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To go to school or Not |
Katrina sat in the back of the curser beaming with joy. She couldn't wait to get to school see the kids reaction to the curser. To her disappointment ,Jame and John left her off a block away from the school. "All right Katrina. We will be picking you up at 2:00 p.m. Then we will take you to your Uncles office. “Said James Katrina nodded. She got out of the car she walked a few feet when she felt a tap on the shoulder. Katrina turned to see two girls standing there. "Can I help you? Ask Katrina. “You a cops Kid are something?" ask one of the girls Katrina thought about it. She smiled to herself, " Yeah that right, That my Dad James and his partner John. They were coming from a big drug bust on the south side of the bay. I said Dad its All right I can miss school this time. I'm sure the teacher will understand. But you know how Dad are. He like No, No you can miss the first day honey. So That way they dropped me off hear and not a the front door." said Katrina quite pleased with herself for coming up with that story. The two girl just laugh at her and walk way. "What a nerd. And what a story she so fake. I beat shies a Narc. And will run to the teachers every time someone is bad." said the girls together the girls ran ahead of Katrina. They stop and motioned for each kid to come. They told them all about Katrina and her so called cop story. They said she was a Narc and not to be trusted." Don't even look at her or even talk to her, "they said Katerina was rounding the corner to see the gathering of the kids. They all pointed and laugh and all started to yell Narc, Narc, Narc. Katrina stop and turned she ran as fast as she could back to the beach house. Her berating was deep and heavy. Tears were staring to fall, her heavy berating turned into sobbing. she didn't care around Danny's deal. She will not spend six minutes in that school let alone six weeks. " Danny can just sit on it. the hell with it. Katrina yelled out in the open air. She made it back to the house. Danny's car was gone. She found the house key under a rock and let herself in, She went to his office and open up the bottom draw. The tine box was there, she opened it and found it empty. She closed the box and pushed it into the back of the draw. In the drawer was a set of keys. She pulled them out and saw it was for bike. She closed the desk. Katrine sat there wandering were this bike might be. She remembered seeing a shed out side. "Well what hell." Katrine left the office. She made her way down to the shed. She pulled the doors open and Under a large tarp she saw the front tier of a bike. Katrina smiled. She uncover a midnight blue Harry Division the bike it was stunning. It had a long white snake on it. the snake was warped around a Cherry blossom tree. It's head was resting on one of the flowers, The snakes eyes were a glowing amber color. Katrina was in awe. Katrine looked at the keys. She saw a cherry blossom decal on the leather key-ring. Katrina pulled the bike out she placed keys in the starter. She hit the kick stand to start and the bike came to life. "Oh their no way in hell, this is Danny's bike. It had to be Staves, from years ago. I'm sure he won’t mind me taking a ride on it. It was her dad's so why not. Katrina thought about it as long as she is back at the drop off by 2:00 James and John and Danny will never know. "Oh yeah Baby, Lets ride. Katrina found a matching helmet and a leather Jacket. Booth jacket and helmet were little big but it fit. She moved the bike to the curve of the driveway she reave the engine and saw she needed some gas. Katrine let go of the brake she pulled into the street and tock off for the gas pump. It was a all out joy ride down the cost to the closed pool hall she could fine. She was running low on money Steve only left her 200 dollars. She lied to Danny about not having any money. She needed to have a backup plane. However she spent it and smokes. Danny found the pack in her bag last night. He threw it down the garbed dispose. She was down to 50 bucks now. She drove half a mile until she come to a gas pump and put 25$ in the tank. Showed her fake ID to by the cigarettes. She lit one up and tock it in slowly. Katrina heard her phone ring. She pulled her phone out and answered it. “Hello Cherry Blossom, How’s my girl doing? Ask the voice Katrina looked at the pone and rolled her eyes at it. "I see you found my bike. it's good of Danny to keep it in for me. skipping school I see are we now. ask the voice. “How the hell do you know that. And where are you? Katrina yelled at the voice “I have my ways of knowing what you’re doing. And were you’re doing it. You got the note right? “said the voice "Yes I got you dame note. Thank to you Danny's is acting like a Dame father ordering me around. and giving me dumb rules. He even trow me into the freezing ocean. What the Hell man, when are you coming back for me. Yelled Katrine. Katrine heard the voice laughing Good old Danny. He could never hit a girl. Take this as my way of grounding you. You brit and if you keep to this deal, I may spring you sooner than later. You got yourself in heap of trouble kid. You knock off one of my hits and I’m dame