down due to happiness, that brief moment was all the bounty hunter needed. He kneed Gem and dived to the ground avoid Alec and Cam's gun fire and grabbed his fragment from where it lay on the ground, he then darted out of the room, his speed renewed and headed straight for the staircase which he began climbing up the stairs towards the bedroom at the top, Match's bedroom that is...... Match had an almost naturally fast reaction time and although he wasn't a big fan of team sports, he was a confident fencer, so when his room door burst open he divided from his bed and grabbed his fencing sword from its resting next to his bed side table stand. That was instinct mixed with panic but after that Match froze, he dozily looked around him and then saw the intruder all to late. By the time he thought to raise his blade and block the incoming dagger, it was already to late, the fragment dagger pieced his chest and then its ability activated. The ability pierce allows a blade that barely makes contact with the enemy, to pierce right thought to the other side. Match collapsed to the ground, vomiting blood. His stomach slowly bleed onto the carpeted floor of the room, he fell to his knees and looked up briefly as his attacker drew the blade out of his stomach swiftly and with ease, then the cloaked figure walked to the window and opened it full. It was just about a big enough window for the man to jump out of, he sat on it and watched with glee as the girls rushed up the stairs to see there companion on the ground bleeding out. The look of horror only got worse as they saw the wound sealing up and Match looking up at them, straight in the eye, the eye, now almost as soulless as the zombies that they had fought many times before, the foot-soldiers of God, mindless, soulless, lifeless, zombies. "You Bitch" shrieked gem angrily her gun raised. Cam simply stood almost lifeless in a state of shock" why does everyone I meet die?" she thought to herself, a tear in her eye, sure she was a solider but she was still little more then a girl. Alec simply stood, weapon raised. The bounty hunter laughed at all the events talking place but then his face turned to a series expression "time to get my reward, I'll use the boy to kill you and then I'll claim the reward, unless you have the heart to kill your own friend" he said mockingly. Gem took a step forward "I'm sorry but he's nothing but a shade now" she pulled the trigger but the zombie-Match jumped to the side like a spider and then slashed at Gem lightly cutting the back of her hand, causing her to drop her gun which Match grabbed. Match then stepped back and raised the gun, pointing it at head height at the three girls. Cam and Alec were paralyzed, they didn't know what to do, it was like time slowed down as they waited for the seemingly inevitable but the fatal shots never came for the zombie turned the gun and shot a full round of bullets into its own chest. Blood spattered the room. The looks on both the bounty Hunter and the Girls faces was that of shock and horror, they all went pale as the unthinking able happened. Breaking a psychic mind control and claiming control of your mind and soul again was almost unheard of. Match used the shock and confusion to his advantage, with his body quickly failing, he turned and fired the rest of guns remaining rounds right at the head of the bounty hunter, he was to shocked to move out of the way the way. His body slowly fell backwards out of the window and landed on the ground beneath, slowly it disappeared leaving only a pile features and the fragment knife on top. Gem ran over to the window to make sure the enemy was dead but Cam ran forward to catch Match's body as it fell to the ground. She dropped to her knees and laid his head on her lap, tears streaming down her face, his pulse was already gone. "Why do I care so much, he's just a stupid human, I hardly knew him and there's hundreds of humans out there, there's no reason why I should care so much" she said quietly. Alec just stood silently, she knew the answer because she felt the same way, Cam felt sad because if she couldn't even protect one human, what could she protect? Gem was about to try and console Cam but she hesitated, she didn't know what to say. Cam just kept saying "Don't die" over and over again, slightly louder each time until she roared it out. Her eyes were now glowing blue again but this time it was brighter then her two companions had ever seen before, a loud shrieking noise came over the room preventing Gem or Alec talking, all they could do was stare and then Gem looked at her hand, it was glowing where she had been cut before. Slowly but surely the cut was healing, this was healing, a very rare ability that only a few possessed. Alec knew what Cam was trying to do when she looked at Cam's hand, a relic fragment was there glowing the same blue as her hands, Cam was tying to drag Match's soul back to his body but that sort of ability came with side effects. Alec knew she needed to try and stop Cam but she didn't know how to, at least not safely and before she could think of something