Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2083200-The-Michaelides-Coven
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #2083200
Beware... a coven is on the rise, and it's going to take the world by storm!

         In 1649, Christibella was born to the wealthy, prestigious, and (at the time) well-respected, aristocratic Michaelides (pronounced Mike-all-eye-dus) Family in 17th Century Greece. At ten years old, she was introduced by her parents to a much older young man, twenty years old (ten years her senior) of equal social status from a wealthy family in Germany where he was a baron. A year later, he moved into the Michaelides' castle. Another year later, at the ripe age of 12, Christibella married the young German man, and she left Greece with her new husband to live with him in his castle in Germany, where she became his baroness and a high society debutante. Christibella was a spoiled, bratty, snobbish, and at times sinisterly cruel, self-centered young girl who was interested in the black arts. She had been studying it at that point for four years (since age eight).

         After years of chanting and talking to the forces of darkness with no answer, they eventually answered back. Christibella soon made spiritual pacts and relationships with a variety of demons, dark sorcerers, and evil genies (most notably the demon sorceress Celeste, the Queen of all earthly dark magic). The dark forces started slowly giving her powers of her own, and granting various evil wishes that she asked for against various people, including her own loving husband, who mysteriously died of asphyxiation (Her first fatality as she only wanted him dead because she had optimistic curiosity about murder).

         At the time of his death, Christibella, now 16, had came into her own and was no longer overshadowed by her husband's influence as she was able to hold onto her title as a baroness. As the years went on, and Christibella became more prominent in black magic, more unexplainable fatalities began to occur within and around the kingdom, frightening most of the servants and maids away. Christibella (who was able to see that superstitions were a bunch of hocus pocus thanks to her knowledge in sorcery) also played with the townspeople's superstitions purely for amusement. Word soon began to spread about Christibella's use of black magic, as her castle was soon labeled "Castle Blood". Bizarre incidents and deaths continued to occur as gossip and rumors continued to run rapid and circulate throughout all of Germany. They also began to suspect that Christibella was responsible for the mysterious and unexplainable death of her husband so many years earlier.

         The townspeople began looking strangely at Christibella, pointing at her, whispering, and calling her names as she casually walked by them. Some even made the grave mistake of throwing bricks and bottles at her. For her most threatening hecklers, she began invading their dreams nightly, terrorizing them, letting them see how powerful she really was. When her victims woke up, they'd tell their loved ones and neighbors of their recurring nightmares. Some even woke up to stab wounds, deep cuts, bruises or whatever trauma they experienced in their dreams. One man (while in his sleep) fell from a mountain top at several thousand feet high. He woke up as well, but in life-long pain as Christibella taunted him that as much as he'd like to die, death will escape him until his time comes. Terrified to death of the baroness, all of the townspeople (led by her late husband's family, who has suspected her involvement in his death for sometime) desperately formed a lynch mob of tens of thousands and ran Christibella out of Germany as they descended upon the castle and demantled it to a ruin, leaving her without a home to return to. She tried to go back home to Greece, but the news of her atrocities had gotten back around to her family and they disowned her and banished her from their land. Feeling betrayed and abandoned, she killed them as well (Asphyxiation was her signature murder weapon as she commanded the breathe from their bodies).

         The year was 1690. With absolutely no family or home, Christibella traveled to the land that would soon become America and met a man named Thomas Smith, and birthed a daughter with him whom they named "Evilia" (only to keep the bloodline alive). But she soon ran into people (mostly Germans who traveled to America) who recognized her and knew of her diabolical mayhem and of her ill reputation in Germany, as well as the death of her family in Greece. It soon became public knowledge that Christibella was a powerful and pure evil witch. One day when Christibella was walking alone, she was unknowingly ambushed by the townspeople (beaten over the head with a huge rock) and taken into custody.

         In 1692, she was thrown from a 100 foot high window with a rope tied around her neck. Her body was then burned on a cross, then drowned (for good measures) during the Salem Witch Trails of Massachusetts. They tried on several occasions to kidnap and kill her child, but Thomas Smith left Massachusetts for another colony, despite warnings and pleas to either get rid of the baby, kill it, or give it to the authorities so they can do away with it. Young Evilia (pronounced as "E-vil-lia") lived on though, and killed her father when she came of age out of optimistic curiosity, inheriting her mother's death lust and mystical abilities. After being executed, Christibella's soul went straight to hell literally burning, and has been on fire ever since. Once in hell, her soul belonged to the soul-taking demon god, Suarod, until Celeste brokered a deal with him (after over a century of the two debating) to let her have Christibella's soul back, as she was one of her disciples.