to let you get away with. I want my cut now. Or I will sound the word to O Danny Boy you skip school and let you back side take the hit Said the Voce "You Snakes, what hole did your mother ever birth you out of. And don't call me Cheery Blossom, I hated that nick name." said Katrina "Cut the lip kid. watch your mouth or I will slap that mouth right off of you. Now meet me at the Tigers Eye in ten minutes. Watch the paint on my bike, if i see one scratch I'll beat your ass got it Cherry Blossom. Now get going." said the voice and hung up Katrina hung up the phone, “What an Asshole," she muttered and put her helmet on and headed to the Tigers Eye, as she was told to do. Katrina pulled into the parking lot of the club. It was 9 am, so no needed for a cover charge. She parked the bike and walk up to the front door. She pulled on the door, it opened and she walked in. The room was dark and smelled of old smoke. through the darkness she could see the dark red tufted leader booths. The Tigers Eye was a spinoff of an old hang out the rat pack might have had in the 40s. The room was large, six booths lined the back wall. One table was in the middle of the dance floor. A mans suite jacket hung over the chair. The man himself was smoking a thin cigarette. He was leaning back with his feet cross and arms on the back of his head. He was dress in a midnight blue pin sprite suite with a black button down vest. Like the old boys of the roaring 20s would dress. Katrina walked over to the man and just stood their hands on her hips. "All right, I’m hear what the hell do you want. And make it fast I have be back by 2:00 p.m. " said Karine. She pulled out a cigarette of her own and lit up. The man got up for the chair and with a sneer smile he came up to Katrina and slapped her across the face. The cigarette few out of her mouth. Karine steep back she about to hit him. When he came at her again and grabbed her by the neck and slammed her down on the table. He held her by the neck and pining her to the table. The man puff on his cigarette and blow smoke in her face and smiled. "I said cut the lip kid. I’m still your father. And where’s my money he said as Katrina tried to fight him off. But Steve was to strong. He had her pinned down tight. She pushed is hand off her neck so she can speck. “I have it in my room, at the beach house" she coked out "At 11 p.m. tonight I want you to bring that money to me. one more other thing. Danny has a file on me bring that as well. I just might let you go back to him in one piece." Hissed Steve. "Steve you were never my father. always running around with your gain and hustling people out of their money, coked out Katrina. Staves grip was getting tighter on her neck. "I will not, still form Danny and you have no clam on that money. I won it far I didn't have to cheat to win." Katrina spit in his face.. “THAT GAIN KEEP YOU FEED, YOU BRIT! Yelled Steve. He took his hand off her neck and slapped her harder. Katrina rolled off the table and onto the floor. Steve got up and griped her again and pined her to the floor. He’s temper was growing hot now. he bent down and whispered in her ear. "Now you listen to me Katrina. I want you to get that file for me I know Danny has it. it’s full of papers on the money we won the year you were born. He put the money in a trust found. I want that money back. Bring it here to the tigers eye tonight. if you don't king pin will hurt me down and kill me. Then he will come after you and Danny Boy. So if you want Danny to live, get me the file kid!" hissed Steve. Katrine looked at him she agreed. Steve let go of her. She get up Karine rubbed her face she can feel a small sore forming under her eye." I see were you get your name their snakes. You hiss and strike your victims. Then if you don't get your way you crush them make them do your will." Well not this time Snake you want your file then you go and get yourself. I’m done I’m not ever going to steal or Hustle for you ever again. “Yelled Katrina and starting to run out of the club "WHAT, DID YOU SAY, “yelled Steve "READ MY LIPS, PISS OFF she yelled and ran out Steve ran after her, He tried to bring bake into the club. but Katrina swung around and punched Steve in the face. He went flying back and Katrina quickie jumped on the bike and race down the cost. Two of Steve's men came out and help him off the ground, "Do you want us to go after her?" ask one of the men. Steven got up and wiped the blood off his face. Looking into the dust he smiled, "No that little brat wont cross me. She to scared too." said Steve and walk back into the club. As Katrina drove down the cost she came across a pool hall and pulled in. Katrina emotions were still going crazy she needed a stiff drink and quick fix. Katrina turned off the bike and went inside the pool hall. She saw it was lit up to a medium glow. Katrina saw a few people planning. She flashed her fake ID to the bartender and order a two cent plan. The drink was mixed of ice cherry juice and white rum. The bartender put a small flower in the glass. Her nick name Cherry Blossom. Katrina look at the bartender and saw it was her old flame. "Hello Blossom, what brings you to the cost." she the man "Well max, I have myself a gig out here on the