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Rated: 18+ · Article · Women's · #2034799
How I cracked down in Love
                                                                            Marital Status

My fiance had all the qualities a girl would want. He was debonair, smart, chivalrous and an officer for the Navy. I loved him to the core and was the happiest woman on Earth to find this Prince Charming. My social networking site blossomed with our PDA pictures and the comments would go like, “oh so cute”, “you’ll meant to be together”, “made in heaven” et al.

      It seemed like, I could go on talking about him for hours together and the other person would say, “Oh I’ve heard this already. “

        I would reply,” Can you do that for love? Oh Boy! I’m so lucky to have a guy like this.”

      I used to gloat every time my friends held us as an epitome for “true love” or “long lasting love.” Of course, they should because before he proposed, we were in a long distance relationship for nine years! During those testing times, I was like a horse with blinkers.  I never checked out cute guys or talked to other men. With batted eyelids, I used to wait for my mobile to buzz which rarely happened.

        I used to Google articles on long distance relationships and found most of them fizzled out. I was ready to prove them wrong and post them my epic. In addition to my woes, I couldn’t resist to take those “Tests on Love”, “Is he into you”, “Seven Signs to say he’s the One for You” which popped up at the side of the screen. You could bet that, “I was crazy.”

      I was such a teen at heart that before bed I used to kiss his photo goodnight. I used to close my eyes dreaming about how many kids we would have and I also had the names ready!

      My fiance phoned me and told me, “Hey baby, I’ll be away for a month’s sailing, it’s an emergency and I’ve got to take this trip.”

“It’s ok hun, Come back soon, I’ll miss you and will be waiting by the port when your ship comes in.”

“Thanks, got to go, Bye.”

“Love you hun.”

      And the phone gets disconnected, so does the smile from my face. Questions that follow are, “What emergency?” I answer to myself, “Stop doubting and see how responsible he’s.”

“Why does he work so much?” Answer, “You could never find such a hardworking and dedicated man like that!”

“Month! Just like that, without prior notice!” Answer, “It’s his job, remember he’s a true patriot and a Naval Officer’s wife has to be stronger than her husband!”

I hated my inner voice at times.

The next question with a really big question mark, “Why was he in such a hurry, that he didn’t even say, I love you baby!” Answer, “Huh, true!”

      Just then an old college friend of mine texts me, “Let go off the person who doesn’t appreciate your feelings.”

    My inner voice dies down and I start thinking; “perfect timing,” no matter what emergency a person has, he never forgets to say the three magical words to the one he loves. Added to the misery, leave alone seeing, we wouldn’t be hearing each others voice for a month. I again analyze certain things which constantly play like a fiddle on my mind and I was too love struck to take notice.

1. He treats me like his close buddy when he’s with his friends. I’m not given that special or extra attention and I feel like a boy.

2. When he meets any of my good looking girl pals, he compliments them (which would be music to my ears if he ever told me!) He even insists that I tag them along whenever we meet.

3. Whenever he’s outside at a party or away from me, he never says,” I love you.”

4. Even after getting engaged, he never held my hand in public.

5. He doesn’t have time to listen to what I did the whole day or how’s my day been! One day when we were over the phone and I was discussing excitedly my plans with him for the weekend, he dozed away. I didn’t realize it till I heard loud snores at the other end!

6. When he speaks, I’ve got to listen in rapt attention or he gets really angry and ignores me for two days till I beg him to forgive me. The only trick to win him back is to re invent my looks and dressing. I remember getting my nose pierced. Ouch! Though it worked momentarily, I was happy to enjoy that little love procured.

Boy! I was such a love struck puppy then.

After a heart to heart talk with my BFF, she replies, “He’s out of love…..break up.” 

  Hell broke loose when she said that and I couldn’t digest the fact. As I walked out of the cafe with a running nose and tears in my eyes, I bumped into a tall, handsome, muscular guy. Initially, I couldn’t see his face clearly as the tears blurred my vision, I rubbed my eyes and seen my fiance standing in a state of shock and the shock was indeed mutual. The only thing which wasn’t mutual was, he was with a pretty woman and I was standing alone in bewilderment.

He just walked away saying, “I’m sorry!”

I needed an explanation, as he walked away; I cut his path and slapped him hard. The girl next to him was scared and asked me to calm down.

I told her, “This man you are nestled to is my fiance.”

    She adamantly replied, “We’ve been married since four years and were in a relationship since college!”

I was at a loss of words and then told her my side of the story. The jerk stood there without any regret and confessed, he was married way before our relationship started and wasn’t happy with his marriage. He also spinelessly admitted that he wanted to make out with a voluptuous woman before getting serious with his marriage but the plan flopped badly as I was a tough cookie.

I took a really long time to move on, but I’m still skeptical.

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