it was over. The glowing seized and for one brief moment there was total silence... and then Match's pulse retuned or so it seemed.. End of Act 3 Act 4 - Aftermath In heaven Sergeant Forge writes in his journal, only a day before his death: "Dear diary, Sergeant Forge of resource collection group C here. My squad and I are off on another mission tomorrow so I thought I'd write a few lines before hand. We've been warned of strange sightings in the area but I doubt its anything dangerous. I often wonder what Satan says to convince angels to betray God and follow him. After all, God saves souls and gives them the choice to live in peace in heaven. Where as from what I've heard, Satan forces the souls of humans he kidnaps to become his soldiers, whether they like it or not. Well, thinking about it won't get me anywhere. Time I get some sleep"~~ To understand how Cam saved Match we first must go back to the battle in the sealed compound. Lexa reached the large metallic door at the end of the hallway, her eye's flashed blue as she scanned it, only to realise it was locked with magic. The slender woman was quite tall, over six feet, with flowing ruby red hair that covered her shoulders, her lightly tanned skin shimmering in the illumination of the facility's bright lights.. She turned to her second in command. Glenda was often mistaken as Lexa's sister, her short baby blue hair was similar to Lexa's and they were both thirty-six. Glenda was less tanned then Lexa but there similar personalities and closeness lead people to make the mistake, in truth they were just two old friends who'd known each other when they were alive as well as after they'd been recruited by Satin to become demi-devils. "Psychic lock, Glenda, unless we kill every shade here the door won't open and were running out of time fast". Glenda nodded. As Lexa looked over at the three girls standing in a row, moving down the advancing enemy with hails of fire, she saw not three soldiers but three children. Of course she knew that was human nature but they felt like family to her. Lexa looked down at her scythe and smashed it into the ground. The blade started to glow and Lexa's family crest started to glow on the scythe, it slowly started to disappear and in its place four symbols appeared. She picked her weapon back up and looked at it through sad eyes. . "Who you giving the relic to Lex?" asked Glenda picking her sword back up. "I think I'll split it for now" Lexa said with a wink. After the three girls had took flight and had exited the facility, Lexa and Glenda ran forward towards the enemy. Lexa swung her scythe and brought it down on ten of the zombies in one mighty swing. From where she had swung a blue beam of energy shot off ploughing down another fifty zombies before causing a chain of explosions in a ring causing many more to fall dead. She wasn't holding back any more but she knew there was just to many. She wasn't making it out of this alive but if she died before Glenda, then a fragment of her weapon would be granted to satin who could use that power to save Glenda." Its more then just a long shot, hell its probably pointless kamikaze but its all I can do" she thought to herself. The long metal scythe with its sharp, curved blade in her hand slowly materialized back into its metallic black pump-action, shotgun form. She turned the gun and fired.~ Upon the Death of a relic's master it is inherited by whom ever the master assigns it to and can be unlocked by its new master when he or she has a strong emotional response or connection, hence when Cam wished for the power to save lives, the relic she inherited from Lexa materialised as a large silver cross with a blue indent with the ability to heal. Cam used this weapon which caused Match's body to be healed and his soul to be dragged back from where ever it was going to come back. This of course had downsides. The three girls sat at the kitchen table with the fragment Cam had summoned and the fragment the bounty hunter had owned on the table. The fragment was one of four, which as it explained to them was able to telepathically talk to them due to them each inheriting a piece of Lexa's relic. "So Match's Soul was damaged from being dragged back to his body is what your saying Pur?" Cam asked to the fragment who'd they'd nicknamed Pur. "Yes, that's it exactly. Its the reason he's in a sort of coma, an unconscious state you could say. Also would you please call me by my real name or none at all" Pur stated angrily. Although a weapon is genderless it had a males voice and viewed itself with dignity that qualify in to at least be called by a more manly name. "There's no way were calling you 'Pursuer Of Evil' every time we want to address you" Alec said putting out her tongue(an irrelevant thing to do seeing as Pur had no eyes). Cam coughed to get the attention of her squad mates. They all were sleep deprived, bags under there eyes, there cloths blood stained from earlier, Alec's white, woollen dress was ruined by the stains of blood and she looked to be the most tired of everyone. Cam sighed "Alrigth lets decide