beach. Just looking for some quick dough. I’m looking for the high tied. Do you know of any pool hall hosting it" ask Katrina "UM, not really sure their Blossom. The word on the street is the Pins are the only High Tied around here. If I’m not mistaken your old man is in deep with them. The Pins aren't happy with Old Snakes, You know I’m just saying that’s the word on the street." said Max Karine didn't say a word. She pulled out a cigarette and lit up. She sipped her drink and smiled. MM, so that’s it, Daddies in trouble with the big man. So the payoff is in the file he wants. However she will look at it if she knows Steve, he must have taken some money from the Pins. He had to hustled it but if Danny has it then he must have Doubled it at High Tide. Man that must be some large about that just sitting in Danny's account. Katrina sat their thinking. MMM a sweet pot, Karine mind was racing at the amount that it could be, how was she to get form Danny accounts to her-own privet account. Karine set up her own privet account using her mother’s name but her own ID number. The bank didn't look into it. She was dropping over two hundred thousand into the account in cash. Banks don't care, only if it’s a check then they get all weird about it. So once she gets the file. She will transfer the account with the routing number into her account and then skip town. Max looked over her shoulder and saw a new guy at the table. He look at Katrine, "Hey, you looking for some quick dough, well here’s your chance. let’s see if you still got it Blossom. said Max. He point her over to the far wall a tall man was racking up the balls and to the looks of it, he was new at the game. He was counting each ball and arraigning his Que. Katrina looked back at Max, " Oh baby, you’re the grates. She said and hopped down. She made her way over to the man. His back was turned, Katrina taped him on the shoulder. The man turned around, Jake Stripe was face to face with Katrina, But Katrina never know Jake Stripe. Steve only spoke of him but she never saw his face. Katrine smiled at Jake, "HI sir, I’m new to the game of pool and I was wondering if you like to play a game. I like to see if I could beat you, And if you win I buy you a drink Ok.?" Jake wasn't fooled by her lack of know the game. Jake looked her over and said "sure sweetheart, what your name, and my drink is a red stripe. Said Jake Karine Looked at him and gave him her name “I’m Cherry Blossom, What's yours man. She asked and waved at Max, “Hey Max, give me a two cents plan and a red stripe for my friend here. She called out. SO, what your name" she asked again he thought about, the names Jake Stripe, so what's you game 12 ball or 8 ball. Jake asked "Um, let play 8 ball and see how we go, she said, she place the Que. on the table to take her shot, and look up at Jake, "Hey Jake let make a deal each ball I get in, you pay me 100 buck, and I will do the same, each ball you hit you get in, I will pay you 100 buck. and if you or I land the 8 ball the price is Doubled, like we can win up to 1,600 today, so what do you say we have a deal? Said Karine holding out her hand just as Max come buy with the drinks, "Jake gave it some though, he can bust her right now, but there was a hit of smugness in her face and a dare in her eyes. Jake seen that before and grind at her, “Sure Cherry Blossom, you have a deal." said Quinn and shock her hand, Karine was happy at the end of the game, she walk away with only 1,000 but she gave the guy a brake, Quinn tip his hat to her and said " Nice game kid, I see you know your stuff, if you’re looking to strike it big you might like to come to a little high tied party with me I will even pay your fee of one million to get in, I got a in with the bartender. What do you say? meet me here tonight and we can hit the tied?" said Jake Karine was thinking, "What time is the game Jake "the game is at three am, but it’s on a privet Island only know to the host of the party, it’s a little Danger and mystery, not sure if a sweet girl like you can handle it." he said and look at her whit a dare. Karine thought about it, is this game a onetime deal or it’s an ongoing to the highest bibber? She asked him. He nodded, Quinn can see she know how to play her hand. "Well kid, you make it to the costal airport hangar L7 by two am tonight and we will see if you make the cut. Said Jake. Karine looked at him "The cut, what the hell is that some smock you are blowing man." "No, before any one get to the high tied game you have to make the cut, one million entry fee, then you play your way, win ten game in a roll, once you do that you're in and I'll see you at the tied. You got until 1:45 to make up your mind or the doors will closed my free gift too will gone." said Jake he left Karine standing their thinking. Blow off Steve and head to the game and then skip the country with the winging. And no more snakes and cherry blossom. She smiled to herself. But first to have a little spending money she will need the file and account numbers. Karine turned around to see Jake had gone, she looked down and saw a card, she pick it up and read it Costal Airport Hanger L7 1:45 Monday Oct 5 See you soon Cherry Blossom Love Jake Karine made it back to the