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Alex, a teenager who experiences life and its surprises... |
INT. ALEX'S HOME, KITCHEN- DAY Alex walks in as everyone is having breakfast. Charles is reading the newspaper. He takes a seat, Muffin lying on the floor beside him. He takes a slice of toast and spreads jam on it. ALEX Morning, everyone. The others greet him back and he takes a bite of his toast. VICTORIA Alex, what are your plans for today? ALEX I'm going to the library. VICTORIA Emily's going with us to the bakery, she wants to help out. ALEX (to Emily) You better not be eating everything there. EMILY Moommm!! Charles looks up from his newspaper. CHARLES Alex, don't be so mean to your sister. Emily sticks out her tongue at Alex. Charles sighs. CHARLES (CONT'D) The price of flour, butter and milk is going up. VICTORIA Meaning our pastries and breads will too. CHARLES Times are getting harder for people. MRS. WARD And we should be grateful with what we have, right Emily? Mrs. Ward points at Emily's bread crusts which she had taken out. EMILY But I don't like those parts. MRS. WARD Think of those who have nothing to eat. They'd love to have those crusts even if you threw it on the floor. VICTORIA Mrs. Ward is right honey. Don't waste food. Emily reluctantly picks them up and starts to add some jam to it. EMILY OK, I'm eating this for them. Charles folds the newspaper, gulps the last of his coffee and gets up. CHARLES Quickly finish up, we're leaving in five. Victoria and Emily finish their breakfast, farewells Mrs. Ward and leaves the table. Alex quickly gulps down his orange juice and turns to Mrs. Ward. ALEX Mrs. Ward, could you take Muffin out for a walk? Since I'll be at the library. MRS. WARD Alright. ALEX Thanks. He gets up and squats down, rubbing Muffin. ALEX Muffin, Mrs. Ward's gonna take you out, so be a good girl OK? He stands upright and waves goodbye to both of them before hurrying out with another piece of toast. INT. CAR- DAY (TRAVELLING) Charles is driving with Victoria beside him. Alex and Emily are seated at the back. VICTORIA Alex, how's Chris? We haven't seen him in a while. Alex who had been looking out the window, turns toward her. ALEX He and his family have migrated. VICTORIA Oh, really? When? ALEX Yesterday. VICTORIA So soon? We didn't get to say goodbye. EMILY (to Alex) Did he by any chance returned a hair clip to you? ALEX Huh? No...why? EMILY I lent it to him the last time he came. Said he needed it for something. ALEX What in the world would he need that for? Alex sighs. ALEX I don't wanna know. EXT. LIBRARY- DAY The car stops by the curb outside the library. Alex farewells them and hops out. He watches them drive off and he enters the library. INT. LIBRARY- DAY Alex makes his way to the book shelves and browses through the titles. He finds a book and takes it out, reading the back. EXT. ALEX'S HOME- DAY Mrs. Ward is locking the front door while holding Muffin's leash. She then walks towards the gate. EXT. MS. ROSE'S PORCH- DAY Ms. Rose is sitting on her bench and calls out to Mrs. Ward. INTER-CUT BETWEEN MRS. WARD AND MS. ROSE. MS. ROSE Not with the kids today? MRS. WARD No, as you can see. MS. ROSE I can see you're dog-sitting that beast. MRS. WARD I'll have you know that Muffin is no beast. MS. ROSE Anyway, here's an invitation to my upcoming play. Ms. Rose walks over to the fence and passes a flyer over. Mrs. Ward goes to receive it and looks at it. MRS. WARD Thanks, we'll see if we can come. MS. ROSE Alright. Mrs. Ward continues to walk out the gate with Muffin. Ms. Rose watches them. INT. LIBRARY- DAY Alex is sitting at the table reading. Sitting across from him to the left is a GUY, about same age as Alex. GUY What are you reading? You look so immersed. Alex without looking up, replies. ALEX Pride and Prejudice. The guy's eyes go wide in disbelief. GUY You mean the one by Jane Austen? ALEX Yeah... GUY Are you seriously reading that? Alex looks up, offended. ALEX Why not? It's a classic. GUY Its like a book for girls. ALEX Just because you think its a girly novel doesn't mean the male population can't read it. Alex looks at the guy's book title. ALEX (scoffs) The Hardy Boys? Really? GUY At least I'm reading a book. ALEX True, not many our age read anymore. So don't make fun of something someone else is reading, OK? The guy nods and goes back to his book. EXT. SUKUNA PARK- DAY Mrs. Ward is walking Muffin around. Coming towards them is Mark. Muffin recognises him and runs toward him, pulling Mrs. Ward along. She loses her grip on the leash. MRS. WARD