Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2046798-Split---Chptr-5
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Women's · #2046798
Its a little shorter than the other ones.

Chapter five

sunshine broke through, flickering on my face, it awoke me from my slumber. Instinctively, I searched the room with my eyes before leaving my bed. My body felt heavy, I felt as if my stomach had a knot even though I just opened my eyes. After a few moments I brought myself to slide out of bed and into my slippers. Dragging my feet I made my way to the bathroom. I didn't usually take showers in the morning, but the nightmares I had caused me to sweat profusely. I basically left a shadow of myself on my sheet.

I threw a towel on the floor, then turned on the water. Our shower was small, I mean our whole house was. Right now all it did Was added to the claustrophobic feelings. I quickly washed myself, not wanting to waste anytime as I still had to get ready for school. Once done, I rushed back into my bedroom to throw something on. Today was a simple day, jeans and a T shirt.

"Morning." My mother smiled, pouring milk into a bowl of cereal.

"Morning." I yawned picking up the spoon beside my bowl.

We didn't talk much this morning, I didn't have much to say. So I ate my cereal and went on my way. The weather warmed me up a bit inside. I enjoyed Mother Nature so when it is nice, I was a little less depressed. My walk was a slow on, I sluggishly made my way towards the school.

"Heey Matsu! Wait up!" Donte's voice called from behind me.

Reluctantly, I paused from my walk to wait for him. He seemed to be normal enough, so I figured it couldn't get any worse. Quickly enough, he caught up, panting as he held himself up. He looked at me and let out a slight chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I shoved him slightly, trying to be playful in attempt at hiding my emotions.

"Oh, I was just thinking how out of shape I've become." He threw his arm behind his head as he continued to laugh himself. "Common! Let's get going or we will be late!"

Today I decided to drive my nose into my books, I mean I usually wasn't very social but today really took the trophy. It seemed to work rather well though, for the most part I didn't think of the past events. The lunch bell rang and students piled out of their classes and into random parts of the school. I made my way to a single spot. The tree in the front yard, I spent a lot of my free time here and a lot of my lunches. Sitting in the shade I pulled out my bag, My mother packed my lunch while I was asleep so every day I had at least one surprise.She seems to think it is healthy to have a little excitement in your life. Enjoying my lunch I watched as other people passed by, their lives seemed to be normal. But I couldn't help but wonder, was anyone else having the same things happen? A human silhouette caught my attention as it sat down beside me. Donte's face emerged from In front of the sun.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked, looking at me while shaking a can of orange juice.

"Not if that orange juice is rent." I teased while patting a spot next to me.

He passed me the juice, then quickly began to open the lunch he had brought. We sat in silence for some time as we ate. Not being alone was nice though.

"Try this!" Donte held up his fork to my face trying to get me to taste some of his food. I actually had no idea what it was and hesitated. "I made it myself, common! It's just cake!"

"That looks nothing like cake!" While I was complaining he smoothly plopped the fork in mouth, filling it with pure deliciousness.

"It's called cheese cake." His eyes sparkled as he explained what kind of cake he had made.

I had no idea that he could cook, let alone bake cake. He smiled from my reaction to his food, after a while the bell rang to go back to class. Reluctantly Donte and I made our way to the places we were supposed to be. Right before we went inside Donte turned to look at me.

"Do you mind if we walk home together?" His face turned bright red and he murmured his question.

I smiled slightly, and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't see why not."

The rest of the day seems like time had stopped, each class took forever to come to an end. Perhaps I was slightly excited. The last class; math. My teacher handed back the work I had coped with a smile.

"Good work Matsu!" After congratulating me he made his was to the other students.

"Alright class, before the bell rings for dismissal I have an announcement." He sat at his desk looking out at us. "Tomorrow we will have a new student."

The whole class was in use and ah's as the teacher continued to explain where our new student had originated from. It's a good thing he waited till the end of class because with the excitement a new student generated, nothing would of got done. The bell finally rang and students piled out of classes and into the streets. I waited by the front door which was something I didn't usually do, but I told Donte we would walk home together and I don't want to miss him. Looking at my watch fifteen minutes had passed since school was let out, I was starting to get angry. I felt almost like I was stood up for a date or something.

"Matsu!" A voice came from behind the door, it was muffled. "I had detention! I'm so sorry you had to stand here and wait for me! But I'm glad you did!"

"It's fine, It's not like I had any plans." I shrugged gesturing for him to start following me.

Donte quickly took the hint and began to walk beside me, his presence made me feel safe, the Donte, I grew up with was someone I could trust with all of my heart. Compassionate and always willing to help others.

"Uhm, Donte?" My hear began to pound as I reached over towards his hand with mine. "Do you think we could-"

Before I could finish what I was going to say he grabbed ahold of my hand bringing my close to him.

"You don't have to ask to do such cute things." Lips were planted on my forehead as these sweet words replayed over in my mind. Butterflies should of flying out my mouth with how I felt.

"If you want to hold my hand, just grab it." He smiled down on me as he started to slowly walk again, leading me down the road by our entangled fingers.

I couldn't explain the feeling running through my body, I felt as if someone had hooked up a car battery to my body, the energy I felt holding onto this hand. It was something out of my dreams. We walked a slow pace, one I don't think I've ever done. But I didn't want this moment to end. We made it to my house, without any interruptions. The only issue now was letting go.

"Do you maybe want to come in for a bit?" I was flustered trying to speak, I've never actually invited a man into my house. Once again a smile came a crossed his face, his eyes glittered as the sun beamed into them.

"Of course." He giggled, poking me in the middle of my forehead.

For the first time in a long time, I felt overwhelming happiness fill my body. From my toes to my head, I tingled all over as we made our way inside.

"Mom! I'm home." I called in as we took our shoes off. "And I brought Donte."

The sound of footsteps hurried through the house, they almost sounded like elephants running towards us. My mother stopped right In front of us, and grinned.

"Haven't seen you for awhile stranger!" Mother shoved him playfully as we made out was into the kitchen. "How've you been doing?"

Sitting at the table, Donte continued his conversation with my mother. It seemed like two best friends that had been separated were meeting again for the first time in years. After a while I grew tired of listening to their conversation so I tugged on his shirt a little as I made my way towards the stairs. He looked at me with questioning eyes as he slowly stood up to follow.

Sitting on my bed I gestured for him to sit with me.

"Donte, do you," I took a deep breath, swallowing the lump in the back of my throat. " do you remember the other day? At the park?"

He looked at me for a moment, the giggled slightly.

"Yeah, of course! It's not everyday I get to show my secret place to someone."

I realized in that moment that even though Donte was aware he had a split personality, he was unaware when the split happened. The things he had done to me, he had no memory of.

"Why? You want to go back or something?" Jabbing my forehead again as he spoke.

"No, I was just curious." I sighed leaning my head on his shoulder. "Just don't go anywhere? I couldn't imagine life with out you."

+his heartbeat was relaxing.

"So long as you're here Matsu, I'm not going to go anywhere." His words filled the emptiness I had felt for so long.

Hours went by as we stayed in this position, soon enough I had fallen asleep on the chest I was laying on.

Something I never thought I would do; sleep with a man. Especially this man. For the first time in ages, I was at peace. I slept without nightmares, without waking up in panic. I felt safe.

© Copyright 2015 TeddiTerri (tedditerri at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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