Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2069391-The-Smart-House
Rated: E · Fiction · Comedy · #2069391
The smart house is a humorous essay. hope you like it.
The Smart House
Nowadays all builders compete with each other to offer smart houses to their customers. Each new smart facility offered, the customer gets burdened by one more crore. No house is now available below a crore or two.
One day a DINK couple, who were in need of a abode to call their own, went to a reputed builder's office. Now don't ask me what is a DINK couple; it's DOUBLE INCOME NO KIDS, sillies! They were ushered into a plush office. Like a goat who is offered the choicest grasses to eat, before it is butchered, similarly the couple was offered the choicest wine ð·. The DINK were impressed!
The Sales Representative of the builder, in impeccable English, floored them with the list of amenities, on offer. In addition to the usual amenities like a enviable club house, table tennis tables, badminton court, a tennis court, pool table, a fully furnished gymnasium, and a Olympic size swimming pool, what clinched the deal for the DINK, was the offer of the SMART HOUSE. They requested the sales representative to show them their dream house. That's when the fun started!
When they, along with the sales representative reached the door of the smart flat, an energetic wave ð by the sales representative, with a big smile on his face, opened the door of the flat. The couple was looking at him quizically, when he replied, "A scanner is installed on the door, which scans your smiling face and detects the wave movement. When you move into the house, all the existing master data in the scanner will be deleted, and your smiling face will be saved in the scanner. And we will teach you the proper wave movements". Still reeling from this information, the couple followed the salesman inside. Once inside, the salesman clapped once and the lights came on. He gave them the information that, clapping once puts the lights on & clapping twice shuts off the lights. And when you want to just enjoy, like on weekends, you perform a jig, which starts the disco lights. We will teach you the jig, when you make the down payment.
The DINK couple was feeling flustered and a little hot under the collar. They requested the salesman to put on the AC. The salesman promptly went to a corner and winked! Immediately the AC came on. Then he showed them how to increase or decrease the room temperature... You twist your fingers in clockwise direction and the temperature will increase and anti clockwise to decrease.
Feeling a little weak in their knees, they looked around for a place to sit... there was non. The salesman sensed this, he extended his hand towards a wall and did a pulling gesture...a sofa started pushing out of the wall!! Seeing this, the couple just plonked themselves on the sofa. The man was thinking, "how I wish I get a cup of tea ðµ". Immediately, from the direction of the kitchen, a shadow emerged! This was a robot, which was a cross between R2D2 and Chewbacca (Star wars fans will know). This contraption was carrying a steaming cup of tea! "This is the clincher in this smart house. Your own butler, who never sleeps and always at the mind call... You think of any requirement, and he appears like a genie". The DINK couple is zapped... Both of them were thinking, what will happen if I have some romantic thoughts. They shuddered to even think about it.
Suddenly the man got up, and asked for the way to the loo. As he entered inside, the lights came on. OK, this was normal... But, then the pot cover went up and "Welcome! Please use water sparingly. After 'download', please delete your history. No one else should have access to your history. Thank you for using me". On hearing this, all thoughts of 'downloading' vanished from the man's mind and he rushed out. He asked the salesman, "can we mute the toilet?". Unfortunately, this facility was not available.
After looking at the entire house, as they were exiting out of the house, the door ejected a very pungent odour. Confused by this, the lady asked, "now what is the meaning of this". The salesman behaved as if he had not heard. So the man asked the same question again.
This time the salesman cleared his throat and answered, "The SMART HOUSE has identified you as very dumb, and rejected you as its owners"
So folks, say good riddance to SMART HOUSES and save your sanity.

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