Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2051906-Everyone-has-faults
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2051906
that's why mistakes happen.
"We're sorry sir, but somehow it escaped from its cage during the night, and now we have no idea where it is." my colleague says "We truly apologize."

"You know that you are supposed to be the most secure detainment facility in the world, right? How in the hell did it escape?!"

I wincing at the language and volume of the other person, and my colleague pulls the phone away from his ear and apologizes again. "We are conducting a search of the facility and seeing how it possibly could have escaped. At this point, we believe it may have jerked out from the chains and used its talons to claw its way out." He shoos me out of the room, mouthing, "go help investigate!"

As I leave, I hear "the security cameras were knocked out last night. There was a power outage, and we guess that's when he escaped."

Cell 15. That's where the creature was held, supposedly. I've never been allowed near Cells 1-15; my clearance isn't high enough. Though now, I suppose everyone's got enough clearance, just for Cell 15. Stepping into the cell, I see it's massive. Its length five times my height, and the height is at least ten times of mine. The giant hole in the ceiling suggests whatever was in here escaped-either by climbing or flying- up through it. "What was in here?!"

The officer next to me shrugs. "Rumors say it was a dragon."

"Pssht. Dragons don't exist." I scoff. "Everyone knows that."

"Well, let's agree to disagree then." She shrugs.

Someone's cold. "Okay."

Suddenly, the room chills over, and the light is considerably dimmer until the cold officer turns on her flashlight. A clap and a boom that sound like thunder ripple through the air. "Flash storm. Weird." She murmurs.

Looking up, I realize-this is no flash storm, it's a fire storm. "RUN!" A ball of fire comes dropping down into the cell, and I leap away, just to narrowly avoid it. We all break out into sprints, as a dark creature crashes down from the roof. "I stand corrected!" I yell. "Dragons do exist!"
© Copyright 2015 Dragon is hiding (flamebreather at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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