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Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #2069358
Everything's all fine until Lil' Sludger somes in and ruins everything!

Down in the bowels of the sludge/mutagen disposal facility there was been an accident. One of the mutagen tanks had just exploded and splashed onto an open barrel of sludge and some equipment. At first everything was fine, but soon there was rumbling coming from the barrel that grew more and more violent as time went on. Finally the barrel spilled over revealing the glowing sludge as it began moving and crawling around. Then it moved to the equipment and swallowed them up. Soon the pile of sludge formed a human body using the equipment it had gained as a set of armor. Finally it formed its face which had two gas can-like canisters coming out of each cheek, a mouth with sludge lines adorning the mouth, and one more oozing pile of sludge as hair. It opened its purple eyes and looked around,
"Ah... perfect... I think the armor suits me well... but know I need a name..." He looked around the place until he saw a scratched up tank with the words lil, sludge, and er.
"Lil-sludge-er... that's it! That's my name! Lil' Sludger! But now what am I supposed to do?" He asked himself looking around the desolate facility. He would have to wait and see what would come to him.

After a while he became bored down there wanting something to do.
"What a drag! What am I supposed to do?" He sat there thinking about what to do until he remembered something,
"Aren't there workers up there? I'm pretty sure they won't mind if I mess with them a bit. But how to get them down here?" He thought long and hard about it when he remembered another thing,
"Those neat freaks get their panties in a bunch if there's just one leak in their precious facility." He said taking a look at the one of the tanks.

The GD Biohazard was spending their off-time at the sludge spa,
"This is the life..." Kiline laid back joyfully lowering her body into the warm sludge,
"See Kiline? This is what we deserve after so much work." Spewla said putting her arm around her sister,
"GD-002! We need you back at the sludge disposal facility once more! There's another 'sludge' leak!" A voice called for Leroxi,
"Again? I guess I'll see you guys later." She said putting her hazmat suit on and taking off for the facility to take care of the problem,
"Good luck!" Putrax called out waving to her.
"What could've caused another leak there? There was one just a month ago. Those pipes are new! Are they failing already?" Kiline said confused,
"Perhaps someone's messing with them. That's always a possibility." Spewla said,
"Whatever it is I hope Leroxi will make it out okay." Putrax expressed his concern for his sister's safety at the facility.

Leroxi grumbled to herself as she swam to the facility,
"Can't believe this... a leak on my day off... of all days this could happen..." She broke through the murky water and greeted to a single hazmat,
"GD-002! Thank you decided to come. I know it's your day off but this will be super quick. All you have to do is clog up the leak and you'll be done. That's all. I promise." He said,
"You better be correct about this..." She gritted her teeth out of annoyance before diving back in and heading into the facility.
"Oh I hope it isn't in the bowels, we need to keep that mutagen storage a secret." He mumbled under his breath. Afterwards he took off to the security camera room to watch Leroxi to see if she would find out the mutagen.

As Leroxi swam through the liquid waste searching for the leak she complained all the way about the timing of the leak and how it ruined her day off. After a bit she finally reached the bowels of the sludge disposal facility and looked around for anything that looked like a leak. Soon after some swimming around she discovered someone else down there, Lil Sludger.
I thought no one else was allowed down here... perhaps I should report him.' Leroxi thought to herself. She carefully swam back to find the leak only to knock over a barrel alerting the mysterious person. Leroxi quickly tried swimming away only to be surrounded by a giant pile of sludge. She turned to see the man's satisfied face,
"Finally someone comes down here. I've been so lonely ever since I was created in the bowels of this very facility." He said. He was wearing armor that had two shoulder pads with glass holding tanks, his chest plate had more tubes and pipes surging the sludge throughout his body (despite looking like he was made out of the stuff), and there were larger tubes coming out from his arms and legs.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Leroxi asked. Lil Sludger only replied by ripping her mask off, pulling out one of the hoses coming from his arms, and shoving it into Leroxi's mouth,
"Mmph!?" Leroxi moaned as the tube was stuffed into her mouth. She gagged as it was rubber and she hated the feeling of rubber in her mouth (which was one of the reasons she isn't sent to plug up many leaks).

