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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2034639
Becca tries to hide Jack from her cousin, but has problems when his size changes again!
         Becca is in a panic, rummaging through her bathroom, tossing bath towels into the running shower. "Fabuloso..." She shuffles through her under-sink cabinet, shutting the door when she was unsatisfied. "Fabuloso..." She maneuvers to her over-sink cabinet, abandoning that, too when she could not locate what she wanted. "Fabuloso... Where the hell is the fabuloso?" She groans loudly. "Screw it," she mutters. She quickly fetches the three sopping wet bath towels from th shower, lazily wringing a bit of water out of them. She throws one at Jack, standing in the door.
         "Ow!" Jack responds, peeling the large towel from his face.
         "Shut up, Jackass! We don't have a lot of--" Becca is cut off by a knock on her door.
         "Becca?" A confused female voice calls from the other side of the door.
         Becca curses quietly. "Uh, yeah, Carmen! Just in the shower! Out in a bit!"
         "Oh...Kay...?" The voice responds. "What are you doing home?"
         Becca groans softly in impatient exasperation. "It's... Look I'll tell you when I get out, okay?" Becca shouts.
         "Okay..." The voice says skeptically. "I'm looking forward to hearing about your day. And getting my fifty dollars!" She shouts. Becca visibly shows irritation on her face. "Well, don't stay in there too long, little prima! Your little boobs'll turn into raisins!"
         Becca rolls her eyes at her cousin's stupid joke and hefts one of her own newly expanded, G-cup breasts. "Not quite so little anymore," she mutters. She looks up at Jack. "I seriously gotta take a shower." She chunks the rest of the towels at him. "Clean up your mess, will ya?" She pushes him out of the bathroom and closes the door.
         Jack stares blankly at the door for a second, still trying to process what had just happened to him. The entire day had been moving at such a breakneck pace that he hadn't had any time to process what was happening to him. He started the day out at a modest height of five, seven, before shrinking down all the way to a tiny two and a half inches, then growing to the height of six feet (and three quarters), growing even bigger to over twenty feet tall, all before returning to the height of... Well.. Honestly, Jack hasn't a clue in his mind how tall he actually is now. Is he still six feet tall? Or is he back to five, seven? Or did he end up stopping at some other height?
         Jack quickly snaps out of his thoughts. He's got work to do if he's going to get Becca's room cleaned up. He briefly surveyed he room. It's an absolute mess. Suddenly, Jack wishes he hadn't grown so huge. If he's going to clean Becca's room, he has a big job to do.
         Big... He thinks. Maybe that's it. Cleaning the room would be so much easier if he was huge again. Jack seemed to be able to grow bigger before because he was thinking about it. Maybe if he just thought about it hard enough...
         Jack discards the towels on the floor for the time being. He makes sure he's in a relatively clear space on the floor, so as to not immediately break anything if he starts growing. He shuts his eyes tight and starts thinking. He imagines himself growing. His entire body expanding huge, giant, even. He envisions himself bigger than he even was a few minutes ago, dwarfing the house that he was standing in, growing to approach the height of a large tower. He pictures his giant form expanding even further, looking down on tall buildings. His arms and legs stretch and grow in his mind's eye, causing him to tower over everything in view.
         Jack began to excite himself, his thoughts of growing so big alone already giving him another erection. He opens his eyes, looking to see where his efforts have gotten him. He looks down and realizes...
         Nothing, not even an inch. He shuts his eyes again. "Come on! Grow, dang it!" Not even a second later, Jack feels a tingle down his spine that explodes out to the rest of his body, his telltale sign of a growth spurt. Jack instantly grows eight inches in height. He stands still in shock for a moment. His hands shake briefly as Jack looks at how much bigger he is. He freezes for a second, realizing the insanity of what he had just done. He had grown almost a foot, just using his thoughts! He looks down from his new vantage point before quickly deciding that it's not enough.
         Jack shuts his eyes again, inwardly preparing himself. "Grow!" He thinks. The warm tingles explode across his body once more as he grows again, clocking in another eight inches. "Grow!" He repeats, this time keeping his eyes open to see the process of his growth. The warmth again envelops him, shooting out just beneath the skin. Jack grows, this time gaining an entire foot! He shudders as he watches his form expand, growing bigger at his very thought, now beginning to be nearly too tall to stand up straight in the room. The thought makes him want to touch himself so badly, but in the back of his mind, he remembers he has a mission to complete. He can't add more things for him to clean up. He tries his hardest to focus. He feels the tingle creeping up his spine again even though he didn't prompt it this time. However, he stops it. He mentally makes the decision to halt the growth energy, instead letting it build and compound upon itself.
