Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2037148-The-gift
Rated: E · Other · Adult · #2037148
a young soldier returns home to an unexpected gift
He saw it blowing in the breeze
as he walked up the dirt driveway.
He stopped and stared
at the clothesline.

The breeze gently
and carefully lifted
the tiny white dress
bleached by the sun.

No one told him,
no one said a word.
His beautiful wife
left alone without family.

Why didn't she write?
Why didn't she let him know?
His child, his very first child!
She should have written.

He slowly walked to the
open screen door.
Should he knock?
Should he call her name?

He raised his hand
to open the door.
he saw the man inside
holding a child.

He knocked once,
then twice and called her name.
Angel, it's me, Tom.
I'm back from the war.

The man came to the door
holding the child.
Can I help you?
the man asked him.

Is Angel here?
Tell her Tom is home.
I've done with the war.
I'm home for good.

Angel isn't here anymore.
I'm her brother you see.
The Lord took Angel when
she gave birth to this child.

Are you Tom, her beloved?
She said to tell you
this is her gift to you.
And she was sorry she had to go.

Meet your daughter
Nicky, she's been waiting
for her father to come
join her at home.

45 lines

219 words
© Copyright 2015 Lynda Miller (lmiller7569 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2037148-The-gift