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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2081818
The adventures of Analia and Elise continue in a far off land.
Book Two –Lady Dragon Riders

Chapter Thirteen

They slowly descended a dozen flights of stairs into the dark bowels of the dungeon. David was beginning to think they would never reach their destination. The air was rife with mildew and the lingering stench was almost overwhelming. The guards still eyed him with suspicion despite the document he presented justifying his demands, but they would never contest it because it bore the wax seal of Father Ignatio, a cleric they would never dare to question, guards had mysteriously disappeared at the mere hint of disobeying him.

“Down this way, me Lord,” a fat sweaty jailer whispered through rotting teeth. His breath almost, but not quite, smelled worse than the dungeon. “The Ladies are in the cell at the end o’ this corridor.” He took time to lite the sconces from the single torch he carried in his filthy hand as he ambled along. Leaving the guards at his greasy post, they finally stopped and the jailer raised his torch to lite the interior of the putrid cell.

David saw two figures with their backs against a gore spattered wall. “I was ordered to release three prisoners,” he stated. “There are only two in this cell, where is the third one?”

The jailer sounded frightened. “They was all here three days ago,” he sputtered. “I been bringing them their vittles and water.”

“And it never occurred to you that one of them was missing?” David shouted.

“I never lite the torches to save on oil, me Lord,” the cringing jailer whispered, “couldn’t count them in the dark.

“Open the cell!” he demanded. “Too lazy to fetch more oil, most likely,” David muttered. As he entered the tight space both figures glanced up and he immediately recognized them. “Analia? Elise?” he whispered.

“Is that you, David,” Analia replied in recognition. Her voice sounded weak and raspy.

“By all the Seven Kingdoms, what have they done to you?” David was exasperated. “I am here to release you by order of the Inquisitorius. I am to take you to my estate in Essex where you will be well taken care of.”

“Your Estate? Essex?” Analia slowly gained her footing and helped Elise to hers.

“I will explain all in due time,” David answered. “Suffice to say I am not the blundering fool and idiot I once was and I promise to protect you from harm, you and Elise both. My benefactor, Father Ignatio, defies the Church by releasing you into my care but he is not the evil cleric that Arch-Bishop Julian has become. He sees merit in an alliance with your father and cannot condone the horror you have been exposed to. Please, come with me and we will have you cleaned and prepared to travel to Essex.”

David glanced over and saw a large piece of rotting scull wedged between two bars and several large rats gnawing on what were obviously human bones in the adjacent cell, their beady red eyes watching and challenging him with caution. He suddenly noticed Analia collapse back into the slimy brick wall and slide back down. “Too week to stand,” she whispered.

“Fat jailer has given us nothing but foul water the last four days,” Elise finally spoke. “Bastard was ordered to starve us or he’s been eating our share of the rancid weevil infested bread.”

David was furious. “Go get help!” he yelled. “I need the strong guards to carry them out of this stinking hole, and, bring that obese Friar at the top of the stairs with you, he’s supposed to be watching out for the Ladies. Make haste or Father Ignatio will hear of your failure to do your duties and you will occupy this cell when I leave, or the one next door.”

The jailer left as fast as his wobbly belly and short legs would allow him to run and within minutes a half dozen burly guards and Friar Huck stood outside the cell. David ordered two guards to carry Analia and Elise. “Take them to my quarters next to Father Ignatio’s chambers,” he commanded. “See to it that the chambermaids bathe and feed them. He then turned on Friar Huck.

“Three prisoners were supposed to be in this cell, Friar, one of them is missing. Were you not instructed to keep an eye on them?”

Friar Huck started muttering. “Sorcery!” he blurted. “Lady Audrey used sorcery to throw the decaying corpse in that next cell at me. I was terrified, I ran to save my soul.” His eyes were wide and he was staring at the chunk of decaying skull wedged between the bars.

Sorcery? David thought. He doesn’t know that Analia has unusual powers, best to keep it quiet for the time being.