         Jack holds it back with all his might, not even noticing that he's starting to tense his muscles in response. He begins to feel the pressure building again, making him feel almost like he's going to explode out of his own skin. He shuts his eyes again, concentrating on keeping the energy compressed. Just a couple more seconds...
         Jack lets go.
         Feeling like a nuclear bomb has gone off in his body, Jack revels in the growth. His body responds by rapidly growing seven more feet.
         "Ow!" He nearly yells after his head rams against the ceiling. He sits on the floor as particles and dust from the ceiling begin to fly about. He looks up at where his head just was, noticing a large, circular dent in the ceiling. "Crap..." He thinks as he continues to grow.
         Jack is on his guard as he proceeds to grow bigger and bigger, quickly passing fifteen feet. Taller and taller he grows, his body now becoming a bit cramped in the tiny room. Jack stretches his arms, feeling bigger than he ever had in is life. He feels himself grow again, finally slowing and stopping at about twenty feet.
         Jack exhales, feeling both drained and excited at same time. Jack looks down at his body. He examines his arms and legs, looking at them in comparison to the rest of the room. He is huge, taking up almost half the room, and feeling the immediate desire to grow bigger. He suppresses it, though he does let himself slip and grow a couple more inches. He refocuses, remembering why he grew that big in the first place. Jack picks up a towel and begins to work.

         Becca quickly throws on a T-shirt and a pair of shorts, largely ignoring the fact that her hair is still dripping wet. She quickly binds it into a point tail using a rubber band, and can't help but notice how her breasts begin to jiggle and sway as she does so. She sighs. She had hoped the big t-shirt would be enough to fool her cousin so she wouldn't see her recent... Upgrade in breast size. Unfortunately, her newly-grown boobs took up much more space in the t-shirt than they used to. What was formerly a baggy t-shirt on her was now one that was nearly a perfect fit. Maybe even a bit tight. There's no way that her cousin wouldn't notice, unless she was blind or stupid. Carmen was neither (Becca sometimes thought that "stupid" was questionable, though). Becca's breasts were huge, probably bigger than Carmen's now, and definitely would not go unnoticed.
         Becca finishes off her ponytail and brings her arms back down. She pauses for a moment, surveying herself in the mirror. It's the first time she's really looked at herself, her first time seriously taking in how much she'd really grown. Her breasts look amazing. They sit large and perky atop her chest, each breast nearly the size of her own head, and have an incredible bounce to them. Becca almost can't help but feel like she wants Carmen to see them. She wants to rub it in her face that her boobs now probably dwarf hers. After years of being made fun of by Carmen for her chest size, it would feel so good to shove Carmen's face into her newly-developed cleavage.
         It wasn't like there was really anything wrong with Becca's breasts before; they were a decent and modest B cup. Not too big and not too small. And though Becca always wore baggier clothing out of fear of being thought inadequate in comparison to Carmen, she was relatively confident in her ability to at least moderately fill out a dress. Carmen, who was more like an older sister than a cousin, didn't think so, and after a fight they'd had that morning (which mostly consisted of Carmen teasing and taunting her) Becca bet her fifty bucks that she could catch a guy's attention in a dress.
         "You're joking, right?" Carmen said with skeptical smirk. "I mean I guess if the guys at your school are into ironing boards. You don't have much butt," she said, pointing to Becca's behind, concealed by pajama pants, "and you definitely don't have anything going on up top." She poked Becca's breast playfully.
         Becca smacked her finger away. "Stop it!" She yelled, her frustration only causing Carmen to laugh harder.
         "Now if you had friends like Denise and Delilah, here..." Carmen said, cupping her own breasts, "or as I like to call them, the--"
         "The double D's," Becca finished, bitter and annoyed. "Yeah, we know; you've only said it about a million times, you stupid bimbo."
         "Becca!" Brenda, Becca's stepmother, scolded as she walked into the kitchen where the girls were.