"Quit acting like such a child! It's only going to get much worse from here on out! So drink up!" Lil' Sludger laughed in sadistic joy as he began pumping his sludge into Leroxi's mouth. She had no choice but to swallow it down begrudgingly. She grabbed for the hose in hopes to pull it free but to no avail as it was too big to yank free and her mouth had powerful grip. She let go of the tube in defeat and felt her stomach as it expanded with the radioactive sludge.
"That's right! Just accept it! You're now mine to play with and see how much you can take." He said chuckling at the girl. She glared at him in disdain as her stomach swelled outwards.
"Now I know what you're wondering. Who are you? What are you doing down here? And why are you doing this to me? Well I'll answer those questions in a moment once you grow large enough. So just there and drink up the stuff quicker if you want to hear the answers sooner." He said walking towards her.

'I can't believe this... I'm being treated as someone's little toy to play around with. I better get something good after all this is over.' Leroxi furiously thought to herself. She managed out a few selective words in a gurgled bubbly manner.
"Great choice of words! I really need to speed up the process here don't I?" He said sighing. Leroxi then could see the sludge man with all his might start pumping the sludge out at a rapid rate causing her to swell up to a great size in mere seconds.
"AMUUPH! GOPH! IT!" Leroxi tried begging him to stop but he only laughed at her begging and pleading as he continued to pump her up to great sizes. Soon though he stopped allowing Leroxi to gasp for breath. Her stomach had now greatly exceeded the size of the pool of liquidly sludge that flooded the area that stretched out the latex of the hazmat suit giving it that shiny effect to it despite it having plenty of stretch left to it. Her arms were still movable albeit still swollen from the sludge. Her tail had not been so lucky though being fattened up to the point where it was barely movable. Her bottom had become firmly more prominent and rather large to accommodate the tail. Finally her breasts had become exponentially larger only slightly smaller than her backside.

Lil' Sludger stood back to admire his work and cleared his throat,
"There. Now that we have you at an immobile size I can talk to you without any worry of you hurting me. So where do I begin? Oh I know, my name is Lil' Sludger and you must be the lovely mermaid of the group. May I ask you what your name is?" He yanked the hose and wiped off the saliva before putting it back into his arm.
"Why should I tell you? Your just going to go back to pumping me full of the sludge I know it!" Leroxi yelled at him,
"I don't respect it when guests refuse to greet themselves properly." Lil' Sludger took out the other tube and threw it into Leroxi's backside,
"Now tell me who you are..." He said carefully,
"Or else what?" She retorted in a snarky attitude. Lil' Sludger pumped out one giant glob of sludge into one condensed pile and pushed it towards Leroxi,
"Leroxi! I'm Leroxi!" She shrieked in terror.
"Thank you." Sludger dissipated the glob and continued once more,
"Now I'm down here because this is where I was created." He pointed to another knocked over barrel except it was empty,
"I have been down here by myself ever since and I wanted somebody to play with. So I may have purposely caused a leak to get their attention and send someone like you down here." He explained further.

"Don't you feel all satisfied now?" Lil' Sludger asked,
"No! No I don't! I now only feel even more furious than ever! How in the world were you even created? And how did you come up with such a stupid name as
Lil' Sludger!?" Leroxi was fuming with anger now,
"My name came from the tank over there." He pointed to a tank with the same letters in his name and Leroxi only looked unamused,
"It's supposed to say
Lilith Sludge Disposer stupid." She said. Soon Leroxi could feel a surge of sludge entering causing her to grow out even larger,
"I don't appreciate being insulted like that you should know. So I suggest you keep all your badmouth insults of me to yourself and behave." He sneered.
"DON'T TREAT ME LIKE A CHILD! THAT IS THE LAST THING YOU WANT TO DO!" Leroxi screamed in a fit of fury,
"Whatever. And to answer your other question I was created by a substance called mutagen. It's all over the place in this facility. There's huge tank of the stuff right over there." He looked over at the tank of mutagen.

Sludger looked back at Leroxi still angry as ever and decided to go back to what he was doing beforehand. He took the first tube out once more and threw it back into Leroxi's mouth.
"Now I really want you to get back to drinking the sludge. You looked like you were enjoying it. Hehehe..." He giggled uncontrollably. He began pumping out the sludge into both orifices of her body. Leroxi moaned in protest as she grew out once more praying for this to be over.
"Just accept the sludge! It's easier for all of us if you do!" Sludger laughed. Leroxi expanding a few inches a minute from the unbelievable amounts of sludge he was able to produce. She could feel her hands and fingers gaining fat slowly she had grown so huge.