“You will say nothing of what you supposedly saw,” he ordered. “It was your imagination gone wild, nothing else. Do you understand, Friar, or do I need to lock you in the cell next door along with this ugly fat jailer?” He pointed at the remaining guards. “Put this idiot in the adjacent cell, he has been derelict in his duties by allowing a prisoner to escape.”

They could hear the terrified jailer screaming for mercy as they walked down the hall extinguishing the sconces as they went. “He’s lucky I didn’t gut him first,” David chuckled. “That would have been fun and the smell of blood would give the rats more courage.” The guards glanced out of the corner of their eyes but steadily walked forward, they did not want to upset this evil Lord in any manner and wind up with the jailer. Their mouths and memories would be sealed, far too many who had gossiped on guard or at sup had disappeared never to be seen or heard from again. They watched as David threw the ring of keys deep into the corner of a locked cell.

Analia released a long moan of relief. She and Elise were bathing in a large sunken marble bath full of hot water and perfumed spices, the soothing steam rising into the air. The chambermaids had removed their soiled clothing and placed thick white linen towels on comfortable stools near the bath. As they watched from the bliss of the steaming water, they brought in several trays containing savory meats, fresh fruit, bread, cheese and marmalade.

“I don’t know what I want more,” Elise croaked from her dry throat, “the hot bath or delicious smelling food.”

“Both!” Analia gleefully shouted, climbing far enough from the tub to grab a chunk of cheese then settling herself back into the comforting water eagerly munching on the heavenly food. Elise took her time and grabbed a piece of the cheese, a chunk of bread, and sat two cups and a decanter of chilled wine next to the rim of the pool. Eating while bathing was completely against protocol, very un-lady-like, but, they simply did not care.

After what seemed like hours, but was in reality a much shorter a time, they finally climbed from the bath and wrapped themselves in warm, sweet-smelling towels. “I thought I would never get that putrid stench off me,” Analia muttered, reaching for another crystal goblet of the cool wine. Her head was a bit dizzy from the few cups she had consumed but, then again, she didn’t care. Her throat was parched from lack of fluids as they had drank very little of the disgusting water given to them in the cell for fear of dying from the stomach screamers.

They were suddenly interrupted as the head chambermaid walked into the bath. “His Grace invites you to join him in his chambers for the evening supper in three hours,” she casually stated.

“We have nothing to wear,” Elise replied, “unless you expect us to don those disgusting dresses we wore in the dungeon.”

The chambermaid clicked her tongue, sounding like a mother hen. “Lord David has seen to your attire. The tailor has provided you with suitable dresses and as soon as you are ready we will repair to the dressing chambers.”

“Lord David?” Analia queried hoping to gain information on the one-time exile from Camalund.

“Such a nice gentleman,” the chambermaid replied. “If only the other Lords were as kind and thoughtful.” She halted suddenly and placed her hand on her lips. “Not my place to discuss matters as such,” she continued in an icy tone of voice. “His Lordship will join you and His Grace at supper.” She turned and quickly left the room.

The room they were ushered into was a small well-lit chamber with a beautiful oak table on which a setting for five diners was arranged. As soon as they entered, David and a lavishly dressed cleric stood in propriety. Analia recognized the cleric immediately as Father Ignatio whom they had first met at the Inn in Chippen. He was very slim, almost cadaverous, with deep sunken eyes and a grayish pallor to his skin. The small eyes in his sockets radiated a sense of evil and his long slim nose was bent at an ungainly angle. She also remembered his grinning face as she was taken from her chambers in the King’s castle.

“Welcome to my table,” Father Ignatio stated, pulling a seat out for Analia to sit while David did the same for Elise. “I can see from your expression that you are surprised to see me. That little incident in your chambers was not of my doing, I had direct orders from the Arch-Bishop. I asked Lord David to rescue you from the cesspool in which you were being held in defiance of the evil prelate, whom I believe has finally descended into the depths of insanity.”

Analia nodded as she sat and smoothed her dress. “You heard all the Arch-Bishop said about us, do you concur with his statements?