         Becca's eyes widened in shock. "Are you kidding me?" She exclaimed. "Did you not hear what she just said to me?"
         "Here we go," Carmen said.
         "Shut up!"
         "She's mad again because she doesn't have boobs," Carmen directed at Brenda.
         "Mom!" Becca whined.
         "Girls, รจ abbastanza!" Brenda yelled in Italian, signifying that she'd had enough. She looked at Carmen. "Stop being such a bully," she said before turning to Becca "and stop taking it so seriously." She turned around to face the refrigerator. "I'm done here," she said. "Both of you need to figure this out because this fighting has to stop. I'm done playing referee." She opened the freezer, pulled out a carton of ice cream, and left the kitchen. "Work it out!" She yelled.
         Becca just glares at Carmen angrily for a moment, but Carmen simply looks back at her like she's suppressing a laugh. "For the record," Carmen began looking Becca up and down, "I've seen more curves on an iPad."
         Becca grits her teeth. Her anger burns in her chest and she suppresses the urge to deck Carmen right then and there. Fists clenched, Becca released a breath, strengthening her resolve and dissipating a small fraction of her anger. "Fifty bucks," she began. "Fifty bucks says I can get a date before the end of the school day." Becca looked Carmen in the eyes, studying her expression. "Deal?"
         Carmen smirked confidently and leaned forward a bit. Their foreheads almost touched as Carmen raised her eyebrows. "You can even borrow my best dress," she whispered in a low, condescending tone that seemed to beg Becca to challenge her. Carmen walked around her, heading upstairs to her room. Becca stood alone in the middle of the kitchen, more motivated than ever to prove Carmen wrong. She knew she could do it.
         Becca comes back to reality with a start. She looks herself over in the mirror again and slouches, deciding that's probably the best she can do to hide her new gargantuan breasts. She nearly laughed out loud; having left with tiny Jack so early, she didn't even win the bet! Not like it mattered now. Becca had bigger things to worry about... Literally.
         Becca opens the door to her bedroom, shutting off her bathroom light as she steps through the door way. Stunned, she nearly falls backward. The floor is a bit damp with water, but other than that, her room is clean. "Whoa," Becca says. "I can't believe you cleaned up so fast," She surveys the now clean floor and walls, finally circling around to the other side of the wall. She stares, puzzled. It takes her brain about two seconds to catch up before she finally recognizes what she's seeing. She yelps loudly at the form before her.
         Jack waves at her, a sheepish grin painted across his giant face. Becca stares blankly, not having expected him to be so huge again. Jack shrugs. "I figured out how to grow," he says.
         "Clearly!" She responds. She looks him up and down, fully taking in just how big Jack had become. If she wasn't so worried about her cousin, she would just strip down and ask Jack to pick her up and play with her.
         "Becca?" A muffled voice comes from behind the door, followed by three raps on the hard wood. Jack and Becca freeze. They stare at each other, petrified. A couple of seconds pass. "Becca I know you're in there." The doorknob jiggles for a moment. Jack and Becca just barely hear a sigh from outside the door. "Becca you know I have a key."
         Jack swallows hard. Becca stares at him, a sense of urgency quickening her heartbeat. "You need to shrink back down!" She says in a frantic whisper.
         Jack holds his hands out, helplessly. "I can't!" He says.
         Becca's shocked expression now beings to fuse with a twinge of anger and disbelief. "WHAT?!?"
         "Well, it's not really a key," the voice outside continues. They hear the sound of Carmen's hand on the doorknob, twisting it back and forth. "It's more like a bobby pin, but it works the same."
         Becca looks at the door and then back at Jack. "I thought you said you could control this now!"
         "No, I just said I know how to grow now! Shrinking is a completely different story!"
         "Is someone else in there?" Carmen says as she continues to fiddle with the door. Becca curses. "There is someone else in there, isn't there? You're going to be in so much trouble!"
         Immediately, Becca sprints over one of Jack's legs and ducks under the other in an attempt to get to the door, hoping to block Carmen's progress. She quickly turns to face Jack, pointing an urgent, angry finger at him. "Fix this!" She whispers, loudly.
         "I'm trying!" He answers. Becca stares at Jack, who has is eyes shut tight in concentration, but she sees no change in his size.
         Behind Becca, the door opens.

To Be Continued...
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