Finally it seemed Sludger decided to show some mercy and removed the tubes from Leroxi. She groaned unhappily,
"Please... stop... I've had enough now..." Sludger walked around her admiring his handiwork,
"I don't think you have had enough just yet... I want to show you where I put the leak." He revealed another tube that was coming from the large mutagen storage tank. He picked it up and hopped onto Leroxi,
"Open wide! I want to see how this stuff reacts to the GD Biohazard guys!" He forcibly shoved the rubber tube into Leroxi's once more and hopped off. She clawed at it to get it free and avoid being forced to down any more radioactive waste. Unfortunately she was too late and Lil' Sludger activated the pump. Leroxi cried out in anguish as the liquid entered her body and began forcing her body to swell out to accommodate it. She teared and closed her eyes up trying to pull it out with all her might with very little success. She now grew out several inches a second causing her to swell to great proportions.
"You're really resisting this one aren't you? Just give it up! You're not going anywhere until you finish up the tank!" Sludger let out a horrendous laugh at Leroxi's torment. Just as he turned his back to her a loud crack was heard and when he turned around he was greeted to the bottom of Putrax's foot. He hit the tank causing a serious dent to it.

As Sludger got up he was pinned to the wall by a furious Putrax.
"Nobody treats our sister like a toy and gets away with it buddy..." He growled just high enough for Sludger to hear it.
"Leroxi! Oh you poor girl! What did that horrid man do to you?" Kiline said with great sympathy for the mermaid girl,
"I'm going to rip apart that little scumbag for what he did to you!" Spewla hopped down into the water-like sludge.
"Well looks like my fun is over. I'll be seeing you all never." He dissipated into a slime-like form and disappeared,
"I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" He punched the tank causing another dent to it. He turned around to see Leroxi still expanding at great rates. He turned to the emergency stop lever and quickly kicked it downwards stopping the flow of mutagen.

"Leroxi... we're so happy to see you okay." Kiline said ripping the hose out,
"OKAY!? DO I LOOK OKAY!? I HOPE WE FIND THAT PILE OF TALKING SLUDGE AGAIN SO I CAN SHOW HIM THE FEELING OF MY KNUCKLES!" She screamed out. She quickly calmed down and regained her composure,
"Thank you guys sooooooo much for helping me out back there. I don't know what I would've done without any of you." She grabbed Kiline and embraced her,
"That's what siblings are for. Who was that creep anyway? What was he doing down here?" Spewla asked,
"Apparently he's a mutated pile of sludge who calls himself Lil' Sludger. I want to get revenge on him and I want it soon." She replied,
"Well you're safe and that's all that matters." Kiline hugged her tightly.
"You're making me blush. Now can you get me out of here please? I don't like the feeling of this place..." Leroxi looked around before shivering.
"Way ahead of you. How about we add a day-off to that after you're done burning all that fat? The top hazmat guys had just heard of what happened down here and feel awful for you." Putrax said smiling,
"Sounds wonderful!" Leroxi joyfully chirped.

After a week Leroxi was able to burn off all the fat and the top hazmat guys had to explain the situation with the mutagen.
"Well we felt that the mutagen was too dangerous for even you guys to drink. Now we see that we were wrong. Still this is a secret between the GD Biohazard and us. So don't tell anyone else of the place. That's a rule." One of them explained to Leroxi who was relaxing in the sludge spa reading a magazine and drinking a smoothie,
"Understood." She simply replied without looking up from her magazine,
"Good. Because I'm afraid that isn't the last we'll see of that Lil' Sludger guy..." He said looking back at the sludge/mutagen disposal facility.
"I hope so. I want him to come back here so I can give him a piece of my mind! He sure isn't going to look pretty once I'm done with him!" She said.
"Well we'll leave you to what you were doing. You've deserved it." He said before taking off,
"I sure have! And soon I'm going to give that Lil Sludger guy a well-deserved beating!" She huffed before getting back to her magazine.

© Copyright 2015 Gary Mega (garymega77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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