“I also heard your conversation with King Athelfyrd,” Father Ignatio replied. “There are no secrets in the King’s castle except for the secret passages most do not know of. I fully agree with what you told the King and that is one reason I am defying the Prelate.”

“As the Inquisitorius, you accept that we are Dragon Riders and we believe in the ancient gods?” Elise questioned with skepticism.

“I know that other realms have different beliefs than our own,” he smiled in return. “I also know that iesos is not the only deity that exists and that wizardry, necromancy, and magic also abounds in this world, whether we like it or not. That is why I have positioned myself to overthrow the Church and bring reality and truth to the Kingdom of Britanica.”

“Overthrow the Church!” Analia was shocked.

“Overthrow the Church dogmatism and those who preach it,” Father Ignatio quickly clarified. “We must understand and accept the beliefs and differences of other kingdoms if we are to become an accepted member among all other realms. We may not necessarily agree with their beliefs, but we must learn to tolerate them.”

“Isn’t that heresy?” Analia asked glancing over towards Elise.

Father Ignatio gave her a smug smile. “That depends on the definition of heresy as defined by whoever is in charge.

Analia pivoted towards David and changed the subject. “The last we saw of you was when you were exiled from Camalund, now; you are Lord David with a holding of your own?”

“Father Ignatio explained in detail how I was tricked into helping Queen Denize and how she used me towards her evil goal. He is also a medical man, or apothicarius, as we call them, trained in the art of healing mental anomalies. He saw worth in me and I offered to join him in his quest to cleanse the Church.”

“Lord David was cast into a trance by Queen Denize, what we physicians call being hypnotized. The actions he undertook were directed by her and not of his own personal choosing. He is truly innocent and mortified of having been used in such an immoral manner. Your trust and friendship is all he seeks to recover.”

Analia could not forget how close David had been to her and her close friends, especially Pieter, and how he had suddenly changed upon learning of his father’s execution. Perhaps this cleric was correct and his actions were not his own but guided by another. Evil necromancers were capable of controlling people is such a manner.

“So, we are to join David at his estate in Essex, wherever that is?” She actually smiled for real. “Will we be safe there and be able to contact my father?”

“Your father may possibly contact you first,” Father Ignatio grinned. “I have learned that he is approaching the western shores of Britanica with a massive fleet, ships loaded with knights and men-at-arms under the co-command of King Robert of Camalund.” He noted her curious glance. “Yes, the boy Prince has been crowned King at last. That is the second reason I agree with you and the King. The Church would have us fight this mighty force coming against us, but the King prefers to negotiate. The Arch-Bishop must be deposed for the good of the realm, especially since he is using Queen Denize to trick King Alaire Favreaux and Queen Lisette of Gaul into joining him. He wants to go on a crusade against the western kingdoms and either convert them to the Church, or destroy them.”

“Would it not be better if I returned to my father and explained the situation to him?” Analia questioned, “I am certain he would be more receptive to your counsel if we were released.”

“You are released,” Father Ignatio replied. “You are free to go to your father, I will not bind you. I do, however, ask one small favor of you before you go.”

Analia glanced at his mesmerizing eyes. She did not trust the devious cleric and had good reason not to. The man was obviously attempting to overthrow the Arch-Bishop, perhaps for a good reason, but, what if his unscrupulous plans went much further than that? “What favor would that be?”

“I need you to meet with King Favreaux and persuade him that the Lady Denize is a deadly threat to him, I fear she may be planning his sudden demise. I believe that I have sufficient evidence to persuade him, but, with your help we can prevent a tragedy from happening. You can send you companion, Lady Elise, to meet with King Robert and your father and assure them of your safety. However, I insist that you both rest at Lord David’s estate for a few days to regain your strength and health before making such a decision. King Favreaux and Queen Lisette are not scheduled to land in Londinium for three more days.”

Analia glanced at Elise who shrugged her shoulders. She turned her attention to David. “On you honor as a one-time Knight and Lord of Camalund is this man telling the truth?”