a plan of action, so far we have established, thanks to Pur's confirmation, that Glenda is alive, meaning that a rescue squad is probably already on its way. To be safe we should continue looking for the items we need to make the far-sight telescope to try and predict when devils will next be in the area. Also, Match mentioned having an older sister so she probably left cloths here, its worth a look at least. That only leaves the question of what we do with Match, his coma ain't live threatening but how do we explain what happened?". "Why don't we just bring him to a hospital and let them mind him" Gem suggested coldly. "We owe him our lives, we can't just abandon him and his condition isn't exactly normal for a human being" Cam replied angrily. Gem finished eating a red apple and threw the apple core against the wall, it landed in the bin underneath with a clang noise as it bounced off the bottom of the container. "Cam he's just a stupid human, we hardly know him, all he did was show us a little kindness. There's hundreds of humans out there, why not go find another one if you feel lonely " said Gem mockingly. Cam stood up so fast that the chair behind her flew back and fell over onto the kitchen floor. "Was Lexa just another human to?" she shouted at her best friend angrily. Gem stormed out of the room and up the stairs "some friends" she muttered to herself under her breath. Cam picked up her chair and sat back down with a sigh, she wasn't sure what to do when Gem acted like this. She looked over at her little sister who simply offered a reassuring smile. Alec had always been there for Cam and visa versa. Cam thought back to the day Alec had first arrived. She was only two years old, angels can remember as far back as a year old but no further, so Alec never knew that she was adopted. More like saved. Devils travelling to an uninhabited planet for a peace meeting with angels had come under attack. Alec's blood father was the ambassador. he got Alec off the ship but died in doing so. Cam's parents were scientists with a facility on the same planet Alec was found on. They were experimenting in new uses for old magic when they'd found the abandoned baby and had took her in. Cam had often thought of telling Alec about who she really is, a devil adopted by angels which she betrayed to work for the devils. Cam decided not to thought, they were sisters and that's all that really mattered.~ Gem put her hand on the door handle and pushed open the door. Before going in she looked over to the door to the left. In there Match laid on his bed, she walked over and slowly opened his door as quietly as she could and walked into the blood-soaked room and sat on the edge on the small bed. She looked at the face of the boy, an unsuspecting person would have thought he was simply sleeping. She wondered why Cam was so attached to him. Love? "No" she thought, angels didn't fall in love, they weren't made that way. "So what? Guilt? Loyalty?" she muttered to herself, she couldn't work it out, what was so special about this child, about humanity. She put her hand on top of his, although she didn't know it, her eyes flashed a deep green. "You have so much hate in you, you allow it to control you and hold you back in life" said a voice in Gems head. Gem was taken back and angry at such a comment until she realized it was telepathy. Angels were known to be able to communicate with those in a coma using the ability but Gem had never had the opportunity before. The angel focused her mind "what would you know about that" she replied telepathically. "I saw some of your memories a moment ago, they were so sad. Was the dead man in them a friend?" the voice replied. Gem knew that memories could be seen during telepathy but the teen girl still felt angry at the invasion of privacy and didn't care for the voices care free tone. "Pur had said that Match probably had his memories erased because of the trauma, so what did this human know of anger, of fear and of frustration, how dare it judge her and look through her memories" she thought to herself angrily. Gem put her empty hand behind her back and in the palm of the angels hand appeared her SMG, it was almost completely out of ammo after it was fired in this very room only a little over an hour ago, its sleek, metal body reflects the bedroom ceiling light. Gem put it up to Match's chin, she had tried to kill him once already but this time he had no way to dodge. " Do it" the voice of Match said in her head "It'll make you feel better but only for a time, you know that". Gem's vision started to disorientate, her hand shuddered, unable to point straight ahead, her heart was beating fast, she held her breath---- and then Gem dropped the gun and began breathing again. "How did you know I had a gun" she asked. "I don't know" the voice said meekly. It sounded more and more quiet, "what's my name again?". Gem was no sorceress and she was never great at magic or healing but anyone could hear in the tone of the voice that it was tired, lost, like her." This human doesn't deserve to die for what happened back then" she