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Short love story about Reira a girl who is struggling with everyday life being who she is |
I’m not really sure where to begin it all happened so fast, I guess you could say it all started with a dream or maybe it was just a figment of hope that never left my mind. Sometimes I believe I truly regret ever pursuing the impossible, but the word in itself says that I’m possible, so maybe it wasn’t so stupid after all to become a singer. “Reira, what are you thinking about?” Tristen asked with his head crooked to the side with a concerned look. I smiled brightly at him before my reply, “how this all became possible.” His eyes got wide before closing them with as a half-smile drew from his lips, “Do you remember when we first had met?” I laugh how could I forget, he looked so different compared to now long, and shaggy, blond hair which is now short and spiky, glasses covering his bright green eyes with baggy clothes. Now he wears nothing but the latest fashion none of us really wear what we want in public. Still this is the life we chose the moment we tried becoming what we are now Phoenix, our fiery existence that burns within our fan hearts. Girls now see Tristen as an irresistible drummer in the new hot band, when they wouldn’t give him a second thought a few years ago, the only one of us that maybe had half the attention he does now is Roy our self center guitarist… Ugh he annoys me the only reason I tolerate his existence is the fact of how he brings my mere depressing lyrics to life, still he seems so plain to me black medium length hair, dark eyes pale skin sure he’s tall and has muscles like no other but to cry at his very sight like some girls do is a bit much. Adrian is probably the only reason we have all stuck with each other. “Reira? Why are you acting like it’s so hard to remember me that long ago?” Tristen says freaking out. “Oh,… I remember just was thinking.” “Tristen, Reira it’s time!” our manager Robert chimes in clapping his hands together, “Remember first it’s the interview followed by the performance at the end of the show. This was my dream to sing, yet to sing I have to follow all these useless promotions, not that I don’t appreciate our fans or getting our name out into the world it’s just tiring to go through all the motions, but then again no one ever said that dreams where perfect. “Welcome please all introduce yourselves, start with Adrian!” the host says with an overly bright expression. Adrian short brown hair with blue eyes looks like your everyday calm and cool guy. “I’m Adrian Remo, I’m the bassist of Phoenix.” He finishes I hear Tristen take a deep breath, “Hello everyone I’m Tristen the drummer of Phoenix.” He lets out a soft laugh followed by scratching the back of his head a bit. “I’m Roy the guitarist.” Of course short and simple just like Roy so smug. “I’m Reira the lead singer.” I say pushing some of my long dark brown strands that had fallen in my face behind my ear. “Yay, it’s so great to have such a lively new band on the stage today! Now this questioned is for Reira, everyone has been wondering about your relationship with Alex of the band All Stand as One?” I freeze to the point where Adrien has to step in. “I don’t see that as to do with this interview today Mark.” He says calmly. I don’t remember much after that though I answered questions with no other hesitations, “Reira, are you okay?” Roy says concerned, I shake my head softly with my eyes closed. “Just ready to sing.” I reply simply, the currents open as the music began to play. How could we let it get this far, I can’t believe Where we stand I feel like a star that lost its sky breathing seems hopeless Losing seems so possible as I slip, please just save me with your sweet embrace your sweet kiss that Saves me from the loneliness. Seeing can be deceiving , but it doesn’t mean I’m losing with you by my side I believe in dreaming just because I’m crying doesn’t mean I’m losing. No matter what I will get up and try even if you leave my side I will dance until I break I will live with my eyes wide open Please don’t judge me for the past we were just children, Back then everything seemed so simple living was about having fun not about how Much we have in battle with each other causing more scars to the already open wounds, everyone waiting for me to break down without you, but what they don’t realize that my eyes are open to my heart, a hear without you. Seeing can be devising, but it doesn’t mean I’m losing with you by my side I believe in dreaming just because I’m crying doesn’t mean I’m losing. No matter what I will get up and try even if you leave my side I will dance until I break I will live with my eyes wide open Sure I can’t same to erase you from my mind but seeing as you are still on my mind I must love you as much as I used to seeing can be very deceiving but dreaming with a heart without isn’t so impossible I am spreading my wings even if they lead me back to you I will hold on until my last breath Seeing can be deceiving, but it doesn’t mean I’m losing with you by my side I believe in dreaming just because I’m crying doesn’t mean I’m losing. No matter what I will get up and try even if you leave my side I will dance until I break I will live with my eyes wide open. The currents close I can hear the crowd in the back of my mind screaming for us, I slowly touch my right had to my cheek, tears… I really hate singing songs in memory of the pain I had because of him. Its funny how artiest make money off of their own sorrow. “Crying was a nice touch to our performance Reira.” Roy says patting me on the shoulder I know that’s his way of trying to be a good friend, his attempt to make me feel better at least got a smile out of me. “Reira I don’t want to be a downer but he’s here.” Adrien stutters slightly, because right then he walks up to me, “Reira” his sweet lips say my name like a lost lyric that my heart once held so deer. “Alex, we should be going.” Tristen says stepping in grabbing ahold of my arm. “You just left..” I let out in a whisper. “I would like a chance to explain.” I look up into those deep green eyes that I seem to always lose myself in. “Explain what? I thought it was pretty clear that you never cared like I did.” I let out in a rush before I had even thought to possess what just left my lips. I look up and see tears rolling down his face I look away quickly and when I was just about to move I felt his strong embrace, followed by a soft, “I’m so sorry.” |
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