Good heavens! Muffin where are you going? Mark is startled at the oncoming scene, he freezes. Muffin jumps up at him happily. Mrs. Ward arrives, red-faced and out of breath. Mark bends down and rubs Muffin. MARK Muffin, you remember me? Mark laughs. MRS. WARD Muffin! Bad dog! Mrs. Ward picks up Muffin's leash and tries to pull her away. MARK Ma'am, its OK. I know her. MRS. WARD You do? How? Alex? MARK Yes, and I remember seeing you at McDonald's. Mrs. Ward stares at him and remembers. MRS. WARD Ah, yes I remember. MARK Where's Alex? Mark looks around. MRS. WARD He's at the library. MARK I see. MRS. WARD Well I better let you go on your way. Sorry about Muffin. Mrs. Ward waves goodbye and continues on with Muffin. Mark does the same. INT. BAKERY- DAY Victoria and Emily are manning the front counter. Charles is supervising the workers at the back. Mark walks in. EMILY Yes? MARK Can I have two pies? One chicken and one mince. EMILY Sure. Emily goes to pack the pies. Mark watches her and feels his seen her before. Emily passes the pies to Victoria who rings up the sale. VICTORIA That'll be $4.80. Mark pays her, while trying to remember where he had seen Emily. He suddenly remembers and goes to where Emily is. MARK Excuse me, but you're Alex's sister right? Emily stares at him. EMILY Moomm!!! Victoria comes rushing to her side and pulls her back. VICTORIA What do you think you are doing? MARK No, no..please don't misunderstand. I know her. VICTORIA What do you mean you know her? MARK I saw her at McDonald's. He looks at her. MARK You were with your brother and a lady that day. Emily looks at him. EMILY Sorry, I've never seen you before. MARK That's OK then. Thanks. Mark leaves. Victoria stares after him. VICTORIA What a odd young man. INT. LIBRARY- DAY Alex finishes the last page of the book. He puts it down, satisfaction on his face. He gets up to leave. He puts the book on the returns trolley and walks past the noticeboard. Something catches his eye as he steps back to read a flyer. ALEX What is this? An online group for bookworms in Suva? Hmm... He takes out his phone and takes a picture of the flyer.Then he leaves. INT. BOULEVARD FOOD COURT- DAY Alex is in line ordering from Blue Sky. He pays and takes a seat, waiting for his order. He takes out his phone and reads a eBook. Mark is passing by and sees him. He double checks to be sure who it is before approaching. MARK Alex, hey! Alex looks up. ALEX Mark! What are you doing here? MARK I was just passing by and I saw you here. ALEX Oh OK. Have you had lunch yet? MARK Yeah, I had two pies. ALEX You must really love pies, huh? They both laugh. MARK Yeah, they're cheap and yummy. The lady at the Blue Sky counter signals for Alex to pick up his food. Alex goes to get it then sits back down. ALEX Would you like to try some? MARK What is it? ALEX Chicken cutlet and chips, seaweed soup and kimchi. MARK Its OK, you should eat more. Alex starts eating. Mark watches him. MARK You want to know the funniest thing? Alex looks at him, chewing. MARK I met both your sister and that lady who were with you that day at McDonald's. ALEX Oh really? MARK Yeah, its a coincidence that now I meet you here too. Weird, huh? ALEX Yeah...where did you meet my sister? MARK At a bakery, and I'm guessing your parents own it. ALEX Yeah, the one at Butt Street. MARK Your Mom was a bit defensive towards me because I said I knew your sister from somewhere. Mark laughs. ALEX Yeah, she can be a little over protective. MARK But who was that lady? ALEX Mrs. Ward? She's our housekeeper and nanny. MARK I see. ALEX You're not working today? MARK No, I got the day off. I'm just doing some errands for my Dad. INT. BAKERY- DAY Charles is bringing out some freshly made pies and pastries and setting it out to display. Emily comes over. EMILY Dad, can we go to MHCC to buy something? CHARLES What do you want? EMILY Pringles. CHARLES OK, we can go before we go home. Victoria joins them. VICTORIA Earlier a guy came in and said he knew Emily. Charles stops and turns toward her. CHARLES What guy? VICTORIA He said he knew Alex and Mrs. Ward. Said that he saw them together at McDonald's or something. CHARLES I'm sure he meant no harm. Don't be so paranoid, Vicky. VICTORIA Charles, can you not be so easy going? Especially with something like this? CHARLES Alright, alright. Charles goes back in. Victoria looks at Emily, concern written on her face and smiles. INT. ALEX'S ROOM- DAY Alex is on Facebook looking for the bookworm group. He finds it and joins. Then he goes through the posts. He