said to herself quietly. Gem let go of Match's hand. She felt embarrassed as the teen girl picked her gun back up and put it away. Gem headed downstairs back to her comrades and apologised for how she'd acted. She felt like a cliché. The girl who wants to escape her past, "but" Gem thought to herself, "at least I know now that given the choice I wouldn't pull the trigger". The girl smiled .... End of Act 4 Act 5 - Humans part 1 Gem, Alec and Cam were in the kitchen of the estate house which they had set up as there base of operations. A large whiteboard on wheels had been brought down from the upstairs office and was now covered with messy writing in permanent maker. Cam and Gem sat on the wooden chairs by the small table while Alec stood by the whiteboard, scribbling more writing. It had been two days since Match had been put in a coma and the girls had tried to make the most of there time. They had explored the small town's main street to get a feel for there surroundings and had finished constructing the far sight telescope. Other then that they had watched a lot of TV, played a lot of video games and been generally lazy. In heaven and hell there are recreational activities but they are all more along the lines of meditation, so the media of humanity was fascinating to the angels. They had been contempt with waiting for the rescue to come while they lazed around until a crises had arisen. They had run out of food! "We can presume that Match's parents left enough food for Match not to need to buy food while they were on holiday but seeing as there are three of us, we used up the food faster then expected and now that we have no more food, we need money" Alec explained for the third time, pointing at the graph she had drawn on the whiteboard. Gem sat slouched in her chair making a grumpy face " but were angels, we don't need to eat when were in Heavens or Hell so why here" she said with a tone of annoyance in her voice. Cam looked up from the newspaper she was reading. "Because Heaven is a different plain of existence and Hell has powerful sorcerers who create a constant magic that heals the body. Like what I've been using Pur to do, except I can only use Pur to replenish Match's body once a day, so we have to find normal means of replenishing energy" Cam said with a sigh. She had been looking through the jobs section of the newspaper but believe it or not, angels aren't trained in many professions. The three continued to discuss the topic when they heard a sound at the front door. They all went silent. Alec who was nearest the kitchen door poked her head out into the hall. Through the small glass windows in the door she could see two people. A man and a women, Alec turned to her squad mates. "I think its Match's parents" she said, her face had gone paler then normal. They could hear the key being put in the door. The two did look similar to the people in a lot of the pictures in the house. The man was tall with brown hair that didn't show any signs of greying, his face looked aged, he had a scar on his left check. He seemed to be in his mid fifties and had a jolly expression on his face in most of the photos. The women was about five foot with brunette hair tied in bunch. She looked about fifty and was wearing a trench coat style, black jacket. They seemed to be a happy couple, although pictures often lie. "What do we do" Gem said with a tone of panic in her voice. Cam looked concerned "We could make a run for it out the back door and come back for our supplies later but then we'd be abandoning Match" Cam said, her face a picture of thought. "Its simply" Alec said with a childish grin "We lie like the devils we fight for". Angels aren't typically good at lying, it was originally more of a human trait but devils had changed there genes in small ways during the war and lying came naturally to them. Whether Alec knew it or not, she was a natural liar, a good one at that. The key turned in the door lock and Match's parents walked into the hall of the house. They called out there son's name, when Alec stepped out from the kitchen they stared at each other and started talked in hushed voices. "She's way out of his league" the man said. "Blackmail maybe? Such a cute girl!" the women replied back. Alec coughed politely and said "Are you Match's parents". The two were indeed Match's parents, they asked who she was but she shook her head. " I'm afraid your son was in a car accident, we tried to contact you but we didn't know how, your sons condition isn't life threatening but he is in a coma" Alec said in the most sincere vice Gem had ever heard, it could of fooled even God. Match's parents went pale, the voice and tone of Alec proved this was no joke. Alec lead them into the kitchen(Cam had hurriedly hidden the wide board) where she explained what had happened to there son and how the three where there as his nurses. It wasn't the best lie and it had plot wholes but Alec incredible delivery of it coupled with tone and expressions were what made it believable. Every syllable she uttered painted a picture that you couldn't deny, every word