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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #2050632
My Fantasy Day - written for a COFFEE SHOP DISCUSSIONS challenge
My Fantasy Day by Jellyfish

07.00AM – Still sleeping, having a dream about making friends with unicorns in a magical forest

08.00AM – Wake up, not feeling ill at all. I am in my king sized bed in my 5 star hotel room/suite overlooking the ocean in Hawaii.

08.10AM – Get up. The sun is shining! I stand on the balcony with a juice from my mini fridge watching some surfers riding the waves.

08.20AM – Go in to the bathroom and stand on the scales – I have miraculously lost a stone overnight! Have a shower in the huge walk in rainforest shower. All the toiletries in this hotel are provided and come from dispensers on the walls.

08.40AM – Get dressed in a bikini, shorts and flip flops not worrying about looking fat at all with my new stone lighter figure. Pack my beach bag.

09.30AM – Go down to breakfast which is served buffet style. Luckily there are loads of free tables outside on the terrace this morning and I pick one with a nice view of the beach. For breakfast I have melon, strawberries, starfruit and blueberries, fresh bread with some cheeses and chai tea with milk.

10.30AM – Head down to the beach and find a sunbed to settle down on and read my book half watching the surfers.

11.30AM – Go to get an ice cream milkshake from the beach bar – the hotel is all inclusive so I don’t have to pay for anything. Get chatting to a couple of attractive male surfers who invite me to join them for drinks later. Resume sunbathing/reading.

01.00PM – Have lunch at the beach bar where they have an amazing salad bar with about 50 different salads and loads of local fresh fruit which actually tastes like fruit and not like water as it does in England.

01.30PM – Sit out in the sun for a while with a Pina Colada from the beach bar. Post some pictures on Facebook so everyone at home knows what a great time I’m having.

02.15 PM – Decide to go for a walk along the beach. The water is really warm and I walk in the shallows, collecting unusual shells along the way. I walk for about 2 miles and find myself on a quiet section of the beach.

03.15PM – Come to a jetty with a yacht moored alongside it. Two men are on the jetty chatting – it is Tom Cruise and Johnny Depp! They say hello to me and we get chatting. They invite me to join them for a ride on the yacht.

03.30PM – Me, Tom, Johnny and some of their friends sit out on the yacht drinking cocktails – Tom even makes a few although he says he has lost the knack a bit since the movie. We chat a bit about movies and I tell them I’m a writer and a few ideas I have for screenplays. One of Tom’s friends is a film director and really likes my ideas. He gives me his number and E-mail and tells me to get in touch when I’m back in the UK. We have a little swim in the ocean. The water is so clear and still, you can see the fish swimming all around.

06.00PM - Tom and Johnny drop me back at the hotel beach and we say goodbye – not before I have got a selfie with them of course!

06.15PM – Go back to my room to get changed for the evening. On the way I stop at one of the clothes shops in the lobby and buy that dress I had my eye on but was too small for me. Not any more for stone lighter me!

06.30PM – Have a shower and get changed. It’s one of those days where my hair and makeup look just right. Call room service to get a toasted sandwich and a glass of champagne.

07.30PM – Head out to the bar the surfer dude from the beach bar earlier told me about, hoping they will actually be there. They are and they seem really pleased to see me. I’m the only girl there and they are all very chivalrous and charming, chatting and buying me drinks.

09.30PM – One of the guys suggests playing poker – great I say, I’m up for it. They are surprised I can play and even more so when I take them all down and win the game with quad Aces!

10.45PM – Say goodbye to my new friends. They don’t want me to go and I could stay longer but I don’t want to get too drunk and wind up with a hangover tomorrow. I tell them I’ll see them tomorrow down the beach – they have offered to teach me how to surf.

10.50PM – Walking back to the hotel, I get a phone call from my Dad – he’s just found out that he has finally won the lottery! He’s handed in his notice and is flying out to meet me in two days time. Neither of us will ever have to work in our depression enhancing jobs again!

11.00PM – Fall in to bed after my super day, thinking of all the amazing things we can do now. I fall asleep listening to the sound of the sea……

© Copyright 2015 Jellyfish (jennybowden at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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