sees a post by a CLAIRE WAISALE about Pride and Prejudice. ALEX No way, I just read this! He reads Claire's post. CLAIRE (VOICE OVER) Pride and Prejudice is my all time favourite novel by Jane Austen. What was your favourite part in the book? He thinks for a bit. ALEX Obviously the part where Mr. Darcy declared his love for Elizabeth. He types and posts his comment. MONTAGE- VARIOUS. A) INT. MARK'S HOME- DAY Mark enters. He looks around then goes to a closed room. He opens the door and goes in. B) INT. MARK'S HOME, DAD'S ROOM- CONTINUOUS Lying on the bed sleeping is his father. He goes and puts some papers on the bedside table. He looks at his father then leaves. C) INT. MARK'S HOME, LIVING ROOM- CONTINUOUS Mark sees all the empty beer cans and cigarette butts all over the table. He gets a garbage bag and starts cleaning up the mess. D) INT. ALEX'S HOME- DAY Mrs. Ward and Muffin return home. She takes off Muffin's leash and Muffin runs upstairs. E) INT. ALEX'S HOME, UPSTAIRS- DAY Muffin approaches Alex's room and enters as the door is partially open. F) INT. ALEX'S ROOM- DAY Muffin jumps onto Alex's bed and tries to wake him up. Alex opens his eyes and sits up, hugging Muffin. END OF MONTAGE. ALEX Hey Muffin, how was your walk with Mrs. Ward? Mrs. Ward walks in. MRS. WARD It was eventful I should say. ALEX How so? MRS. WARD We bumped...no, more like Muffin ran to your friend at the park. You know, the young man from McDonald's? ALEX Oh, he told me. MRS. WARD You saw him today too? ALEX Yeah, at Boulevard when I was having lunch. He also met Emily. MRS. WARD My word, odd day today. ALEX Mmmm... MRS. WARD I better get dinner started. Mrs. Ward starts to head out. Alex gets out of bed as Muffin ALEX I'll give you a hand. INT. MARK'S HOME- DAY Mark is sitting on the couch watching TV. His Dad emerges from his room and yells out. MARK'S DAD Get me more beer! And some chow! He stumbles back in, slamming the door. Mark sighs, turns off the TV and gets up. MONTAGE- VARIOUS. A) INT. MHCC, FOOD-COURT- DAY Mark is at Natural Blends buying a serve of lovo. Then he takes the escalator down. B) INT. MHCC, SUPERMARKET- DAY Mark gets a six-pack can of beer and browses around. Coming towards him are Victoria, Charles and Emily. Victoria sees him and is taken aback, eyeing the beer in his hands. Mark gives a slight smile and they pass by each other. C) INT. ALEX'S HOME, KITCHEN- NIGHT Alex and Mrs. Ward are working on dinner. Alex is peeling the potatoes while Mrs. Ward prepares the roast. Muffin is asleep near the table. END OF MONTAGE. ALEX What do you think of Ms. Rose? MRS. WARD I think she's alright. Maybe a bit mean. Why? ALEX Last night I heard her say some weird stuff. MRS. WARD How did you hear her? And what kind of weird stuff? ALEX I was out in the garden after our little talk. She was in her backyard whispering. MRS. WARD I think she must have been practicing for her play. ALEX Huh? MRS. WARD She gave me an invitation this morning to her play next week. ALEX Oh... MRS. WARD Out of curiosity, what weird stuff was she saying? ALEX Something about a plan for someone who's coming back. And how she's waited for the time to come. MRS. WARD It does seem weird. Like I said, she must be practicing her lines. ALEX Yeah, maybe... Alex looks out toward Ms. Rose's backyard. INT. MARK'S HOME, KITCHEN- NIGHT Mark puts some water in a pot to boil and waits. He stares off into space thinking of his meetings with Alex and his family. He is interrupted as the phone rings. He goes to answer it. INT. LIVING ROOM- CONTINUOUS MARK Hello? VOICE Hi Mark. MARK Mom? MARK'S MOM How are you? And Dad? MARK Everything's OK. Dad's...having his dinner. Do you want to speak with him? MARK'S MOM Oh no, its OK. Don't want to disturb him. I just called because I missed you. MARK I miss you too, Mom. Can't wait to visit you soon. MARK'S MOM What are you doing? Am I disturbing you? MARK No, I was just making some dinner. MARK'S MOM You're not making noodles again, are you? MARK Ah, I got caught. MARK'S MOM Mark, you're not supposed to be eating that junk. Is your Father even looking after you? MARK He does but... MARK'S MOM But what? MARK Nothing. MARK'S MOM Are you sure everything's OK? MARK Yeah, why wouldn't it be? MARK'S MOM Alright then. Goodnight, talk again soon. Love you. MARK Love you too. He puts the phone down and his Dad's door flies open. He steps out. MARK'S DAD Who was it? MARK Mom. MARK'S DAD What she want? MARK Nothing much. His Dad gives out a snort and returns back in, closing the door. {INT. ALEX'S HOME, KITCHEN- NIGHT