was sincere and honest sounding. After she had explained, Match's Mother, Holly, asked if she could see her son. Alec and co brought Holly and Match's Dad, Dain, up the stairs into Match's room. When they say their son Holly burst into to tears, collapsing to her knees. Dain put his hand around her, trying to comfort her but it was clear he was putting on a brave face. The girls stood outside the room waiting for the parents. They realized that there was no reason for them to stay in the house any more so it surprised them when Dain came out of the room to confront them. "Girls I want you to stay working here. I can't pay you much but we'll provide food and you can stay in the spare rooms here if you like. I know its not a lot but I don't know how to care for my son" he said in a sombre voice. His clenched fists were trebling and there was a deep sadness in his dark brown eyes. The girls had agreed to stay, Gem had jumped at the chance, they were essentially getting to stay for free. The rest of the day, the girls tried to comfort and help out the parents. They unpacked there holiday luggage and went with Holly to help her with getting shopping and Alec offered to make dinner with her. It seemed silly to Gem that the women was content with remedial tasks after finding out what had happened to her son but as Cam explained, it allowed her to calm down and gather her thoughts. Dain however was suffering. His brave face little more then a façade for his sadness. Cam had been watching the news in the living room when Dain had come in and sat in his armchair Cam had offered him the remote. He politely refused and started watching the news. Cam was leaving the room a few minutes later when she heard Dain mumbling to himself "Its all my fault, I planed the holiday, I left him here alone for all this time". Cam wanted to help, to say something but she knew it wasn't her place. Alec had been a huge help. The two parents had taken her in as there own. Slowly but surely three days had passed. Not much had happened but Cam had grown worried. While Alec ate dinner with Dain and Holly, Cam now stood on the roof of the house, telescope in hand. Gem sat on the slope of the roof with the laptop they had found on her lap. The far sight telescope was a simply way to read stars and find coded messages with out using magic. To make it they'd taped three nines on to the side of the 30m telescope they had found in the attic (Although what the nines did, they were unsure) and then taped the fragment dagger they had taken from the bounty hunter to the lens of the telescope. Upon putting the knife to the glass it had turned transparent and when looked through the telescope showed a whole set of stars that a normal telescope was incapable of. Whole constellations humans hadn't the slightest clue about, shined and sparkled. After recording these unseen star patterns, they could be inputted into a program that translated the code to English. Alec had set up the coding a few days ago and anything it couldn't translate they asked Pur to, by describing the image to him/it. Right now Gem sat on the roof reading out the report. "Same as yesterday Cam. No real activity but a resource collection group is going to be working near here soon. Nothings changed tho, they'll be outta range to detect us in any way" Gem said blowing a bubble with her bubble gum. The recourse collection group would be collecting what is in simply terms, the physical manifestation of prayers. This manifestation is normally unseen and not dangerous but when harvested it spread radiation in the nearby area. Radiation that would kill most humans within a few years. Normally it was only taken from uninhabited places, like deserts to prevent unnecessary caulicles. If they were talking it from inhabited areas, then the war wasn't going as well as God wanted it to be going. "Were angels, real straight outta heaven angels, isn't it our job to stop them and protect the people?" Cam asked her best friend and squad mate. " Maybe but were not that sort of solider, were special forces, there ain't any reason for us to get involved in stuff like this" Gem said, "Although we could use some ammo and there's always a chance they might discover us by accident". Pur the fragment Cam had summoned was a logical kind of weapon, he was very against unnecessary fighting. " There's no need to put yourself in this situation and how will Alec take it if she has to kill real people again?" The conscious of the fragment, which had retained its memories from before it had been passed on, questioned. Gem lowered herself down to the edge of the roof, just above Match's bedroom window. She looked back up at Cam " Its your call Boss" she said before clambering her way back into the house thought the window. Cam stood atop the window deep in thought of what to do next. She hadn't thought of herself as truly being a leader until till now but the realization of two people looking to her for commands scared her a little. Unknown to Cam, Dain was standing in his room below the roof and heard her and Gem's chat... End of Act 5 |