house, she parked the bike back in the shed and close the door. She went up to her room and saw the black eye was forming. “Oh just Grate, how am I going to explain this one to Danny, and not give Steve up just yet, Karine washed her face and put on some make up, she went back down to Danny office, opened all the desk doors to found the fileBut she remembered Danny put that into his bag this morning, she will have to wait until he gets home, it may still be there. Once she gets the file she will be done with the whole thing. *** Danny had a long day of rounds and meetings, but his mind wasn't on any of his work, he was thinking about Karine and how she was doing at school, James and John called Danny telling him she was dropped off and went into the school they saw her go into the mist of kids and the bell ring, they were called on the radio to head back. when they looked back the kids where gone and Karine was nowhere insight. But as John and James were heading back to the station, James spotted Karine running down the street, "Hey John, their she is, tail her and let keep it a few cars behind her." said James "Ok, what do you want to do, tell danny or wait to see what up" ask John "Lets just see what this kid is up to." Both John and James followed Karine, she ran all the way back to the beach house, she went back into the house. The man waited for 30 minutes she didn't come out so they called Danny to let him know what happen. "Hey Danny sorry to tell you this, but the kid skip school, she must have ran once the bell sounded so we didn't see her, but I saw her running back to the beach house, she's their now." said James. "Oh,Wow, thanks for telling me, my thoughts are she will be back at the drop off, so no need to get her, I will be picking her up. I will call the school to see if I can get a reason for her running off, Said Danny "Ok, we hope every thing work out ok, the Kid seams like she has a chip on her shoulder man." said James and they hung up. Danny sat back in his chair and just wonder, what can he do to gain Karine's trust, she needs to be looked after but not to much or she will run away at first chance. Danny did make a deal for home school, so that just might work out better then he thinks. With that thought Danny called down to the prep school to see if they may no why she ran off. Danny was put on hold and then connected to the head mistress office. "Doctor Mcginns, this is Head Mistress Jenny. I want to give my apologies to you, your niece Karine was the target of a taunt, they saw her coming out of the police car, your nice made a story of her dad just coming off a drug bust, then the girls all start calling her a NORCK, so she ran off. if can you explain your niece behavior and why she made up this tail then maybe we will permit her to come to school in the morning. asked Mistress Jenny. Danny was stunned by her remark, and was about to hang up on her, but didn't instead he said, " I cant speak for Karine, I know she is undergoing a few changes in her family life , but I would like to keep her in school, but I want to enroll her in your online classes instead of her being in the public classes that way I can keep track of her progress and you want have to worry about her acting up in class I know she can be a handful at a time. said Danny all most want to tell her off. "Very well, I will enroll her today, I will send you her login info and you can use any laptop. she will be ask question in each class and must turn in the work before the day is over, you must check in as well to know she was their, if you cant be their then you have your girlfriend in sign with her. understand Doctor ask Mistress Jenny. "Yes I do" said Danny " Then Good day to you Doctor" said the Mistress Before Danny could say goodbye the line went dead, Danny looked at the phone as if it was a person and shock his head, " Wow What a pice of work she is, I all most hope Karine went to school just to piss her off." said Danny "Danny!. yelled Brenda, Danny jumped and look to see Brenda in the doorway, " You are needed on the floor. she said and ducked back out. Danny sided and laughing to himself, he picked up his bag and went down the ER. The ER was full but between Danny and Brenda they were able to keep it under control , Danny finished his rounds, his thoughts went back to Karine. Danny felt better knowing she was at the beach house, but still worried about her, He got back to his office and called James and John to remind them he was going to pick up Karine today, to put his mind at ease knowing she was safe. Danny went to Mr. Bakers office, Just like Danny father Mr, Bakers son Harm tock over his office, the difference was that Harm was nothing like his father, Harm and Danny were good friends, Danny was first in his class and Harm was right behind him. Danny wanted to clear the rest of the day so he can be with Karine. Harm was happy to give him the rest of the day free. Harm know about Steve and was glad he was taking care of Karine the right way, and his father would be proud of him, but as for Steve it might be best for him to give her up and leave for good and come back. Harm had seen Danny come into class black and blue for the fights he would have with Steve. Danny