         Christibella was the first member of the Michaelides bloodline to abandon her humanity and sacrifice her soul to evil, which tainted the bloodline's public image for next three plus centuries. After Evilia and her generation died out, the Michaelides clan became known as "The Michaelides' Coven", as they strictly birthed witches and man-witches. The Coven honored the long-dead Christibella as a godmother and martyr, and gave little-to-zero acknowledgment of the family history that preceded her. Throughout the 1700s and 1800s, the Coven was at it's peak as it preyed on and terrorized humanity generation after generation.

         By 1849 (two hundred years after Christibella's birth), The Michaelides' Coven had over 600 individual families across the globe. The Coven kept their bloodline alive by mating with other evil people (witches, inspiring witches, gangsters, psychopaths, warlords, bigots, klansmen, slave owners. etc.) to assure the purity of evil in the seed that they birthed. But, by the early 1900s, even the world's most notorious were terrified of the Michaelides' and wanted nothing to do with them (even Hitler and his Nazi Party were shaking in their boots). From 1905-1933, the Coven had four hundred natural deaths (roughly a 10% decrease) and no new additions were birthed. Becoming desperate, the Coven (both witches and man/witches) began kidnapping their victims. They took them to a special made hive (located in a deep, underground cavern), and held them individually in cells where each prisoner would receive visits from their abductors every other day where they were manhandled, tortured, and sexually abused by the Coven in an attempt to keep their bloodline alive. Thousands were kidnapped the world over and the Coven's population began to rise again. This final outrage caused several countries (finally believing that they have the intelligence, technology, weapons, and resources to fight) to form organizations and strike teams to exterminate the Coven.

         By 1957, after the loss of thousands (both servicemen, and the typical everyday victims), as well as the bombing of the hive, The Michaelides' Coven was exterminated down to one person, a 14 year old girl named Georgina Michaelides. At two months old, she was left in a carriage by her parents in an alley in the middle of the night with the selfish hope that if someone (anyone) would be kind enough to take her in, the evil Michaelides bloodline could live on. Too scared to personally take her to an orphanage or to a church for fear that the public would recognize them as Michaelides witches, Georgina's parents felt that was the best option for her, knowing that it was all a matter of time before they (themselves) would be killed regardless. Georgina would grow up living from foster home to foster home and suffered verbal, physical, and sexual abuse at the hands of older foster siblings and their parents. At age four, Georgina became self-aware of her powers but knew to keep it a secret to herself as she realized she lived in a society that deeply despised witches. By age ten, her death lust kicked in and she used it against the family she was living with at the time (as always, it was optimistic curiosity that made her do it, and her young age and damaged psyche made her even more deadly).

         From then on, she branched out on her on to find out as much as she could about her heritage as she was lead by dreams and visions of Christibella's spirit (a flame demon), and her parents (now deceased). On what would become a years long self-discovery journey, Georgina lost her virginity at a young age as she would occasionally shack up with runaway juvenile delinquents, or went home with grown men. She left a never-ending trail of asphyxiated bodies behind her after she was befriended, which was an unintentional reminder to the public that the Coven (despite scarce) was still around.

         In 1972, Georgina birthed her only daughter, Willimina, the only Michaelides family member alive to this day to tell the story. Willimina was kidnapped by her father, upon finding out that the woman he slept with was the last surviving Michaelides witch. He took her to the Harmony Springs (a holy spring in India) to be baptized, as it was her only chance of fighting the Michaelides death lust family curse. In the meantime, Willimina's father (far from a saint, but better than the suitors whom The Michaelides' Coven were accustomed to), also felt inspired, and soon became a deacon to help guide hi daughter in the right direction. Willimina met her mother for the first time at age ten. At that time, her Michaelides powers had manifested, but she didn't have the Michaelides death lust and only used her dark magic for good, which angered the evil spirits whom granted her the spells. And since Georgina couldn't influence Willimina, she berated then abandoned her only daughter in disappointment and shame.

         Willimina is not a part of the Coven's legacy and has denounced ever wanting to reactivate it. Since she is a half-ling of a witch, her powers are at half the capacity of a typical Michaelides witch, and had to rely on summoning permission from her dead Coven ancestors, namely Christibella. The Coven ended in 1987 with the death of Georgina Michaelides. Christibella's weakened, evil spirit could not continue to exist without any pure Michaelides witches. And with Celeste's refusal to extend her another lifeline, the flame demon's soul soon extinguished (literally). As a result, Willimina gained full access to all of her Michaelides powers'. And as a bonus, for six hours at a time she can briefly summon all the powers of the entire destroyed Coven (Christibella included), and operate as a singularly entity against evil, while trying to restore her family's lost honor.

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