Alex's family is having dinner. VICTORIA Alex, do you have any new friends? Since Chris is gone. ALEX Not really...well maybe. VICTORIA Really? I think we've met him already at the bakery. ALEX I know. VICTORIA How? ALEX I met him at Boulevard while having lunch. MRS. WARD And me too, at the park. VICTORIA Is he some kind of stalker? ALEX Of course not. Its just a coincidence, that's all. VICTORIA I saw him at the supermarket too, buying beer! CHARLES Oh Victoria! Its not like he's committing a crime. Boys that age are like that. VICTORIA But not our Alex. Victoria reaches to Alex and squeezes his arm. CHARLES Why don't you invite him over for Christmas next week? Victoria nearly chokes on her food and quickly takes a sip of water. VICTORIA Charles! CHARLES What? Its the time to share the Christmas spirit. Alex, invite him. What's his name? ALEX Mark. CHARLES Right. I hope Mark will be able to join us. VICTORIA He probably will spend Christmas with his own family. Victoria eats a forkful of food. VICTORIA (CONT'D) Mrs. Ward, the food's delicious. MRS. WARD Oh I had some help. Mrs. Ward looks at Alex and smiles. VICTORIA That's my boy! EMILY Can we get a Christmas tree? I wanna decorate it! Pleasssee??? CHARLES We'll go get one soon. EMILY Yayyyyyy!!!!{ INT. ALEX'S ROOM- NIGHT Alex is sitting at his desk using the laptop. He is on Facebook and sees that Claire has replied to his post. CLAIRE (VOICE OVER) I've asked this question before and this is the first time that a guy responded! Oh my gosh, that's my favourite part of the book too! I found it so romantic what he said. If you don't mind me asking, how did you come to read it? Were you forced to in English class? Or on our own free will? hahahaha... Alex laughs to himself. He then types his reply. ALEX (VOICE OVER) I picked it out at the library. Actually, I just read it today, from beginning to end. It was too good to put down. So sorry to disappoint you that I wasn't forced by my teacher to read it!:p He presses the button to post. Then he goes to check his emails. He gets excited when he sees an email from Chris. He clicks on it then reads. CHRIS (VOICE OVER) Hey Alex! How's it man? I'm just settling in at our new home and we've got a pool! Its very cold here, makes me miss the hot sun back home. OMG, THERE'S SNOW!!! I'm gonna go build a snowman when I can, don't worry I'll show you a pic.I gotta go now, Mom's calling. Miss you man, talk to you later. Chris. Alex leans back in his chair and stares at the screen. He goes back to Facebook and sees a friend request from Claire. He's surprised and accepts it. INT. CLAIRE'S ROOM- NIGHT Claire. Late 20s. Medium brown hair. Sits at her desk while typing at her laptop. INTER-CUT BETWEEN ALEX AND CLAIRE. CLAIRE Hi, Alex! Thanks for accepting my request. ALEX No problem. CLAIRE So what other books have you read? ALEX Can You Keep A Secret by Sophie Kinsella, Bridget Jones, 2 novels about King Henry... CLAIRE No kidding, I've also read those first two! I can already tell you're more into those girly books huh?lol ALEX Are you calling me girly? =/ Its just that those books were good reads. CLAIRE OK sorry, didn't mean it like that. ALEX I was just kidding =D CLAIRE How did you find this group? ALEX I saw a flyer at the library. CLAIRE OK. I joined because I was looking for people like me who appreciates books. So I searched Facebook and found this group. ALEX I gotta go now. Nice chatting with you. CLAIRE OK, night. =) Alex goes to read Chris's email again and types a quick reply. }ALEX (VOICE OVER) Hey Chris, good to hear from you. Wow, a pool eh? Don't kaicolo it! Or pee it in, lol. Snow? I'm so jelly! I so want to have a snow ball fight. I'd kick your butt...hehehe...miss you too, tell me more when you can. Alex. Alex sends it and closes the window then turns off the laptop. He goes to his bed and plops down. He lies on his back staring at the ceiling, thinking. EXT. ALEX'S HOME- NIGHT. Across from Alex's home is where a large truck is parked. Workers are moving things from it and into the house. Standing by is a LADY with her hand bag. Late 60s. Hair tied up in a bun. As the workers carry in the last of her belongings, she digs in her bag and brings out something wrapped in foil and hands it to one of them. LADY Here you go fellas. A little something for the hard work. Baked it myself. I hope you like it, its banana choc-chip cake. GUY Thanks, ma'am! Have a good night. They get into their truck and drive off. The lady looks around at the quiet neighbourhood and heads inside. The End. |