tanked Harm and around 1;30 he closed down the office and headed to the prep school, James had told Danny to meat her two blocs form the school that were they dropped her off, It was 1; 55 the bell ring all the kids ran out and headed down the walk Danny saw the kids pass by him, he waited, it was almost 2:05 he didn't see Karine, Danny was about to get out of the car when her saw her running down the walk to him. karine jumped in the car and hug him. Danny looked at her, Karine was breathing heavy and it seamed to be in a sweat. "Are you ok, why are you huffing and puffing like that.? asked Danny " Oh, karine patted her face hoping the black eye was coved and Danny didn't see it, I was, I mean I couldn't wait to see you and um tell you all bout my first day that all, " said Karine taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly smiling at him "Oh, ok so tell me all about then, said Danny " tell you all about what,? Danny look at her with a razed brow, " You want to tell me all about school today right, thats why your breathing so hard right? asked Danny trying not to laugh and give himself a way. "Oh,Oh yah I did, sorry Dano let me catch my breath, and I like to tell you and Brenda together at dinner ok? said Karine hoping he will let it go until then, she will need the time to think of a story to tell them, so Danny will not have a check it out. "Ok, I think you should stay inside once we get home, you maybe getting overheated, so you need to take a cold shower and rest before dinner ok." said Danny as he pulled away form the curb and headed back to the beach house, Karine leaned her head on Danny's Shoulder and closed her eyes and smiled to herself, Danny reach over and behind her and stork her head. They drove home quietly, Danny pulled the car into the car port, as Danny got out, he saw the shied door was open, " Hey Karine, I'll meet you in the house ok," said Danny walking over to the shied. Karine saw what he was doing, " Ok, Dano," she said and ran into the house and into her room. Karine went over to her window, she can see Danny walking around the shied and looking into it. He walked into the shied, she can see him go over to the corner where the bike was but he didn't touch the bike, he ran his hand through his hair and shock his head. Danny walked out of the shied and pulled a lock form his pocket, he place the combination lock on the door, Karine was watching it and punched the window set in anger. " thats just grate, that creep," said Karine in the air, she didn't hear the nock on the door and didn't hear Brenda come in. "What creep are you referring to ?" ask Brenda Karine turned around with a jump, "Oh wow Brenda , I didn't know you where there, I was just talking to myself thats all, Karine turned back to the window Danny was gone, he must have went into the house. "Right, well Danny wants you to take a shower and rest, he says you were running to hard and overheated your self, Ok? said Brenda still looking at her oddly. "Oh, Ok, yes I remember, Thank you, you came home early today. said Karine walking away for the window, she went into the bathroom to get the shower ready. "Well, for one thing Danny got a call at the hospital but he was in a meeting at the time so I took the call for him, Do you know what the call was about,? she asked her "Um, not really Brenda, what was it?" said Karine trying to be cory. Brenda walked over to her arms folded, " I don't know what kind of game you are playing, but if you are out to hurt your Uncle in away then you will be only hurting yourself, because he is trying to be your friend and take better care of you then Steve every did. Do you want to tell me why you didn't go into school today? ask Brenda Karine thought about, she can play Danny like a sap but Brenda is not that easily fooled, So she may have to play it cool until she has Danny more warped around her finger. Karine walked over to her hugged her, " I'm sorry, I did plane on going today, James and John did drooped me off, a few of the kids saw me come out of the cop car and started to pick on me, and they ran off telling all the others, and they called me a Narc and they were chanting it until the bell rang, I ran back to the house and say here, I saw it was all most 1;30 and I ran back all the way to the school relay fast I didn't see James and John, but I saw Danny and panic, I thought he found out i wasn't their. your not going to tell him are you Brenda, Oh please don't he will punish me like before." karine said all most begging on her knees. Brenda saw she wasn't lying, and nodded. "Ok, Ok I wont tell him, but if you skip again then I will punish you myself and it wont be just a slap on the rear end, understand ?" said Brenda Karine sided and nodded, " Fine, now take the shower and come down and help me with dinner, and you tell Danny you don't need to rest. but will help me. Brenda told Karine and walked out of the room, she didn't wait for Karine to answer. Karine punched the air behind her and closed her door, "Um, Brenda is going to be more trouble then I tough, I need to get her out of the picture for a while um, maybe something will come to me before the night is over. Karine said to herself and closed the bathroom door behind her |