“By everything I hold sacred, Lady Analia,” David replied. “Your friendship and trust is all I seek.”

They were suddenly interrupted by the arrival of Friar Huckabe, who nodded to Father Ignatio with fear on his face and a slight sheen of sweat on his brow. “You asked that I attend you, Your Grace,” he bowed.

Father Ignatio motioned for him to take a seat and join in the festivities. “It has come to my attention that you helped to escort Lady Audrey and Lady Elise on their travels to Londinium,” he stated cutting off a piece of cheese and nibbling it.

Uncertain where the conversation was leading to Friar Huck simply nodded his head.

“I also understand that you and Arch-Bishop Julian do not see eye to eye. My sources go so far as to say that you authorized pagan rituals to take place in several fiefs where you were tasked to look after the souls of the parishioners?”

“I was simply using their rituals to make a comparison with the Church teachings,” Friar Huck muttered.”

Father Ignatio stared at him as if he was some kind of squashed bug on the bottom of his shoe, then his face magically transformed to a wide smile and a resounding chuckle came bubbling from the depths of his lungs. “My good Friar,” he chuckled. “You were completely correct in your actions; we must learn to understand the beliefs of others, even pagan beliefs. How else can we convert them to the true teachings of Mother Church? I praise you for your gallant efforts and thank you for your assistance to Lady Audrey and Lady Elise. As you know, they have beliefs other than our own, and unusual abilities also, but, that does not make them evil, only different.”

Friar Huck glanced over at the two Ladies sitting across from him. He still displayed a modicum of fear and a hint of displeasure. He had come to genuinely like the two during their travels; however, Analia’s use of sorcery still did not sit well in his all-inclusive views.

“Your future duties will be to assist Lady Aubrey in understanding our Church doctrine. This does not mean you must convert her to our beliefs, quite the contrary, you must fully learn the beliefs and customs that she lives by. Only by learning of our differences can we hope to meet in the middle and thrive as iesos intended. Did he not say, “Hate not your enemies nor their beliefs but from them learn and abide?”

“As for the Arch-Bishop, I believe, with very strong evidence, that he is planning treason and worse. I intend to call for an Ecumenical Council to seek his removal from office. This you will not repeat anywhere, is that understood? The future of Mother Church rides on it.”

Friar Huck knew the awesome reach and power of the Inquisitorius and if this man said the Arch-Bishop was planning treason, he undoubtedly was. It was a shock to him, but as a lowly Friar he would be one of the last to learn of it. He had spent so many years along the northern borders with the Picts, he half believed in their wild tales and pagan beliefs. That was the primary reason he and the Arch-Bishop did not see eye to eye, for he could not understand where the teachings of Mother Church were any better than theirs. He was, in essence, as near to being a heretic as Church doctrine decreed.

“I will do as you order, Your Grace,” he replied turning towards Analia, “If Lady Audrey will abide my presence, that is.”

Early the next morning the four of them left in a luxurious coach for David’s estate in Raleigh, Essex. Although not far from Londinium it would take most of the day because of the washed-out roads and recent bad weather conditions.

As Father Ignatio casually watched the coach lurch along the road in the distance, he turned to address the person standing in the shadows behind him.

“I believe we have planted the seeds to make our plans grow and prosper,” he remarked as Queen Denize handed him a goblet of watered wine.

“They are so gullible,” Denize smiled. “I told you they would be like clay in your hands, the hands of a master sculptor. When do you leave for Essex?”

“I have important things to do today in Londinium,” Father Ignatio replied. “I will leave for Essex on the morrow. It will not take long to set my plans in action while in Essex, but I must first make certain that important details are set in motion here first. I also believe you have some errands to attend to?”

“None that cannot wait until tomorrow,” Denize grinned with a carnivorous smile.

Lady Dragon Riders - Chapter Fourteen  (13+)
The adventures of Analia and Elise continue in a far off land.
#2083126 by Oldwarrior
© Copyright 2016 Oldwarrior (oldwarrior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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